Rise on Fire Ministries

How People Get Demons

12 days ago

Jesus didn't just preach the gospel, he casted out demons. Jesus didn't just heal the sick, he casted out demons. Jesus didn't just teach the law, he casted out demons. Jesus didn't just breathe on his disciples to receive the Holy Spirit, he casted out demons. All of the things that Jesus did is amazing, invaluable and important and worthy of our imitation. And that includes casting out demons. So I'm about to talk about some things that I fully recognize are extremely taboo. It is unspeakable in many circles to speak about what we are about to speak about. So when we think about and talk about the concept of demons, the world thinks of it as being fictional. Yet at the same time, they love to toy with the idea. We see in Hollywood, we see in board games, we see in entertainment of all sorts. And then of course, moving over from entertainment into actual witchcraft, we see. Well, at the same time, the world kind of laughs at the idea of demons. They also glorify the idea of demons. And it is out of this fear of glorifying evil or, or giving it too much power, as many people might think, that Christianity has also taken a step back and also perhaps from the fear of being laughed at, the fear of taking something serious that the world plays with. Whatever the reason, this idea of demons is something that we do not like to talk about. But I want to submit to you that there is a place to talk about it without having to glorify evil or without having to say, oh, it has so much power, or without having to fear it. In fact, it is the fear of the unknown that drives fear. It is when we do not know what demons are, how they come into people's lives and how they can be cast out, that we have a. A fear of them that is not biblical. Because truly, truly our messiah, Jesus, Yeshua, the messiah, he did not fear the demonic. The demonic feared him. And in the same way, when the spirit of Jesus lives in us, we should not fear the demonic anymore. They fear us. And in the same way, we should not consider it a strange thing that they exist and that they are in this world all around people working through people and systems in this world all the time, every single day. But yet if we turn a blind eye and play church act like that's not a reality, then what are we kidding ourselves? We see that the Bible talks about how Satan has deceived the entire world. In revelation twelve nine, we read, and the grey dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent who is called the devil. And Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. How does the Satan deceive the whole world? Many ways. But one of the ways is by convincing believers that he doesn't somehow actually exist and play a big role in the spiritual realm that surrounds us. Now we can decide, well, Petey, you know, watch out, watch out. Like, there are people who go after demons and things and think that everything is a demon and every sin is caused by demons and everything is to blame on demons and Satan. And I understand that everything is not a demon. Discernment is necessary, absolutely. But we can't continue to pretend like nothing is a demon either, because while we pretend like they don't exist, as the way we conduct our relationship with God, as to not actually go after demonic oppression when necessary and educate one another on how to escape any demonic influence in our lives, then we end up finding our own children on TikTok watching videos now, which is now a new trend on how to get demons. All right, children are doing this online. They're seeking a religious experience, a supernatural experience that they never received in their house, and they're going on TikTok, finding it. They think, at least there, and that is even too shocking to speak about in detail. But yet, I want to submit to you. It is because we have stripped in the west, we have stripped the supernatural nature of God from him. We have stripped the Holy Spirit out of our relationship with God in the ways that he was active in the first century and in many other aspects of the world. Forgive me, but I'm from Africa, South Africa specifically. And over there, it is. The supernatural aspect of the spiritual realm is very. It is widely accepted here in the west. It is scoffed at. And so because of the advancements of the west, we think we are so smart. But at the same time, what has happened is we have, even in our. In our belief of being followers of the Messiah, we have even stripped this, the supernatural out of that. But we do not actually consider the fact that there's someone sick. Let's lay our hands on the sick and see them recover. Oh, there is someone who is obviously demonically oppressed. Let's cast out the demon now. Instead of casting the demons out of people, we cast the people out of our churches, instead of actually going after the evil and really ridding the evil from our midst, from our churches. We think it's the person, and we throw the people out because we don't recognize our battle is not against flesh and blood. Our battle is not against brothers and sisters. Our battle is not against the atheist who lives down the street. Our battle is against demonic principalities of a dark world that has come into this one wherein Satan was cast down. Now, there is a place to disfellowship someone from a fellowship under certain circumstances of