Rise on Fire Ministries

SHAVUOT ONLINE CONFERENCE 2024 - On Earth as in Heaven

Learn ways to celebrate Shavuot with your family, hear testimonies of miracles and lives being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit around the world, learn to walk in the Holy Spirit and praise & worship as we exalt the name of Yeshua! Then, stay until the end to join our panel of speakers for a time of international prayer.

3 months ago
Speaker A:

Shalom and welcome to our online Shabuat conference. We're excited for you to join us today as we come together to worship, to delve into the word and to celebrate our king. As we explore how the ancient harvest festival of Shavuot points to Yeshua, Jesus and his kingdom.

Speaker B:

Amen. Guys, we are so excited. Shavuot is a feast. For those of you who don't know, that's part of the biblical feast days. We have the feast of Passover where Yeshua became our Passover lamb by dying for our sins. We then have the feast of unleavened bread where he was put in the grave. We have the feast of firstfruits where he was resurrected. And 50 days later, during the counting of the Omer, we see that there is the feast that is Shavuot, or also known as Pentecost. Just as these feasts have been prophetically fulfilled with his first coming, we are now left with the spiritual reality of what Shavuot calls us to become as believers today. See, from the moment that Adam and Eve fell, God set a plan in motion to get his people back. We see that he came to Abraham and gave Abraham a promised a promised offspring and a promised land. And he journeyed with Israel, delivering them from Egypt and bringing them to the mountain. It is believed that it was at this feast of Shavuot where God gave Israel his holy commandments on Mount Sinai. But yet, as we all know how the story goes, they failed to keep it. Their hearts were still hardened and they built a golden calf by which 3000 died. We see then that the father brings us Jesus the messiah, who comes to die for the sins of the world. And he tells us, it is good that I go, for I am sending a holy spirit pointing to that glorious day that would follow taking place in acts chapter two, when the Holy Spirit is finally poured out upon his people. And this makes Shavuot the final destination for all believers, for us all to be filled by God's Holy spirit and for us all to walk as Jesus walked.

Speaker A:

I love what David Wilbur writes in his website where he talks about celebrating Shavuot. And he says this. This festival therefore celebrates true biblical worship. Indeed, God gave both the truth of his word, his Torah and his spirit on Shavuot, thus enabling his people to worship in spirit and in truth. John 424 God is spiritual and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. Today we will be joined by five incredible speakers and they will each have ten to 15 minutes to share a message on Shavuot. Following our speakers, we will have a time of worship and then a time of live international prayer. Our speakers include Doctor Craig Keener, respected scholar and professor at Asbury University Nathan Harmon, evangelist and public speaker Chris Franke, pastor of Hebraic Family Fellowship doctor Edith Prakash, international evangelist and founder of Prakash Ministries. And then we will have worship led by Shamar, a wonderful family led worship band based in Texas.

Speaker B:

Amen. We can't wait, guys. We want to welcome you and we want to welcome all of our speakers. Thank you for being a part of it. If during the duration of this conference, this is a blessing to you and your family, consider bringing a Shavuot offering so that we may be a blessing to these speakers who are laboring among us tonight. Tonight we are beginning with Shamar, who's going to be leading us in an opening song of worship. Shamar is an amazing worship band whom we've had the honor of serving alongside. And I know that their music is going to be a blessing to you as well. Thank you.

Speaker C:

Shalom, everyone. We are Shamar and we're gonna take the next few minutes and honor our king. And we're gonna be singing to him. We're gonna be singing open up our hearts. Open up our heart to let the spirit in the spirit of truth. The spirit of truth. Open up our heart to let the spirit in be us in the truth. Lead us in our truth to glorify the Lord. Glorified his name. Glorified the Lord. Glorified is the name. Open our hearts to let the spirit in. Show us things to come. Wonders things to come. Open up our hearts to let the spirit in. May your kingdom come Lord, let your will be. I glorify, glorify your name. Glorify the Lord. Glorify your name. Glorified, glorified forever. Forever, forever. You are a double name.

Speaker A:

Thank you so much Shamar, for that beautiful and absolutely anointed song. Guys, Shamar writes their own original music which includes this song. You can check out their music on their YouTube channel and we'll include a link below in the video description.

Speaker B:

That was awesome, guys. Shamora is going to be joining us a little bit later in the conference again to continue leading us in worship. We have next up, Chris Franke, pastor of hebraic family Fellowship in Oklahoma, a congregation founded on bringing God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and walking like Yeshua walked. Chris is one of the founders of the revived conferences and he's also helped oversee and work alongside many respective messianic ministries across the US. Chris, thank you again for joining us.

