Rise on Fire Ministries

The Great Distraction?

1 month ago

The devastation here is just destructive. Devastation comes to California. We've made a lot of progress. This is Amica. Yeshua is speaking to his disciples, and he's saying, look, there's going to come a time when you guys and believers, they're going to desire to see the coming. They're going to look for the signs. They're going to go and look for the signs in the skies. They're going to go and look for the signs that Yeshua said we should look for, like the rebuilding of a temple as a sign that his coming is drawing more near for the signs upon the earth with wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes in diverse places and all of these things which, let me clarify absolutely, we should be looking for the signs that he has said we should look for. We should remain awake. But he says there's going to come a time when you're going to look to desire those days to see the Son of Man coming, but you will not see it. See, we are in those days right now where we are desiring it. And we're not seeing it right now yet. We're not seeing his coming yet. He is coming, but it is not yet. But this is why I want to submit to you. He told his disciples he was warning them because in where we are today, it's easy to grow impatient about his prophesied coming. And in our impatience, we start grasping for anything that can bring hope for his coming, because we feel like this world is growing darker. We feel like we want to escape this place. The Messiah is warning us against losing focus. Yes, you may not see My coming yet, but do not lose focus on what I told you to look to most. And let me say, yes, he told us to look for the signs. But there is a focus, a calling he's placed right in front of us that many of you are losing focus on as you incline your eyes on everything else but that. And the second warning is to become careless about the signs and the prophecies that he is giving us. See, he has given us true signs in heaven and on earth, indeed. But as we grow more hungry for his return, we start grasping for things that aren't actually signs, and we start looking to prophecies that aren't actually prophecies of the Lord. We must be careful to, when we consider the signs, to consider it according to what is written and spoken by the Messiah himself. Not inflating things, considering all things, indeed, but not inflating. And not inflating prophecies or making or speaking prophecies forth because we hope for those prophecies to come to pass so much. But just because you hope for something doesn't mean that that's the will of the Lord. And many of us are hoping so much that he must return in my lifetime. I'm getting old. PD my time is drawing near. He has to return in my lifetime. And so now we are grasping for his return so much that we are compromising the truth of what it means we should be looking for. And so I want to submit to you. The more we lose focus on what we are to focus on, the more careless with the signs we become. And like children who have nothing to do but stare into the sky, we find ourselves like believers with nothing to do, it seems, but stare at signs. And again, signs are given to us. But we have more to do than stare at signs. And so now we see Christians all over the world who are but cultural Christians. They're suddenly very interested in his return with an eclipse that's occurring or with a red heifer that's discovered. And everyone is excited. But I want to ask you, where is the excitement of the sign that we are to become? Where is the excitement for the building of the temple of the Lord, the temple he's building you up to be? Where is the excitement in believers to be changed by the Holy Spirit, empowered from up high for to see the manifestations that God wants to move through you as he moved through the Messiah, as he prophesied, as he had words of knowledge, as he had many healings spring forth, as he had the demons cast out all around him, as the early church turned cities upside down with the very fact that they recognized themselves to be the temple that has come. I would like to remind you of the moment that the disciples witnessed the ascension of Yeshua. And the angel came to them in Acts 1:11 and said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you saw him go. We see that the disciples were so astonished at his leaving, perhaps as they even proclaim themselves being saddened by his ascension and leaving of them. They were perhaps looking into the sky with this sadness of when are you gonna come back? And that is understandable. Many of us are looking into the skies with that sadness of when are you coming back? And the Messiah rejoices in our hearts of hoping for his return. Hallelujah. But I want to remind you of what happens just about two or three or four verses later in this very chapter. Of Acts 1. It is in verse 13 written. And when they had entered, they went to the upper room. And we know, all of us know what happens in Acts chapter two, where the Holy Spirit is poured out upon everyone there. And we see that 3,000 are baptized instead of the 3,000 that perished before at the building of the Golden Calf. So we witness now, in fact, the very thing that the Father wants to do. He wants us to recognize, yes, he has ascended, and he will come the way that he is coming. He has left. However, at the same time, he wants us to now and go to the upper room. He wants us to go to the places that he has called us, to where the Holy Spirit can move, and it's through us. See if the disciples camped under the stars, looking into the heavens, looking at the skies, looking for the signs of his return, and that's all they ever did. They would not accomplish any of what they did. But see, the angel told him, what are you looking at? He's gonna come back as to tell them, get busy with what he has called you. In the first century, they had a temple physically standing. They had their red heifers and all of the things that they felt they needed. However, their offerings, despite everything they were doing, were still unclean because they were a people who became distracted. And it caused that very temple, that second temple, to become destroyed, just as the Messiah prophesied would happen. Offerings. For them, it wasn't actually just bringing a guilt offering or bringing a sin offering forth or whatever offering, following the Levitical protocols as God did outline, which was wonderful. However, their offerings that they offer became unclean because of their evil works. And this is what Haggai warned in verse 14. So it is with this people and with this nation before me, declares the Lord. And so with every work of their hands and what they offer there is unclean. The work of our hands is our offering unto the Lord. And because the work of their hands was full of hypocrisies and uncleanness, suddenly they became corrupted themselves. And with that, their expectations of who the Messiah is and what he's going to look like became corrupted. And they could not recognize him walking among them. They could not recognize the true temple of God walking among them. But if they were imitating their God in the ways that he's always called and desired, even ever since the garden, then perhaps then they would have recognized him walking among them. As Peter prophesied in Acts, chapter two, in the last days it will be, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh to prophesy. And so I declare to you, the Lord is saying, I am pouring out my spirit upon all flesh. Now in this moment today, if you can hear me, you are living in the day for it. And the question is, will you rebuild the house of the Lord in your life or will you allow it to remain laid in ruins because the spirit is quenched in you and in your fellowship and in your city and in your country? Or will you become the very thing that becomes change? Because the temple of God is a temple that is bringing change. See God, whenever he called for the temple to be rebuilt, it marked a moment of change for all of his people. They would start worshiping him like never before. They would start becoming a witness like never before. In fact, many people from all over the world by the time that Yeshua that Jesus was walking, many people from all over the world were coming from the four corners to the temple. See, the temple is the place, the thing that draws people to the presence. And so now what if that's what you're called to be now. So let us no longer say the time is not yet. The time is now. Let's become it. Father, I pray right now Lord that you would come with your spirit and indwell every temple listening to this and you would come and make our offerings clean. Father, remove uncleanness from us. Remove guilt and shame and condemnation from us. Remove all of the distraught and disunities from our hearts that we have with all one another. Lord. Father, I pray Lord that you would come and help us to become a temple of spirit and truth. Father, help us to be a people that is seen and becomes known for the love. Because to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength in our neighbor and as ourself is more than all burnt offering and sacrifices. Lord, help us to love above all. We thank you, we praise you. Yeshua. Bring about a great move. Bring your people into alignment with you. Let them see and taste that you are good. I pray this in the name of Yeshua. Amen. Thank you for joining me. Subscribe and like this video and we'll see you in the next one.

As believers in Yeshua, we long for our Messiah’s return. But in the midst of our desire for this, some of us have run after everything and anything thrown our way proclaiming to be a sign of His coming. So much so that entire ministries have been built solely upon searching for “the next new thing.”

How can we as the Body of Christ find clarity amidst the chaos? Looking for the signs of the times is a good thing, but have we made it an addiction? Have we allowed our interest in “signs” to overtake our hunger for Christ Himself and what He told us to do, to be ready for His return?

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