sin, allowing them to be restored through repentance. But we don't merely disfellowship someone because they're demonically oppressed. We are to help them. And yet, that is when Yeshua came on the earth, he was surrounded by the plans of the devil, and he was able to withstand it all, resist all the devil's plans, because he was equipped with the word of God. And so let us stop being allergic to this discussion because of perhaps abuse or whatever else we have seen. It's time to actually open up the discussion so that we can get to the bottom of what is true, holy and righteous regarding this subject. Because despite it being so taboo, Yeshua Jesus, who was the greatest scholar, talked about demons numerous times and addressed them head on all the time. He demonstrated that demons exist and inhabit people. He demonstrated that they can be cast out by himself, his disciples, and even those who would later come to believe in him. Mark 1617. And these signs will accompany those who believe in my name. They will cast out demons. So many have talked about how to cast out demons. But how does a person get a demon in the first place? And if someone received deliverance from those demons, how do we prevent them from returning? Jesus didn't just preach the gospel, he casted out demons. Jesus didn't just heal the sick, he casted out demons. Jesus didn't just teach the law, he casted out demons. Jesus didn't just breathe on his disciples to receive the Holy Spirit. He casted out demons. All of the things that jesus did is amazing and valuable and important and worthy of our imitation. And that includes casting out demons. Sometimes there is a case where demons will leave naturally. They will leave when someone accepts Christ. They will leave when the Holy Spirit indwells someone. But there are cases when Jesus comes and he casts out demonstration. He goes and faces them head on, and then that person gets delivered. Let's look at one example in Luke 831. And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss. Now, a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged him to let them enter these. So he gave them permission. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank. Into the lake and drowned. So this is a super strange story now, isn't it? We see that these demons are influencing this man for who knows how long. And as Yeshua comes to deliver him, the demons beg Yeshua to go into pigs instead of a place called the abyss or the pit. This is really crazy to me personally, because one of the first times I ever casted out demons from someone, the demons begged me, saying to me, do not send us to the pit. And I, at the point that that happened in my life, I never was familiar with the scripture and the way I am today. And yet I now fully recognize that, wow, there is something really real about that encounter that I had with them. You see, that is one of the first things that many christians miss out on is when you get face to face with casting out demons, everything about the Bible becomes so alive because you experience what Christ experienced. And so now let's unravel this a bit further. What is all of this about? Why are they asking him to go into pigs? See, we are getting a glimpse of an attribute of demons here that unclean spirits begged to enter unclean animals, that there is something about an unclean animal that they prefer. We see in revelation 1613, another example of this, where it says, in this prophecy and vision I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. Here we see that the prophet describes unclean spirits looking like frogs. Must be a crazy thing to see. And let's look at one more example. Revelation 18 two. And he called out with a mighty voice, fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great. She has become a dwelling place for demons. I haunt for every unclean spirit. I haunt for every unclean bird. I haunt for every unclean and detestable beast. So we see that the demons preferred pigs. An unclean animal. We see in the book of revelation how the prophet describes these unclean spirits looking like frogs. An unclean animal. We see also in revelation further how Babylon the Great is described. And out of her, it's coming out of these unclean spirits, and they are equated to unclean birds and unclean beasts. What is it with unclean animals and unclean spirits? I would just like to briefly remind you about Peter's vision so we don't get the wrong idea from what we're getting to here today. When God shows Peter his vision, the conclusion is, as Peter said, God has shown me I should not call any man unclean based off what they're eating. In other words, that I can't not associate with someone or not get close to someone or not eat with someone or not fellowship with someone because of their diet. And so I want to remind you that where we're going today, it is not saying that, oh, when someone eats unclean animals, that they are a place where demons dwell. That is not the point. But rather the point is what Yeshua said regarding what does defile, what does make a person unclean? And he said in Matthew 1511, what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a person, whether adulteries, whether murders, whether whatever kind of sin that comes out of our mouths, which is what our runs, what our heart runs over from, that defiles a person. That doesn't mean that our diets aren't important. But at