Rise on Fire Ministries

Street Ministry Miracles! Praying for strangers for the first time - Incredible Testimony

11 days ago
Speaker A:

It feels like we're treasure hunting. And DJ said, that's exactly what we're doing. We're treasure hunting. Started crying. Like, it really touched him. That was really cool. And the other one, too. I went over to her and just, like, I just walked over to her. Anson had already been talking to her and praying for her, and I just walked up and just held her, and she just wept, and she was shaking, you know, just so visibly. And so they were all very much like, thank you. Thank you for being here and praying. Honestly, it's, you know, it blesses these people, but it blesses us even more. And so it was really awesome, and it was really faith building. And from then on, they were like, okay, we want to keep on praying for more people since it was just so awesome. The lady was super touched.

Speaker B:

And then, like, he said that we could pray for him, and so we did, and he was like, you know, it's a little better. And we're like, well, can we pray for you again? And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so we pray for him again. And he's like, you could see in his face, like, it's like, yeah, it's better than it was when we were.

Speaker A:

Praying for the people that you could, like, see that they were so touched, and they were just, like, getting tears in their eyes. And I'm like, this is nothing that I did. Like, thinking. Like, this is not. Not what I did. Like, I'm not like, it literally just came out of my mouth. The word just came out of my mouth. I was not even trying to think about it. It was just, it was really amazing. And she just, like, she just was like, oh, my gosh. And we were just kind of, like, all, like, giggling and laughing, and she was just like, oh, my gosh. And they were all like, thank you so much. So much.

Speaker C:

The past couple of years, my arms, I haven't had full movement in it. And Petey was telling about a guy early who could only lift his arm halfway. Well, mine was like that. I can only bring my arm up to, like, right here. And even with that, I still haven't had, oh, I'm using louse. I didn't want to put. So I usually haven't had full motion of my arm. I couldn't reach and touch my back or anything, so I had peedy prey over my both arms. It's been like that. And now I could just reach and touch my back. I can scratch my back. I can roll over on and everything. So I have full movement in it, and I haven't had that in, like, over two years now.

Speaker D:

I've been praying and just really seeking spiritual gifts and to walk in them, and the word of knowledge has been on my heart quite a bit since listening to your message about the gifts. And so we're in the car praying, and. And I kept seeing, like, a sign, and I kind of see the sign looked like. And then it was like, one stop, like gas station. So those three things were kind of in my head, and I didn't say anything because I didn't know, you know? And then she kind of kept asking, it could be anything. Like, red shirt, it could be anything. And I was like, all right, I'm seeing these three things. And so she googled one stop, and there was a place about 6 miles away. So we went, went there, and it was closed, and. But then I had seen back a little ways, like, a sign that looked similar to what I had seen in my head. And so we went that direction, but that wasn't quite the right place yet. And across the road, she saw a gas station. So we pulled in there, and there was a big park, and, like, a lot of homeless people there, so which is their specialties.

Speaker A:

So we had said it's kind of like a treasure hunt, right? And I even said that in the car, I was like, it feels like we're treasure hunting. And DJ said, that's exactly what we're doing. We're treasure hunting. And it really was that way because the things that she saw, it was like, it led us there. It was at the first stop. It was like, okay, well, wait, that's the sign. And then we went to the sign, and then it was like, okay, now there's no one here. God, like, what do you want us to do? And I was like, I think we're in the right place. This is very, like, we didn't know. We just literally just followed the map to this place called one stop, which was a business center, and we ended up in a very area, an area that there was a lot of poverty, and you could tell just from what was around. And to me, the ticket was that we were at a plasma. Like, you can donate plasma, and that's typically, you know, a way that a homeless person can get some money. And so I was like, we're in the right place. Like, just go towards the plasma place, because that looked like a shopping center. There might be people walking around, right? That's when I saw the gas station. And she had said she had heard stop and go. She was like, is there a gas station called stop and go? And there wasn't. There was a place called stop and go, but the gas station was called come and go. And so he pulled into come and go. And as he pulled into the parking lot, there were lots of people there. So I was like, okay, this is probably it. We can talk to people coming in and out of the gas station. And as he pulled in, I was like, look, there's a park, like, right behind the gas station. And there's people. Like, we could see families. So it was like, cool, we'll just pray for these families. And then as we were walking through the park, we realized, like, oh, this is where the homeless people stay. Like, there's covered pavilions. And it was very obvious who we were talking to, right? And so we didn't see any, like, amazing, you know, no lame walked or blind saw today, but we were able to pray with a couple, and they were just as much encouragement to us as I think we were to them, because one of the women was feeding the homeless. That's the woman that was sitting there. She's like, I come here because I was homeless, and so now I want to feed them here. And so we had a really great conversation with them. We prayed for his hearing and encouraged her. And so it was just a really beautiful opportunity. I feel like, you know, we just kept encouraging them that it's not always going to be that. Like, you don't know what seeds you're planting, even just in the prayers. So, you know, and we got a lot of nos. We got a lot of, you know, can we pray for you? We're just walking around asking, you know, praying for people if they need prayers or something we can pray with you about. And they're like, no, I'm good. No, I'm good. No, I'm good. You know, so we got a lot of that, and that's okay, too.

