Rise on Fire Ministries

#111 – ╫ Walking in the Spirit - Romans Series (Chapt. 7 - 9) [PODCAST]

[PODCAST]The preacher is up there, he takes a deep breath, and proclaims: "We need to walk in the Spirit! We need to be led by the Spirit!"

5 years ago

[PODCAST]The preacher is up there, he takes a deep breath, and proclaims: "We need to walk in the Spirit! We need to be led by the Spirit!" But have you ever wondered what that really means? Sadly, most Christians don't. It's not just about an oogly googly feeling, but scripture pins it down as something all believers must do, and if they don't, scripture says that they cannot please God. Scripture also says this very thing is the "secret" that will open the eyes of the Jewish people to their Messiah. So I guess it's quite important for us to understand what scripture defines as "walking in the Spirit"? Let's find out. Rise on Fire is a ministry assigned to ignite a fire of Spirit & Truth around the world. God is calling us back to the walk of Yeshua with no more excuses. We are free from the traditions of men, led by the Truth and empowered by the Spirit. ╫ If this blessed you, make a donation to help me do more! http://www.riseonfire.com/partner ╫ Links: http://www.riseonfire.com http://www.facebook.com/RiseOnFire http://www.twitter.com/RiseOnFireSA https://www.youtube.com/RiseOnFire