Rise on Fire Ministries

This is a TEST - The Spiritual Implication of the Trump Shooting

2 months ago
Speaker A:

The 45th president of the United States have been shot.

Speaker B:

America is reeling tonight.

Speaker A:

Shots have rung out at a rally.

Speaker B:

A dark new turn for a deeply divided nation.

Speaker A:

And the world is going crazy. But what if all of this is but a test? See, the moment that everyone was turning on their tvs to see on the news what had transpired, I thought immediately, how will believers react? Will they pass the test? And now, only a few days in, the answer has already become clear. Unfortunately. See, there's been a lot of talk about conspiracy. And conspiracy by nature, is something that has happened, is happening, and will happen in many areas of the world. But as people rally around Trump as a very controversial figure, to say the least, some idolize him, even to the point of worship, and some hate him with all their being. Some now even saying that he is being anointed as a levitical priest of Israel because a bullet struck his ear and marked it with blood, comparing it to how blood was applied to the ear, the thumb and the toe of the levitical high priest of Israel. Others, who are filled with hatred is now saying that, well, he's the beast of revelation 13 because of a head wound. Many have forgotten the true conspiracy that surrounds all of us. That Satan has deceived the whole world. In the first conspiracy to ever come upon this world, in the Garden of Eden, we see that the snake approaches Eve and tells her that she may eat of the tree and that nothing will happen to her. But we all know that this story is not about a woman and a snake. While Eve was deceived, Adam would be tested. And not only that, their decisions had a ripple effect upon the entire world. And in the same way, when the shooter was deceived by the snake, to think that his actions would accomplish something, whatever his motive was, that he would be able to promote his ideology, or that he would be able to take a sort of revenge or whatever it is, whatever the deal was with Satan, ultimately what occurred is that the world was tested by the deception of the shooter, while the shooter participated, while the shooter went ahead and pulled a trigger. Now all of heaven is fixated upon the world. To see, how will believers respond, to see what will you do? Will we act with the same deceived heart as the shooter? Will we murder with just a different type of weapon, pulling the trigger with our own mouths? See, the messiah himself spoke about this and said that murder is something that comes forth from the mouth. And this is exactly what the enemy is doing. This is a spiritual situation on the world stage right now, and it is all to divide. It is to destroy unity between people. It is a spiritual attack aimed at the downfall of America as a nation that once was united under goddess. See, the moment that Adam and Eve fell, the first thing that suffered was their relationship. As they started to point the finger at one another, saying whose fault it actually is. But as they blame one another for as to what really happened and what the true conspiracy actually is, as they threw their theories out to one another, the reality was that they all were guilty. They all needed the same thing, a thing called forgiveness. And it is the moment that we as believers, who are supposed to know what forgiveness is, miss sight of what it is that we lose our identity to the world itself. We act like the world and we grow in all of the things that the world is growing in. As I speak, your political alignment doesn't get you out of loving your neighbor. Your conspiracy, no matter what it says, doesn't get you out of loving your neighbor. And if your conspiracy or your political alignments causes your heart to grow cold of love, then your religion has become worthless. If you cannot tame your tongue, even in a world of disaster, your religion has become worthless. Isn't it for a moment and a time like this that we as believers are supposed to shine differently? You could say, well, PD, hold up. You don't understand. I know the truth. I know what actually happened. And if that's true, then that's great. But do remember that truth is established by two to three witnesses and nothing. Alas, truth is rewarded to the patient, because the Bible says that everything that is hidden will come to light. But sometimes we are so quick to want to discover the truth. And our impatience, which is a fruit of the flesh, causes us to come to conclusions and judgments about situations being deceived as the world is deceived. The Bible says we must be slow to speak, slow to anger, and slow to judge what we know as truth. Truly about this whole situation is that people were shot. People created by God died. There was a former fire chief, a firemande, who jumped in front of his family members, took a bullet for them and died on that day. And there are many believers who mock at this entire situation, paying no respect to sanctity of life itself and the reality that we are to be a people who mourn with those who are mourning. You are called to comfort the hearts of the fearful and the confused, to love, to show compassion, to bring peace to all the chaos, to give all an example of integrity with all of the information we are being bombarded with, so all may incline their ear to the gospel within you. That's the only way that we can pass this test. This is how you will come out of this situation on the other side. Without the judgment of God, you say, Peter, what are you talking about? The Bible says on the day of judgment, people will give an account for every careless word that they speak, any careless word that you may have uttered this day or yesterday or the day before. Ever since this event transpired, you will be held to an account. For before the living, breathing God and all of heaven and earth will witness that as heaven right now is witnessing your life. As to how you will walk out before the Lord, either in reverence and in fear to carry the light or in a casual nature that tramples underfoot the holiness of what he has called to who will you be and will you pass the test? Channel.

The moment everyone was turning on their television to see what had transpired, I wondered: "how will believers respond? Will they pass the test?" Since it's been a few days, this has become clear. Unfortunately.

Heaven is watching. How should we respond to disaster?

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