Rise on Fire Ministries

Break the Bonds of Egypt in Your Life (Deliverance Session) [PODCAST]

Shortly after God brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt with miracles and power, the Israelites find themselves in a wilderness without food or water.

2 years ago

Episode Notes

Shortly after God brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt with miracles and power, the Israelites find themselves in a wilderness without food or water. While it certainly was nice to be out of slavery, the road to the Promised Land wasn't as sparkly as many of the Israelites had envisioned. Instead of having faith that the God who had JUST saved them would also provide for their basic needs, they began to complain to Moses, with some even desiring to return to the melons and fish that Egypt had to offer - even if that meant returning to slavery.

While we often read this story and shake our heads at the Israelites, how often have we done the very same thing? Yeshua redeemed us from slavery to sin and death, spiritual Egypt, and yet how often do we look back to "Egypt" and crave the sins that once held us in bondage? It's impossible to go forward when we're looking backwards. God desires to bring you into the Promised Land, it's time to break every chain and walk in freedom. Join PD and be encouraged in the Lord in the prayer of deliverance at the end of this video!