Speaker D:

Thanks, guys, for the introduction and thanks for allowing me to be here with you guys tonight for the rise on fire ministries Shavuot Pentecost online conference. My name is Pastor Chris Franke, and I'm going to kind of just dive right in today. So as apprentices of Yeshua here in the 21st century, we're charged to make disciples. We're charged to go into the world and help bring God's kingdom to the earth as it exists in heaven. This isn't about bringing our kingdom. This isn't about bringing our will, our goal, our aspirations. Our sole job is to make disciples of the kingdom and the nature in the image of Christ, the king of heaven, the king of earth, the king of the Jews. And this seems like, while it might be a pretty daunting task in this life, if you're like me, I'm just trying to struggle to be the best version of myself. I don't have the perfect marriage. I'm not the perfect person. I'm attempting every single day to try to get better and better and better. And so you say, well, how? With all of my shortcomings, with all of my struggles, all my insecurities, all of the things that I wrestle with in this lifestyle and the things that the world is throwing into our face, how do I seek repentance, restoration and growth to walk in the Ephesians two calling that. It says that God has put in each and every one of us so that we can help usher in his kingdom on this earth as it is in the heavenlies. Yet when, when we look at the first century believers, there was four main groups of people that were a part of the Israelites in the Rome occupied land of Israel. And all of them struggled with why God's kingdom hadn't come and who and when and how moshiach was coming. A lot of times we forget the fact that it's like, as Christians, we want mashiach to come as messianics or as Sabbath keepers. We talk about Moshiachom or bo Yeshua. But the reality is that the Jews, including in the jewish writings, especially in the Torah and the prophets, when you read the Mishnah and you read the Zohar and you read some of these extra biblical books from jewish sages, they very much understand that all the Torah, all the prophets are pointing to this messianic king, this moshiach. There are times throughout the year in Israel where they'll come together at the wailing wall and they'll pray for moshiach to come. Recently, with all the upheaval in the world and in Israel, there's rabbis who are even stating like, this is for mashiach to come. And so they understand very much about this messianic king. They just don't see that Jesus Yeshua, the Messiah, was that messianic king. And so they're looking forward to how do we live every single day for the kingdom of God to come, the new Jerusalem, just as much as christians are looking for Jesus to come back and establish his kingdom. And we won't get into the weeds on all of the different theologies, but there's four main groups of people in the first century who very much were in a similar place to where I think we are today. You had the scribes and the Pharisees. These were the ones who felt that the kingdom wasn't currently coming in the day and age because of Israel's lack of faithfulness to the Torah. You had the Sadducees, who were kind of the ruling party. They thought the kingdom would come by cooperating politically with Rome, and that mashiach would be similar to a Moses type of pharaoh story, where Mashiach would come as a conquering king, and mashiach would come and to overthrow Rome. And we see that with Yeshua Barabbas and Pilate, where they had the opportunity to choose between the two yeshuas, and ultimately, they chose to put Yeshua Hamashiach to death. We see the zealots. These were the ones who actually went into the hills, and they were the ones who were putting together what we would call today militias, like little armies. Their goals were to combat Rome and the roman influence over Israel and the oppression of that and to free them. And then we see what was more commonly known at that time as the term the pagans, who would be more like the preppers, and they would go into the desert, and they were out there to wait until God would use them to start a new Israel. They would have their own priesthood and their own law and their own calendars and everything else. And their thought was, if we just waited out here, that God will see our righteousness out here, and he will use us to restore and bring about a new kingdom, a new Israel. Yet in all of those four groups, they didn't account for the majority of the people who were in Israel, in all the cities and all the deserts and all the hills. The largest group of individuals really weren't even classified as anything. They were people who were just barely hanging on. There were people who woke up every single day of their life, and they just said, I'm just trying to be the best person, or I'm just trying to get my healing, or I'm just trying to make an honest day's wage. I think of the leper out of the temple for roughly 40 years of his life, who every day went to the temple and was carried to the temple and was just asking for mercy, was asking for healing, was asking for resources to survive. The one that Yeshua came and healed, many of them were poor, they were sick, they were displaced by the roman occupation of Israel, and especially in Jerusalem, they were taxed heavily. They were oppressed even on the very small amount of shekels that they made. And yet, ironically, couldn't we say that there's a lot of similarities to today, but we're talking about the biblical landscape of the New Testament. We're talking about the biblical landscape of the time of Yeshua and the apostles and the apprentices that were there. And yet, ironically, here we sit in 2024 in the 21st century as apprentices of Yeshua, and we say, sounds like today, but there's hope. Because then heaven came to earth. A baby was born in a manger, a suffering servant, like Isaiah had told us had come, not this conquering king, a king who reflected the Father in heaven, a person who was like Moses. He went on a mountaintop and he spoke with authority. But this time it was a different authority. This time there wasn't the commingling of our flesh and the yetzirah, the evil nature. This time it was on earth as it was in heaven. See, the king of heaven, Yeshua Hamashiach, left his throne at the right hand of the father and became a baby in a manger, a suffering servant. As Isaiah said, he had a different authority, and he reflected the heart and the mind and the passion of Yahweh, one who said, I'm not going to build my kingdom with the rich and powerful rulers, but with the everyday persons who are just trying to survive, the ones, you know, who had been cast out by society. Maybe that's you. Maybe you drive by somebody every single day who's been cast out by society. Maybe you're just trying to. Trying to get by every single day in life. I know I am. You know, I pastor a church, and every day I'm just like, lord, reveal things, cause me to repentance, cause me to be a better husband, cause me to be a better, a better son and daughter of you in my own household. And my king my kids transform my areas of weaknesses into areas of opportunity for your spirit. Take the rags that we have in this life and turn them to riches. Not the kingdom of the political system of America, which is similar to the kingdom of Rome, but your kingdom, your blessings, your power. Bring the new Jerusalem and transform all we see. Bring God's. Bringing God's kingdom to earth means that you have to allow yourself to be transformed. Yes, it's true. We're called to go make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We're to be baptizing people and we're to be praying for people. And all those are true, but it only happens, and it's only authentic if the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in you. Paul tells us in Romans that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus living in us. If we are not truly transformed, then how do we truly go and transform others? Remember, it says, in the last days, I cast out demons in your name. I brought your kingdom here. The demons are gone. I healed. God is all about healing his kingdom. There will be no sorrow in his heavens. There will be no anger or malice or greed or gluttony. We've healed in your name. And he'll say, depart from me. I never knew you. Because until you allow the Holy Spirit to transform you, the spirit of Jesus to transform you, to walk in that ephesians two calling, and this is not a one and done. This isn't. I got baptized with water. I got baptized by the Holy Spirit, and I am done. No, this is an everyday journey and process. To be discipled by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is given by God's grace for God's righteousness, to be image bearers of him on this earth, be transformed. And as the Holy Spirit is transforming you, transform others. So what does that look like? Feed the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, pray for those who are oppressed, put others first. That's what Messiah did. Messiah could have chosen to spare his own life. Messiah could have chosen to pass that cup of wrath to Judas or to Pilate or to anybody else. He chose to take it himself and see those people, those oppressed, those lowly, those people who are addicts, those people who are wrestling. I'm one of them. I wrestle with narcissism every day of my life. I wrestle with anger. I wrestle with why God allows certain things to happen to other people. But I understand this, that God is sovereign and God is righteous and I am not. And so, as I ask him to transform the weaknesses and the sins of my life. I also know that I must practice Zedekah to those who are in need. Because while I am going through that transformation and that healing, and while the Lord and the Holy Spirit are doing those things, I can be an advocate for his kingdom, even in the fact that I'm not perfect. Why? Because for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And through that, we get to meet the people who don't walk in their self righteousness. They don't find the religious spirit. They find that they're broken and in need of a savior. I'm always broken and in need of my savior to come and build me up. And this is why I understand now more than ever. You pray for all. You baptize those who have given their life. You share your testimony, good and bad, of what Christ is doing, what the Holy Spirit is doing. Because the kingdom is not built on individuals, whether it's me or anybody else who says, God, we see your kingdom. Let us build our own kingdom in your. Your kingdom. He's not interested in us building our kingdom. He's not interested in us becoming the scribes and the Pharisees. He's not interested in us becoming the zealots in the hills, fighting the oppression of this world. He's interested in us going to those people who are barely getting by every single day and saying, you're seen, you're heard, you're loved. We hear you, Lord. We're going to do what you say, and we're going to sow your word and your blessings into this kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. How do we do that? In just a daily practice? One thing I try to put into practice every single day, and I know it's small, and I'll just leave you with this tonight. It says that in the throne room that there's this repetitive worship that's happening. And I know a lot of times we look for eloquent lyrics of songs, and we're always looking for some way to be poetic in our prayers or in our worship music. But it says in the throne room that the beasts and the elders and all angels and all principalities and all majesties that are at work in the throne room of the Lord singing worthy, worthy, worthy, holy, holy, holy. All power, all majesty. Worthy, worthy, worthy, holy, holy, holy. So practice that every day. It's not enough for us to just say we're broken. It's not enough for us to just say, Lord, look at all these things we did, we have to understand, we have not done anything. There is no righteousness apart from Jesus and the spirit of Jesus. Only he's worthy. Only he's holy. And if that's what's happening, if that's the kingdom in the heavens that we read about, holy, holy, holy, worthy, worthy, worthy. Kadosh kadoshlaka I think it's good enough for me every day. Holy, holy, holy, worthy, worthy, worthy. I pray that this shavuot will be amazing for you, that you'll press in harder than ever before, and the power of the Holy Spirit will be there with you. Petey and Christina, thank you for having me on tonight. Blessings.

