Rise on Fire Ministries

Day of Atonement 2024: As in the Days of Noah - Preparing your House for the Spiritual Storm

God is calling all - now - to look upon the one who was pierced. Prepare your house!

1 day ago

Currently, people in the United States have been struck with a fear. Search crews are combing through the remote mountains in western North Carolina. Milton has rapidly intensified today. Now at category five, Hurricane Helene has come and caused much destruction in its wake. And now Hurricane Milton is on the way to Florida. At the time of recording this video and I myself, looking at the biblical feast season, we are in looking at these days that have been given to us that announce the coming of the king. A day that is called the day of the Lord, a day that is called a dreadful day, a day that will accompany much mourning, as the Bible prophesies. And yet, then, when I look around me right now and I see mourning, I see even mourning in my own soul. For I have even myself felt that it is almost even, it felt, it feels even wrong to enjoy anything in this time in light of the suffering of so many right now, so many who have lost possessions or even loved ones. And so, brother sisters, what is the father trying to reveal to us in this time? There is something that we have to see and open our eyes to that's happening all around us. And it's not what many think. It's not just about what you see with your very eyes and hear with your very ears on the news. It is about what is happening spiritually. Now, I understand that this is a sensitive time. I understand that this is a time where many are confused, many are fearful, are hurt, many are worried. And yet, at the same time, my responsibility is to give you a word from the Lord, a word of hope, but a word that is to direct you to what is most important. Because the father is getting our attention for a time like this, for the sake of his kingdom, not for the sake this world right now, upon the news, when you turn it on, there is fear, there is worry, there is disaster. But yet, in Christ, he has called us to not worry as the world worries, but to put hope in him, to put faith where it belongs. And I'll be honest with you, just trying to communicate this message is extremely difficult for me because I do not want you to think that I am lowering the seriousness, the grief. In the morning. Let me just remind you of the morning that I myself have been experiencing like I have never before, for what I have been seeing and hearing, even from close friends and loved ones. When we see a storm in this world with our own eyes or we hear about of our own ears, we see it reported on the news. It is so real. And we mourn. We should. We should mourn with those who are mourning. We should pray for those who've been in its path. But then it should also remind us of the storm below the surface. The storm that's much bigger. The storm that is the spiritual storm of human souls that are being lost for eternity. Every single day, people are dying a second death, a permanent death, a permanent separation from the living God. And they, many of them, are being caught unaware. The Bible says that as the son of man returns, it will be as it was in the days of Noah. How they were unaware as the flood came and swept them all away, so it will be upon the earth that many will be unaware. And the flood of his coming, if you will, will come. And they who do not know him, they who have not accepted the free gift of eternal life, will be swept away into darkness. And as we speak about the day of atonement, we have to speak of that separation. This is a permanent thing. This is not something can be rebuilt. This is not a house that you rebuild. This is not a life that you rebuild. This is not moving to a new city and starting a new life. There is a permanency to this that we cannot grasp. And so, let our morning in this time be a reminder to us all. For us to ignite a fire inside of us, to win souls for the kingdom of God. Because it is all connected. I want to remind you that in the Garden of Eden, there wasn't a hurricane Helene. In the garden of Eden, there wasn't a hurricane Milton. In the garden of Eden, there was no sickness nor storm. And it is the fall of mankind that it brought forth a corruption, not just within mankind, but all of creation fell. And what we see is a consequence of sin, of the fall of man. And the father wants to restore us back to a place where there are no more storms, not upon the earth. And he wants to put an end for us to enter that place. He has to put an end to the much greater storm of all storms, the storm of being separated from him. He wants to draw near to humanity. And so when you see something like this happen and you ask, oh, God, why, no, I don't have the answers for you. But I can tell you that the father has spoken in his will and his plan to be reunited with us. His desire is not to be separate. His desire is not for us to be in bondage. His desire is for us to be in freedom and in his presence and in his love to dwell in the joy of the Garden of Eden forever. That is his will. That is what he wants. See, when people came to Yeshua in his day. In Luke 13, they spoke to him about a disaster that was happening in their day. And they said, it says, those 18 on whom the tower of Siloam fell and killed them. Yeshua says, do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? He