Rise on Fire Ministries

The Millennial Reign of Christ: In-depth look and Live Q&A's

2 months ago

Welcome and shalom. Wow. I'm so excited for tonight, guys. We have our live Q&As and I love it so much because whenever we open up for questions, we get such amazing questions and I never know what I'm going to be talking about. And this week it's going to be about the millennium Kingdom. For some reason, the Holy Spirit just placed it on a whole lot of you, your heart to send in questions about the resurrection, about the millennium, what all of that is about. Now I'm especially excited about this because I remember when I grew up and many of you may connect with this, I grew up watching with my family the Left behind movies, you know, and we were getting this impression that, you know, this is what the end of the world biblically is going to look like. And you know, many some of your eschatologies were kind of formed by some of those ideas as well. And yet then we come to concepts like the millennium, a thousand year reign where Christ is going to be king upon the earth and it's going to be peace. Like, what is that going to be? Like? It sounds out of this world and it is, it's out of this world. Amazing. It is. He is bringing his kingdom down. That Lord's Prayer that we keep praying, lord, let your kingdom come on earth. That is the millennium. And that's what we're talking about here tonight. So we're going to talk about what is it? Who will be in it? How can there be a rebellion thereafter? Will we be able to have children in the millennium? What is the first and second resurrection? Do people who did not accept Yeshua in this life get another final chance to accept him before they're judged? What about the five foolish virgins? Are the five foolish virgins saved? And then we're going to talk about lukewarm believers, other impostors and things like that as well. Questions like these and more. Thank you for being with me. I'm going to jump right in. Start with a little disclaimer. The disclaimer is that we're talking about eschatology, we're talking about things in our future. We're going to be going through a lot of scripture tonight and I'm going to give you what I see and I'm going to be relying on the Holy Spirit to help me. This is just my perspective and I think that it's important that we do not fight, we do not divide over these issues because as you'll see, they regardless of where you land on very some of the details, it will not really make an impact. We will see how things pan out. But the Father has left some things as a mystery and some other things he's revealed, he's given revelation about. And so let's see what the scripture says. I'm going to open up with a question from Jessica Grissom. I think I saw her in the live chat. Jessica, thank you for being with us. And I just want to give a shout out to everyone in the live chat tonight. Thank you for being with us. Please tell us what you think about the end of the world and the millennium and everything we're talking about. All right, so first question from Jessica. She's from Oregon, Rogue river, and she says, what does the Bible say about the 1000 year reign? Hey, Peter and Christina, Shalom. We have been having this debate lately as to what Revelation 22:4 6 means when it refers to the first resurrection and 1000 year reign. All right, Jessica, thank you. That's such a good question. So before I get your question, I'm going to be honest, I'm going to take some time and just break down for everyone a whole bunch of scriptures about the millennium. And then we're going to get to your question which pertains to the latter end of Revelation. So I'm going to open up in Revelation 19 first for us. And we're picking up at the second coming. This is now basically the next step, right? Yeshua returning in the clouds. And we see what happens. We see in verse 19, and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who was sitting on the horse and against his army. And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet, who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. Okay, first step, when Yeshua shows up in, in his descent, if you will, he deals with the false prophet and he deals with the beast. And then it says the rest were slain by the sword that came from the mouth of him who was sitting on the horse. And all the birds were gorged with their flesh. Because at the end, the end of the world, if you will, as you know, it culminates with a great battle towards Jerusalem. And Yeshua lands in Jerusalem and he fights and he ends things. At least that's the stage of things there. And then the next section I'm going to now turn over where we really Want to go is in chapter 20, which talks about the thousand years, the millennium, and it talks about now how he sees the dragon, the ancient serpent, the devil, and Satan. And he bound him for a thousand years. All right, this is incredible. So Satan is not destroyed. Satan is not thrown into hellfire or anything like that. He is bound. He is locked up for 1,000 years. He threw him in a pit and shut it and sealed it over him so that he may not deceive the nations any longer until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be released again for a little while. Okay, now let's read a bit further. Now we're going to read about the first resurrection. And we read then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. This is cool. This is really cool because if you remember, in Matthew 19:28, Yeshua talked to his 12 apostles, and he said, when I come again and I set up my reign, you will judge as 12 judges sitting on thrones. You will be judging Israel. This is what is being referenced again now in Revelation, the thrones and those who have been given this authority to judge. Okay, then he goes on. Also, I saw now the souls of those who've been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received the mark on their foreheads or on their hands, they came to life. This is awesome. They came to life and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years. And then it says the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. Wow. Okay, so this is the first resurrection. We're going to talk about the resurrection a bunch tonight as well. But I want us to think about some of these people who are resurrected. Okay, we see, we mentioned, we talked about the apostles who are going to be sitting on those thrones. So we're talking about people who were believers thousands of years in the past, like the apostles. They are raised from the dead. We see beheaded saints being referenced. We see those who didn't worship the beast, those who didn't receive the mark. Okay, and then it says the rest of the dead didn't. They're not. They're not going to be raised yet. Now I want us to all ask the question, who is in the millennium? Okay, we started getting some ideas. Now as we read these verses, I want to also reference 1 Thessalonians 4, 16. And here, this also references the coming of Christ and It talks about who will be resurrected. We already referenced the funeral revelation. Now we're getting some more hints in Thessalonians. And he says, for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of a trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Okay, this is really important. What does it mean to be dead in Christ? It means that you believed, you gave your life to Christ. You lived for Christ, you picked up your cross to follow him, and you died before he came back. At the second Coming, you are dead in Christ. Then he says, then we who are alive, who are left. In other words, he's talking now to those who are literally living and breathing at the time that he is returning, that he is coming back. We who are, as it says, left will be caught up together with them in the clouds. With who's them? With the dead in Christ who was risen first to do what? To meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord, therefore encourage one another with these words. Why is this being told to us? This is important because he tells us why. Actually, in verse 15, right here, we declare this to you by