Rise on Fire Ministries

Where is God in the Storm? Why does He allow difficulty? Why is He silent?

2 days ago

God's silence in the storm. This is such a question that so many people have. I think in this moment, even right now, this world is in such a difficult spot. Many are struggling me. And if you're struggling right now, let me just say there are so many people just like you all around the world who love the messiah, who are in a place of God. Are you there? Are you hearing me? I'm struggling. Lord, why do you have seems silent? Right. So let's look at the question. How do we deal with God's silence during the storm? It's been storming for over three years, and there have been many pleas and prayers along with repentance and fasting, but he still remains quiet. I'm close to drowning, but still no answer comes. It feels like rejection. Yet I know he would never leave me. How do you continue to hang on when hope is nowhere to be found? Okay, thank you so much for sending this in. Now, first, just to answer that last part, how do you continue to hang on when hope is nowhere to be found? Personally, I look at two things. First, I look at my own past. I look at what the Lord has done, how he has shown up in my life, what he has given me in past and in my presentation. Looking around me in my life, there are many things that I can be grateful for. And I can thank the Lord for. The Bible says that every good gift is from above, from the father of lights, every good gift. Do you have a child that you're grateful for? Do you have a place to rest your head that you're grateful for tonight? Do you have anything that's from the father? And then after recognizing who he is and what he has given me in past and in present, I'll look at also biblically, because biblically, there is a biblical timeline of history that shows me all of his faithfulness to all of his people for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. How he made a promise to Abraham that took thousands and he took thousands of years and yet fulfilled it fully. I will bring you forth to you and offspring, as many as the stars in the heaven. I am one of those offspring. Hallelujah. I am sitting here through the Messiah. I have become one of those stars in the sky. Well, you know, more part of that Abraham seed, if you will. And Noah was given shelter from the world flood, Moses and the Israelites. The sea was split for them and they were carried on eagle's wings through that exodus. Even though it was full of trials and difficulties, God was with them through it all. And you know, in the question it was written, it seems like no answer comes from God. It seems like he's silent. Of course, I don't know the specifics of your situation, but witness God in all of the things that he should be acknowledged in. In your life. Acknowledge his presence in your life. Because when we say, no answer comes, it may be that we're just not looking in the right place for that answer. And I know sometimes, you know, we're looking for an answer on a certain question, and God is God, and we are not. His ways are above ours, and he will answer us in his timing and in his way, but he speaks to us nonetheless through so many things in our lives. I want to read to you mark 435, because I think that the story will resonate on that day. When evening had come, he said to them, okay, this is now Yeshua speaking. He's telling them, let us go to the other side. And then they got on a boat, and there were other boats with them. And then a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so the boat was already filling up. Okay, this is serious. Let's not take this like. This is really serious. The boat's filling up. And the disciples, who are fishermen by trade, they have spent some time on a boat before. They kind of know what it's like when a boat's about to sink. Okay, this is, like, the one thing they know in life. This boat is filling. We're gonna die. And it says that Yeshua was on the stern, asleep on the cushion, and they woke him and said, teacher, do you not care that we're dying like this is happening? Sorry, there's some humor in here. And he awoke, and he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said to them, why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith? And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? Okay, so the wind and the sea is obeying him. And he's the one who has your situation in the palm of his hand. He's got his eye on it right now as I speak, just like this. He knows of everything that you know. He knows of the things that's coming. He knows of the past. He knows of what it's doing to you, how you're feeling. He knows it all. And where there are tears, he has shed them with you. He has mourned with you. When Lazarus was in the tomb. Remember this? Let's think about this for a sec. Lazarus in the tomb. He died. And the people are mourning. And Yeshua, knowing what is about to happen, he knows that Lazarus is about to be raised from the dead. He's going to do it. But he also knows that there was a purpose for allowing him to get to the stage of death. And he knew how much it hurt the people. But he knew that there was something greater at stake. There was something he was doing inside of the hearts of his people. And then he said, lazarus, come out. And Lazarus came out of the tomb. And the people saw what he had done. Raising the dead to life. Do you want him to