Speaker D:

So, well, he took you, Yeshua took you to the most important place, because that's where he would have been, in the middle of the poverty. The homeless people, those were struggling. So awesome. Praise God for that guidance. That's awesome.

Speaker A:

And we prayed and asked the father to lead us. We went into psalms and what he laid on our hearts, we separated. We went different ways. But what he had laid on both couples hearts was the same thing, to pray for the people working at Sam's. And so we stopped and we did that. And we had two ladies that were both having surgery. One of them had cancer on her leg, and we were able to pray for them. And then we went and prayed for another young lady. We just asked, did she need prayer? And she said, she started crying, and she said, yes, I do. I just need direction from God. I need to know what I'm supposed to do with my life and come to find out. She was a preacher's daughter. And I started talking to her, and we prayed for her. We walked away, and she came, chased us down and asked, would we go and pray with her boyfriend as well. And so we did that. We find out the father, when I'm speaking to her, I ask her, do you sing? Hey, that came to my mind. And she said, yes, I do. I sing. You know, I sing at church. And she had been real discouraged and didn't know where the father was leading her. And she was just really encouraged, her and her husband, I mean, her, her boyfriend, and they both were just searching, trying to find the father's will for their life. And so we were able to encourage people. You know, not always the father sends you to those that are lost, but sometimes he sends you to those who need a word from him that need to hear, hey, you're loved. Hey, I hear you. Hey, I know you're here. Basically, we got out, and me and Keegan saw this guy who had these braces on his legs, and so we looked at each other, was like, yeah, we should pray for him. So we went and we kind of followed him in. Then he walked back out, and we were like, ah, should we go back out or should we just wait here? We decided to go back out, though, and, like, follow him and. Yeah. And so right as we were about to pray for him in an intersection, there was a car accident. And so my dad and wesley and Keegan, like, ran over to go, like, help them out, and I stayed and I prayed for the guy, and there was no healing, but he started crying. Like, it really touched him, and that was really cool. Then we ran over and we were helping. It was in the car accident. There were two, like, young women, and one of them had children, so they helped get the children out of the car, and we just started praying for them. None of them were believers. We were just there for them. We were praying for them, and it really touched them. And so they were about to go. Like, one of the cars was probably totaled. And she was really, really sad because she was going to get food for the kids and diapers and wipes. And so my dad and Wesley and then some of the younger kids ran to go to Walmart to get them the stuff they needed. And we stayed, and we stayed, and, like, we're praying and talking to the girls, and it was really cool because me and my mom and my two youngest siblings, we were just in a car accident recently. I was driving. I'm 16, so I know I look young, but it was all legal. I was able to. We were all able to, like, uniquely empathize with them. And I went over to the girl who was. It was, like, legally her fault. It was like, there was vision obstruction and stuff. So it was. It was a difficult situation, but it was, like, legally her fault. So I went over, and I was like, just like, I know what you feel like. I understand you were able to pray for them, and it really touched them. And they came back with the groceries, and they were just. They were just in tears, and it really touched them. And it was a super cool situation. So God definitely orchestrated it. So you want to share it with them? I just think it was cool because they were obviously not believers. And we were able to say explicitly, God sent us here. He sees you, the one who got hit with the two little kids. Her apartment just burned down yesterday, so she was just like, I can't get a break. And I just said, he sees you where you are. He's after your heart, and he sent us here for you because we have no other business being here. He sent us here, and this is the assignment, and he sees you, and she just. You could just see. There wasn't, like, a reception. Oh, I give my life. But there was, like, a. Are you for real? And the other one, too. I went over to her, and just, like, I just walked over to her. Anson had already been talking to her and praying for her, and I just, like, walked up and just held her, and she just wept, and she was shaking, you know, just so visibly. And so they were all very much like, thank you. Thank you for being here and praying.