word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, in other words, there will be people who survive until the moment he comes back. And he says, we who are in Christ, who are alive at the moment he comes back, we will not precede those who have fallen asleep. This is so important, guys, get this. We will not precede those who have fallen asleep. Because, look, the big fear was that if I am alive and Jesus comes back, right, and I'm taken up with him, what about every one of my brothers and sisters in Christ, family members, friends who died? What about them? Well, this is what he's saying. We will not precede those who have fallen asleep. In fact, he's saying those who are dead in Christ will rise first, and we will then. So they're resurrected, those who are dead, who are in him, who believe in him, they're resurrected. They go to him, and then we are resurrected, just in that procession, in that same moment, but in that sequence, all of us are resurrected and we are taken up with Him. And then it says, and so thereafter, when we meet him, we will always be with Him. Okay, so this is amazing. This. This corresponds to what we just read in Revelation. Revelation 20, as we just read earlier. Let me pull it here. Revelation 20, verse 4, talked about those who were in the tribulation who were beheaded, who did not bow, or who did not bow the knee, all of these believers. And 1 Thessalonians also adds, those who have died, who are dead in Christ and those who are alive, because of course, those who are alive by the time that Christ comes back, by definition, have not bowed the knee to the beast and the image. They have not taken the mark because that's what it's going to take to be in Christ and yet still be alive when he comes back. Right? Or if you have been beheaded and yet you're then dead, but in Christ, you're also going to be resurrected. So we're now getting the one group here. Basically, the answer is believers who are alive at the second coming, or believers who are in the grave at the time of the second coming, dead in Christ, they're all resurrected. I need to spend time here and make this very clear because there's a lot of theories about how this works out. And I want to just put that forward for you. Right, next up, we're going to go now to look at who are like, what is, what is what happens to those people who are resurrected. Like, what literally does it mean for them? Okay? And we see in Revelation 20, verse 6, the following blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection. The ones we just spoke about over such, the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years. Okay, three things. They have bodies that cannot die. It says the second death has no power over them. They will reign with him a thousand years. That by definite mean definition means that they will live, right? They're not going to, like, die after 100 years. They are reigning with him 4,000 years. Just as Christ was resurrected, he received a glorified body that does not die, that does not get sick and all these things. So those who are resurrected gets that body, a glorified body. And he says their role will be that they are priests of God. During that thousand years, they will be ministering, they will be. We're not sure what that exactly looks like, but it's going to be amazing. And it also. And another thing that I'm going to pull out here that we need to remember that that is another attribute of them is what Yeshua told the certain Pharisees who came to him and they asked him about marriage, right? And he answers them about what it's going to be like in the resurrection, because they ask him, hey, when people are resurrected, let's just say you had, like multiple, you know, you had a spouse, you were married to someone, and then they died, and then you married someone else, and then, you know, you get to be resurrected. Who you married to when you resurrect in the millennium, for example, who you married to? Yeshua answers this question right, and we're going to open it up in verse 25. For when they arise from the dead, when they're resurrected, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. So some of us, we don't like this. I know that this is an idea that's like, what does this mean? Like, am I not. How am I not going to be married? You know, I love my wife, I love my husband. I will tell you this. Trust in the Father and that his ways are good, and trust that it's going to be glorious and wonderful. You know, you're. If you are married right now, you love your spouse and you want to see them there. If they are believers and they get resurrected with you, you will see them there. That's what 1 Thessalonians was all about. Don't worry, you guys are all going to be together. Do not worry if someone died before or later or whatever when they were resurrected, you're all together. You will be united because God's family will be united as one people. And the love between us will be matured to a degree like we could have never imagined in earthly terms. We will have love like never before because his love will be. Will be more tangible than ever before. So that's something that we can speak about with regards to those who are resurrected. Okay, Another thing that we now have to speak about is the great rebellion, because as we read quickly earlier, we read something about how there was going to. How Satan is going to be led out again and how there was going to be a great rebellion. And in that great rebellion, we have to ask, who are the nations that will be rising up against Jerusalem yet again? Now let's open up again in Revelation 20, just where we left off, and we'll read on about that right now. And it says the following. And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle. Their number is like the sands of the sea. That's a lot of people. And it says in verse nine, and they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints. Think about that term that's important. The camp of the saints. What is the camp of the Saints? It's all of the people that were resurrected that we spoke about earlier. They are in Jerusalem as priests to God, reigning within 4,000 years, also known as the camp of the Saints. They are a camp, a family, right, if you will. And the beloved city then. But far came down from heaven and consumed them. They consumed the far came and consumed the nations who now came to battle with Satan. And then it says, and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were also thrown. And they will be tormented day and night, forever and ever. This is the final moment where God does away with the devil, the Satan, the deceiver at the end of the millennium. Okay, so I want you to notice something, a few, two things I think here. First we see this camp of the saints, right? But also how when it talks about the people who are of the nations, right? How Satan deceives the nations and they're numbered like the son of the sea. That's crazy, because that's the promise of Abraham. Remember, God comes to Abraham and says, you will have descendants as many as the sands of the sea. Now we have Satan at the end of the millennium, have have nations that he's deceiving, being numbered also like the sand of the sea. So we have the sand of the sea amounts of descendants of Abraham and sand of the sea amounts of descendants of these nations that are now coming against the chosen promised seed of Abraham, Yeshua's people. That is just an interesting observation over there. So here's the big question. Who are these many people, these nations who have been deceived? I mean, God just said earlier he's resurrecting believers and they're going to rule and reign with him for a thousand years and they will forever be with him. As read in Thessalonians. They will be priests. Like these are holy people. Are they? Like, how do we get here? How do we get to Satan deceiving these nations? Who are these nations? Now some people, there's theories about this and I'll be honest, right? People have different opinions. I'm going to share with you mine, but first I'll tell you what other people believe. Some say that these nations at the end of the millennium who