says, no, I tell you, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish in the memory of this disaster. Jesus took this example of people who died and said, don't you think that you're better than they are? Don't you think that they deserve it more than you? Rather understand that if you do not yourself repent, you will all perish. We are all on a path to death. All of us have the same destiny of eternal separation from God. Unless something comes and brings a change, a shift on our path, unless we do this thing that he called repenting this day of atonement. To understand this storm that I've been speaking about, I want us to open in Leviticus 16, one where God reminds us of what happened to Aaron's sons when they tried to approach the Lord. It says that the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they drew near before the Lord and died. And the Lord said to Moses, tell Aaron, your brother, not to come at any time into the holy place inside the veil before the mercy seat that's on the ark, so that he may not die, for I will appear in the cloud over the mercy seat. Aaron's sons approached the presence of God casually, and because of that, they were killed by the. The presence of God. This is a strange notion. Well, that doesn't sound like a good thing. There is something wrong with that picture, that we as people cannot come into his presence, and if we do, we will perish. In fact, God even says to Aaron, the high priest, even you, when you. You just come into the presence, you will die. See, what is being highlighted is the fundamental problem that every human being on this earth has to face. That a perfect and a holy God we cannot approach. The problem is not God's holiness. You are the problem. I am the problem. Our evil deeds and our evil thoughts are the problem. See, the moment that we lose sight or ignore the reality of our unrighteous deeds is the moment that Satan comes in with great deception. See, Aaron's sons, they did not understand how unrighteous they actually were, that they did not have anything really good in them. And then when they come to goddess, who is perfect, they stand no chance towards his holiness. And this is also, the problem with the world, they do not think that there is any real spiritual storm happening, greater than any hurricane, because they don't think that they have unrighteousness. They think that they're good people. But despite the unrighteousness of our own hands, there is an inescapable truth and situation that awaits us all. And that is when me and when you, each of us will stand before that God that we just read about. And someone will need to atone. You will be left to atone for your own sins, or someone has to atone for you. See, the definition of the word atonement is reparation for a wrong or an injury. It's like a payment. For example, if someone murders someone else, and if they are sent to prison for life, that is called their atonement. They are atoning for murder by going to prison. And if we read in Romans 623, Paul tells us that the wages of our sin is death, that our atonement for our sin, what we should be paying for what we have done, is with the death of our own souls, no access to God. No access to life. For without access to God, you don't have access to life, for he gives us life. See, in this world, people want a life in this world without God, but it's like wanting to breathe without air. So this is all the bad news. This is all, this is everything that awaits us. PD, where are you going with this? How is this a good message? How can, if I'm going to stand before God one day, how can I enter that presence with any sort of confidence? God provides that solution through this very feast day that is upon us, the day of atonement. Because, see, on the day of atonement, what would happen in the Torah is that the high priest Aaron, would go and appear before the Lord once a year to make atonement for the people of Goddess God. But how is he going to approach God? Just told him, if you come near me, you will die just like your sons did. I mean, if our works in themselves aren't good enough to approach God, what can the high priest possibly do to approach God? We read about that in Leviticus 1611. Aaron shall present the bull as a sin offering for himself and shall make atonement for himself and his house. He shall kill the bull as a sin offering for himself and he shall take a censer full of coals of fire from the altar before the Lord, and two handfuls of sweet incense, beaten small, and he shall bring it inside the veil and put the incense on the fire before the Lord so that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat. That is the testimony, so that he does not die. So all of this sounds quite strange and foreign to us if you've never heard this before. Aaron is supposed to make an offering, and then he's supposed to take the calls of that, and he's supposed to take incense with that, and he's supposed to take that beyond the veil into the presence of God. And later that incense burn and create a cloud. And when there is this cloud, and thereby Aaron is going to be protected, how does that work? I want to remind you that everything that is written in the Torah is there to point us to the person of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the messiah, who has come to die for the sins of the world. And in this case, it is no different