Speaker D:

So, so the schedule of this event, which, obviously we just put up together and you guys going out at that time and that moment, there is an accident right there with all those people involved, and you're right there, like, for the purpose.

Speaker A:

Who are we looking for? And here's this whole group. And we were whole. I walked up. Wesley was holding one of the babies. I walked up. We found them. Where are they? Oh, they're at the car accident. He's holding. Right? You're holding. And I just went and grabbed one of the other babies from the mom, and she's shaking, and, you know, so it was just a sweet. It was just a God ordained moment to care for these people that don't know him.

Speaker D:

Come on.

Speaker C:

So we also went to Sam's club, and much like, right now, I was the point man. I kind of got pushed out front to go find people, so that's what I did. My tactic was to look in people's eyes to see who's got a burden, like a visible burden on them. Obviously, they would need prayer, and we had 50 50 results. Yes, pray for us, or no, we're good. We're fine. But then the last couple that we talked to appeared outwardly. Like, they had everything together. They were happy go lucky. They were just shopping, and I was like, hey, I just want. Stop, you guys. You know? I know it's weird. I'm nervous, too, but we're out here praying for people and don't scare people.

Speaker A:

Because he would just like, it's our first time ever doing this.

Speaker C:

I've never done that in my life.

Speaker A:

Yes, you.

Speaker C:

So scary. Anyway, they initially turned us down, and then we were, you know, you guys have a blessed day. And we were about to walk away, and the wife spoke up and said that she had some medical issues, that they don't know what it is. They're in the beginning stages of diagnosis, so through the process of conversation to find out what they're going through to build a prayer for them specifically, it turned out to be a really ordained moment because everybody ended up in tears because now they feel more equipped spiritually to walk into whatever it is they have to deal with next because they have no idea what's going on. But it was interesting that it was the couple that looked like they had everything together that needed the prayer the most.

Speaker D:

Don't judge by appearances. Praise God. Awesome.

Speaker A:

Okay, so this was their. All their first times going out, and I feel like it's always, like, such a blessing, honestly. And that's what I was telling them. I was like, honestly, it's, you know, it blesses these people, but it blesses us even more. And so that was just kind of, you know, the heart going into it. Anyway, we're like, when we first got into the car, we had a huge group, and this is kind of just like, what broke off. Anyway, we were like, okay. We were praying. We're like, hey, father, just give us a word of knowledge where it is it that we should go. So target. A couple of the girls got target, and so we're like, okay, let's go to target. We end up going there, and we got turned down like, how many times? It was two different times. We got turned down. We're like, okay, father. All right, where should we go? We just kind of kept on walking around, and bass pro shop ended up being in that same place, and we're like, hey, should we go to bass pro shop? So we ended up going to bass pro shop, and the first person that we asked, they were like, can we pray for you? And just like, yeah, of course. And so it was really awesome, and it was really faith building. And from then on, they were like, okay, we want to keep on praying for more people since it was just so awesome. The lady was super touched, and they ended up seeing somebody. I was like, it's always really good to ask if somebody has pain or if you see something physical on them, because, again, that's really faith building. It shows that our God is real and he heals. And so they ended up seeing somebody with a brace on their arm, and they were like, oh, him. Right there. Right there. Let's go over there. So we ended up going over there, and they ended up asking. They're like, could we, you know, pray for you? And he was like, sure. And we were like, okay, on a scale of one to ten, you know, like, how bad does your wrist hurt? And he, like, ends up taking off his brace, and we're like, can we pray for it? We believe that our God could heal you. And so then we all ended up laying hands on him. Does somebody else want to say what happened next?

Speaker B:

And then, like, he said that we could pray for him, and so we did, and he was like, you know, it's a little better. And we're like, well, can we pray for you again? And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so we prayed for him again, and he's like. Like, you could see in his face, like, it's like, yeah, it's better than it was. And then we ended up praying for, like, their whole family.

Speaker A:

It was just really awesome. Yeah. You want to share anything? And so, yeah, I just thought it was really interesting that when we were praying for the people that you could, like, see that they were so touched, and they were just, like, getting tears in their eyes, and I'm like, this is nothing that I did. Like, thinking. Like, this is not what I did. Like, I'm not. Like, it literally just came out of my mouth. The word just came out of my mouth. I was not even trying to think about it. It was just. It was really amazing.