Speaker A:

Thank you so much, Chris, for that message. Wow. And I love what you said when you talked about how we can only accomplish the great commission first by being transformed by the Holy Spirit, because otherwise we will be operating in our flesh. And yet, in the midst of our imperfections, God is simply looking for a people who will say, hanani, here I am. Use me, send me. And to follow Yeshua's example of when he went around preaching the kingdom as it says, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, what did that look like? What did Yeshua do? And can we also do that as well, to represent his character, to be that image bearer, as you said, chris and I love again Luke four. I'll just read those verses. What Yeshua says, the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

Speaker B:

Amen. Yeshua came for those who were broken, who the world considered unimportant, downcast, as Chris mentioned. And he came to those and decided to place his Holy Spirit in those people as he died for them. That is encouraging for me, for you, for all of us listening, because it means that no matter where you are, where you come from, that if you are to stay, to decide, I want to give my life to Yeshua, and I want to live for him, and I want to be used by him. And I want to see the things that he has said. I can see by that empowerment of the Holy Spirit. At first and foremost, he changes me to have good fruits and then also to see all of the wonderful, miraculous moves of the Holy Spirit that Jesus and his disciples saw. But it all begins with what Chris talked about, with recognizing that we are weak, that we need him and that we need to grab ahold of him as our righteousness.

