Rise on Fire Ministries

The Trumpet of the Last Days: Christians keeping Biblical Feasts as a LIGHT to Israel

3 days ago

Israel for thousands of years now have been trying to figure out what the true significance of this feast is. What is the significance of the feast of trumpets? First, I think let's begin with just reading a few verses out of Leviticus regarding the giving of this commandment. Leviticus 23 23 says, and the Lord spoke to Moses saying, speak to the people of Israel saying, in the 7th month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with a blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the Lord. In its essence, the feast of trumpets is a very simple commandment. Actually, it's a little too simple, because as we just read, it comprises of the blowing of trumpets, the gathering of God's people, a holy convocation, that work will cease it being a high Sabbath, that there's a food offering, and that it all happens at an unexpected time, with the moon sighting on the first of the month. You know, the beauty of the feasts are that their full significance cannot possibly be understood without a key. And that key is the messiah. See, indeed, the more we explore these feasts, the more they pull us into the arms of our messiah. Think about Passover, for example. In the first century, as Israel was celebrating Passover, as they had been for thousands of years, they were removing the leaven from their homes. They understood the blood of the lambda and the atonement that that represents. And yet, in that same moment, as percifer is celebrated, we see that a messiah shows up, removes the leaven from Israel, removing her sin from her, that he is known as this lamb of God, who was slain for the sins of Israel and the whole world. And anyone who was truly therefore watching during Passover in the first century, they too would be pulled into the arms of the messiah, recognizing that this is the Passover lamb. But see, it can become so easy for our israeli jewish brothers and sisters, as well as even for us, to start celebrating feasts as a tradition, as something we do every year, because everyone else does it. And it's the norm to do. It's the right thing to do. It's what we should be doing. Jesus came the first time and many missed him. They did not recognize the Passover lamb and are still waiting for a messiah. But he will come again. And this time, when he comes again, no one will miss him. In fact, it's all in the name, the feast of trumpets. It's a loud feast, a feast that when it occurs, when that trumpet blows, everyone knows in the depths of their soul what is about to happen. Matthew 24 speaks of this second coming in verse 29. Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the son of man. And then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds and from one end of heaven to the other. We see that all of these celebrations that occurs on the feast of trumpets, the fact that it occurs on an unexpected time, so it will be with the second coming, the fact that he will be gathering his people, so it will be at the second coming, as he gathers his elect, that work will finally, completely cease as the lord of the Sabbath descends from on high to bring rest to all, and that a food offering will be taken up, that he will be evaluating our fruits to see if we are worthy to be called his elect. But I want you to realize something we just read in Matthew 24. It's written that all of the inhabitants of the earth will mourntain everyone, whether they like him or not, whether they believed him or not, whether they are his enemy or his friend. All people at his appearance will mourn, because all will know and all will mourn at his glory. But only the elect, his people will be gathered, those who believe and are of faith. So mourning in of itself will not save you. Tomorrow. Repent and have faith today. Make yourself ready now, because no one is promised, never mind tomorrow, but the next minute you may not make it to the end of this broadcast. We are all only a breath away from death, and we have to, in this time especially be reminded of the reality that your next breath could be you standing at the judgment seat before the messiah, who will be staring you in the eye, and there will be no one and nothing else but you and him, your life and his life, his sacrifice for you and your fruits for him. This is a coming reality for each and every one of us. So don't get lost in your busy life as it is which this earth makes it so easy for us to forget of what is most important, the kingdom that is not here, but up there coming down to earth. Don't let your storms and the trials and the temptations and the difficulties that you have in your life especially in the times we're living in right now. Take priority over God's plan for you. Prioritize his plans, and he will take care of your storms. But now, in connection with the theme of the conference that is Israel and the jewish people, I would like to speak a few words. It has been about 3470 years since God instructed Israel about trumpets, a feast faithfully kept for all those years, despite the fact that they did not have a complete understanding of what it points to. I mean, think about it. That revelation of Matthew 24 of the second coming being with the blow of a trumpet, they do not see that yet. But yet, even when they do not recognize the messiah in this moment nor the writings about him, they have still been keeping the feast of the second coming, the feast of. Of trumpets that anticipates that Messiah's return. While, ironically, today, the feast of trumpets is, for the most part unknown by most of Christianity, while they recognize, on the other hand, the messiah, whose return it all announces. Isn't there something wrong with this picture? One doesn't recognize the shadow of the messiah, and the other doesn't recognize the person. And isn't it true that as long as the sun shines, you cannot remove the shadow from the person? Yet this is unfortunately what many have done today. The jewish person knows that there is significance in the feast and is seeking its significance actively. On the other hand, the Christian holds the key to its significance, but insists that the feasts are too jewish for them and not important enough to keep. But they will announce the return of the messiah. They are not fully fulfilled yet. The feast of trumpets is still coming. See, we, for some reason, have considered our God's feast as too jewish because the jewish peoples have been the ones to preserve them. But the Bible calls them biblical, specifically, God's feasts for us all, whether the native born or the grafted into Israel. The reality is, if we are to provoke Israel to jealousy, as we are called to do, this current ignorance must cease, not only for their sake, but for