Rise on Fire Ministries

#57 – ╫ Set-apart in the midst of paganism - Sodom & Gomorrah - Torah Portion: He Appeared [PODCAST]

[PODCAST] The story of Sodom & Gomorrah encourages us to live set apart, even if our families and friends choose not to. Especially in this season of pagan practices, I believe this will greatly encourage you to be bold and different from the road everyone else takes.

6 years ago

[PODCAST] The story of Sodom & Gomorrah encourages us to live set apart, even if our families and friends choose not to. Especially in this season of pagan practices, I believe this will greatly encourage you to be bold and different from the road everyone else takes. Torah Portion: Vayera / He Appeared (Gen 18 -22) Rise on Fire is a ministry assigned to ignite a fire of Spirit & Truth around the world. God is calling us back to the walk of Yeshua with no more excuses. We are free from the traditions of men, led by the Truth and empowered by the Spirit.