Rise on Fire Ministries

Interpreting Dreams, Visions & the Still Small Voice | HEARING GOD'S VOICE

3 months ago

So we've now come to know that God still speaks. But what does that mean for us? I mean, if God's still speaking to his people, how do we recognize his voice in our personal day to day? And what if what he seems to be saying sounds confusing? Is that God or are we imagining things? If God is still giving dreams to his people, what does the Bible teach us about dream interpretation? And what role does faith play in hearing his voice? How do we learn to share what God is saying responsibly? And what are the different ways that God speaks to and through his people? Welcome to part three of understanding the voice God. We've now addressed two large extremes in this series. In part one, does God speak outside the Bible? We address the theology that states that God no longer gives his people dreams or visions or speaks to them in any way besides, for through the Bible itself, there has been a lot of abuse surrounding quote unquote God told me. God told me. And that's what we addressed in part two, in part three today. Now, since we've addressed all of the falsehoods, it's time to address how we can hear his voice getting practical with discerning it, looking at examples of how God speaks to us today according to the Bible, as well as a case study of biblical examples of dreams and visions, what made them authentic? What do they teach us about judging our own dreams and visions as to be from God or nothing? And if they are from God, what could they possibly mean? And then lastly, we will discuss growing and hearing God's voice responsibly. You can watch this teaching without watching part one or two, but you may misunderstand some biblical concepts we've already established prior. Without further ado, let's get right into it. First, let's recognize that God speaks to his people in many supernatural ways, of course. Firstly, through the scriptures itself, but also through dreams, through visions, through what many know as the still small voice of God, through the spiritual gift of words, of knowledge, prophecy, through even nature itself, and more. First, let's talk about interpreting dreams and visions. And I would like you to consider the following closely, even if you feel like you're someone who doesn't get dreams or visions, because in this study of looking at some biblical examples of dreams and visions, we will be seeing many principles to glean that overlap with our experience of hearing God's voice in whatever way he desires to speak to you. Now, let's begin with Joseph's dream. This is one of the most famous examples of God giving someone dreams there are many things about this situation that is often overlooked. Genesis 37 six we read, he said to them, hear this dream that I have dreamed. And Joseph says, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field. And behold, my sheaf arose and stood upright, and behold, your sheaves gathered around it and bowed down to my sheaf. His brother said to him, are you indeed to reign over us? Or are you indeed to rule over us? So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words. Then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers. And behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, the eleven stars were bowing down to me. But when he told it to his father and his brothers, his father rebuked him and said to him, what is this dream that you've dreamed? Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you? And his brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept this saying in mind. So this is just like crazy situation. Joseph telling his parents and his brothers, hey, you guys are going to be bowing down to me. He's got a lot of audacity to share that with them. And we're going to talk about all that in a minute here. But first we have to ask, how did Joseph come to the realization that this dream was different, that there was something special, that there's, there was revelatory death to this dream? Because he obviously thought that it meant something. And how do we set our dreams apart from just the average dreams? How do we know that a dream we got is set apart from God himself? One of the first things we realize in Joseph's story is that the dreams that Joseph had were very clearly recalled. Joseph very well understood and remembered with great clarity every detail about his dreams. Now, this is an important fact because you may well know that most of the dreams that people have, they forget. We don't remember most of our dreams. In fact, we typically dream often. But yet many of us wait the moment we wake up. We might remember a little part of a dream, or we may remember nothing from a dream. We may not even remember we dreamed at all. And it may be later in the day you remember something, but it's very faint. However, when God gives dreams, according to the biblical examples we have, those dreams are always clearly recalled. People remember them. And with that, that gives us a hint that when God gives us a dream, it's gonna be clear that in of itself alone is not an indication that our dream means anything or that God has given it to us. But it's a hint. Secondly, what we see is that Joseph's dreams had messages embedded in them and it was not chaotic. In fact, there was quite a lot of structure to his dreams. We see, for example, that he has this dream twice, giving the same type of message. In the one time, for example, it is said that the sun, the moon and the eleven stars were bowing down to me. Any message from God, by definition, will have structure, just like any letter that I may write to you will have structure. It will break down my thoughts in a way that you can discern. However, on the contrary, dreams produced by our own mind that are not from God are