ours as well. Romans 1113. Paul writes, now I'm speaking to you gentiles. Inasmuch then, as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous and thus save some of them. Paul tells us something is just. I've missed this for so long. He says, look, I'm the one who's been sent to the Gentiles. We want to talk about callings. I was sent to that group of people. That's my calling. But yet, he says, at the same time, I magnify my ministry towards the jewish people. Paul shows us that this is not about our calling. You can say, I feel like I'm called to Africa. I feel like I'm called to this group or that group. And praise God. He has called us to different ministries and gifts. But Paul, being called to the Gentiles, says, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't magnify my ministry to the jewish people. For it is written, as the messiah told us, to the jew first. So if we want to follow Paul's example, as he told us to imitate him as he imitates Christ, then let us imitate him as he kept the feast of unleavened bread in acts 26, or in one corinthians five, eight, or Pentecost and acts 2016. These things have faded within Christianity. But yet today, as I speak, you are watching this. You're watching, you're sitting and you're listening as we all speak about this feast of trumpets that has gone quiet in much of Christianity for a long time. And for some reason, the Lord right now, the Holy Spirit right now, has brought a restoration, and you are part of that restoration. And we have to ask why. See, it's now easy for us all to start recognizing how God's restoration of the feast days to non jewish people is a sign of the end days that we're living in. See you watching. This is a sign of the times of the coming redemption. You participating is a part of God's plan. And you celebrating trumpets is preparing the way for the coming of our messiah. This is the trumpet of your life, showing up, participating, celebrating. But this is also why our fruit must be so, so good. For our fruit is our witness. Those who blow a trumpet, and many will, while not bearing good fruit, they take God's name in vain and do not belong to Yeshua. And that may sound harsh, but the reality is, it's just because you keep a feast doesn't mean you know who Yeshua is and that he knows you. I want to remind you, in John 15 five, he says, I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, bear good fruit. He is thrown away like a branch and withers, and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. Yeshua is calling the twelve sons of Jacob, the native born of Israel, whether they know it or not. And he is calling the entire seed of Abraham, all who believe in Yeshua, the messiah, into his arms. So we may all dwell in the father's house forever. And now I would like to just end this off with something. The father spoke to me. I saw a tree, and this was a strange tree. And that this tree was half. It had branches on one side, and on the other side of the tree, there was no branches. And on the side where there was no branches, there was a whole forest of other trees. And on the side of the tree, where there were branches, there was no other trees. I saw this for real in nature. And the father told me, this is how it is with the church right now. See, we have become really good at stretching our branches out to this one side the world. For a long time, the word of God has gone out to the nations and the Gentiles, as was prophesied it would happen. But a time is coming when the fullness of the gentiles will have coming, as Paul says, will happen. And we will be left with this whole other side, with a forest that is to be reached. And that forest is Israel. But to reach them, the tree needs to have a change. The tree cannot continue to just have branches on one side. The tree needs to grow new branches reaching towards this unreached forest. But that change will be so, so good for the tree, because it is for that tree to change into what is truly normal. A tree that has branches on all sides, that is a healthy, that is a normal tree. See, God's tree is not complete until the natural branches, more specifically, speaking of the jewish people, are grafted back in. History isn't complete until the natural branches, the jewish people, are grafted back in. Prophecy isn't complete until the natural branches are grafted back in. And you might not ask how this will happen supernaturally with the Holy Spirit. Just as God used the tree to reach out to Israel through Moses in the exodus, by coming and appearing to him in a burning bush, signifying to Moses the tree of fire that he is to become, that the spirit will move through and work mighty miracles through, and signs through that cause Israel to leave pharaoh and Egypt behind. God used that same fire and lighted it on the heads of those in acts chapter two, as the tongues of fire was a testimony to all there who got baptized. And now that same power throughout history is coming into our midst today to demonstrate to the jew first. And he will demonstrate. But the question is, will you be a part of that demonstration and that move of the spirit? Will you allow God's holy spirit to touch and change people through your vessel. See, brothers and sisters, this here, this all here is why spirit and truth worship is an essential and not a negotiable in the kingdom of God. That is why God is now, in this day, calling you to return to his truth. Which include what we are here gathered for today to celebrate his beautiful feasts. And to return to God's spirit, which includes our leaves becoming healing for the nations, allowing the Holy Spirit to move and change others through us. Stepping out on our part in faith like never before. As the disciples of the Messiah did, so we may see the world change in the ways that they did. Father I pray, Lord, for all who are gathered here tonight, that you would bless and keep them of your spirit. They would be filled. That they would be changed. That they would become a tree that bears good fruit and burns powerfully. For you, Father. I also pray, Lord, that you would continue to teach us and reveal to us your truth. I thank you, Lord, for restoring it to us. And, Lord, we pray for our brother Judah, that you would bless and keep Judah, that you would open her eyes and ears. In the name of Yeshua, I pray. Amen.

This year, more Christians than ever before are celebrating the Feast of Trumpets - But did you know Christians celebrating God’s feasts precede the Second Coming? And is part of God's plan to draw Israel to the Messiah? If you are watching, you are part of God's plan. If you are celebrating, you are His Trumpet Call to Israel. Let the Feast of Trumpets not only be remembering a day in a year, but a fruitful life.

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