when it's talking about the sacrifice that Aaron does with the bull, that is a picture of his sacrifice for us. And so what happens is the calls of that is taken by Aaron mixed with incense. And we know what incense represents. It represents prayer. So what is the incense that is over the sacrifice of Christ? What is the prayer that has come forth from the sacrifice of Christ? I want to remind you that in the crucifixion, when he was on the cross, there was a prayer that he prayed for his people. He said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. And I want you to just think about that for one moment. Because to me, in one way, it makes no sense. It's like, you shouldn't be up there. You shouldn't be the one who's dying there. You're innocent. You've done nothing to deserve it. In fact, if there is someone that should be up there, it's Satan, the deceiver of the world, the one who's deceived mankind into this rotten deal that we are in in the first place. And see, that's. I want to remind you also what happened in the wilderness when Israel was there. And they started complaining, and then snakes started coming. And as the snakes came and started barting them, they started dying. And Moses did something strange. He put a snake on a staff, and he lifted it high up, and he said, anyone who looks upon it will be made whole, will be healed from the poison running through their veins from the snake. See, in the same way, I want to submit to you that the snake should be the one that is lifted up. But Yeshua comes, and he recognizes that. God recognizes that. Look, if he punishes Satan, that's not going to save his children from the poison of Satan that's running through their veins. The poison of the snake has already inflicted us and we will all die in the wilderness, even if the snake is punished. And so what God does is he says, I am going to take upon myself the punishment of what the snake deserves. I, the snake is the one to be lifted up. But I will be the one who's lifted up. And all of the sin of the whole world that has come through that will be placed upon me on that cross. And it is only through this that the curse of the snake will be reversed. Father, forgive them. They do not know what they do. When he says that he turns the entire world system upside down, whereby which he had the full right to condemn us all to death. To say, you will atone for yourself, let everyone atone for themselves. But instead, what he says is, I'm going to give you mercy. In fact, not only am I going to give you mercy, but I'm going to give you mercy in the greatest way possible and in the only way that will be possible for you to be redeemed. And that is for me to take upon myself what you deserve. All of the death that you deserve. Bring it on. Yeshua says, and as sin is placed on his shoulders and as he breathes his last sin and death cannot hold him down and he is resurrected from the dead, forgiveness comes forth instead of death. And you know, the beautiful thing, the crazy thing is that when you think about how antivenom is produced, I don't know if you know this, but how they do it is they take some poison of a snake and they inject it into a lamb and then they get the antibodies from the lamb and that creates the antivenom that if you got bit by a snake today, you go to the hospital, they're giving you the antivenom. Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, who provides a the antivenom for sin, who has shed his blood for us. And so for each of us, on a very personal level, he declares, father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. He will become the cloud that covers our sin. Speaking of clouds, you remember the cloud that Aaron had to create. Let's read some more about that. We see in Leviticus 1613, it says, and put the incense on the fire before the Lord, that the cloud of the incense might cover the mercy seat that is over the testimony so that Aaron does not die. So we see that God comes and appears in this unapproachable cloud inside the temple, beyond the veil. A cloud that no one can approach. And if they did, they would die. A cloud that constantly reminds Israel of their separation from God. But then, yet God tells Aaron to create a cloud of incense that is going to protect him from death. That cloud, made up of the prayer of Yeshua, of father, forgive them. They don't know what they do of his mercy. And so we see, metaphorically speaking, that nothing can cover humanity against God's right, righteous judgment other than a part of God himself. We have the cloud that is the almighty, and we have the cloud of Yeshua that covers us in his mercy. For us, Yeshua is the day of atonement. He is the end to the storm of sin that is upon the earth. And he is the reason we can finish the verse of Romans 623, which says, for the wages of sin is death. But. But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. The choice is yours. You will atone. You will pay with your own death. Or Yeshua will atone for you. And you may say to me, yes, yes, yes, Petey, I don't want to have to atone for myself. I want Yeshua to be my atonement. But I want us to really think about what that means. Because just because you consider yourself religious doesn't mean that you're relying on him. See, those who are in the world or trying to atone for themselves by their own good deeds, they say, well, look at all the good things