Rise on Fire Ministries

#195 – ╫ I prayed for the sick, then I got sick!? [PODCAST]

We don't always understand why we get sick, or why suffering comes across our paths.

4 years ago
We don't always understand why we get sick, or why suffering comes across our paths. Just last weekend after a fruitful time at a conference with many healed, we came down with the flu. How do we explain praying for the sick, when we can't even "take ourselves down from the cross"? Yes, God could have stopped it all and taken Yeshua off the cross in the midst of it, but He didn't - for there was a purpose for His suffering. In fact, His suffering and ultimate death on the cross became the best thing that has ever happened to the world. What if when we walk as He did and remain in covenant with Him, our suffering yields the same fruit? What if our suffering, instead of it being without purpose, can bring glory to the Kingdom of God if we yield ourselves into His hands. He never said this walk would be easy, in fact, He said we would suffer the same things He did. Therefore we rejoice in our suffering and pray for it to change lives in the most mysterious ways only God can work. This is a story of how our seemingly "bad situation" at an airport last weekend got turned around to become life-changing events for people around us.