Rise on Fire Ministries

The Anti-Prosperity Gospel in the Story of Abraham & Lot

2 months ago

So just picture this with me for one moment. A man walks up to you and says, look, there's a land before us and it's going to be divided between the two of us. You can pick, go to the left or go to the right, pick whatever side of it that you'd like. And so you look upon the land and you see on the one side it's flourishing. It looks like there's a lot of fruit in that place. And then you look to the right and it's, you know, it doesn't look as fruitful, but it looks all right. And of course, what do you pick? Most people in this world, they immediately pick the fruitful looking land, that which looks pleasing to the eye. In fact, the world doesn't even flinch at doing so at the cost of someone else. Because remember, whatever side you're picking, the other man is getting the other side. And so yet in this world, isn't that what people do? They climb over other people in order to reach this mountain, peak, top. See, this very issue is shown us in the story between Lot and Abraham. And it has a very upside down conclusion. You see, we think, well, you pick the land that looks better, then things will be better for you because you're picking the better choice. But in the kingdom of God, there is something to be said for humility, for putting other people before yourself and the blessing of God that goes along with that. Not everything is as it seems in your life. In Genesis 13:8 we read Abraham said to Lot, let there be no strife between you and me and between your herdsmen and my herdsmen, for we are kingsmen. Is not the whole land before you separate yourself from me? And if you take the left hand, then I will go to the right. And if you take the right hand, I will go to the left. And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered everywhere. Like the Garden of the Lord, like the Garden of Eden, like the land of Egypt in the direction of Zohar. This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. And then we read, so Lot chose for himself all the Jordan Valley. And Lot journeyed east. Thus they separated from each other. So as it's written, Lot picks according to his own eyes. In fact, it is written that he picks the land that is like a well watered garden, like the garden of the Lord. Now, it's really interesting. I want you to think about the garden of the Lord, the Garden of Eden for one moment. And there's something about the story that should Remind you of something that happened there? Because in the Garden of Eden, Eve, when she saw the fruit, just before she ate of it, it is said that she saw that it was fruit that was good for food, a delight to the eyes. And the tree was to be desired to make one wise. And then she ate of it. What Eve did, of course, is she took of this fruit and ate of it, not considering the instruction of the Lord or the way of God or the will of God. Like, what does God want in all of this? Never mind what God wants. Eve took what she wanted and she also gave to Adam. And in the same way, Lot has done the same. He's come to pick the land that he wants according to his own eyes, as to what seems to be something that's going to be good for him. And he didn't inquire of what God wants and what God expects of Lot to do. See, that's what Abraham did. Abraham had this incredible humility to let Lot pick for himself. He put others before himself. Abraham could have been like, hey, I'm gonna pick myself the best looking land. But while he could have done that, he did not. As to Lot, though, Lot had this pride in putting himself before Abraham, grasping at this opportunity and picking the greatest for himself. See, the Bible talks about how the greatest will be least and the least will be greatest. Those who try and put themselves ahead of others are going to end up behind. And those who put themselves at the back, they're going to be placed forward. Yeshua spoke about this and he said, look, if you went to a wedding right at this feast and you took the best seat in the house, then the host comes and he says, hey, get off that seat. And he puts you in the back of the house. That's an embarrassment. But rather Jesus says, place yourself in a humble position and let the host come to you and say, hey, let me elevate you. Let me promote you to the best seat in the house, a place of honor. And that so it is with our Father who is in heaven. He has called us to be as he is. Yeshua made himself humble. Jesus rode on a donkey, even though he was the King of kings and Lord of Lords. He gave us this example that we ought to place ourselves in a lesser position, always considering others as better than ourselves. And then the Lord will exalt us. See, in this world, people think, if I can get ahead, if I run faster than the next guy, I'm going to get ahead. I'm going to place myself ahead of the person next to me and I will win. And they