Speaker A:

So, guys, some of you might be wondering, how can I practically celebrate Shavuot Pentecost with my family, with my friends, or with my fellowship? A couple things that you can do is to read through the ten Commandments and the giving of the ten Commandments in the word of God, with your family, the story of acts two, with your family, acts one through two. Even better, to get the story of how God gave us Holy Spirit. We know that, as we said, Shavuot is that beautiful picture of spirit and truth, the giving of the word, the Torah, the law, and the giving of the Holy Spirit. And what we would do growing up. We would get together with friends. We would read through different scriptures all night long, watch the Ten Commandments movie. While dressing up as Bible characters, we'd be feasting on foods that my parents would make. We would have lots of different types of desserts, milk and honey themed desserts that's popular for Shavuot. And, I mean, it was a blast. There's also, you can watch, there's this other series called Ad the Bible continues, which has the story of Pentecost, the book of acts. There's also superbooks animated movie, the Tower of Babel and the Day of Pentecost, which is an animated film great for younger kids. So make it fun. And also, what you can do is, you know, just decorate your house. You know, make this a time where you could do arts and crafts with your kids or with your fellowship to just make this day a joyous festival, a feast day to celebrate our king and our messiah. Some ideas can include decorating with a fruit theme, like the fruits of the spirit. You can make fruit sort of inspired pies or dessert dishes or fresh fruit. What I did is I've given fresh fruit or even a fruit pie to a neighbor to bless them. And one neighbor was so blessed that she made me a quilt as a thank you gift, which I was not expecting, but just be a blessing in this time to others. Another idea also is you can make different desserts or foods that are related to the themes of this festival. You know, sugar cookies made like the dove or fire ten commandments or mount sinai dome cake. You know, be creative, right? There's tons of ideas online. Another fun art and craft idea is making out of paper towel rolls. You can make a scroll using paper and then paper towel glue it together. I'll include a link in the description on how to do that, and you can write your own ten Commandments with your kids or with your fellowship. Lots of fun fun. So make this a fun time. Another thing that you can also do to celebrate Shabuot is giving an offering to the Lord because we are commanded in scripture not to come before him empty handed. As he says. Deuteronomy 1616 three times a year, all of your males shall appear before the Lord your God, at the place that he will choose, at the feast of unleavened bread, at the feast of weeks, shavuot, and at the feast of Booths Sukkot. They shall not appear before the Lord empty handed. Offerings can be made to your local charity, to your congregation, or to a ministry that God has laid on your heart. You can also look at doing a community baptism and outreach with your fellowship or even with your family. This was what we see in acts two, so we can also take part in what we see happening in scripture. To go out to baptize or to be baptized ourselves, and to go out and preach the gospel, to share Yeshua's love with others, whether that's in a big way with your fellowship. We have a fellowship. Chris, Frankie, they're doing a pentecost in the park where they're going to do ministry outreach to the homeless and be doing baptisms. But you can also do on a smaller scale with just your family and bless those you might have in your neighborhood. Like I mentioned earlier, maybe your child wants to be a baptizer. Maybe you would like to rededicate your life to Yeshua. This is a wonderful time to do so. Also, Shavuot is a wonderful time to give to the poor. As it says in Leviticus 23 22, when you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap all the way to the edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest, but rather leave them for the poor and for the foreign resident. I am the Lord your God and finally, have a day of rest. Have a day of worship. This is a Sabbath unto the Lord. Get together with your assembly, your fellowship, your congregation, your family, and rest in him, but worship and celebrate him.

Speaker B:

That's awesome, guys. If you have your own ideas on how to celebrate Shavuot with your family, drop us a comment in the live chat or in the comment section of this video, and let's share some ideas together. Next up we have Doctor Craig Keener, a professor of biblical studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is a best selling author of 37 books with 1.4 million copies in circulation. His books, which include Miracles Today and the ivp Bible commentary have won 13 national and international awards. Doctor Craig Keener, we are so honored to have you with us here tonight. Thank you.

Speaker E:

What do we mean when we pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, as in Matthew, chapter 610. So it helps us to back up some and hear the context of what in particular we're looking at when we want to see God's will down on earth as it is in heaven. Here's the context in what we call the Lord's prayer, our father in heaven. So we're looking at God's will the way it's done in heaven where he lives. Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Now, you've got two sets of petitions here in Matthew 6913. You've got the you petitions. Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And in Greek, each of these lines ends with the word your, making it emphatically. And then you have the we petitions. So we start by seeking first God's kingdom, and then all these things are added to us. We start by praying for God's honor. The we petitions, give us our bread, forgive our sins, and lead us not into testing, but deliver us. What does it mean to hallow God's name? The prophets often talked about God's name being shown to be holy, God's name being sanctified among the nations at the time of the end. So it is a prayer for the future, when God's name will be one, and everybody who is around will worship him. But also if we're going to pray that, then we should live consistently with such prayers. Now, among Jesus contemporaries, jewish people of his time, a basic principle of jewish ethics was the Kedush hashem, the sanctifying of gods name. And that was something we should not just pray for, but if were going to pray for it, we value it that much. We should also live in such a way as to seek gods honor by the way we live now. What does it mean for gods kingdom to come? The next line? Well, obviously, when gods kingdom comes, his reign comes, then his will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. But already he's reigning that way in heaven. Jewish people recognize that God reigns in the present, but they looked for his reign or kingdom in a special sense, when he would reign unchallenged, bringing justice and peace to the world, and deliver his people from oppression. Now, we who believe that Jesus is the king recognize that while he is yet to come, he has already come. So there's a sense in which the kingdom, his reign is already as well as not yet. So we should work for his will to be done on earth now as it is in heaven, even though it won't fully be done on earth until Jesus comes back. This is a prayer not for those who are satisfied with this age. And elsewhere in Matthew's Gospel, he tells us the good news about the kingdom must be preached before the end in the kingdom come. So we work for the coming of the kingdom by proclaiming the good news and proclaiming the king. What does our father mean? Well, this appears regularly in ancient jewish prayers, because in ancient jewish culture, people understood a father as somebody you could count on, somebody who would love you and provide for you, somebody who would discipline you, but because he loved you. Some of us today have different backgrounds. But elsewhere in the sermon on the mount, we hear the point of dependence on the heavenly Father. So he says, when you pray, don't multiply your words. Recognize that your heavenly Father knows what you have need of before you ask. Chapter seven. He says, when you, when your child asks you for something, you give what they ask you, but something good. We can trust our heavenly Father to also hear our prayers. Now, only rarely in ancient jewish circles did they say, my father in prayer, at least so far as we know. And still more rarely, barely ever, did they pray. Abba Jeremiah pointed this out. Some people argued against that. But really, in terms of actual praying to God, Abba was very rare. And that's something that Jesus has taught us by the spirit, that we can call God our Abba, our papa, Jesus teachings about the kingdom. Okay, this is not a very good chart, don't laugh at me. But the jewish expectation in its most basic form was we live in this age that there's coming, the age of the kingdom with the resurrection of the dead, peace, righteousness, justice for us, because we believe the Messiah has already come and is yet to come. There's an overlap between this age and the present age, the already not yet that we spoke about regarding the kingdom. The kingdom is central in Jesus teachings, especially in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Matthew often speaks of this as the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom was normally not a people or a place. In Greek and Hebrew, the term that's translated that way especially means reign, rule, or authority. And jewish people longed for the day when God would reign unchallenged. And we do as well. And this prayer, Jesus adapts something that was already familiar to much of his audience, the kaddish, or at least what came to be the Kaddish, was a regularly prayed jewish prayer. In its earliest version, something like exalted and hallowed be your great and glorious name. May your kingdom, may your reign unchallenged rain come speedily and soon. So the king who has yet to come, we see he's already come. We speak of the kingdom being in two stages. The messiah comes twice. Jesus rose. So we already have the firstfruits of the resurrection, but we await for our resurrection. That's why the New Testament speaks of Jesus delivering us from this present evil age, not conforming to the sage, how we've tasted of the powers of the age to come, and how in Ephesians 113 14, two Corinthians 122, and two Corinthians five, five the spirit is the Greek actually means the down payment of our future inheritance. First Corinthians 2910, eye is not seen nor ear heard, but God is revealed to us by his spirit. These things to come, so on earth as it is in heaven. It's also now as in the future, though it's also a prayer for God to bring that future quickly. Maranatha, come, our Lord. So the context of the whole sermon in the mount of which this model prayer is a part, we have it in Matthew 417, Jesus teaching summarized, repent. Turn to God in light of the coming kingdom. Get ready for the future era. Now. He also goes on to talk about prayer for our daily bread. That's something people often prayed for in the ancient world because people didn't always know where their next meal was coming from. So that's probably what it means here, too. And in many parts of the world today, christians do pray this as a desperate prayer, and I'm skipping some of this to move quickly. In other videos, I deal in more detail. But forgiving of debts, that was something, that was a reality in first century Galilee and Judea as well, because people often had to borrow money to sow seed until the harvest. So they would often have to borrow happily. Jewish people were not supposed to charge interest on those loans. Gentiles sometimes charged interest as high even as 50%. There's one person who did that with the whole city when they were in desperate need. Forgive us our debts. This was also a jewish teaching, sometimes even the jewish teachings that will be forgiven if we forgive others. What does it mean? Don't lead us into testing. Well, later on, Jesus