the same time, it does mean that sin in the heart, coming out of the mouth, is what makes our temples an unclean place. And like an unclean animal, I want to submit to you that that is what makes our temples more desirable for demons. What does this mean? It simply means that when we sin, we can open the door to demons. When we engage in continuous unclean speech, unclean acts and unclean thoughts in our heart, we, as the scripture says, we are led away by our own temptations, engaging in that evil. It begins voluntarily, but then a demonic infestation can come in if we continue to do so. And we start then losing control more in those moments of temptation. And then we find ourselves in a place where it is so difficult and at times feels almost impossible to withstand that temptation. That in the beginning, it was something that I just chose. Now it's something that really is pulling me into it. And that is a classic symptom of a demonic influence on one's life. And then what we need is deliverance. We need to come to Yeshua. We need him to set us free as he set many free in his day. And suddenly saying no to that temptation becomes so much easier. Suddenly, we are back at us and the sin, not us, and a demon and the sin. And that is why the Lord's prayer that Jesus left us has a piece of it that deals directly with what we're talking about right now, because he says in Matthew 613, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, do you need deliverance? Because there was people in the first century who was in the midst of the messiah, who needed deliverance from evil, and they needed Yeshua. They needed Jesus to be the one who delivers them. They themselves could not deliver themselves. And so, in this prayer, keep us from temptation. Number one, it's simply saying, keep us from this sin. Help us, give us strength to withstand the temptations that surround us every day. And then, number two, if we are oppressed, if we have given into temptation, if we are in need, then deliver us from evil? One example of this is Mary Magdalene, who traveled with the Messiah and has written about her that some women who'd been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out. Luke eight two. And so I just have a simple question. Was Mary delivered from evil? As in the Lord's prayer, keep us from temptation and deliver us from evil? Yes, she was delivered from seven spirits. So when we see that she walking now with Jesus everywhere he's going, that means that Jesus's ministry was known by the fact that of his followers, there were some, including this woman, who has seven demons and who is now set free. And so if we have a ministry of Yeshua ourselves, if we are doing his ministry on the earth, should we not also have testimonies of people who are saying, I had seven demons in my life, but no more? Because I met Yeshua, because Jesus delivered me from my bondages, because of his deathbed and resurrection and the authority over unclean spirits given to believers. And we see another example, not just Mary, but even other religious people who Jesus came into contact with. We see that Yeshua delivers a demonized man in a synagogue in Luke 433. And in the synagogue, there was a man who had the spirit of an unclean demon, and he cried out with a loud voice. All right, so Yeshua would then continue to cause out the demon from this man. But what I want you to just see is how this man is, it seems, quite evidently, struggling with an unclean spirit, crying out of him with a loud voice the moment that it gets in the presence of the messiah. Now, this is pretty typical, that a man like this would come to synagogue every Sabbath, and there would be nothing outwardly manifesting in that way. But the moment that the messiah would come into the room, suddenly, then the demons start manifesting, just like we read in how the demons who were cast into the pigs started speaking out of the man, saying, have you come to torment us? You know, what are you doing? What are you going to do to us? So when the presence of the Holy Spirit comes near a demon, there is oftentimes a manifestation of them that appears then. But at other points, there are also other types of demons that are really good at concealing their presence in someone's life. For example, in Matthew 1244, Yeshua describes how when a demon goes out of a person and goes into waterless places, that person's house can be empty, swept clean and put in order. But that is not enough to stop the demons from returning. In other words, how our houses, how our temples look from the outside, whether it's been cleaned up, and whether we look all well dressed, and whether we, it seems like our religious lives may be in order. Think about the keepers of the law. In the first century, many of the scribes and the Pharisees were the ones who crucified the Messiah, even though they seemed religious, even though they seemed to know God, even though they were scholars. And this is what seems to be the most dangerous type of demonic influence. Number one, the type of demons that were behind the actual crucifixion of the Messiah. Okay, that's, these are, these are some dangerous demons, if that's their role and rank. And number two, these are the exact type of demons working in these certain scribes and pharisees who were of the most elusive of them all, because they weren't the type of demons that when Yeshua walked into the