are completely ignorant to the fact that it is God who makes one prosper. It is God who blesses a person's business or a person's family or a person's relationship or whatever it is your endeavor is. It is the Father who blesses you. Now. Yes. That doesn't mean we don't do anything, you know, like when Lot and Abraham entered their lands, they went and toiled and worked by the power of the Lord. But it is an inquiring of the Lord as to his will every day that allows us to walk in his blessing. Now look at what happens to Lot next, right? Lot picks this one side and it really doesn't seem like he did anything wrong at that point. But his choice catches up with him because soon war breaks out and the king of Sodom and Gomorrah flees away. And then this army that encroached upon the land takes Lot, the son of Abraham's brother, who was dwelling in Sodom and his possessions and went their way. Genesis 14:12. All right, so Lot ended up picking the land that God knew would be the land that would later be overtaken by enemies and Lot would be captured. But what happens to Abraham? We see in Genesis 13:14, the Lord said to Abraham, after Lord had separated from him, lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward, southward, eastward and westward. For all the land that you see, I will give to you and your offspring forever. Abraham, placing himself least, suddenly, God comes to him and elevates him to the first. He says, hey, Abraham, you picked this part of the no, no, no. I'm giving you and your offspring as far as the eye can see, look all around you eternally. I'm giving you this land forever. I say, wow. See, this is what happens when we don't just follow our own desires, but when we walk as Yeshua walked in humility. But at the same time, here is the mercy of God. Even despite everything that Lot had done, God seeing Lot, has been following his own heart and his own eyes. And what seems right to a man, we see that God sends Abraham to free Lot and to save Lot from the hands of his enemies. Genesis 14:16 Then he brought back all the possessions and also brought back his kinsmen, Lot with his possessions and the women and the people. So even though Lot picked the land of his own heart's desire, not inquiring of the Lord, God still has mercy and delivers Lot. As Lot cries out to the Lord for help. And in the same Way. Just as Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God still had mercy and comes to deliver humanity from our sinful hearts and sinful desires. Just as God delivered Lot by the hand of Abraham, God delivers all of humanity by the hand of Yeshua, the Messiah who comes to save us from the grasp of our enemies that's overtaken us in our lands even when we made the decision after our own hearts, our wicked desires. So today, what is there left for you to do? Place others before yourself and follow the voice of God in every situation. Do not take what seems right to you and what seems to be your desires. Stop, wait. Inquire of the Lord. Ask him, God, is this actually what you want me to pick right now? Even though it looks good, even though this true tree, this fruit, it just looks great. Even though this land, it just looks great. God, are you sure? This looks like an open door right now? Is this open door actually from you? Because not everything is as how it seems. And if you follow his voice, even when it seems right, and God says, no, no, no, that's not what I have for you. I have that for you. And then you look upon this other land that God says he has for you. Like Abraham, he looked upon the land that Lot didn't pick. And it's a land that was, you know, it's not as prosperous looking as the other side of Lot, but okay. Because Abraham made his decision from faith in God and from a heart of humility. Abraham didn't even realize that the land he picked came with a blessing of an inheritance for him and his offspring that surpassed anything that Lot could ever dream of. And that's how it is with all of us today. If we put faith in Yeshua, the Messiah, Jesus, he says, I go and I prepare a place for you, something that you cannot imagine or dream of. A land for you to prosper and a land flowing of milk and honey. That land is your salvation in Christ and the new kingdom that is coming of heaven and earth that will be renewed. As God says, the meek will inherit the earth. Abraham and those like him will be those who inherit the earth. So now the only question that remains is, will you be like Abraham or will you be like Lot?

Not every open door is an open door from God. Not every apparent blessing is from God. And especially when we choose the best for us at the cost of someone else, we must beware our greed. Not everything is as it seems, and we must seek God's will.

Don't just choose the best for you, choose God's best for you.

Torah Portion: Lech Lecha / Go Out לֶךְ־לְךָ

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