without structure. They're often chaotic and a simple blend of subconscious memories that we may have had throughout the days. We also see that Joseph's dreams were confirmed by life events. This is quite an important attribute and we see it in many biblical examples of dreams and visions given to people, whereby the dream or vision always receives a confirmation through what happens to that person later in life. Sometimes it's later that day, sometimes it is many years later, as in Joseph's example, where, well, his dream starts coming true. So when Joseph spoke his dream to his family, notice what his father did. Genesis 30 711, it says. But his father kept this saying in mind, many dreams are merely to be shelved. They are to be kept in mind for the future. Sometimes we are eager to jump on our dreams or jump on our visions because we need to make them mean something in reality today. Well, if they are from God, indeed, God will bring things to pass in his timing and it is not up to us to rush things along in order to fulfill any such thing. Now, Joseph's example is quite an interesting one, because in Joseph's dream, the brothers understood the interpretation that Joseph was telling them. I mean, he was basically saying, you guys are going to bow down to me. But his brothers could not understand why this would take place for the situations that would bring that about, for it to make sense were many years still from occurring. And so if you now take a step back, however, and you think about Joseph getting this dream so long before it all happened, we have to ask, why isn't it strange for God to give Joseph such a dream before its time? A young man seeing everyone bow down to him. It's probably not a good thing for a teenager to think of himself as, even though this is a strange dream and we can't really wrap our mind around it on the surface, that alone should not be something that causes us to judge this dream as not being from goddess. Because even though it sounds strange that God would give a young man such a dream, the fact is that God did do it. Because knowing how Joseph would react to the dream, God uses Joseph's reaction as part of what sets in motion the events that would bring the dream to its fulfillment. Because Joseph sharing his dream with his brothers increased their jealousies and contributed to the great betrayal that his brothers did towards Joseph. This demonstrates to us the sovereignty of God, how he knows what we will do with what he reveals to us, and that may cause him to speak or show us something, or to not speak or show us something at a certain point in time, depending on how we will respond to what he shows us. But let's learn from Joseph to only share a dream when God permits us to do so and with whom the audience to whom God permits us to share it with. It may not be God's will for you to call up your whole family and tell them about what you dreamed last night. Joseph did that, and it wasn't truly a humble thing to do, even though God used Joseph's own faults for God's greater purposes. Another element in Joseph's dream that helps us discern God's voice is that Joseph's dreams would produce good fruit, at least eventually. See, initially, Joseph having these dreams contributed to him being thrown into a pita, sold into slavery, ending up even in prison. It doesn't really look good for this dream. Thus far, it seems like this dream only produced bad fruits in Joseph's life, leading to bad circumstances for Joseph. However, eventually Joseph would be exalted as a ruler of Egypt. That's why fruit can be hard to discern. It can take time for fruit to mature, even many years. And so we have to approach things with that discernment of the Holy Spirit, asking of God to reveal to us the fruit in its proper season. And lastly, Joseph's dreams produced repentance. Even though in the beginning his dreams only called forward and exposed the pride in his brothers, eventually it produced repentance in his brothers as they recognized God's greater plan and purposes with using Joseph to save the known world. These are some things that we see in this example of Joseph's dreams that show us that God was behind it. But recognize that most of our dreams will not have these elements because they aren't from God. They're simply constructs of our own imagination. Let's now look at another example, Pharaoh's dreams. Genesis 41. One after two whole years, Pharaoh dreamed that he was standing by the Nile, and behold, there came up out of the Nile seven cows, attractive and plumped, and they fed in the reed grass. And behold, seven other cows, ugly and thin, came up out of the Nile after them and stood by the other cows on the bank of the Nile. And the ugly, thin cows ate up the seven attractive, plump cows. And Pharaoh awoke, and he fell asleep and dreamed a second time. And behold, seven ears of grain, plump and good, were growing on one stalk. And behold, after them sprouted seven ears, thin and blighted by the east wind. And the thin ears swallowed up the seven plump, full ears. And Pharaoh awoke. And behold, it was a dream. So in the morning his spirit was troubled, and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt and all its wise men. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was none who could interpret them to Pharaoh. So let's firstly ask, why could the magicians of Pharaoh not interpret his dreams? Did Pharaoh's magicians not have enough experience in dream interpretation? Did they not have the right dream dictionary? Well, in Genesis 40 116, we get the answer, because when Joseph is called up, he says to Pharaoh, it is not in me. God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer. So while there is certainly room for us to grow in discernment through discipleship and through our own experiences, Joseph did not rely on his own knowledge or skillset. He relied on the voice of God in him, giving him the interpretation. The Holy Spirit is the interpreter of messages from God, not the human mind. We see now in Pharaoh's dreams many of the same elements as in Joseph's dreams. We see that Pharaoh's dreams were clearly recalled. It says in the morning Pharaoh's spirit was troubled. So he knew that there was something different about the dreams that he's been having. These aren't just the ordinary dreams that Pharaoh has. Even Pharaoh, being a pagan, realized this. His dream had a message also. With structure not being chaotic, we see that Pharaoh also dreamed two dreams with the same message, again being an indicator of structure and a message being embedded. Even though Pharaoh didn't know that what the message was, he knew that there was structure and he knew that there was something that was a message embedded within the structure of the dream. Pharaoh's dreams also were confirmed by life events eventually, at least as they unfolded in reality. Just as Joseph predicted, Pharaoh's kingdom would see years of prosperity followed by years of famine. And that's exactly what happened, further confirming the dream interpretation that Joseph had. If what Joseph said would happen did not happen, it would not be an interpretation from the Holy Spirit. Next, we also see that Pharaoh's dream produced good fruit. Many people were saved in Egypt because God provided Joseph the interpretation. And this dream had a message that allowed them to prepare in order to save the lives of many from dying, from hunger, due to the famine that was upon the land. Next, we also see that Pharaoh's dreams produced repentance at the end of everything, when all was said and done. And as Joseph's family stood before him, they were standing there with humble and repentant hearts. We see that God's words, whatever form they take, whatever message they come, they bring life, they save life, they promote life, they may warn against destruction, but even that is to bring life. So what are some of the things we're concluding from these dream interpretations? Spiritual dreams and visions are interpreted by the Holy Spirit, not by general meanings that we try to attribute to things. See, patterns can be seen in how people dream about different things depending on even where they live in the world, their social economic situation, and things like that. We see that it is common for people to, for example, dream about teeth falling out, or them just falling endlessly, or they dream about money or common things, things like that. And these patterns witnessed in dreams are generated by the subconscious mind. We cannot use these patterns to create dream dictionaries or general interpretations. That this always means that trying to discern and interpret our dreams as a spiritual message from goddess when they are simple, typical patterns that are dreamed by many people. For example, when we look at the dreams of Joseph and the dreams of pharaoh, we see that the Holy Spirit was the one who clearly revealed the interpretation, even though I'm sure pharaoh's magicians have had their hand at trying to interpret dreams before. Ultimately, no matter how much experience they think they have or how wise they may b nothing will replace the Holy Spirit's interpretation. That's why we have to wait upon revelation, if revelation had not yet come, if God wants to give you the interpretation for a dream or a vision, he is more than capable of doing that. However, at the same time, it is also biblical to seek interpretation from someone who is gifted, who God is using, who God is speaking through, who got like someone like Joseph. And that's why Pharaoh went to Joseph. According to God's plan. God planned for Pharaoh, the pagan king, to have the dream, and God planned for Joseph to be the one to give the interpretation to Pharaoh's dream. Next, we're going to look at Peter's vision. Now. Remember that we're looking at dreams and visions first because these will teach us many elements that allow us to discern God's voice even in other ways besides for dreams and visions that he may be speaking to us in. So keep a close watch on the elements we're going to be lifting out of Peter's vision. Now. Next we read in acts 1011, and Peter saw the heavens open, and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by his four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him saying, rise, Peter, kill and eat. But Peter said, by no means, lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. And the voice came to him again a second time. What God has made clean, do not call common. This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once into heaven. Now, while Peter was inwardly perplexed as to what the vision that he had seen might mean, behold, the men who were sent by Cornelius, having made inquiry for Simon's house, stood at the gate. We see that while Peter's vision was again clearly recalled something that he clearly remembered. As it said, he was pondering the vision. It was not a vision that was clearly understood, because it said in verse 17 that he was inwardly perplexed at what he had seen in this vision. It didn't make sense to Peter. In fact, Peter was misunderstanding what this vision may mean. That's why he felt inwardly perplexed. That's why he also said, I have never eaten anything unclean, O Lorde. So Peter thought that the vision may mean that Peter can now eat something that is unclean. What is the interpretation? The interpretation comes to Peter not of himself, but rather God has come to give Peter the interpretation. Even today, believers from all around the world are reading Peter's vision. And in their lack of understanding of prophecy and how we can interpret dreams and visions, we have thought that we are allowed to