Rise on Fire Ministries

How do we discern false ‘holy’ spirits? How do we pursue the Authentic Holy Spirit?

1 month ago
Speaker A:

How do you recommend people balance true healing and true this and true tongues and true etc. With like, this, what some have called Kundalini spirit and like all the crazy stuff happening and the gyratings and what's going on with that stuff? And how do we discern? I mean, do we just look for the really weird stuff and we're like that, that's not it. How do you discern this?

Speaker B:

Right? This is an important topic. Hey, Luke. I think so many people, they may say, pd, I was in a church, I was in a place. I saw this, I saw that. This just put me off so much. Like I don't even know what's real anymore. And I get that. I respect that. There is a great amount of strange stuff happening in many churches, many conferences, many whatever. And yet that does not touch the Holy Spirit. It should not touch the Holy Spirit, who is holy and remains holy. See the moment that. And look, this is what I really think people should get is what is the real deception, you know, you have if there's a ministry that indeed is dabbling in something that is not holy, and they say it's the Holy Spirit, but it's not. Let's just say, then what is the enemy's plan with that? Okay, you have the constituents of that ministry who are directly impacted and who are hurt, perhaps, and who are. Maybe they are, you know, they suffer as a direct result of that. But then you have the bigger. The bigger audience, people who aren't even who just. They see this on a video on the Internet, and they are impacted in a negative way as well. They may not have lost money to a prosperity gospel or, or whatever, but what happened is that they have seen something that hurts their heart and has caused and causes them to often overreact. In other words, overreact. And to say anything spiritual that kind of looks spiritual like that must be thrown out as well. And that is that if we don't want to talk about the Kundalini Spirit, I believe that that is what the Kundalini spirit's main objective is, is to cause people who are actually believers, who have a right heart, who are seeking the right things from God, but actually causing them to be so hurt by the evil that they even turn their hearts away from what is holy and good by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God. And so that that has happened. That is, that is why the cessationist movement exists. Cessationism is a doctrine that was invented by the Protestants when the Catholic Church, they broke free from Break away from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church said, we are the authentic church because we do all these miracles. We have all these miracles that authenticate our ministry. And so the Protestants say, well, that means cessationism must be true, that they overreacted and said, well, miracles by people through spiritual gifts cannot be for today anymore. It ceased with the apostles. Otherwise, you know, because we need to battle this Catholic doctrine that says we are the real people because of the miracles today. It's the same thing. We say that denomination, that denomination, we try and delegitimize them by saying, well, no, no miracles by spiritual gifts are relevant for today anymore. Okay, So I was asking, how do.

Speaker A:

We kind of tell the difference between this bad moves of the spirit or about an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit, Whatever you want to say, right?

Speaker B:

So Yeshua said as plainly, he said, you will know them by their fruits. Okay? And that's a big deal because he doesn't say, you will know them by the way they look on the outside. You know, Christ himself looked, you know, there wasn't. It didn't seem, you know, people judged him from the outside. Oftentimes he did this, he did that. However the fruit tells the story. So when we look at the ministry of someone, we have to do a deeper investigation than just it looks this or it looks that. Okay, let's dive deeper, investigate what does the fruit of his ministry look like. So, yeah, that's the short and sweet answer to that. There's other obvious things. If the Holy Spirit is always going to confess that Christ is Lord, but that's typically not our problem. Our problem is typically the deeper levels of deceit that can come in where someone may say, you know, they're a Christian and they're. But yet the fruits is what hurts people. It's either bad fruit or good fruit.

Speaker A:

So, man, what would you say to someone who maybe in the past has tried to pray for someone or they've tried to pray for something and many times and it just, they, it hasn't worked for them or hasn't worked at the time. And maybe that has actually hurt their faith a little. But they're, they're, you know, they're still working through that. And how would you encourage them to have faith that this stuff, maybe not just this stuff is possible? Just have faith at all? You know?

Speaker B:

Luke, Angela, question for a sec. So why do you keep the Sabbath?

Speaker A:

Because I know that it's right. I know that God told us to do it. And he rested on the seventh day after creation. So that has been sealed in my head.

Speaker B:

I love it. So you did it because God told you to. It's the right thing to do. So why do you pray for the sick?

Speaker A:

Same thing, same reason, isn't it?

Speaker B:

No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

Because a lot of people, a lot of people tell me I want to pray for the sick because I want to see them healed. But you don't keep the Sabbath saying pd, I keep the Sabbath because I need that peace. And the moment that I don't, if I have a bad Sabbath, this Sabbath, it just failed. Like, that's just like, maybe I shouldn't keep the Sabbath. You see, I think what I'm trying to say is we are approaching, interestingly enough, when it comes to the Holy Spirit, we're approaching it results based a lot of times. Whereas when you think about, like, the Sabbath or God's commandments, we're going to make mistakes, we're going to, like, stumble. We're going to. But yet we know we should just keep pushing through. God is empowering us. He's sanctifying us, he's helping us. And so that's exactly the same thing. You don't. If you have, like, if the next 10 Sabbaths you keep are just like, there's no peace at all in the house, that's not going to be the thing that stops you from doing it on the 11th time and seeing the peace come. So in the same way, when we praying for people, if we're talking about healing now or a word of knowledge or whatever, like, just because it didn't happen the way that I expected, anticipated, or desired, doesn't give me the right to say, well, I guess that wasn't God's will. I'm going to stop doing that. Well, the Word doesn't change. The Word still says believers will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover. They will recover. So, okay, they didn't recover this time, but it says they will. Right? And so perhaps there's the Father looking at us, looking at our hearts, looking at our motivations, looking at why are we even trying to do what we're trying to do. And you know, how we approach this, really, it speaks a lot to those things. If we're doing this just because His Word told me to, and I love him and I want to obey him, and I want to be like Jesus more in my life. Like, I'm going to do what it said no matter what I see. And perhaps that's part of the secret to seeing What Esau is to keep walking like he did in faith. Because faith is the hope of things not yet seen. So if you stop praying for someone because you didn't see, then there is not. There's no faith. Faith is the hope that is. And it even speaks about a conviction in that hope, a conviction of, so are we convicted that the word of God is true no matter what I see? Or am I going to say what I see trumps the word of God?