that I am doing. Surely that is enough that when I come before God, I can just show him all my good deeds. And if, you know, as long as there are more than my bad deeds, you know, God is going to be happy with me because I'm a good person. I'm at least a better person than the guy next to me. But our deeds will only serve to condemn us before God, if that is what we are relying on as our atonement. And so, in the same vein, many who are considering themselves religious rely on their. All of their religious deeds. God. Oh, look at all the feasts I do. God. Oh, look how much I'm tithing. Oh, God, look how many people I'm helping. God. Look at what I am to doing. Two. Peter, three. Seven tells us about what will happen to those who rely upon themselves. But by the same word, the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. As part of the instructions on how to keep the day of atonement, God tells us to cease from our labors. Leviticus 23 28 says, and you shall not do any work on that very day. For it is a day of atonement to make atonement for you before the Lord your God. So let's just think about this for a second. We've already now established that Yeshua is our atonement. But he also says that you must rest on that day. What does that rest signify? What does that mean? He even goes as far as to say in verse 30, and whoever does any work on that very day, that person I will destroy from among his people. I mean, this is really strong language for not resting on the day of atonement. Why is God so serious about this? Because see this, to rest on this day is to signify a bigger rest that you ought to enter. It is the we know that our Sabbath rest, our true rest. It's not in a singular day. It's not even about that singular day. Yes, we ought to rest upon it. But the even more important thing is to recognize what that day is all about. It is for us to stop laboring and attempting to save ourselves by our own good works. And let Yeshua's atonement be what we rely on. And then from that atonement, yes, we get changed. And yes, we should bear good fruit, and yes, we should obey his commandments because we love him. But we cannot use any of that and rely on any of that to any degree. And say to God, oh, God, look at all the good stuff I've done. Can you save me by that? Stop laboring in that way. For he has labored unto salvation for your atonement. What you ought to do is rest in his atonement in a really strange and really concerning way. Some will keep the day of atonement this year and they will rest upon that day, thinking that keeping that day of rest is what makes them righteous before God and is what saves them or is what makes them more approved than the one who is next to them. And even that, I tell you, is twisted. And reliance on own works, even that disregards the cross. Yes, rest. But in it, we must audit our heart and not miss the point of what we are truly resting in, who we are truly resting in. And perhaps when we finally get this, when we stop looking to our own self righteousness and behavior and trying to brag to ourselves about all the good stuff that we think we do while in reality based off our own works, if we could only know that if we entered his presence. We would die without Yeshua. All of us. No matter how good you think you are, you will perish without Yeshua. And so if it is truly him and all him, and we look to other people who may not have the same revelation or do the same things we do, then perhaps we can also recognize that we don't get to decide who is atoned for or not. We don't get to decide who is saved or not. We don't get to decide who gets into the kingdom or not. Because we weren't the ones who paid for them. Yeshua did. His atonement matters. And he, our father in heaven, is the one who will judge every soul. Romans 14 four. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls, and he will be upheld. For the Lord is able to make him stand. The reason that I am so passionate about this is because if by our righteous deeds of the law, we deem ourselves righteous and authorized to judge the souls of another, what we have done is we have removed God from his authority and his position as the atonement for us. And we have placed ourselves there, relying on our own law keeping as our atonement. See, this self righteousness is so destructive that. And the symptom of it is how we love or do not love others. Or how we judge or do not judge others. See, those who are quick to point the finger at the salvation of others themselves condemn themselves because they place themselves in the authority of God, acting as atonement for themselves, removing the atoner of all of humanity from his rightful position, to do what he needs to do best, to be the judge and the merciful one all at once, for us all. And this is so serious because this self righteousness that I speak of is the original sin in Genesis three five. I want to remind you of the garden and the fall of man, where Satan says that if you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. The deal that Satan brought Adam and Eve is that, look, you will be made like God. God is righteous. Eat of the fruit, gain the knowledge of good and evil. And by your own strength, apart from God, by your own deed, you will become righteous. And of yourself, you won't need to rely on goddesse, for your own works will be enough. And that's exactly what many of the Pharisees of the first century thought. They thought that because they possessed the knowledge of good and evil, the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, that that in of itself is what makes them righteous. But knowing what is right and wrong doesn't mean you're empowered and reliant on the Holy Spirit to do what is right. They miss the key ingredient of walking righteously and walking in love. It's not enough to know about stuff. It's not about knowing. It's about doing one. John 310. He writes to us, by this it is evident who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil. Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of goddess, nor does the one who does not love his neighbor. So if we eat of the fruit of knowledge without love and righteous action, the book of John tells us that we mark ourselves as sons of the devil. What is the conclusion of this matter? It is that you cannot do this alone, that it is the Holy Spirit who must change you to produce good fruit, good works, and obedience to his commandments. But it is not for you to boast in your own abilities, because you are an have brought you nowhere. It is to, if anything, is to be boasted. And let him boast in the work of the Holy Spirit. I want to remind you of John the Baptist, who says that one is coming after me, who is mightier than I, who will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire. And it is that Holy Spirit and that fire that must be what possesses us, just like Israel was in the wilderness with a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire. And so now God has shown us that he covers us with his cloud, who is Yeshua, and he wants to cover us with his fire of the Holy Spirit, as he did in acts two. And tongues of fire covered the people as they spoke in tongues. We are a people now who must be empowered by the Holy Spirit to produce the fruits and the gifts so that we can go into the world and bring a calmness to the storm of sin that is rife in this world all around us. And so when we see all of these horrific storms, let us see with spiritual eyes the very real storm of spiritual death that is upon this world as well. And then let your light shine, o brother sister, let your light shine in helping those affected by the storms. Let your light shine by those who do not know the messiah and who need to have their eyes opened so that they themselves can have the cloud cover them, and the fire of God cover them before the fire of his wrath comes upon the earth. There is an immunity he has for us, but we must take and give and share the antidote. And so, Father, I pray right now, Lord, for all who are listening at the sound of my voice, that you would give them hope. Lord, I thank you for the fact that you have died. I thank you sure that you have forgiven us, that you have come to say forgive them, O Lord. Father, I thank you that you have provided atonement for us even though we didn't deserve it. And of ourselves. I thank you that you put yourself on the line for our sake. Father, I pray that you would bring. For all who are affected by these storms, that you would bring peace. You would bring provision supernaturally. That you would bring calm to any storms that are coming or are occurring right now. Lord, I pray Lord, that you would come and send workers into the field, workers to proclaim your gospel of truth. Father, I pray lord, that even in the midst of disaster that you would come with your life as your life giving spirit would give life to every soul who's crying out on your name. Everyone who is in distraught. Lord and father, Lord, I thank you for picking up all from the dust who feel like they have nothing and nowhere to go. Lord, I thank you that you carry us and that you sleep on the boat with us. Even when there is a storm on the boat, you come and you say, have faith. I'm on the boat with you. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. And with a wave of your hand, every storm of our life comes to an end. Father, there are some of us who've seen storms for a long time. And I thank you, Lord, that you're still with us no matter what we see. That you never leave us. And I pray Lord, for that day to come where you would wave your hand, O Lord, and calm every storm. We pray this name of Yeshua. Amen. We have another teaching on the day of atonement that deals with the Azazal goat. If you want to learn more about that, I'm linking it up here for you called the mystery of the Azazel goat. Thank you for joining us this day of atonement. If this teaching has been a blessing to you and if the Holy Spirit lays it upon your heart to bring an offering to this ministry this day of atonement, you can find our more by going to riseonfire.com. we love you guys and we'll see you guys in the next video. Blessings to you, inshallah.

Episode Notes

This year, the United States has seen abnormally destructive hurricanes and storms during the time of Biblical Feasts. There is a great spiritual storm beneath the surface: one that you won't hear reported on the news. And in a moment, the world will be swept away unaware. Everyone needs to atone for their sins - who will atone for yours? Many, even some religious, are dependent on their own works for atonement, but God is calling all - now - to look upon the one who was pierced. Prepare your house!

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