interpret Peter's dream that we can eat unclean animals. However, that's not how prophecy or interpreting dreams and visions work. If there is an interpretation, God will be the one to reveal it. And God did reveal it to Peter. We read in acts 1019, the spirit said to him, behold, three men are looking for you. Rise and go down and accompany them without hesitation, for I have sent them. And then in verse 28, we read, and he said to them, you yourselves know how unlawful it is for a jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean. God clearly showed Peter that he is not telling Peter that he can eat unclean food, but rather that he should not let what someone else eat cause him to not associate with that person. For the sake of the gospel, we should be going to all nations to proclaim it to them, no matter their diet. See, by stating that we can reinterpret God's interpretation and God's vision past what God has revealed, we usurp God's authority by stating that we have the authority to bring interpretation forth when it adds to what God has already revealed in the scriptures. If anyone is a prophet or spiritual, he should acknowledge that what God told Peter is the interpretation. The Holy Spirit, therefore, must be the one in our dreams, in our visions, and in whichever other way to be the one who gives us the interpretation. We ourselves do not have the authority to give interpretations according to our own desires, according to how we deem it fit, and according to what we want the vision or the dream to mean. This is what the magicians of Pharaoh did. They told Pharaoh what they wanted Pharaoh's dreams to mean. But it was when Joseph spoke the dream interpretation fourth, which included good and bad news. Good news that there's going to be years of plenty, and bad news that there's going to be years of a famine. And it was actually the reality that Pharaoh saw that Joseph wasn't just speaking these things forth to please Pharaoh's ears, but speaking the truth forth, even if it's an uncomfortable truth. That was what allowed Pharaoh to see that Joseph's interpretation was the one from the one true God. And so we continuously, through all of the examples in this series, have been recognizing this tension between what we want God's voice and messages to say and what he is actually saying. Let our hearts always be after what he is actually saying. We now further see that Peter's vision had similar to the ones we've seen before, had structure, not chaos. We see that there was three times that Peter saw this vision occur. We also see that Peter clearly recalled it. We see that it was confirmed by his life events, with the men arriving and the meeting being set up with Cornelius straight thereafter bringing application for his vision forth. We also see that Peter's vision was confirmed with scripture because scripture aligns with the interpretation that a person is not deemed unclean from God's hand of salvation due to their diet. We also see that Peter's vision produced good fruit for God's kingdom, for people heard of the gospel and were baptized in the Holy Spirit that is Cornelius household. And we also see that Peter's vision produced repentance as Cornelius household repented after hearing the gospel, because Peter was finally able to go to them without hindrance of diet. And we also see that God's words brought life, because that's what his words do. Next, let's look at another example, the last one we're going to be looking at today regarding visions. And that is Ananias vision, where we see what the role of faith is in when God speaks to us. You read in acts 910, now, there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a vision, Ananias. And he said, here I am, Lord. And the Lord said to him, rise and go to the street called straight. And at the house of Judas, look for a man of Tarsus named Saul. For behold, he is praying, and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he may regain his sight. But Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard from many about this man how much evil he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on your name. So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him, he said, brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road by which you came, has sent me that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. First, I'd like you to recognize how Ananias responded in the same way as Samuel the prophet responded. In one Samuel 310, we read, Samuel, say, speak, lord, for your servant hears. And Ananias said in acts 910, here I am, Lord. We see that this willingness and this faith that God can speak and God is speaking to me is paramount, that we need to submit ourselves to him and say, Lord, here I am. Please speak to me. Also. Recognize the faith that Ananias had to have to obey God in this vision that he's receiving. First. I mean, Ananias is being asked to go to a Mandev who's been killing fellow believers, that Paul would also allow Ananias to even lay hands on him without capturing Ananias himself. I mean, Ananias expressed this concern to God, but yet, despite it, he had faith that God's words were true and that he had to execute God's instruction. Ananias also had to believe that the vision that he's receiving is true, that Paul indeed is blind and needs healing. And Ananias also needed faith that the miracle of healing of Paul's eyes would occur if he were to lay hands on him. But we also see that the partial fulfillment is rewarded by the initial obedience. What I simply mean by that is that when Ananias sees, Paul is blind. After that first initial step of obedience in going to Paul, that is the first confirmation that serves to Ananias to show that his vision has been from God is true. And now only what is next is the next step of obedience. And that is to believe for