are deceived and who want to take over Jerusalem are non moderate believers. In other words, they are people who are, who are not resurrected but yet are believers. Now I don't believe that because like I mentioned, 1 Thessalonians 4 tells us specifically, in fact, that we will always be with the Lord when we are resurrected. Just. I'll just show you that for a sec here. Those who are alive or alive will be caught up together with them who are dead in Christ, and we will always be with the Lord. In other words, there's a promise attached to the resurrection that we will always be with him. We're not going to be separated from Him. And the reason I say that is remember that we Talked in Revelation 20 about the camp of the saints, those in Jerusalem, the nations. The nations are separate from the camp of the saints. The camp of the saints are united and close to the Lord. And the nations are outside of Jerusalem. They have to travel to Jerusalem during the feasts, and they have to draw nearer in that way. And we're going to read about that now, in fact, because the answer to this question is very simple in my opinion, and I will show it in according to Zechariah the prophet in Zechariah 14, because now we're I'll just open up here to give us context. In early of Zechariah 14, verse 4, he tells us how the just to lay the to just show you where we are on the timeline here. It says on that day his feet, Yeshua's feet, will stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east. And on the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the mountain shall move northward and the other half southward. Okay, this is talking about the one who is going to descend on the Mount of Olives, Yeshua. I think we all can agree on that. Now he speaks a bit more about what that's going to look like. I'm just interested right here in verse 16 to show you regarding to answer our question of who those people are who entered the millennium. It says then everyone who survives of all the nations. The nations. Same word used that of those who came against Jerusalem at the end of the millennium, who were deceived by Satan. The nations. But now we're seeing this. This is Zechariah 14. This is before the millennium begins, at the Second Coming. Remember when he is landing his feet on the Mount of Olives, he just returned at the Second Coming. And it says everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year to worship the king, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of Booths. This year to go. To go up year after year to worship God. And at the feast of Sukkot. This is during the millennial reign of Christ, when Yeshua is seated on his throne and he is ruling and reigning for a thousand years. The nations are going to be coming, traveling from all over the world, and they're going to be coming to keep the biblical feast days. The feast of Sukkot is mentioned here in Zechariah 14. And it even goes too far as to say if any of the families of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, there will be no rain on him. They will receive judgments. Okay, so I hope this makes sense to you. I hope I'm not going too fast. We have not a lot of time, so I'm going fast. If I'm going too fast, pause, go back, listen again. But I wanted to just show you that we now are getting to this bigger picture of the resurrected. Those who are in Christ, who are entering the millennium and glorified bodies in the camp of God. And then we have those who are of the nations who survived the great Tribulation. I mean, I don't know how they're going to survive, but Zechariah the prophet tells us some will survive. Just like in 1 Thessalonians we read that some believers will survive and will be taken up to be with the Lord and to receive glorified bodies. So people will survive the Great Tribulation and some of them will be believers, some of them will not be believers. The believers will receive glorified bodies, the non believers will not. How do I know that? Because they will. They will ultimately still be able still die. They will live lifespans that, that have death at the end of it. We don't know how long they're going to live. Potentially they're going to have longer lifespans than today. Who knows? I do not know. But we know that they will die. And the reason we know that is in 1 Corinthians 15, because Yeshua makes a statement and he tells us that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. The last enemy to be destroyed. Remember, Satan is not destroyed until after the millennium. So after Satan is thrown into the lake afar, then death is destroyed as well. Death is also thrown into the like afar. In other words, no one will thereafter ever die again. But during the millennium, death has not been destroyed yet. Those who are resurrected will not die. They will live and reign with him for a thousand years. But the nations will still be able to still be able to die. All Right. So a few questions, you know, what's the millennium like? So when we think about what the scripture says, there's a few things we'll see. The first is that there will be a perfect ruler, Yeshua, the Messiah, which is going to be a glorious thing that surpasses all understanding. He is going to show up and he is going to show us how a true perfect ruler rules. He's going to solve problems like we've never seen problems solved before. Those who put trust in presidents and in politics today, they're going to be astonished because Yeshua is going to show what it looks like to not be a corrupt official. He's going to show us what it looks like to be holy, loving, righteous, merciful and just all at the same time, perfect. His governance will be perfect. Hallelujah. What an amazing thing that will be. Hallelujah. We also know that there will not be, as we mentioned, a Satan. Satan will not be running around like he is today. He's going to be locked up for that thousand years until the end. We also know that there will be resurrected saints throughout history. That will be also there in the millennium, which means that you will likely be able to meet the apostles and amazing people like that. We also read According to Isaiah 2, 3, that the law will proceed from Zion, that people will go up to the mountain, to Jerusalem and they will hear how Yeshua teaches his holy Torah, his holy laws to the whole world. And we also read in Isaiah 2, verse 4 that he will judge between the nations and he will settle disputes between people. And they will put their swords in plowshares, spears and pruning hooks. They will not lift up sword against other nations. They will not learn war anymore. People aren't going to be having their strategies on how they're going to make war against one another. There's going to be peace. Yeshua is going to get rid of war during his reign. Wow. He is the prince of peace. And then another thing that is going to that we have to ask is what about children? In fact, I got this question from someone wren from Texas asked during the thousand year reign, since we will have new bodies, will we be able to have more children? Okay, so Rain sees that. Yes, we're going to have new bodies, glorified bodies. Amen. That's correct. And now will we then be able to have children? Okay, so we, we talked about this a little earlier regarding how when we rise from the dead, Yeshua said we will neither marry nor be given in marriage, but we will be like Angels in heaven. Mark 12:25. Now, of course, in order to have children, by definition you need to be married, right? But Yeshua says there will not be marriage. So those in glorified bodies who have been resurrected, those who are in Christ, it does not seem like they will be having children. When we think about the nations, however, as we established the last enemy to be destroyed, death, and the nations who do not have glorified bodies, who are in their earthly bodies, like today, like we are right now, they, since they're going to be dying, that means that they're going to have children, likely because in order for them to continue to grow and go from generation to generation, there is going to be a natural offspring that will need to come