has to say this to his disciples. Watch and pray so that you won't fall into testing. He's not saying pray that there never is any testing. I mean, the testing was already on the way up the hill. This is the garden of Gethsemane. When they're praying, when Jesus says this, but it means not like, oh, we can never have testing, but rather when the test comes, we can pass it. You have similar wording in a jewish prayer from this period. Lead my foot not into the power of sin, bring me not into the power of iniquity, not into the power of temptation, and not into the power of anything shameful. So protect us from temptation, deliver us from the evil one. We often say deliver us from evil, but in Greek, there's a definite article, the evil. And in light of its use elsewhere in Matthew, this may refer to deliver us from the evil one, the tempter, the devil, Satan, which is an idea we sometimes neglect in the west. But, yeah, there's a reality of spiritual warfare in this world, and we, we are right to pray that God will protect us and deliver us from the evil one. Now, yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. That's not in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew, but it was probably prayed pretty early because it was customary that people would end on a note of praise. Notice something else about the prayer? It's a collective corporate prayer. Give us, forgive us, lead us, deliver us. So this is a prayer we can pray with one another. Of course, you can pray it on your own, too, but it's also a prayer that we can pray collectively. Now, the summary of 417. Repent in light of the coming of the kingdom. That appears to be fleshed out in a collection of Jesus sayings. So you have the ethics of the kingdom, the sermon on the Mount, chapters five through seven in Matthew chapter ten, a model for proclaiming the kingdom as Jesus sends out the twelve. Chapter 13, you've got a series of parables about the present nature of the kingdom. So like a little mustard seed, even though it's going to be like a mighty tree. In Matthew chapter 18, relationships in the kingdom and chapters 23, 25, the future kingdom and judgment and the religious establishment. Now, some of this is not future for us. The religious establishment of Jesus Day already experienced some of this judgment in the first generation, but some of it is, I believe, future. Well, definitely it is future for us. There are debates on everything, but especially when you go into Matthew 25, it's pretty hard to argue that it's not talking about the future and potential judgment on the religious establishment when Jesus comes back. If we are behaving like the religious establishment at the first coming. Matthew five seven, kingdom ethics. So when we pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, we're also praying that we, as God's people, will be living out the values of the kingdom, for God's will to be done through us on earth. And we see this starting in the beatitudes at the beginning of the sermon on the mount. We see that this is not for people who were trying to bring in the kingdom by force. There were such people, but rather the kingdom belongs to the broken, to the lowly, to those who turn to God in light of the coming of his kingdom, belongs to the meek, to peacemakers, to the merciful, to the poor in spirit, to the persecuted. Jesus says, they're the ones who will inherit the earth and receive the kingdom. So a people prepared for his coming, those who are hungry for it. But it only comes by God's intervention. We don't bring in the kingdom by force. We live out the values of the kingdom and trust God to bring in the kingdom. It's for kingdom people, for the merciful, for those who wait for it. God favors the humble, who don't trust in their own strength, but yearn for God in his strength above all else. Sometimes those who are persecuted. Jesus himself is a model for these beatitudes, meek and lowly in heart, mourning over the unrepentant, showing mercy, ridiculed as a false prophet, and persecuted the disciples not greater than the teacher. We want to follow his model. Salt and light. Jesus defines our identity. This is what you are. The kingdom is not just about our behavior. It is about our character, not just what we do, but who we are. Disciples who don't live this way are like tasteless salt or invisible light, not living in the useful way that we're meant to be. Now, invisible light has purposes today, but in the first century, they didn't know. What's the value of invisible light or tasteless salt? We don't want to be like that. We want to be disciples of the kingdom. And so, moving on ahead, six times Jesus says, you've heard it said, but I say to you. And in these Jesus calls us to live beyond the values of the world around us and beyond even what the law specifically says. Jesus says, your righteousness has to exceed the law. So it's not just keeping this commandment or that commandment, but it's being what Jesus has called us to be. And that means having hearts that go beyond what the law demands. Finally, Jesus summarizes in verse 48. Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect has to go beyond the teachings of the law. Love your enemies and so on. And in Matthew, chapter six, he talks about doing God's purpose, doing God's will in secret. Don't do your righteousness before others to be seen by them, but do it in secret so that you have a reward from your heavenly Father. You're not doing it for others to see you. And he gives examples of this with charity prayer and fasting. And the prayer section is this one about the Lord's prayer. It includes the Lord's prayer and tells us that it's not for others to hear us. We don't pray for piling up extra words because we think that'll make God hear us. No, he hears us because he's our father. And what we're praying for is for his will, his reign to be done on earth as it is in heaven. And first of all, that has to do with our lives and how we live for him. He also tells us not to value possessions enough to worry about them, or possessions enough to seek after them. And he tells us not to judge. And we need to live in light of the future kingdom because he will judge.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much, Doctor Krakiner. That was beautiful, taking us through the Lord's prayer. I think it is also noteworthy to think of the Lord's prayer as this prayer given by Jesus to us. Just as he, being fully aware, knows he is about to leave his disciples. And that is the rest of us as well, who would become those who put faith in him. And he leaves us with this prayer. And this prayer by nature, is a prayer that draws us near to God and intimacy with God. And it highlights how Yeshua sees that the most necessary things is for us to recognize the glory of God, recognize him as our father, our protector, who protects us from temptation and the evil one. And how ultimately he calls us to become holy for the Holy Spirit, for us to walk after the likeness of Yeshua of Jesus, for the Holy Spirit that has been given to us as a gift. And he being the one that changes us, that empowers us to do so, us grabbing a hold of him for that empowerment.