the healing of Paul's vision. And I want to submit that that initial step and seeing those initial signs of seeing that Paul is blind. Helps Ananias faith in laying hands to see him healed. And so, similarly with us, when God is showing and asking us to do something, we always take our first small steps of obedience towards it. And then God will confirm and confirm and confirm things us to help us believe for the ultimate conclusion. So when God speaks, it almost always requires of us to act in faith in one way or another. But God will clarify to us when there is confusion. Just like God clarified to Peter in his vision. Just like God brought clarity to Joseph's father eventually. Just like God brought clarity to pharaoh eventually. God brings clarity when we are seeking clarity from him. But it doesn't always come on our timing. Clarity often only comes when God deems it fit. And sometimes that can mean years before God deems it fit. We see that God brought clarity. Ananias in acts 915. But the Lord said to him, for he is a chosen instrument of mine. To carry my name before the gentiles and kings and children of Israel. For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name. Now, let's look at some of the last elements of this vision. We see that this vision had messages with structure. Again, it was not chaotic. It was clearly recalled by Ananias. It was confirmed by his life events eventually, at least as they unfolded. And the vision was confirmed by scripture. And lines up with scripture, which states already to us that a sinner is never out of reach. You also see that Ananias vision produced good fruit for God's kingdom. As Paul came to repentance and his eyes were opened. And we also see that God's words brought life in Ananias vision. Next, I would like to talk about how God speaks to us through nature itself. Now, I want to start off by just sharing a small personal testimony. Of the first time that I recall that God spoke to me as a little boy. I remember it was my birthday, and I was laying on my jumping castle that my parents had gotten me. And everyone had laughed. It was just me on this jumping castle on a very calm day with not a breeze in the sky. And I did something that, looking back, I recognized was quite foolish. But I said, God, if you are there, let there be a massive wind. And suddenly, just as I said it, a crazy wind storm came out of seemingly nowhere, and the tree shook. And suddenly I curled up into a ball, and I was struck with the fear of God. You know, thinking back on it, and maybe you listening to this, it may seem like a small thing, but for me as a small child, it made a large impact upon me. And years later, I was at a Bible camp during worship, we were outside, and again, it was a calm day. And seemingly out of nowhere, the children started weeping and crying as thunder and lightning started flying through the sky. And after that, I remember looking back at it, thinking, that was God. God speaking does not need to be accompanied by dramatic manifestations, but he can speak through dramatic manifestations. According to the Bible. Isaiah 50 115 says, I am the Lord your God, who stirs up this sea so that its waves roar. The Lord of hosts is his name. Psalm 70 716 says, when the waters saw you, o God, when the waters saw you, they were afraid, indeed. The deepest trembled, the clouds poured out water, the skies gave forth thunder. Your arrows flashed on every side. The crash of your thunder was in the whirlwind. Your lightnings lighted up the world. The earth trembled and shook. And one of the attributes of that is that we are struck with the awe, the glory and the fear of God. Say what you do want. These experiences, coupled with the conviction of the spirit of God that moves in the midst of these events, drew me nearer. Next, I would like to speak about what we know as the still, small voice. One of the most common ways God may choose to speak to us is with the still, small voice, also known as the low whisper. We read about this in Elijah's encounter with God's voice. One kings 1911. And he said, go out and stand on the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and a strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind, and after the wind, an earthquake. But the Lord was not in the earthquake, and after the earthquake, a fire. But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, the sound of a low whisper. And then when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him and said, what are you doing here? Elijah? This is a very interesting story because God is contrasting with us all of the ways that he has appeared to his people, to this new way that he is appearing and speaking to Elijah. See, in past times, God has appeared in the wind, in an earthquake, and in the fire in the winds when he split the sea for Israel by a wind in an earthquake, when Korah and his rebellion was swallowed up by the earth in a fire, when God came to Moses in a burning bush or appeared in a fire by night to all of Israel. But see, this time with Elijah, God shows that he's not going to be speaking to Elijah with such a loud event. Rather, it is written that there was a wind, there was an earthquake, there was a fire, but God was not in it. God thereby illustrates how loud events may occur in our life, but that in of itself does not mean that his voice is in it. It might just be a wind, it might just be an earthquake, and it might just be a fire. These are natural occurrences that happen in nature. And just because there's a wind or an earthquake or a fire doesn't mean that God is attempting to speak to us through that, even though he has before and can again. It's not in of itself an indicator. God reveals to Elijah that he is speaking to him in this new way called a low whisper. Now, when people think about this