Rise on Fire Ministries

Have We Left the Bible Behind? Approaching the End-Times Biblically [PODCAST]

The world is always up to something: chaos, rumors of wars, pandemics- and the media and social networks are constantly feeding into the fear.

2 years ago

Episode Notes

The world is always up to something: chaos, rumors of wars, pandemics- and the media and social networks are constantly feeding into the fear. As believers living in these times, we might find ourselves searching the Scripture to see if we are the final generation who will see the rise of the Anti-Christ and Mark of the Beast. However, some believers have become so enamored with trying to uncover these mysteries that they have lost sight of the more important mission and commission Yeshua left us with before ascending.

We are called to be Witnesses, Disciple-Makers, and Emissaries of Hope to a world lost in sin and fear. When our King returns, will He find us busy about His business or our own? Will we live in fear, or will we become the Ambassadors of Hope we are called to be?