Speaker A:

My goodness. It reminds me of the Hebrews where he talks about all the. Like Hebrews 11. He talks about all the fathers of the faith looking forward to a city that they never saw their whole life. They knew this would happen, but they've never saw it. They died without it. They even died before Yeshua came. And they had that faith still. They died in that faith.

Speaker B:

Exactly. That's a wonderful point too, man. There's a time for us to die. There's a time for us to get healed. There's a time for everything. We will all be healed. It is God's will for us all to be healed. Like, there is no question about that because he said that we're getting a renewed body and there's going to be no tears, there's going to be no sickness. So that's his will, ultimately. But sometimes it's hard, brother, because there's complications. There's sometimes a journey. We see the Book of Job, what happened with Job. We see tests and trials, but we also see people getting healed, like, all the time. Like, honestly, Luke, in my own ministry, we see people get healed all the time. And there's people I don't see get healed all the time too. Right? So. But something that's called a miracle by nature is not common because it's miraculous. And that means there's somewhat a rarity attributed to it. But I believe that you can live a life where whatever your spiritual gift is, that you see God using you miraculously on a regular basis. And what I mean by regular is, you know, different things happening in your daily life. I can. We can. We should each, I believe, have an array of testimonies of how God has miraculously done things in our lives. And I think we, most of us have that. But I think also when you look at the really specific of the spiritual gifts that Paul lays out for us, there is a more miraculous thing about those, because by nature, those gifts are so, like how God, okay, God says, I will lay my hands on the sick and they will recover. How does that even work? Like God doesn't even tell me, like, how does that work? Or I will speak in tongues, or I will interpret tongues, or I will have words of knowledge, like, how does any of that work now? You know, And I think that's another issue is there's a lack of discipleship because Yeshua did. Jesus walked with his disciples, right? And he discipled them. So that doesn't mean there's an excuse like, I didn't have discipleship, I was hungry. And God, by his mercy, he revealed things. But discipleship would have been really helpful for me. You know, it would have accelerated my walk. So, yeah, there's a whole lot of things going on. But. But I will say that the main thing is likely. And I'm not speaking about anyone specific. I'm just speaking in general. Now, I think in general, the body of Christ isn't hungry enough. In general, we are satisfied with our weekly Torah portion going home, but we don't want to get as involved in our own communities. We don't want to necessarily go and serve homeless people or see the Spirit move in the congregation, serving one another radically in that way. We want to serve one another. Don't get me wrong, it's not that. But there is a vulnerability involved with allowing the Holy Spirit to move. And that's scary sometimes. It is out of our control sometimes in that it's not how we would have done things, perhaps, or how we think things would go. It's sometimes a little bit more messy looking. And I'm not talking about disorder, I'm not talking about any of. I'm just talking about there's a vulnerability for even a pasture to open up and say, holy Spirit, do what you wish. I have my plans, but do what you wish. That's sometimes really difficult. And so in America, things are organized, structured. We like our organizations, we like our boxes, we like how things should be. And yet in the first century, Acts 2 wasn't planned. Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit was poured out and people spoke in tongues, people in the back said, what is going on? Are these men drunk? Like something is not going according to the plan of men there. But yet it was still good, it was still holy. So there's a balance between having order, biblical order, which that's important, Biblical order, not just what we consider order, biblical order, but yet also allowing the Holy Spirit to move.

Speaker A:

That's a hard balance, right?

Speaker B:

Christ is this cornerstone of our faith, not like some spiritual gift, not some like. So we don't chase the miracles, we don't chase the gift. We chase after Christ and then from that those things naturally flow from our lives as a result of intimate relationship with Him. He is the one who does it ultimately, right? It's not really me. It's not you. We are conduits of his glory. And so we step out, we go in faith, but he does it. So it's and I would say for anyone who's like keeping trying to keep the law of God, well, be careful for the mindset. Yeshua Paul said in Galatians, have you received the Spirit by works of the law? See, no. So that means that you need to be careful, that you do not start. Someone told me once pd that whole casting of demons thing, maybe if I keep the Sabbath a few more years, then I'll be able to even think about doing something like that. If that across my path. Like, be careful. Like, you're never going to be able to cast out a demon or heal the sick if it's dependent on how well you kept the Sabbath this week. But the message I think that the Father has in this day is that this is for my people. This is not just for a pastor, a prophet or evangelist. This is for the body of Christ to be empowered in all of their gifts, to work together so that we can see what we saw in the first century again. Sa.

When considering the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, many have been hurt by abuses done “in the name of” the Holy Spirit. But what if this assault of falsehoods is to disarm God’s people from their gifts? I would like to submit to you, that our proper response to falsehood should always be to pursue the authentic more than ever before!

A special thank you to Luke from the Life Podcast - check out the full interview here:     • Ep. 27 Miracles & Healing in the Tora...  

Check out their podcast here:     / @thelife_podcast  

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