encounter that Elijah had with the low whisper, they try and argue whether the low whisper was an audible voice that was picked up by Elijah's human ear or whether it was an internal voice that Elijah heard in his heart. But I want to submit to you that these arguments ask the wrong question entirely, for God has done either of these as he pleases throughout time. The important question that we should be asking is, how do we recognize God's whisper? Because Elijah, he somehow knew. He knew this was God speaking to him. Many of us are as spiritual orphans, you know, when we are saved, when we are adopted into the household of God. Many of us are like people who have never had or never known our spiritual father. And now it's almost like being told to listen for our father's voice whilst we've never actually even heard his voice before and what we should expect his voice to sound like, this is the challenge that we have here today. I cannot teach you the tone of someone's voice. You've never meth. I cannot tell you what the tone of my mother or my father sounds like until you've met them. But you have met the father. His holy spirit is inside of you. His voice is not to be foreign to you. See, you will recognize the tone of his voice when he speaks like Elijah did, if you make yourself available and listen for him. John 1027 my sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. So while I cannot in this video teach you the tone of God's voice, so you can recognize him by the tone of his voice, I can teach you his character according to the scriptures, so you can recognize him when he is speaking. So you see now in this that spirit and truth work together for us to recognize and know God's voice. The spirit of God gives discernment to us, but the truth of scripture also gives discernment to us. And without both the spirit and the truth working together, you will struggle to recognize God's voice. I mean, this, this here, it is the quote unquote secret. As God is restoring spirit and truth to us all today, his people will know his voice like never before. But those who are intimate with the truth of his scriptures but quench his spirit will struggle. And those who try and run after his spirit and his gifts, but who do not are not intimate with the truth of the scriptures will struggle. So the tone of God's voice is confirmed to you when you test it to his word. And if it is confirmed to you, step out in faith and grow from your experience there on out. A recent example that I can tell you that the father spoke to me by his low whisper is, well, you're looking at it right here. The making of this video series. I was walking in my living room randomly, and God spoke to my heart. My people need to learn my voice. See, I had other ideas I rather felt inclined to teach on for the next few weeks, but God convicted me that this is to be the goal and I must be obedient to it. This was not an audible voice that my human ears heard of, but a loud voice in my heart that I have come to recognize. And I can apply all of the different elements that we've been looking at so far in this teaching, and I can see that great fruit has come from obeying God's voice. I can see that there is life that is coming forth. I can see that there is deliverance that's coming forth. I can see that the timing is right, even if I initially didn't think so or wasn't sure. Next we're going to talk about how God speaks to us through the spiritual gift of words, of knowledge. When God imparts to us something that he knows, knowledge that he possesses, about a person or a situation that he imparts to us supernaturally that we could not know in any possible way, but that he reveals by his spirit so that we can more effectively minister to a person or a situation. I'll give you an example of this. Just a little while ago, I was at a restaurant and I prayed, Lord, is there anything that you have for this waiter? And I had this burning need come in my heart that I need to tell this waiter something. And it's kind of like such a random revelation that they are a musician and that I need to tell him that God wants to use him to lead others in worship to God. And I'm like, whoa, I have to tell this guy this. I don't even know if he's a believer. And eventually I woke up to him. I tell him, hey, I believe that God wants me to tell you this, that God's. I don't know if you're a musician. I don't know if you love music or any of that. And he's like, yeah, like, that's literally what I'm all about. And I said, I believe God is telling you that you need to remember that he's calling you to a place of leading others in worship. And he's just like, wow. Because he's been pondering, he's been trying to figure out, he's been starting to go to a church, and he's like, what should I do, God? How should I serve you? How can I? What is my place in your kingdom? What is my calling? And he's like, this makes perfect, total sense because this is my passion and you are confirming this to me. And he says, this encourages me because this shows me right here that God has seen me and he has seen my prayers. See, brothers and sisters, this is what words of knowledge can do. It brings confirmation of calling, amongst other things. Just like we read in one Timothy 414, do not neglect the gift that you have which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. As we conclude this teaching, I would like to talk to you about learning God's voice responsibly when we're still learning to recognize his voice. How do we avoid serious mistakes, attributing things to the voice of God when God has not spoken? How do we act in faith without acting our faith out irresponsibly? Number one, seek discipleship for prophetic gifts and offices. This teaching and this series provides value but isnt meant as a replacement for discipleship in your