Rise on Fire Ministries

╫ 12 Spies, 12 Disciples: The Amazing Parallel's - Torah Portion: Send [PODCAST]

When God sent out the 12 disciples to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead and cleanse lepers, He didn't promise that it would be easy.

3 years ago

When God sent out the 12 disciples to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead and cleanse lepers, He didn't promise that it would be easy. In fact, human nature being confronted with these seemingly "impossible" instructions, even from God, can bring great fear. These instructions, while beautiful (as they bring life) can seem scary, because we are the ones they were assigned to.

This kind of instruction also isn't new. God wants the best for us, promised lands flowing with milk and honey, but sometimes a giant will stand in the way. But the question is will you give in to the fears that may come upon you when faced with that giant? Or will you trust in the promises of God? Join me in this teaching as we discover the amazing parallel's found within scripture between the 12 disciples and 12 spies; and what they teach us about giants, fear and deliverance - especially within the realm of the Great Commission.

Numbers 13 - 15 Torah Portion: Shelach | Send | שלח