raise the dad to life in your life? Do you want him to bring life to the things that you thought is dead? The situations, the relationships that you think is dead? If you want him to breathe life into it, you need to allow him to let things run the course according to his purposes. Because sometimes he allows things to get to a certain point for his greater purpose. So that 2000 years later, we as here tonight, can speak of that glory and speak of his Majesty and his will in that situation of Lazarus that turned out for the glory of God. And everyone smiled and was satisfied in it. There are many situations now that, yes, we may mourn today, but we will smile and we will be satisfied in it. And even, let me say, even when they were mourning for Lazarus, Yeshua mourned with them, knowing that he was going to be raised. He mourned with them. And so he mourns with us. Even knowing of the good that he's going to do tomorrow, even knowing about the Lazarus that he's raising in our life tomorrow, he still mourns with you. So remember that. Please trust in him, and he will deliver you. He will sustain you. One Peter 412 says, beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. What an honor it is to share in the sufferings of Christ in this world. We can come out at the end of it and say, I have at least some idea of what it was like for my messiah to suffer in the ways he did. Because he gave me a small miniature taste of what that's like. And that changes me more into the image of Christ. Because Christ in his nature suffered. And so for us to be changed into his nature. We also must suffer many things in this world. But he is with us through it all, and it will all be worth it as we are changed into his image. Another question from Texas regarding the sifting. A follow up question. Is sifting the same as having your faith tested? Or is it more intense? Can you discuss how Peter, or maybe the other apostles were sifted? We feel like we're being called to a higher purpose. Could that be a reason for sifting? What is the biblical basis for sifting? Yes. Many of us may find ourselves in that situation of feeling like as God, as we're kind of speaking. Is he refining us? What is the biblical precedence for that? I'll remind you of this word, sifting, where it comes from. Simon. Simon. Behold, Satan is demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned against, strengthen your brothers. And Peter said, I'm ready. I'm ready to go to both prison and to death for you, lord. Was Peter ready for prison and death? No, because the moment that Yeshua was captured, he ran away and he denied him three times. And that's what Yeshua prophesied would happen. I tell you the rest will not cry this day until you deny me three times that you know me. And so in the same way we need to be sifted, we need to, God needs to refine us, because we may say, oh, God, I will go to prison and to death for you. I feel ready. Well, God has to refine us, because, see, Peter eventually in his life did go to prison and did face death and did die for the messiah. He was killed for his faith in the Messiah. At the cross, when Yeshua was being crucified, he was not ready for it, but at the end of his life he was, because the sifting was complete, he was refined, and therefore he could stand before Yeshua in person, as we will all do one day face to face and receive a crown of glory, because you have allowed him to mold you into his image. James one, two, says, my brethren, count it all joy when you fall into temptation, just knowing that the trying of your faith works patience, the patience have her perfect work, that she, you may be perfect and complete, wanting nothing. Philippians 411. Paul says, I'm not going to speak of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation to be in content. Paul says, I've been brought low. I know how to abound. I have learned in every circumstance the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things though through him. Through Yeshua who strengthens me. And he says, and in James one five I'll leave in this question with this. If any of you lack wisdom, ask God that gives to all liberally and it will be given to him. But ask with faith. Ask with faith. So whatever situation you are facing, dear brother, dear sister, ask with faith the wisdom from above on lord, how do I deal with this? I myself cannot make these decisions. I cannot get out of this. Lord. Your spirit must change me to be able to go through this. Your spirit must empower me. Your spirit must give me wisdom. You must be the one who guides me. That's. That's the only thing that's gonna get us through our situations. Alright? So I hope that helps you guys. I hope that fills your heart with hope. The time is short. Let us put our hope in Yeshua. Let us allow him to do his good work in us. And we will rejoice. We will rejoice. So let us rejoice even today in what he is doing in us.

God are you there? Are you hearing me? Why are you silent in the storm?

A question from a viewer: "It’s been storming for over 3 years and there have been many pleas and prayers along with repentance and fasting, but He still remains quiet. I’m close to drowning, but still no answer comes. It feels like rejection, yet I know He would never leave me. How do you continue to hang on when hope is nowhere to be found?"

Join PD as he answers this question.

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