gift. Two, seek accountability for prophetic gifts and offices. Submit what you think God is showing you to people who you trust and who can help you discern as you learn to discern yourself. Three, recognize your immaturity. Don't be quick to assume that God has spoken something to you just because it feels supernatural. You have to test everything. Number four, consider if the message should be relayed. Do not be quick to share to the public or to whoever what you assume God has spoken to to you as a message to them. Just because you have a Facebook account doesn't mean you need to broadcast everything that you think God is telling you. Just because you make a post of what God has shown you as you assume, and that post gets tons of likes and shares, or if men praise you for it in your church, that and of itself does not mean that you're practicing goddess will. Many men in past times have praised false prophecy because it simply aligns with their own flashy desires. God's word must be tested to the word, and the prophets are subject to prophets. Number five, consider the audience for who is this message? Consider the method that you would be using to relay the message. If God wants you to share it, and if you know who you're sharing it with, how are you going to be sharing it with them? Number seven, fear God. If God has indeed spoken, do you tremble? Number eight, be humble in your presentation. Proverbs 1618 says, pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before fall. It is better to be of a lowly spirit of with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Number nine, allow time to grow in confidence of your gift and the way that God is choosing to speak to you in pride grows a false confidence. In other words, being more confident than you really should be, while time grows true confidence. Because it is through time that we grow to learn and discern and mature, and then we can grow in godly confidence in recognizing his voice. When we try and act like we know what his voice sounds like and rely his voice before we even know the scriptures, then we are going to have a prideful fall. Number ten, seek confirmations and partial fulfillments. As we discussed, if God has shown you something, ask him for clarity. And also look for in your life events for partial fulfillments that indicate that that word was from God. Number eleven. Take responsibility when you make mistakes. Therefore, let us now conclude. God's voice has come in many ways, but when he indeed speaks, it brings immediate pause. It shakes the soul, and it often reveals truth in revelatory depth. That the few words it arrives in cannot contain. His voice stands out from every other voice, every other dream, and any possible construct of our imagination. But that doesn't mean that his voice can't be mistaken for the voice of someone else. I'll remind you of Samuel, who mistook the voice of God for the voice of Eli, as we discussed in part two of this teaching. But we grow in recognizing God's voice over time and by our measure of faith. God's voice is usually not in accordance with our desires. His voice lingers or repeats, and its commission becomes like a weight that must be carried out in obedience. It exalts Jesus and the truth of his gospel. It promotes fruits of the Holy Spirit and never contradicts the scriptures. Thank you so much for joining me in this episode. I would like to pray for you in all of this, Father, I pray, Lord, for everyone listening, that you would bless and keep them, Lord, that you would reveal to them, Lord, all of the beautiful ways that you desire to speak to them, that you would mature them in understanding and discerning and recognizing your voice, that you would mature them in the understanding of your scriptures. That you would open, Lord, their eyes and their ears with dreams and visions and interpretations. I pray, Lord, that the body would edify one another, hold one another accountable, and that we would always pursue the voice of your holy spirit in the midst of our trials and in the midst of our confusions. Father, I pray, Lord, that there would be a turning point in the body of Christ, that we would no longer abuse the voice that you've entrusted to us, saying, thus is the Lord when you have not spoken. But, Lord, help us to have a fear of God always surrounding your voice. Father, I pray, Lord, and you would speak through your people. I pray, Lord, you would raise up prophets. Father, I pray that you would raise up people young and old to receive dreams and visions. Father, I pray, lord, that you would speak in tongues through them, that you would interpret through them. Father, I pray that you would give them words of knowledge. Father, I pray that the nations would see the glory of God as you speak through your people, and that they would come to repentance, to come to bear good fruit in you. Father, I thank you that you have entrusted us with your holy spirit. Spirit, help us, lord, to be vessels worthy of carrying your truth forth. We praise you, and we thank you in the name of Yeshua. Amen. Thank you for joining me. I want to say a special thank you to all of our partners who've made this series possible. You are so precious to us. We appreciate your prayers. We appreciate your support. Many blessings to you. And I can't wait to see you in the next one. Shalom.

So if God is still speaking to His people, how do we recognize His 'still small voice'? And what if what He seems to be telling us sounds confusing? Is that God, or are we imagining things?

If God is still giving dreams to people, what does the Bible teach us about dream interpretation? How do we learn to share what God is saying responsibly?

Join me in this new episode of Hearing God's Voice, as we answer these questions and more!

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