synagogue, that the demons started crying out of the man. Now, these were the types that remained quiet. They were planning his death. But yet we know that they had demonic influence as well. Matthew 23 27. Yeshua says, woe to you, scribes and pharisees, you hypocrites, for you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. So you are also outwardly appearing righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. So notice the words that he is using. He is saying that outwardly you seem clean, and he says that you are full of uncleanness and dead people's bones. These are of the most unclean descriptions that the Messiah could use. And remember what the demon said. We would want to go into the unclean pigs, may we? And he granted it to them. So of the most unclean people, the demons prefer. Yeshua goes on in verse 25 and says, where do you scribes and pharisees, you hypocrites? For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside you're full of greed and self indulgence. Yeshua is stating that they have all of the attributes of what it means for a person to become unclean. What comes out of the mouth as he has said, he says that they have hypocrisy, that the very things that they teach others, they themselves do not do. He says that they have greed. In other words, they are using God's kingdom and their influence to manipulate others, to abuse others, and to enjoy their own self indulgences at the cost of other people who God has sent them to serve. He also says that they have lawlessness. And, of course, lawlessness is defined as breaking the law of God. Yeshua said, whoever relaxes the least of the commandments of the Torah and the prophets, the law of God, and teaches others to do the same, will be called the least in the kingdom. But whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. And look at what he says next. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Yeshua just described those Pharisees as being lawless. And now he says to his followers, make sure that you yourselves do not relax the commandments of God, but rather teach them and obey them so that your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, so that you may enter the kingdom of God. And, of course, the point is simply that he's saying, what you do and what you teach, your actions, it does matter what we believe. Our faith is extremely important, and we are saved by our faith, period. But what we do and what we teach, our actions matter because they are evidence. They are the fruit of our faith in the Messiah. Because when we meet someone as glorious as Yeshua, oh, we better walk away changed. That must be that. If that encounter is true, it means that we truly are changed. But the Pharisees who came against the Messiah, they were. They encountered him, all right. They encountered him face to face. But they didn't walk away changed, because their faith in God was not genuine. They had a religiosity about them. They went to synagogue every sabbath, they went to church. But their encounter with the messiah was not genuine, to the point where they repented. See, many people, they encounter the messiah, but they don't repent. Many people are perhaps like the rich man who Yeshua said, well, if you want to follow me, go and sell all you have. And the rich man walked away with sorrow because his possessions ruled his heart. See, whatever it is that rules our heart, we cannot have two masters. And so whatever is our master will determine what we do. It will determine what we teach. And so, true faith must yield fruit. And when we have true faith. When we have God's spirit and God's truth operating our lives in how we believe and in our actions, then we find ourselves not having to worry about demons at all. We are protected. If we are his, we are, in fact, the ones who have such authority over the demonic realm that they are scared of us. Truly, truly, if we understand the authority given to us, if we want to talk about how we safeguard ourselves and our families against any demonic influence, then there's really two ways. It is about our worship, in truth and in spirit. For such is the worship that our father desires. When we worship God in truth, we don't sin, we don't commit lawlessness. We turn from any stumbling that we may have along the way. Because, of course, the one who says he has no sin is a liar, and the truth is not in him. We all stumble in many ways, but the moment we do stumble, we turn. We repent, we come to the Messiah, and we don't have to worry about demons. But when we start stumbling into deeper areas of sin and we do not repent. And if we allow sin to grow in us, then we do open the door to demons. For example, the law directly warns us against demons in Deutero 1810, there shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer, or one who inquires of the dead. All of the things above are direct engagements with demons. When you inquire of the dead, you're speaking to demons. When you're trying to figure out what your future will hold and you go to a medium, you're talking to demons and getting advice from demons. When we engage in these things, we immediately open the door to demons. And in fact, if you have done this before, you are at high risk of having demons operate in your life as we speak, if you haven't had deliverance yet. Furthermore, we read in Deuteronomy 30 217, they sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently whom your fathers had never dreaded. God describes that when we try and worship idols or quote unquote, other gods of this world, they are not truly other gods. They are simply demons masquerading as other gods. All of the other false religions in this world are led by demons. There's only one true God. And so when we start worshipping in whichever way or form some idol or some other God. What we're doing is we're worshiping demons. We're making them our master, and we will find them influencing us. Furthermore, in Leviticus 2010 to 21, God describes twelve types of sexual immorality. That when you try to become one with someone through sin, through sexual immorality, in other words, in ways that God never designed, in marriage, between a husband and a wife, then you do open the door to demons, because you're now becoming one with someone through sin, not through marriage. And I recommend to read Matthew five, where Yeshua even speaks further about sexual immorality and says that it begins even in the heart, not just in the actions. So when we think about all of the law of God summed up in the Torah and the prophets and the words of our messiah, and we recognize that they are given to us as a safeguard to protect us from the curses that come from breaking the law. The consequences that come by nature, but also the spiritual consequences. The fact that sin takes us away from God if we start habitually engaging with it, and also it opens the doors to the demonic. Does it always mean that when you sin, you need to be fearful that demons are now suddenly going to influence your life? No. And I want you to be very clear on this. That we are not a people who, the moment that we make a mistake, we're suddenly in full of fear that some demon is now after us. Right? That is not what what I'm talking about today. We recognize that we are saved by faith. We're saved by the blood of the lamb. We're saved. And that means that he is saving us from our sins, even every day as we come and bring that to him in repentance. But it is when we habitually start engaging, as the book of Hebrews says, that the one who habitually engages with sin tramples underfoot the son of God. And for him, there is no longer a sacrifice. In other words, you cannot habitually be engaging in sin and continue to say, but I'm saved by faith. I'm saved by faith, but I'm engaging in rebellious sin continuously. We have to get to a point where we repent of our sin, give our lives to Christ, actually give our lives to Christ. And Yeshua said, if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. He's basically simply saying that, do whatever it takes, but do not stumble into habitual sins, because I have saved you for more than that. To be a son, to be cleansed, to be free. And there I am, powerful enough. My spirit is powerful enough to set you free if you would lean on me and on my power, and if you would even, and this is the other thing, brother, sister, there are sometimes going to be cases where if you are finding yourself watching this video and you're saying, pd, I am engaged in bondage, I am in a prison right now. I cannot seem to get free. Yes, I believe in Jesus, but I cannot seem to get free. Then at the end of this video, I'm going to pray for you to be set free by the power of the Holy Spirit. But I want you to see that while the world has all of their superstitions, they say, put salt on your windows. They say even up until the 20th century, they were drawing signs on their doors and by their windows and things in order to keep the evil spirits out. This is up until recently when everyone thought was the way, even christians did this. But yet the scriptures are clear. Obey the law of God. Obey the words of the messiah. That is our first line of defense. Those of us who are in him will walk as he walked. And then number two, be filled with the spirit. If the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin, obey. If the Holy Spirit pricks your heart and says, hey, don't watch that movie, obey. If the Holy Spirit says that board game you're trying to play, don't do that. Obey. If the Holy Spirit is pricking you to get rid of something in your life, then do it. Because to worship him in spirit and truth is to have the Holy Spirit speak to you and to have the word of God speak to you. God wants to speak to you through the spirit in you, through the fact that God lives in you. That means he can speak and through the word that he has left you, his beautiful law, our righteous standard of holy living. But either way, let's ensure that we close whatever doors are open in our lives and in our family's lives and our children's lives. And let us incline our hearts to say, Lord, Holy Spirit, work in us supernaturally. I don't want the supernatural of the demonic. I want the supernatural of the Holy Spirit in my life. And when your children experience the supernatural of the Holy Spirit, they won't want to go look on TikTok at the demonic supernatural stuff. Because look, we as people, we are spirit. We were created for that which is supernatural. Who is God? He is the most supernatural of supernatural. His Holy Spirit is the most supernatural of supernatural. He can do the most supernatural things that surpasses everything. That is why when Moses faced pharaoh Moses, snake ate pharaoh snakes. Because God is more supernatural, more powerful than anything