Speaker A:

Doctor Craig, you know, that was absolutely amazing. As PD said, we really appreciate everything you had to share. And I love what you said when you said you spoke with the power of, of prayer and the reality of spiritual warfare and just how the Lord's prayer is a corporate prayer. It's a prayer of deliver us, redeem us it's that prayer of that unity and humility as the body of Messiah coming together. And it's like what Yeshua described Jesus described in John four when he speaks of worshippers who will worship the Father in spirit and truth. When you're praying, when you're worshiping, you're too busy praising the Father. You're too busy praying to look around and point fingers to fight over meaningless divisions or to look for something to argue about because your eyes are focused on the king. You're on your knees, you're praising, and you're praying. And that is like the heart of this prayer, to come together in unity. And like Yeshua said in John 17, I am praying not only for these disciples, but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one speaking to the father. Next up, we will have Doctor Edith Prakash, founder of Prakash Ministries, with her husband, Reverend Felix Prakash, a ministry created to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the most unreached places across the world, especially in India and Africa. The Prakash family with their three children, minister together through outreaches, crusades, giving out food, bibles and more. Thank you so much for joining us, Edith.

Speaker F:

Hi, friends. Greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. It's my joy and a privilege to share with you about Pentecost all the way from India. It just came back from a major how amazing it was. There is a mighty move of God going around the world since we travel. We are evangelists. I see there's a hunger and thirst for righteousness like never before. God says, darkness may cover the earth, but the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Arise and shine, for your light has come. My dear friend, when we read the story of Pentecost, what an amazing story that is. After Jesus was resurrected and he was going to be taken up in heaven, and the disciples were looking at him with longing and expectation. I'm sure in their minds they were thinking, Lord, if you leave us, where will we go? Who will take care of us? What are we supposed to do? Jesus gave them two commandments. He said, wait until you receive the power. He said, if you gather together in unity and expectation in the upper room, I will send the promise. Jesus said, it is good that I go, because when I go, I am going to send you the comforter. And the comforter will lead you into all truth. Bible says in acts chapter one, verse eight, when you receive the Holy Spirit, you receive. See power. Power to witness. Power to heal. Power to preach boldly. Power. What is the power? Your natural abilities become supernatural. Holy Spirit. Bible says the same holy spirit that resurrected Jesus lives within you to resurrect your dream, to resurrect the impossible things that you think is not able to do in this world, he is able to resurrect that. He is able to bring confidence and assurance and anointing. Because whenever you are anointed, the anointing of God is a supernatural power. It is a supernatural enablement to help you do what you cannot do in the natural. So who is this Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is a person. Bible says, before the worlds were formed, the Holy Spirit was hovering on the face of the waters. The idea of the world came in the mind of God. Jesus was that spoken word, and the Holy Spirit was that creator power. When Jesus said, let there be light, it was that Holy Spirit that made light happen. It was the Holy Spirit that created the spoken word. Whatever Jesus spoke, Holy Spirit made it into existence the same way after Jesus ascended into heaven. The Holy Spirit is here, given to you and me as a paraclete, one who will come alongside of you to help you to accomplish God's purpose in our life. In acts, chapter ten, verse 32, the Bible says, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth. He went around doing good and healed them all. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth beyond the measure. He went around doing good, healed them all. Oh, I cannot tell you the power of the Holy Spirit when he comes into the crusades, when we have this magnificent mega crusade, when the Holy Spirit comes and he gives me a prophetic word or a word of knowledge or a word about miracles, and I began to speak. I see. I have seen miracles where blind eyes have been healed. Lame had walked, deaf has heard. I remember one time I was in a city called Salem, and it was a Sunday morning, and I was preaching. And I was preaching on Exodus, chapter three, where Moses, God calls Moses to go back to Pharaoh and be his mouthpiece and move. Moses says, but what is your name, Lord? You know that I can't speak. What is your name? And God says to Moses, Moses, I am that I am. So God says to him, I'm going to be with you. I'm going to do the impossible. I'm going to do miracles. And then we see how God did so many miracles in the life of Moses. So while I was preaching this in a church in Salem, there was a hindu lady who was there that morning, asking God for a sign or a miracle in her desperate situation, what she didn't understand was a crippled child sitting in her lap. The baby was around two and a half years old, never walks. And her feet was like this, both the feet. And while I was preaching this word, remember the word of God never returns void. While I was preaching, I am that I am is here. I am that I am one of the miracles. Without even knowing, this two and a half year old child got down from her lap and began to walk. For the first time, the crippled feet began to walk. Oh, she was ecstatic. How can this happen? That is the power of the Holy Ghost. When there is faith, then there is power to activate miracles. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. There was another meeting. I was in India, in Andhra Pradesh. And as you know, as a scholar, I love preaching. I love writing sermons. And while I was preaching, within the second verse of my, you know, part of my sermon, the Lord says, there is a woman here I want to heal. He interrupted my sermon. I said, lord, let me finish my sermon. Me, you know, finish the altar call. And then I pray for this lady who was going to be healed. But the Lord says, no, I want you to give that word of knowledge right now. And so I gave a word of knowledge that somebody with brain tumor was getting healed. And while I was saying this, there was a loudspeaker here and that lady says from the speaker, three arrows of just, just power came and touched the three points in her brain where the tumor was and she was totally healed. My dear friend, our God is an awesome God. He's a miracle working God. He's able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all that you can ever ask or train. He can do it again. He can do it again. All you got to do is God says, if you're hungry, I will feed you if you are thirsty and give you water to drink. If you hunger and thirst. The only qualification to walk in the supernatural is you really have to want it. When you open your mouth. Bible says, out of you reverse of living water will flow. When you call on the name of Jesus, the impossible will become possible. You need to learn to listen to the voice of God. Bible says, the Holy Spirit will give us direction. We read it in psalm, chapter 32 eight. The Bible says, I will show you the way you must go. I will keep my eyes on you and counsel you. My dear friend, in the midst of our day to day life, when you don't know what decision to take, you know the challenge today is not to know the difference between the right and wrong, but the difference to know between the good and the best. God wants to