Rise on Fire Ministries

From Martha to Mary - Stop burnout, labor empowered

4 months ago

I have a confession to make. Some of us are anxious and troubled about many things. And you could even argue these are things worthy of our anxieties. Things that need to happen, need to get done, need to be addressed. Big things, perhaps. And you toss and turn and worry. There was a time where I was so worried about the body of Christ as someone who I know what my calling is. I know what God has laid on my heart, and I know the vision that I have for the bride of Christ, who God has called her to be, what her potential is. And yet many of just the things that are still wrong in the body today. A lot of those things have deeply troubled me times. And I want to also share with you the story of Martha, because I believe that it is going to show all of us a mystery of Christ, something that is a mystery to our flesh. It's something that's really difficult to grasp and understand because, well, yeah, there's a lot of stuff that needs to get done. Martha has stuff to do. She's busy serving Yeshua. The messiah is there at that house. They need to get ready to serve him. A woman named Martha welcomed him. And she had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she went up to him and said, lord, why don't you care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to come and help me. But the Lord answered, Martha, Martha, you're anxious. You're troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary, and Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her. Sometimes it's easier for our flesh to work than to sit at his feet because, well, the dishes need to get done, the house needs to get cleaned. Whatever there is for you to do, it needs to happen. What is sitting at Yeshua's feet going to accomplish? And this was what Martha didn't get and what, to be honest, many of us will struggle with. Think about the disciples for a moment, and Peter and the crucifixion of Christ, where Peter was so focused on the work in front of him, which was simply to not abandon the Messiah. He did everything in his power to get it right. And yet that was the very thing he failed at, denying the Messiah three times. And Yeshua comes back, says, go wait in Jerusalem because I'm going to give you something. The fullness of the Holy Spirit poured out upon you see, Peter could not do what he felt like he needed to get done. He was not perfect in his strength. But Yeshua gave him the perfect spirit of God, who will now immerse and work perfectly within him. Sometimes we are so preoccupied on what we can do, on what we should do, on the things that need to get done, and that's fine. Things need to get done. Dishes need to be done. Do your dishes. Go to work, take care of the kids. But when we get anxious and troubled about these worldly things and we try and go after them with this worldly vessel of ours, this flesh, we find ourselves anxious and troubled because we are going after some things in this world without kingdom measures. You need to use what God has given from on high, from his kingdom to you, in order to accomplish things in this world. And the moment that you start doing it, not sitting at his feet, but on your. At your own strength and at your own pace, which sometimes, by the way, our pace, which may shock you, is we run, we run, we run. We run. We burn ourselves out to the ground because we feel like we need to work so much harder, because we feel like we know what it's going to take and it's going to take so much work to get everything done. Because, yes, we're working by the flesh. But if we understood that by his perfect spirit, that perfectly accomplishes the work in front of us, through us, we no longer feel the pressure to burn ourselves out at whatever is troubling us. In fact, it no longer is a trouble and an anxiety. But now it is a light burden. Yeshua said my burden is light. Why? Because when we are empowered by the spirit and we give to Yeshua, we surrender it off of our flesh unto Yeshua, then we have something light. That doesn't mean that there isn't great sacrifices. Picking up your cross is no joke. Laying your life down is no joke. And that is required of all believers. We will suffer persecutions and many things of that nature. I'm not saying that that is not a part of our reality. However, no matter what comes our way, when we face these things with the power of the spirit, we will enjoy sitting at his feet. We will enjoy the good portion. But if we forsake the good portion of sitting at his feet for going after the things that need to get done because we say they're more urgent than sitting at his feet, we have lost our eyesight, we have lost priority. We have missed what is right in front of us, which is Yeshua and his spirit that he has sent for us. And so he wants to spend time with you there, with you at his feet. Asking for him to help you, empower you. And listening to him being quiet and knowing that he is God in the troubles and in the anxieties that you may be facing. And in that place, you will find what I found that even though I have many worries about the body of Christ, when there are things to be concerned about, don't get me wrong, I realize that the Holy Spirit knows what he is doing. That as long as I bring my part and do my due diligence and my duty, what he has put on my heart. But I do it relying on him. The weight is so much lighter because I remember to place faith in him. So, yes, the dishes need to get done, but I'm going to sit at his feet because that's going to get those dishes done way quicker. And you're like, how does that even work? I can't tell you. That's a spiritual matter. But you'll figure it out as you go. The more you sit at his feet, the more dishes get done. The quicker they get done. And that doesn't mean you don't stand up and stand at the dishes one day and start working at the dishes. But in your working, you will find things happen because you are in the presence. And because you're in the presence, whatever you're working at on gets the presence. And the presence works together for the glory of the kingdom. We will find that his presence accelerates it, and we don't have anxiety and the troubles that come from the reliance on self. Don't be like Martha, be like Mary. Sit at his feet, give him your troubles and anxieties and let him give you freedom in return.

Martha was very busy serving, after all, the Messiah was visiting! There couldn't be a more important person to serve. But she was troubled about many things, feeling overwhelmed & burned out. Then Jesus called her to the good portion, which would be what empowers her to serve better than ever before.

There are troubling things in this life, but there's a place of peace at the feet of Christ for you.

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