that the demonic realm can throw our way. But let us remain in him. So if you are here and you're sitting here and you've been listening to this and you're like, pity, some of what you're talking about, I actually think that may be the very thing that I am in bondage to, that I have a sin that I cannot shake free from. And it is not just because I am tempted away, but it is because there is something that is pulling me into the point where I feel like God. I cannot. I am with tears here. And I cannot be set free, it seems. Oh, God, what is wrong with me? And you keep getting angry at yourself. Your guilt and shame and condemnation. Perhaps it is that there is something else that is operating in you that you may not have recognized. That there is a spirit that is operating in you. So now I would like to invite you to join me in this prayer for our children who need this so much. For our families and even for ourselves. Yeshua, I ask that you would come upon every person watching this right now. Yeshua, I ask that you would, by your spirit, enter every room, every house, Lord and father. Every unclean spirit. Father. In the homes of people watching, every unclean spirit right now that seeks to oppress and put shame and guilt and condemnation and fear in the people watching right now. Lord, Holy Spirit, I pray by your power and every unclean spirit must submit to the holy name of Yeshua. And so right now, I cast out out of every home, every unclean spirit. I cast out every spirit of night terrors in the name of Yeshua, I cast out every spirit of rage in the name of Yeshua. I cast out every spirit of witchcraft in the name of Yeshua. I cast out every spirit of sorcery, divination, of medium in the family line. I cast out every covenants that were made through Satanism or whichever occultic practice, every satanic ritual abuse, every trauma, everything, every drama, everything that's happened to people right now that has opened doors. We break every chain. In the name of Yeshua, now. And I cast out every unclean spirit right now. We speak even to every religious spirit that may not easily manifest as we discussed. Father, I thank you. Lord, we cast out every religious spirit, every spirit that blinds the religious from the Messiah, who he truly is right now. Every unclean spirit, every spirit that does not confess that Jesus. That Yeshua is Lord, I cast that out in the name of Yeshua. Holy Spirit, come, Lord. Holy Spirit, come. Lord and fill every house, o Lord. Holy spirit. Come Lord. And fill their temples. O God. Holy spirit. Come Lord and give them new life. O God, Father, I pray that you would keep us from our temptations and deliver us from our evils. Holy spirit, give us open minds and open eyes to see the things we need to cut out of our lives. Holy spirit, give us your freedom. Give us your bread from heaven. Let us not have any other master, any other idol in our lives but you. You alone. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Every spirit right now that causes back issues, shoulder issues and any other physical issues in the body. Allergies, hives, skin issues of all types. Any other. Any spirit that causes cancer or other infirmities right now in the name of Yeshua we cast that out. In the name of Yeshua. Father, I thank you for your freedom. I thank you for your healing. I thank you for the spirit of deafness to go in the name of Yeshua. I thank you for the spirit of blindness to go in the name of Yeshua. Let your people hear. And let your people see. In the name of Yeshua. Father, thank you. I praise you lord. I glorify you lord, your healing and your deliverance is so good. And father, I pray lord that every house, every person listening now lord that they would not just have an empty swept clean and put in older house, Lord but that they would be filled from on high. That your holy spirit would fill them as they draw near to you now in the coming days as they open your word and obey. Thank you Lord for filling their temples in the name of Yeshua. Amen. Thank you so much for joining me. Please pray. Please draw near to the father and please fast even as he leads you. I think this is really a time where the Father is coming to clean house. Since we are at the publishing of this video and the time of Shavuot he wants to fill our homes with his holy spirit and rid our houses of every unclean spirit. Thank you for joining me. I'll see you guys in the next one. Many blessings to you inshalom.

From one extreme to the next. It is true that some are too quick to consider almost everything a demon, but it just as true that some consider practically nothing a demon. Jesus, the greatest scholar, revealed that demons exist, inhabit people, can be cast out by Himself, and those with faith in Him. He taught about them, and there are numerous Biblical accounts of Him directly dealing with varying forms of demonic influence on people.

As much as I wish it weren't the case, demons are still around, and keep people in bondage. We must not only know how to deal with them, but teach people how to avoid getting them in the first place. And since Jesus taught about them, may we break the worldly taboo of teaching about them? Demons prefer the status-quo, because it allows them to operate under the radar. May the light expose the darkness. And may we walk like Yeshua, to give Him glory.

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