Rise on Fire Ministries

╫ A New Kingdom Has Arrived - The Acts Series (Chapter 1-2) [PODCAST]

I'm excited to announce the Acts Series! In this coming series, we will be going through the entire Book of Acts.

2 years ago

╫ A New Kingdom Has Arrived - The Acts Series (Chapter 1-2) [PODCAST]

I'm excited to announce the Acts Series! In this coming series, we will be going through the entire Book of Acts! My hope is that you'll realize the same thing I did when I first studied this book seriously: When I looked at my own life, and the lives of other believers around me, something was clearly missing. The wonders, the salvations, the generosity of Acts was as from another world. A Kingdom has come upon the Earth and a nation of priests arose to continue Yeshua's mission. Instead of simply staring into heaven, they were restoring the garden upon Earth as Yeshua called them to. Join me in this series, coming soon! Realize what has felt missing!