Speaker D:

Yeah, praise God. That's what it's like to be led by the spirit. All right.

Speaker A:

And we had gone to a park first, and we ended up praying for eight people at the park. It was like this mom and her son, and we prayed for her. And she just looked like she was just kind of like, why are you guys praying for me? But, like, sure. And, like, everyone that we went and asked, like, we ended up praying, I think, for, like, in total, like, ten people or something. And everybody said yes, which was, like, super cool and, like, really encouraging to me because usually I get, like, a lot of nos. Like, people are like, yeah, no, thanks. I'm good. And so it was, like, super cool because we went. Then we went to target, and there was this. We were like, okay. I was like, guys, let's try to find treasures. And when I say treasures, it's kind of like pointing out something like, okay, what's one thing that, like, okay, somebody with a blue shirt, you know, if you see somebody with a blue shirt, go and pray for them. And so I was like, okay, boys, like, let's point out something. And then one of them was like, somebody with a brown shirt. And so we were like, okay. So we're walking around, and I see this lady with a brown, like, tank top. And I was like, oh, there's somebody with a brown shirt. She was, like, the only person in the entire store that had a brown shirt on. And so I was like, okay, let's go up to her. So we went up to her, and she was pregnant. And so I was like, oh, like, congratulations. And we're talking. This was kind of a funny moment. One of the best prayers I've ever heard that I'm, like, from, like, a young boy to going to a mother, it was, like, the sweetest thing. And, like, I'm so proud that he went up and prayed this. I would have never prayed this, but it was, like, so cool. And he went up, and he was just kind of like, hey, I just pray that, like, it would just be a smooth birth. And, like, that it would just, you know, that there would be no pain and everything and that it would be a smooth birth. And she just, like, she just was like, oh, my gosh. And we were just kind of, like, all, like, giggling and laughing, and she was just like, oh, my gosh. And they were all like, thank you so much. And I was like, doesn't every woman pray for a painless birth? You know? I'm like, everybody prays for that. So I was like, amen. Pray for that. Like, we want that for sure. But it was just like, my heart, it was just so glad to just see him, and they were so excited, and they're like, let's go find another person. So then we went to bass pro and ended up paying, praying for one of the coworkers because he commented on my hat, and I was like, yo, can I actually pray for you? And he's like, oh, sure. And he ended up being a believer, and his wife was out of town traveling, and then he gave us a cool way to memorize scripture, and he was like, we gave him a card, and he's like, hey, thank you for being bold and coming out here. And it just was like. It was really cool to just see that. Is there anything you want to share?

Speaker E:

Yeah. So, I mean, beyond what. Yeah, these two boys did for all those women that were standing there. Like, there was a group there that were watching, they were praying along with, and, like, how much did they encourage them? And then also, like, with this experience, how much did it encourage those two to then go out into the future and do this more often? You know? And, like, for me, from my perspective, watching this, participating in this and all that kind of deal, it really uplifted me because I'm like, man, this is a foundation. This is a stone being planted right now for those two. And even for us, you know, for us to get encouraged, even though we've done this before, to have. We literally had 100% success with people in that. Everyone we went up to said yes, they were willing to be prayed for. They were okay with it. They invited us in, even though, you know, there's three of them that were super skeptical about it, but they were still kind to us about it. And so to return that love back was fantastic. That blessed us. You know, the blessing that we received from it, the foundation that they're, you know, receiving off it, and the foundation that we're continuing to build with it was absolutely phenomenal. More than, you know. That was probably the best thing that I could have gotten out today, last night with all the works for everything else. Like, those were great. But to do that for people, like, my. My love language for people is access service. So for God to be able to pull me into this and do that, like, awesome. Fantastic.

Speaker F:

At first, I didn't know what I was going to say. I thought, okay, maybe I'm going to pray for him or ask him if there's anything. But the conversation sort of turned out to how I usually talk to people when I'm talking about spiritual things, and it was like the gospel. And I think the takeaway from what I, what we experienced today is that we really need to get to the basics of the gospel. And we had two long conversations with two individuals. One was just Micah and myself, John, and then all of us, we went back out and talk to Richard. John's a younger man in his twenties, Richard was an older man in his sixties. And we just got to share the gospel and to get people to think about their relationship with God and with Jesus and just their standing with them. And so we, many of you guys might know who Ray comfort is. We used that opening conversation about the commandments. Are you keeping the commandments? Are you a good person? And we had really meaningful conversations and we left the conversations with, I hope you think about these important things. Chris gave us these Bible app cards. We gave those out, encouraged them to read the word. And we actually got to pray with John. And I'll let Micah share a little bit about what he did with John.