forth. In fact, at the end, remember, the millennium ends with the Great War. And the nations coming against Jerusalem are as many as the sand and the sea. So that means that there are going to be a great multitude of them. So that means they're going to have children, likely in order for that to happen. The Bible doesn't directly answer the question of children in the millennium, simply drawing this from what we do know and what we can probably safely assume. But the Bible doesn't directly answer it. So just putting that out there, I believe that there will be, according to how I've placed it to you. All right, now we have to ask the question also of, well, you know, why, like, why is all of this happening? Why is there this millennium? Like, why doesn't Christ just come back and we have the new heavens and earth? Because remember, the new heavens and earth comes after the millennium. And you know, I think it's the same question that the disciples were asking when Yeshua was with them, when they expected him to just set up his kingdom right there and then 2,000 years ago, right? You're here, you're here to set up your kingdom. As they're ruling, reigner over all the earth, right? But he came as the suffering servant to die for the sins of the world. There's a purpose for everything. He is now next coming back as that ruler. But we see, I think that there's a few reasons the millennium is going to happen. First, before the new heavens and earth is established. First reason is that it is a gift to his people that we get to rule and reign with Christ as priests for a thousand years. Those who are in him in this life and who are resurrected, he is going to. He is raising us up high. He is blessing us. Remember, he said the meek will inherit the earth. The humble, those who are least will be first and those who are first will be released. That's what the millennium is. Those who are least in this world will be elevated to be the priests of God in the camp of God in Jerusalem. And those who are first in this world will be, will be, will be taken, lowered to be in the nations. And they're going to be outside and they're going to have to come in and they get to participate. They get to. This is not that like they get to participate, they get to come to the feasts. But there's certainly a separation of sorts, let me say a hierarchy of sorts. Those were priests of God and those who are of the nations that we see laid out in the scriptures. So God is blessing the meek and the humble to rule and reign with Him. And of course, secondly, for why there's the millennium is it's an answer to our prayers. All of the saints throughout history unto today have been praying, let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. That is the prayer for the millennium to come, for his kingdom to be established on earth. And that prayer is going to be answered with the establishment of the millennium. He is going to answer our prayers. Amen. And then another reason for the millennium is that the Scriptures prophesies and states that everyone must be subjected to him. Okay, that everyone must be subjected. I want to read this one Corinthians 15:23. And we read this here, but each to his own order. Christ the firstfruits, Then at His coming, those who belong to Christ. Okay, speaking of the resurrection, Christ is resurrected. Then at his coming, those who belong to Christ are resurrected. Then comes the end when he delivers the kingdom of God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign. This is the millennial reign. He must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. Hallelujah. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. So he must reign until all enemies are put under his feet. And that is what is going to occur at the end of the millennium. All his enemies are put under his feet. And then the last thing that I believe the millennium will show and teach the world is that even with Yeshua, the perfect king on the throne, rebellion can still occur. People can make excuses and say, well, if Jesus was in the flesh, I will believe in Him. He will prove once and for all that even if he comes in the flesh perfectly as the ruler of the whole world, people will still have the audacity to rebel against him. And so, just like Satan rebelled in Heaven, people will rebel again against a perfect king. All right, now we're going to talk about the resurrections. We have the first resurrection, which we have already talked about, which is to the resurrection for those who are in him. But we're also going to talk about a different resurrection. John 5, verse 28 talks about the two resurrections. Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come out. Those who have done good to the resurrection of life. Amen. And those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. So there's a resurrection called the first Resurrection for those who are in him who have done good. And there is a second resurrection for those who have done evil, and they are resurrected to judgment. We read about that more in Revelation 20, verse 11, where it says, there I saw a great white throne, and to him who was seated on it, for his presence, earth and sky fled. From his presence, earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they have done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of Pharaoh. This is the second death lake of Pharaoh. And anyone's name who is not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of Pharaoh. This is. See, there's a resurrection of the dead, of those who have done wickedness and who have rejected Christ. But they are resurrected unto this judgment. And they will be judged according to what is written in the books, according to their works, and according to whether their name is written in the Book of life. If it is written in the Book of Life, they have salvation. If not, they are thrown into the lake afar. Okay, people can also think about the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, where it speaks of this. I'll spend one quick moment on that, because I know people may bring that up. And I'll just read these three verses or four verses. Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age, the Son of Man will send his angels. They will gather out the kingdom of all causes of sin and lawbreakers and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be Weeping and gnashing of teeth. That's what we just read about. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let them hear. Okay, so it's speaking here about the end of the millennium, how at the end there will be the rebellion and the resurrection of the dead, of the wicked, and they will be judged. And he will then finally throw them into fiery furnace and then he will establish a new kingdom, let me say a new heaven and earth. And that's what we read about next, the new heavens and the new earth. And this is where we, when we end our, our reading here. Before we get into the rest of the questions, is this amazing new heaven on earth that is then established after the millennium? I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven. And the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Amen. This is when we get to be face to face with the Father. See, Yeshua is ruling in the millennium. And then he, at the end of the millennium, he establishes the new heaven on earth where we are face to face with the Father. The garden, as it was in the Garden of Eden is established. There will never be death again. There will never be sickness. There will never be any of the iniquities of this world. We will have what Adam and Eve had before the fall. Finally, when we get to Revelation chapter 21. All right, so guys, I mean this is, I love talking about this because it puts it far in my heart to be like, wow, I need to be busy with the kingdom like this. Like, wow, this is coming, guys. This is real. There's people who are going to be dying. They're going to be facing these things. Let's get people into the kingdom of God, unto the resurrection in Christ, so that they can be with Him. Now I want to answer Jessica, which was really what I started all of