Rise on Fire Ministries

╫ Meeting God Face to Face - Feast of Trumpets 2021 [PODCAST]

One thing is guaranteed in life: You will hear The Trumpets.

2 years ago

Episode Notes

"I can't wait for Jesus to come back and get me." One thing is guaranteed in life: You will hear The Trumpets. "I'm ready!", you say. At the base of Mt. Sinai, Israel stood when the air was pierced with the trumpet blast of God! As they witnessed just how awesome He is, their lives ran through their minds in slow motion. They realized they were all but ready to encounter the King. They called on Moses to go up on their behalf.

But a day is coming, says the Lord, where He will meet YOU personally. No Moses, no pastor, no parent, husband or wife in between. Will you be ready? The Feast of Trumpets is all about this moment. This is your rehearsal, don't miss it!