Rise on Fire Ministries

God's message in this season: Come to Me

27 days ago

Sometimes we just feel tired. Sometimes it feels like there's no hope. We're facing a trial, and we see no way out. We feel hungry, but we don't know what will fill us. We feel thirsty, and we're trying everything to quench our thirst. We look at our near or far future, and it's dumb. And we wonder, has God left us? Why is he allowing us to go through all of this? It's easy to look at all your trials and believe what they are saying. Did you know that trials speak? Worries speak. Our misunderstanding or lack of understanding. It speaks. There's a lot of voices that speaks to us, and they're not always the voice of God. Our trials say, you will never get over me. You will never have hope again. There is no way out, and there is no solution. But when we ask, are we going to believe that? Are we going to fall for that lie? We have to be able to say no. We have to be able to say that the messiah, that Yeshua, is the one who speaks truth. That he said, I cover your sins, but not only that, I cover your children, but not only that I am a God who is not restricted to the present, but who is in your future and who was in your past. And who will forever be the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, and whom your trials do not intimidate. Your trials are not a problem for him, so don't make them a problem for you. Now. Yes, there are trials in this world. Things we have to face. Difficulties, confusions, heartaches, things worth shedding tears about and mourning about. However, they are not problems for our God. Now, that means that we have to look at them through the eyes of our God. We have to look at our trials through the purposes that he has for them. He says in the word, we should rejoice in our trials, for they produce character, hope, and long suffering in us. So if those things are produced in you to prepare you for the callings, the giftings, the opportunities that he has on your path, would you rather be someone who has no ability to fulfill the callings and the giftings that he has for you, yet have no trial? Or would you want to be someone who faces what comes your way? Yet he fights the battle, and yet you, because you see him split the sea, because you see him in the burning bush, because you see him open the doors, you can trust him in the future when you're going to need to see. Right now, the father's preparing you for the things that are to come. And there are going to be times when you wonder, why am I not hearing his voice? Why does he feel like he was close? Now he seems far. Well, what if he's testing to see? Well, what will you do with that? He's not far. He is close, but sometimes he speaks a little less. And what will you do with that? Will you get separation anxiety, wondering like a puppy whose owner has left it for a day, have my owner forsaken me? Have my owner left me? Do they not love me anymore? No. You know your God. You know he has not left you. In fact, he says that he has been. You're so close that he has made you his dwelling place. He has not left you anywhere. He has made home inside of you. So if he has made home inside of you, you being his temple, that is not metaphoric, brother and sister. That is not symbolic. That is more real than the physical levitical system itself. If that is the reality, what does it mean about his compassion on you, on deciding to live in a house like you, despite the things you've done, things you've thought? Yet he says, let me come and make home in you. I love you so much that I want to draw near. Now, you may not see him speak to you in all the same ways he used to, but perhaps he desires to speak to you in new ways, in ways of faith, even for him to say to you, blessed is he who has not seen yet has believed. Blessed is he who may not get all the dreams and visions he used to get, but who believes that I am with him regardless of all of that. Isn't that a blessing? See, sometimes it's better to not be doubting Thomas, but be someone who believes the witness for what the witness says. And not saying, I will not believe until I see God show himself to me in the ways that I say he should show himself to me. Don't let the pretentious pride come in your way, but let him be God and let you be you. Let him be the one who speaks, and you be the one who listens, but let you be the one who listens regardless of what he speaks. Because sometimes he says things that we don't like to hear. Sometimes he says things that are uncomfortable. And sometimes he calls us to do things we don't want to do. That sound absolutely nuts and crazy, but sometimes that's exactly what you need to do. Because if I just look back at my life, I can look and I can see there's a path that I have followed throughout my life that is mind blowing. To me, like, I can tell you guys another time, but, you know, I was born in one country, and through divine moves of God in many strange ways in my life, in many weird paths, taking me where I did not want to go, whether that is studying a degree I felt unqualified to study, but yet he said I should, and crying my way through it, or whether it's going to the very country that I once said as a young man, that's the one place I would never want to live, and yet here I am, or saying things like, you know, I would never want to be able, could never speak in front of people, yet, that being the very thing that he has called me to do on a daily basis. And, and I boast in none of myself, because none of these things or anything that I could do or have done of my own accord, I have, in fact, kicked against all of that. And yet that is what he has done. He, as he told Peter, Peter, one day you will be taken to a place you do not want to go. And in the same way, God will allow us to be taken to places that we don't want to go. But, but let me say it this way. It's always like in that moment somewhere where we don't want to go, right? We feel like in that moment, oh, no. Because we have all of our ideas, our preconceived notions, and yet, then when we follow through, we are more happy than ever. We are more satisfied than ever. We are more blessed than ever. We are more provided for than ever. God, whatever provision we need, whatever blessing we need, whatever fulfillment we need, he comes and he makes way for those things, despite what the world says is possible if we obey him and not go our own way, following our own desires, our own purposes. So, brothers and sisters, I didn't even begin to think that I would share what I did here with you today as I was preparing for this. But I I believe that this is for someone to hear. And I want to end this off with reading just a few verses about what Yeshua says that you need to do next. He says, if you are hungry, come to me and eat. If you're thirsty, come to me and drink. If you have burdens, come to me and give them to me. If you have troubles, come to me. I want to read to you. John 539. You search the scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life, and they bear witness about me. Yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. Don't just reach your bible. Go to him. Jesus said, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger. Whoever believes in me shall not thirst. And all that the father gives me will come to me. And whoever comes to me, I will never cast out. John 737 on the last day of the feast, the great day, Yeshua stood up and cried, if anyone thirsts, they them come to me and drink. And lastly, Matthew 1914 Jesus said, let the little children come to me and do not hinder them. For to such belong the kingdom of heaven. You are one such child. Come to him, for to you belong the kingdom of heaven. So, Father, I pray, Lord, for everyone who's here tonight with their burdens, with their cries, with their trials, that you, Lord, would hear our cries. And, Father, right now, we come to you. We submit to you our burdens. We submit to you our fears. We submit to you that hopelessness, that trial. We submit to you the lies of the enemy, that you would expose him by the light. We submit to you our families, our jobs, our plans, what we think we will do or not do tomorrow. And I ask, Lord, that you would do your perfect way, that you would have your perfect will in every person listening to this. Because you promise, Lord, that when you. When we come to you, you will not cast us off. You will not forget about us. In fact, you have made it known to us that you are as close as close can be living inside of us. We thank you. We praise you that you use our trials for our own good, even the things that the enemy has used against us. You turn around for good. We praise you in your holy name, in the name of Yeshua, the Messiah. Amen. Thank you for joining me. Share this video I'll see you in the next one. Shalom.

Many of you are facing every trial at once at this moment: It feels like it cannot get any worse. It's more than you could ever handle. It can even feel like God has forgotten about you. This video is for you.

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