this out with and I can finally answer her now. Jessica wrote regarding, Just to remind everyone, we've been having the debate lately as to what Revelation 22, verse 4 to 6 means when it refers to the first resurrection and the 1000 year reign. Okay, that reads that they will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads, and night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever. All right, Jessica, so you're asking, does this refer to the first resurrection and the 1000 year reign. And you know, that can sound confusing because here it says they will reign forever and ever, Right? So, no, this is not referring to the millennium. We are now in Revelation 22, the new heavens and new earth is established in Revelation 21 already. And now we are in the new heavens and the new earth. When we get here and read about this thing called a place where night will be no more, there will be no lamp, and how God is our light, and this is where we reign, not a thousand years, but forever and ever. This is the final age that is to come. So to answer your question, this is what Revelation 22 referring to. I hope that makes sense, especially in relation to how we broke down things earlier. Thank you so much for that question, Jessica. Next question is from Georgie, and she asks from Sacramento. Sacramento, California. It's regarding the people who came back to life after yeshua's death. Matthew 27:53. Okay. And she asks, because so many things are a foreshadow of things to come, do you have any insight to what the foreshadowing of the people coming back to life after you, Yeshua was dead, could be? All right, so to remind you of what she's referring to is in Matthew 27, when Christ resurrected from the dead, there were literally people in Jerusalem who resurrected also who came out of their graves, which is insane. Amazing thing it says, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. When the centurion and those who were with him keeping watch over Jesus saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, truly this was the Son of God. Wow. How amazing. How crazy. All right, so the question is, is this a foreshadowing of the people coming back to life? What does this mean? Why did this happen? And so, yes, I believe this is a picture of what is to come. We read a little earlier about how to each of his own order, first there's going to be Christ, the first fruits, then at his coming, those who belong to Christ. Okay, so we see these two, these resurrections, the resurrection of Christ himself, and then the resurrection of those who are resurrected at his coming, called the first resurrection. Now the question is, who are these who are being resurrected, you know, at his death and resurrection, the first century, walking into Jerusalem, these people are resurrected as a sign of what is to come, as a miracle testifying of his glory and the power of the cross. Bear in mind that these people who got resurrected in that day, in the first century they lived their lives and then they died again. Right. They did not get resurrected unto eternal life. They got resurrected to walk around upon the earth for the rest of their lives there until they died. There is a resurrection that Christ has for us called the first resurrection, which refers to a resurrection unto eternal life. That resurrection we read about earlier, whereby at his second coming, we are called up together with him and will be forever with him. We will have glorified bodies and we will not die again. That is the resurrection of the dead that Christ died for. And the other resurrections of those in the first century were temporary. They lived temporary lives. So just to answer that, thank you so much for that question, Georgie. Good question. Lori, next question asks very similar question regarding the resurrection. And Lori asks from Pennsylvania, am I correct in understanding that Yeshua is the first fruits of those fallen asleep? Meaning that Yeshua was the first fruits of the resurrection. What then about Lazarus? Lazarus was dead and Yeshua raised him from the dead. So how is Yeshua still called the first fruits of those who fallen asleep if Lazarus was brought back from the dead before Yeshua was resurrected? That's a good question. And the answer is similar to what I just said earlier to Georgie's question. Lazarus being resurrected was a sign, remember? Right before he resurrected Lazarus, what does he say? Father, I am praying to you out loud for the sake of those here so that they may know that you have sent me, that they may know that I am who I say I am. And then he said, lazarus, come out. And then Lazarus was resurrected, coming back from the dead. This was a miraculous sign, similar to how he healed people of their diseases to testify of who he is. Lazarus's resurrection was different from Yeshua's resurrection because Lazarus, he lived his life after his resurrection in the first century. And Lazarus died a normal death like any person today would. Lazarus's resurrection was not one that gave him a glorified body. Lazarus still had his fleshly body like we have right now, as I speak, in the flesh. And so those who will be resurrected, or let me say first, firstly, Yeshua is the firstfruits of the resurrection because he was resurrected unto a glorified body, living forever. And those who are the first, who are now resurrected after him and his second coming, they also receive the glorified body living forever. Remember guys, the gospel is all about that. It's all about being resurrected to live forever. The other resurrections that occurred, like Lazarus and the people, were temporary. That was not the eternal life resurrection. Okay, so hope that makes sense to you, Laurie. Thank you. That's such a good question. And I see you also sent in my husband and I came into being a whole Bible believers about three years ago and discovered your ministry about six months ago. I read your book and I could not put it down and I plan to read it again. Thank you to you and your wife for aspiring to Yahweh's call and being faithful to ministry so people like my husband and I can grow in our walk. Well, all glory to the Father. All glory to the Father. Lori, thank you so much for writing and thank you for your questions. All glory to him. And I'm glad the book has been a blessing to you. For anyone listening, she's talking about reigniting spirit and truth. If you want new fire in your life, get our book. It's free on our website. You can get it in paperback however you want. It's, it's just a free offering that we give to you. So please go check it out if you'd like. All right, guys, next question. Let's, let's get into it. We're, we're, we're doing well, I thought, you know, we're doing good on time. And thank you so much, everyone in live chat for everything you guys were saying over there as well. I'm seeing Karen saying Lazarus was resurrected into his old body, not a glorified body. Amen. Karen, you're just like what I said, and I think you said it even before I could. So on point. And Messiah's love says Jehovah, bless you, keep you my face, shine upon you and give you shalom. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much and the same to everyone in the chat there tonight. May the Father give you his shalom, his mercy, and his grace. I'm going to go on to the next question here, and we're going to get to the one from Patrick. Patrick in Fort Wayne, Indiana, says, I recently heard someone give their interpretation of the parable of the 10 virgins. He started by saying, all too often, most Christian theology is looking through glasses at the whole Bible summarized through saved or unsaved terms. He said all the virgins are saved, hence the terminology of using the title virgins. Do you think this is the case? I'm wondering this because when Yahweh refers to someone that he is, that he considers a harlot, idolater, covenant breaker, he uses this harsh language for those who have turned away from him. So if all the virgins are saved, five wise, five foolish ones with all ones without, is this a matter of rewards in heaven. What do you think the five wise are doing differently? Okay. Hi, Patrick. Thank you for the question. Good question. Firstly, I'll just say that I cannot, and we cannot, for that matter, judge an individual's salvation, right? So when we're talking about these. This power parallel parable, we're talking about the parable. I'm not gonna. We're not gonna talk about individual people salvation. Just want. Just want to put that out there for anyone. As we try and apply the parable of Yeshua, God remains the judge. Okay, here's what I see. In the parable of the virgins, we see that they are all waiting, right? They all are there, and they all are declaring that they know him, that they're waiting for this bridegroom, right? They're all of the same group. In the beginning of the story, they seem to be all the same, all to be virgins. But yet, as the story goes, of course, some of them are not let in. In fact, it says in Matthew 25:10 that when they are not let in, the door was shut and they could not enter the marriage feast. And the other virgins came, the foolish ones, that is now saying, lord, open to us. But he said, I say to you, I do not know you. Okay? These are. Let's be honest, these are pretty harsh words. I do not know you. That is the worst words that anyone can hear from the Messiah. That's the worst words that I don't want. You don't want to hear, I do not know you. Because everything about him and what he's come to do for us is to restore us into a place where we can know him, where we can have relationship with him. So if we get to him and he's like, I don't know you, it means that we have totally missed everything about what he has done for us, that he has died for us, to restore us back. We didn't take a hold of what he has done, that relationship. Now think about that declaration, which is, I do not know you. That declaration is the same declaration made to us by him in Matthew 7, where everyone knows. Many of us know this. Not everyone will say to me, lord, Lord. Excuse me, not everyone who says to me, lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven, right? And he says, on that day, many will say to me, lord, didn't we do all these mighty works? Didn't we prophesy? Didn't we cast out demons in your name? Right? And then I'll declare I never knew you. Depart, worker of lawlessness. So we have the same statement. I do not know you. Who are you? Now, where does this lead us with the foolish virgins. They obviously had an outward appearance of being holy. That's what it means to be presenting yourself as a virgin. And I think they were in fact virgins, because what does it mean to be a virgin? It means that you do not follow another man. Like if you are, you know, keeping yourself for your marriage, for your wedding, you're not going after other men. That's you're keeping yourself pure. And in the same way, you're not going after other gods. Therefore, when it comes to our God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So I think that these foolish virgins, they were virgins in that sense. They were not going after idols. They were waiting genuinely for Yeshua. They were hanging out with these other virgins. But yet what was missing? The oil. And because the oil was missing, their lamps went out. And because their lamps went out, they had no light. They had no light for themselves, and they had also no light then for others. Yeshua said, you are to be the light of the world. That is what his believers, his virgins, his disciples are called to. To have a light and be a light to the world. And he spoke of other people in his day. And he said, they are like blind guides leading the blind. Is that not what the foolish virgins end up becoming? Their lights went out. They were blinded themselves, for they had no light to illuminate their path, and they could not guide anyone else because they are blind themselves. They are like blind guides leading the blind. See? What is the oil? It is the Holy Spirit. God's power gives us light. We are not light of ourselves. I cannot make a light. I cannot produce a light, a lamp. But he gives me the oil. He gives me the power. He gives me the Holy Spirit, the fire that is the lamp that burns for myself to light my own path and for the sake of being a light to the whole world around me. The foolish virgins were none of that. They were not a light to themselves nor to anyone else. They failed to call to be the light of the world. And so I think there are degrees of this, right? But it's not a good thing to have him say, I died for you. I gave you the spirit of God. I died for the spirit to be poured out upon you. What did you do with the light? What did you do with the oil? You did not shine it. You hid it under a basket. Are we Then we can then wait and say, we're virgins. We're among all the other virgins. We go to church every Sunday. Look, God, I'm among all of the other people of God. Right? That's what it means to be among them. Waiting for the coming, the second Coming. But yet when he comes back, we realize if something is wrong. I just realized the trumpet is blowing, and I just realized I don't have a light. I just realized I don't have any oil. And that's too. It's too late when I run around left, right and center, going to marketplaces, trying to buy oil. And yet the door is shut. When I come back, my bridegroom has already left and the wedding has started and I'm not there. All the foolish virgins saved, you know, God is going to be the judge of each individual. But please, do not gamble with this. Make sure that you are of the wise virgins, that you have the spirit, that you walk in the spirit, that you have a light that's burning brightly inside of you. 1 John 2:19. It is written, they went out from us, but they were not of us. Just because you go to church and you're among those at the feasts doesn't mean that you're actually of them. There's going to be a resurrected people, and there is going to be nations who do not get glorified bodies. So the story doesn't of the virgins, it doesn't end with, oh, well, you know, they made it to a lower level of heaven. It ends with, they don't enter his presence. And if you know anything about the story of God and His people, it's all about getting back to the garden and his presence. So you can draw your own conclusions about where that leaves the foolish virgins. But I will leave you regarding this question. Revelation 19:7. Let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Made herself ready like the wise virgins made herself ready. It was granted to her, the wise virgin, to clothe herself with fine linen, light and pure. For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. I want that fine linen. I want to be clothed in his righteousness and the fact. And his righteousness that comes upon me, that changes me, that makes my works, changes it from wickedness to goodness and purity. He in his spirit does that to us, and he's coming back for that bride who has righteousness. Amen. That doesn't mean we're saved by works, we're saved by faith. But his righteousness comes upon us, and also his spirit comes upon us and changes us. Let us be a people of humility, of repentance, of purity. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much. That was such a good question, Patrick. Thank you. I hope. I hope that gives you something to chew on, to think about, you know? Right. And next question is regarding imposters. It's someone who desires to remain anonymous from Yasu, Georgia. I was studying someone, the sorcerer, and behooves me when it says he believed and he was baptized. And then I don't feel like he was ever saved. He had no sort of conversion at all, it seems. He ate with the followers, he studied with them, he was baptized with them. And then the real people came out, the apostles, and identified it. I believe they are people in the world, in our fellowships like that today, hiding behind other believers. Do you believe they will be revealed? It is very timely that you ask this question because that's very much what we just spoke about, right? That there are some people who are among us, who. Who are not really of us. And that's what Simon the sorcerer was. He was someone who went. Got baptized. He went through all the motions. See, people go. They're really good at going through the motions, the religious motions especially. People love religion. They love going to, doing religious stuff. Just the thing is, doing religious stuff isn't the thing that's gonna declare you clean. It's about whether you know him and whether he knows you doing things for him. Obedience is what he calls us to. He calls us to follow. But do you know him? Is it a relationship? And so do we believe that they will be revealed is what the question is, you know, yes, God says they will be revealed, but he's going to be the one who reveals them. Just a reminder of the wheat and the tares that we read about earlier in the broadcast. The parable of the wheat and the tares is all about showing us that Satan comes to cast tares among the wheat. And the question then is, how do we get. How do we, you know, do we tear them out? No. Yeshua says, you wait until the end of the age and the angels come. When all of this has grown up, the wheat and the tares has grown up together, then God will separate the wheat and the tares. He will separate the sheep from the goats. He will be the one who makes the judgment. We, in this time and in this age, we're not going to start judging people's salvations. We're not going to start, you know, making that judgment regarding whether they're saved or not. We do. We are called to judge wickedness, sin in the church, you know, in the ekklesia, in the assembly. We are called to have accountability towards one another, right in love, call sin out in the correct protocols, needless to say, but we are called to take accountability for those things. But when it comes to salvation, God is going to be the one to expose. You know, Judas was exposed, Simon the sorcerer was exposed in their own lives. But some people will be exposed when they stand before him naked on the day of judgment after the millennium has taken place and he makes that final judgment which I am not authorized to make and no one else is either, except for him. Okay, then another question from Anonymous, someone who's anonymous from Port Deposit and the State md And the question is regarding judgment. For those who pass away who did not accept Yeshua even on their deathbed, will they be given a second chance at salvation? I believe the Father wants everyone to accept, but we have free will. So assuming the person does not accept Yeshua in life or before death, the Great White Throne Judgment is it. I have heard that some faiths in Christianity believe in one last chance of salvation through Yeshua when they are resurrected for judgment. Yes, I have heard of that before. And I'm going to just let the Scriptures answer this one for us. Revelation 20:13. We already read this. I'm going to remind us all of it again because this is what is being referred to, right? Those who are now, who have now died without accepting Christ, it says, and the sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one of them, according to what they have done. Then death and Hades were threatened to like afar. This is the second death like afar. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of Life, he was thrown into the lake afar. Did we just read anything about a second chance? Did we just read of Yeshua, of God being like, oh, okay, it's the Great White Throne Judgment. You're here. I'm going to give you one last chance to confess Yeshua as Lord. And then, you know, I'll give you access to his kingdom. Let me tell you, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Yeshua is Lord. Every single one. That is not a question. If we were gonna get into Heaven just based off that, at the Great White Throne Judgment, all of us are getting into Heaven but the reality is the Bible declares that when we get face to face at the Great White Throne Judgment, there is no more time that it is going to be you and your works and whether your name is written in the book of life, that is it. Your name is not going to get written in the book of life. When you stand before God in that moment, it is too light. Brothers and sisters, why are we proclaiming the Gospel to the ends of the earth? For this reason that people receive the Gospel, receive Christ, are saved, have their name written in the book of life. The Scriptures never state in any place. I want to be very clear on this. Never state that you will have a second chance at that moment, after you have died, rejecting him throughout your life. I have to be clear on this because I do not want you or your family to be under the impression that you can live just the way you want until you get before the Great White Throne Judgment and then think you can just say a prayer, ask him into your heart and everything is different. No. Live righteously today. Repent of your sins. Believe in Yeshua. Get your name written in the Book of life. The only way for that is by you giving your life for him. It's the only way it's going to happen. It's a free gift. It's now it's available. While you have breath in your lungs, take it. Do not wait. Do not wait for tomorrow. Do not wait for the next hour. Land on your knees and say, jesus, come into my heart. I surrender. I'm sorry for running from you so long. I need you. This is your moment. This. It may be it for you now or never. It may be you are not promised your next breath. And you must make a decision. Because to make no decision is to decide. To make no decision, to say, I'll decide later is to decide. It is to reject the Son of God who has come to lay his life down for you. If you have heard it, grasp a hold of the fringe of his garment now and say, I will not let you go until you bless me. That's what you must do. Okay, so now for those who did not hear of Yeshua at all, who did not get a chance to accept him, or what about those who died as babies, who were aborted, or who died prematurely? However, that is what about them? Now, the Bible doesn't directly address what God's plan is with that, however, we do know God's character. We know his love, we know his mercy, his compassion, especially upon those who were done wrong against those who are the meek of the earth, those who are. Who have been murdered, those who have been neglected, those who are of the poor, those are always the people Yeshua poured out his heart towards in his life. And we know he has a soft spot in his heart for the oppressed. Amen. He has compassionate love for them. And so we know because of this that he will have perfect mercy for all of those souls. Perfect mercy? I don't know what that looks like. I can't tell you, but it will be perfect. He will have perfect justice upon all those who afflicted them as well. But for those of us who in this day and age have heard the gospel, we have a decision to make. You have a decision to make. And if you've made that decision before, make it again tonight. Say, lord, I just recommit my life to you right now. God, I give you my life. Holy Spirit. Come into my life. Change me. Make me worthy to enter that millennial reign with you. Make me into your image, O Lord. Remove iniquity from me and give me a clean heart. Show me what I must turn from, what I must repent from. Let there be nothing that divides me from you ever again. Yeshua, please resurrect me unto eternal life. Amen. Okay, and then another question I want to deal with, and this is probably going to be the last one tonight, is from. I'm going to keep it anonymous. From Ireland and. Well, no, it's Gary said we can say. So it's Gary from Ireland and Gary asked. My wife and I are born again and have been led to the understanding that the Bible is one book of love. We strive to walk upright, but needing grace, much mercy. My question is, my brother, why would our fourth child be growing in the womb of my wife with an unformed heart? I suppose I'm asking for your prayers for our boy Isaac, my beloved brother in Yeshua. Shalom from Ireland. Sorry, it's. I have compassion on you and Gary. We're going to pray for you soon. Your family and your child. I want to. I want to answer your question with Isaiah 65 before we pray for