Speaker D:

I talked to him earlier today about how I have been healed. And so he felt led to bring that up and have me tell my testimony of how God has healed me in my life and to share that with him. And the thing with John is he was a young catholic man. He had been raised Catholic and it was just kind of his life. It didn't seem like his heart was really in it, he believed it. But you know, it's just one of those things that you do. And as I'm telling my testimony and stuff like that, it seems like there's this spark inside of him that starts to realize, hey, God does things like he can see in my eyes, my heart that I really did go through the pain that I went through. I mean, I had mild to severe chronic joint pain since I was eleven and chronic migraine since I was 18. I was on painkillers. And one day I had been prayed for a lot. I get prayed for once by two men. They were in the middle of teaching and God led them to just take the microphones and set it down mid sentence, no explanation of walk out the door. And I followed and I asked for prayer for healing and I was healed. And I haven't been on painkillers since. And I've had that prenup, hallelujah. And that was about all I really shared with John, specifically when we went back out together as a full group and we found, well, Andy found Richard and he started talking to him the same as before. Richard was another catholic man and he seemed to think that he had time to ask for forgiveness. But he was just going to do whatever he wanted until then.

Speaker A:

And I was telling him I thought I had time too, and I had a near fatal car accident in 2010 that I told him, you just don't know. It's a miracle. And I explained my testimony and how the father had someone with divine timing come to me and rescue me out of the situation before my car blew up. So it's just the testimony that y'all shared earlier about the accident. You just don't know God's providence, and his timing is always perfect. And I think today, with this witnessing, we really need to keep that in the forefront of our minds when we're seeing people. We need to make that a priority to talk to people, because you don't know. We don't know. And you may be the only Jesus Yeshua, that they ever see or hear. So some people, and another thing Andy didn't mention, but it's funny because we're talking about trying to minister to the homeless, and it's like, okay, well, this is the wrong area for that, so. But a lot of the people, you know, Andy and I were talking, a lot of the, you know, the rich people that Yeshua spoke to said, go sell everything to them. You know, if you want to come into the kingdom, sell everything you have. And, you know, he was very burdened and his heart was heavy because he had a lot. I guess when we go out to minister to people, if they're saying, oh, I'm good, I'm good, you know, they may think they're good, but honestly, a lot of people are empty shells. And I think that was a good place for us to go because a lot of people were receptive and prayed with us. So.

Speaker F:

So one of the things, I just been impressed since I've been here, since yesterday and today is just. And I. Since we are up here, I'd like to share about the importance of sharing the gospel in the light of getting right with God. Basically, how I praise it in my conversations with people. The basics in the Torah movement, in the Torah messianic movement, or hebrew roots, whatever we want to call ourselves, is being neglected, for the most part, for a lot of groups, a majority of the groups, not everybody, but what I've seen since, I've just been observing things over the last few years is that the realization of us needing a savior and forgiveness of sins before it's too late, that message going out to the public in our groups is really lacking. And I think that's one of the things I appreciate your ministry. If you do that. And that's one of the things that we were discussing today is, like, we don't do this enough because, like, everyone has what, they're healthy and rich and whatever, but they're like, you just said, they're poor. And so I just want to encourage everybody to learn how to do that and pray for those gifts to share that in the workplace and out in public.

Speaker D:

I mean, we were part of the other team that went to Sam's and felt led to speak to the employees. So, like, walked in the door and there's the, one of the customer service things. There's three of them there. And we're just waiting for, like, other customers to get out of the way and was like, okay, I got a question you've probably never heard ask here at customer service. Do any of y'all need prayer? And they're like, what the. You know? Because they're like, okay, so Gus had, you know, just general health. Okay, that's good. That's good. Okay. And then the other girl had a little tummy ache and stuff. That'll work. So we pray for them. And then I let my wife tell about the other girl that was there because it was kind of a touching moment, but moved around, found different people and found some ladies that were folding some clothes back in the back and talking with them sweet, sweet ladies. One, she said, yeah, my boyfriend's, you know, just trying to, you know, introduce me to God and blah, blah, blah, you know, real new. I don't know if she's a believer yet or not. And so we're just, you know, encouraging her, you know, yah. Gave an instruction book. You know, he's a good dad. You know, our dad's like, here, here's a plan for success. Here's one that's not going to go so great for you. So she's talking and, yeah, my boyfriend, he works right back over where they're roasting the chicken. So I end up going and talking to him just to say, hey, man, you're doing a good job. I don't know if he's. I don't know how strong a believer. I don't know any of this stuff. But you're doing a good job. Your girlfriend is just, like, bragging on you about how you're, you know, encouraging her to follow after. Yeah, I was like, man, go with all your strength. Go with everything that you have. Chase after him because it's a great life. It's a great life to follow the king. And I'll let my wife, tell about the other one.

Speaker A:

So I prayed for two ladies, and I just prayed for this one lady for a job, and that was good and everything, but when we first went in, we prayed with the workers at the front, and so he was praying with the two ladies, and I was praying with this other young girl, and I just started praying. You know how much the father loves you, and you're beautiful, and he sees.

Speaker D:

You that way, in a clench, crying on each other's shoulders. Let's get it all started.

Speaker A:

No. So I finished praying, and I look at her, and her face is just glowing, and she's like, can I give you a hug? And I said, yes. So she comes over, and she gives me this hug, and I just start praying in her ear, and I just say, you know, the father loves you. He's your father. He's there for you. And she is just weeping. It was beautiful. I was like, oh, my gosh. This touched me more than her, but it was awesome. It was awesome.

Speaker D:

The other girl in the back, she was a believer. The other girl in the back was a believer, and it was like, can we pray for you for anything? She's like, I want the fruit of the spirit evident in my life. I want discernment. I mean, would you hit the meeting with us?

Speaker A:

She was picked out for that. And we started praying with her, and she just was so excited. But, like, she. You could see, like, some of the believers, it's like their face just seemed like they were just glowing, you know? And it was awesome. But I'd never done that really before. And I was like, wow, this does more for me, probably, than it does for them, but it was awesome. It was awesome.

Speaker D:

Amen. Like I said, it changes us. Come on, praise him for that.

Speaker A:

Went to Walmart, and Margaret and I went in. So two guys were with us, my husband, another gentleman, and they kind of walked on ahead, and Margaret, there's. These ladies were coming out, and one was in the wheelchair, and the other one's pushing the cart, and they don't speak any English. They only speak Spanish. And she goes, do one of you speak English? And the younger lady was like, yeah, I speak some. So she's like, well, what can we pray for you? So don't be afraid to go to the people of different cultures. There is a plan and a purpose, and we are there, and God will open the door up. So she translated for us. We prayed for the one lady in the wheelchair, and the other lady had a back degenerative back disc, and so we prayed for her. And hers was like, healed. She was being able to walk and everything. So please don't be afraid just because they don't speak English. Go to them. God will give you the interpretation or something for them.

Speaker D:

Father, I just lift up. We just lift up all of those encounters, all those people, those seeds that were sown. And father, I ask, lord, that you would take care of them, that you protect them and you provide for them nourishment, everything they need in their lives. Father, I thank you, Lord, that you have your. You've had your eye on these people, Lord, and you've met them through miraculous timings as we heard today. And Father, I thank you. That this just reveals the miraculous plan of God. That it reveals, Lord, your sovereignty. It reveals, Lord, how you're using us even when we don't know it. How you're sending us, when we don't even understand where we're being sent and how, Lord, you are speaking through us even when we don't even fully understand it in the moment. Lord, I thank you. I pray, holy spirit and all who came forward and all who went out today, I pray, Lord, that you would just continue to empower them, to give them boldness, to go out, to step out, to share. And, Father, I pray, Lord, that these. This fire, this power of God, this love that you're giving us, Father, that it would not fall by the wayside, but that we would continue in it, that we would continue you in our day to day, sharing you with everyone we meet. Father, we thank you, Lord. Help us to be a light to this world. We pray all this in the name of Yeshua. Can we give him a big shout of praise?

Miracles are happening all around those of faith! May your eyes see God in these incredible testimonies from a crowd that was sent out - young & old - some of whom had never done so before. They saw incredible Words of Knowledge come to pass, healing, and even being at the right place at the right time as a car crash occurred right in front of them - allowing them to bring Yeshua to those who don't know Him!

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