you. Isaiah 65, verse 17 onwards. And we read this. For behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create. For behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy and her people to be a gladness. I will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad of my people. No more shall be heard in it. The sound of weeping and the cry of distress. No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days. For the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner 100 years old shall be accursed. They shall build houses and inhabit them. They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit. They shall not plant and another eat. For like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be in my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity. For they shall be the offspring of the blessed, of the Lord, and their descendants with them. Before they call, I will answer. While they are yet speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall graze together. The lion shall eat like the ox, and the dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall not hurt or destroy. In all my body, in all my holy mountain. Okay, so, Gary, to answer your question, there is a time coming where all of the distresses and the worries and the unspeakable trials, the things that happen to us, to our children, the lives that die prematurely, the illnesses, whatever it is, a time is coming when that will never be again. We live in a world right now that is under a curse, a curse of the fall of man, where death has come in, and death comes in many flavors. And when Yeshua came in the first century, he walked around in Jerusalem and in the surrounding areas, and he destroyed death where he went. He raised dead people from life, like we read. He healed the sickness, the brokenhearted. He casted out devils. These were things that he had dominion and power and might over. And then he ascended, and he gave that authority to his disciples as well, whereby he said, I give you power and authority over all the works of the devil. And he has also, as he has declared, I have come to destroy the works of the devil. That is our commission. And that gift that was landed onto the heads of men by tongues of fire at Acts 2 Pentecost. A gift of the Spirit now lays upon the hearts of his believers, his disciples. And he has given us the authority to heal the sick, to cast out demons, to set the captives free, and to pray. Not wavering, not doubting like the waves, but having faith and trusting that his ways are perfect, that a perfect kingdom is coming. And even in this very earth, where there is oppressions and illness and despair, even there, he still heals today. He still sets free today. And so we're going to pray. And we're going to believe for you, Gary. And I'm going to pray for everyone in the chat who has similar trials and worries. Maybe you're worrying about a loved one who, you know, you're asking Peter, are they going to get resurrected? I don't know, because I don't think they've given their life to you, the Messiah, yet. Maybe. Maybe you're just facing trials right now and it's really hard to think about. Even you're. Maybe you're like. Even like Peter. I can't think about a thing. A kingdom to come. Because my trials, they overwhelm my thoughts right now and I can't even think straight. Please pray with me for all of these. Father, I thank you for your glory, your mercy, your grace. I thank you for giving us your compassion. I thank you that you have compassion on us. I thank you, O Lord, that you have given us a promise of a new kingdom that is coming. I promise that we can be a part of it, O Lord. You could have left us in the dust, but you said you will come back for us, to resurrect us from the dead. God, I glorify you, I praise you, and I thank you so much for that. But God, there are so many things in this world that you are familiar with. O Yeshua, you have walked these lands yourself and you have seen the disease, you have seen the trial, you have seen the death, Yeshua. You know it. Father, I pray right now for the child of Gary, whom you know as well. We speak to the heart of that child. In the name of Yeshua, I speak life into the heart of that child, into the body of that child, for healing to come over the child, for there to be freedom and deliverance from all illness, that everything will be made straight and whole in the name of Yeshua, that there will be freedom and deliverance in the womb. In the name of Yeshua, raise up a child for your kingdom's sake, O Lord, to be a warrior, for your kingdom, to give you glory all the days of their lives. Father, I pray for all who are facing trial right now in this time, that you would give them your compassion and mercy, that they would experience your presence, that they would experience your peace that surpasses understanding. Father, I ask that there would be a time, right now that they make, after this broadcast is over, to get alone with you, to give all their burdens to you. Father, we surrender all things into your hands and we ask that you would have your way. And your way is perfect. And we Trust you with that, Lord, we trust you with all that we cannot control. We give up control. And I thank you that you're teaching us to surrender. And Father, I pray for all family members who do not know you. I pray for my own family members who do not know you. I pray for the family members of those on the live chat and those who will listen later, who do not know you. I pray for anyone who is listening to this, who do not know you or who think they know you, but who are like virgins, setting themselves apart for you, but who have no oil and who have no light and they don't even realize it. Father, I pray that you would wake them up this day, that their eyes and ears will be opened to the gospel, to the Son who is coming soon on the horse and who will judge the living and the dead. Father, I thank you that you give them dreams and visions. I thank you that you give them, that you draw their heart by your spirit. I pray that you would do that, O Lord, that great deliverance would go forth tonight into all of these families that they would see and taste and know the Lord is good and that the Lord has come to deliver. That is not by our might nor our power, but by the glory, the power of God. Father, we repent where we have doubted you, where we have walked with the world, where we have sinned. And I thank you for giving us a new resurrection even in this moment, a resurrection to receive your spirit as we die with Christ and get resurrected with Christ in this life, now as I speak, where we can start breathing the life of God, everywhere we go, shining the light of Christ everywhere we go. Let this become our testimony that we hold to the confession of who Yeshua is as the Son of God and that we keep his commandments. I pray all of this in the name of Yeshua, the Messiah. Amen. Thank you so much guys for joining me. Karen, I see you say may we turn from sin, from false gods, from all things that would perpetuate curses. Amen. Patrick says save now. We pray. David and Natalie, thank you for joining us. They say pray. They say, yes, we are asking for a miracle. Lizada says, thank you for sharing the word lizard. All glory to the Father. All right, guys, thank you so much. And I also see Tree guy, thank you so much for your gift, your super chat. That's such a blessing to us. Thank you all for joining us tonight. May the Father bless you and keep you, shine his face upon you, lift up his countenance upon you, give you a shalom and his mercy and his grace. It is an honor that you would listen to me speaking about the millennium. If this has been a blessing to you, consider joining us, becoming a part of the family. I want to say a special thank you to our partners who make this possible. And we'll see you all in the next video, as the Father permits. We love you, Shalom.

The Millennial Kingdom: What is it? Who will be in it? How can there be a rebellion thereafter? Will we be having children? What is the first and second resurrection?

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