give you the best, but you need to ask him, Lord, speak to me. Let your voice be louder than any other voice. Because the Bible says as you go about your day to day life there will be a voice behind you that says, this is the way. Walk in it. The Holy Spirit was given to you for direction. And also the Holy Spirit was given to you to be witness and to have boldness. When we read in the Bible when Jesus was on good Friday, the disciples were hiding. Peter was hiding. He was afraid that you know he will be caught or he will go and have trouble. But on the day of Pentecost, when he received the power, when he spoke in tongues, the Bible says he was filled with power. And he went and preached. And more than 3000 people gave their lives to Jesus. Can you imagine the same Peter that was denied Jesus? The same Peter who was hiding. The same Peter who was afraid when he received the power, he was a world change. He changed the world upside down. After the death of Jesus, the twelve disciples changed the world, changed the history of the world. And we have today Christianity as the fastest growing religion on the planet. Why? Because we read in first corinthians chapter 13 Bible, Paul says, that which I have received, I now give to you. It is not Christianity, my friend, is not a religion. It is a relationship with the true and the living God. You need this power. You need this direction. And the Holy Spirit will help you pray. So Jesus said, whenever you pray, when you pray according to my will, in my name, I will give it to you. How do you know the will of the Father? How do you know the will of the Son? The Holy Spirit reveals it to you in prayer. Prayer is very important. That's why the Bible says that we need to. When we pray, we need to pray according to the mind of Christ. And the Holy Spirit helps you intercede according to the mind of Christ. He helps you to witness. He helps you to speak the truth. He gives direction to you. He convicts you of sin. Bible says when the Holy Spirit within you, he will lead you into all truth. What does that mean? When we stray away, the Holy Spirit will convict you and will tell you when you are wrong. And he will also bring you back into the fold so that you can be forgiven. He will restore the joy we read in the Bible. When David sinned in Psalm chapter 51 with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, you know he was in the courtyard, walking on the terrace. And he saw this woman taking a bath. Got attracted to her. And, you know, long story, you know, he was the reason for Bathsheba's husband to be murdered in the war. And he married BATHSHEBA. And when the prophet Nathan came and said, you are the man. You are the man, he was very, very ashamed and broken hearted. And he said, have mercy on me, o God, I am a sinner. Blot out my transgression. Create in me a clean heart. Heart. Renew right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence. Take not your holy spirit away from me. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation and renew right spirit within me. The Holy Spirit immediately restored the joy of his salvation. That's why he knew the value of being intimate with God. He said, take not your holy spirit away from me. The same holy spirit is here even today to heal you, to convict you, to forgive you. Maybe you may say, you know, I made too many mistakes. Can I. Can the Lord take me back? That's the promise. Joel, chapter two, verse 28. I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. All flesh. Your daughters will prophesy and the older people will dream dreams. God wants to pour out a spirit of prophecy, and it comes because of the Holy Spirit. And when you receive this holy spirit, you are real. World changer. World changer. The power of God is present even today. I cannot tell you how many times the Lord had answered my prayer through revelation, through a word. You know, when you are discouraged and you feel like everything is going against me, I can't seem to see anything. Good Lord, help me. When he speaks to you. A gentle whisper can bring calmness to your soul, can bring intimacy between you and God, can give you peace and joy and happiness. The Lord delights to deliver. In the Old Testament, we see the Holy Spirit came upon the tabernacle upon the ark of the covenant. But in the New Testament, Bible says, don't you know you are the temple of the Holy Spirit wherever you walk? When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you are not a thermometer, you are a thermostat. The anointing in your life will change the atmosphere where you're going will change the lives of people where you're going. The Bible says, thou anointest my head with oil. David says, my cup runs over. When your cup runs over, my dear friends, surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. The Holy Spirit wants to overflow. You know, when the samaritan woman came to Jesus and he gave her a revelation, and he set her free. Jesus said, out of you reverse of living, water was flowing. He wants to give you that joy. He wants to give you that peace. God wants to restore the days in your life. The caterpillar and the worms are stolen. So don't look back and regret. Look forward in hope, faith, hope and love. The greatest of this is love. Ask the Lord. Holy spirit will fill you with his love. When he fills you with his love, wherever you go, people will listen to you. People will be drawn to you. Jesus said, I give you a new commandment. Love one another. You can only love with when the Holy Spirit is in your heart and through the love that you have for one another, the world will see that God dwells within you. He indwells you. He wants to live within you. He wants to use you. He wants to provide for you. He want to make do great and mighty and wonderful things. So, my friend, would you ask God for this power of Pentecost to be a world changer? When Jesus left, he said, this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the ends of the earth. Then the end will come. He wants to use your testimony, use your, your life, use your time in order to build his kingdom. Would you pray with me? Dear heavenly Father, I come before your throne of grace for your children that are asking to be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. Lord, what you did in the past, you can do it again. As brilliant booth would say, I am not waiting on the move of God. I am the move of God. Lord, I pray for an open heaven. I pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I pray that the kingdom of God will come and the will of God will be done. I pray that you will anoint every single one who is hearing this sermon. Lord, let their lives never be the same. I pray for the same healing anointing that came on Jesus to become upon their father. Give them joy, convict them. Lord, cover them with your glory, fill them with your holy spirit. And may they witness with power and authority. And let them be a world changer to do great and mighty things beyond their imagination and thinking. Lord, would you fill them to overflow and let goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives. Thank you for Pentecost. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the power of revelation because of the Holy Ghost. Thank you that we are all worldly changes. Use them, Lord, for your kingdom. We give you all the glory and honor in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Speaker B:

Doctor Edith, thank you so much. For sharing that it is so important for us to see people the way that Jesus sees them, for us to have his eyes, to be his hands and feet. And I think it's so important for us to never neglect that great, great commission that the Holy Spirit has placed on our heart to do. And so I would like to encourage everyone that, you know, whether you have the opportunity to travel somewhere, like they are doing all over the world and spreading the gospel, which is such a beautiful thing, or even if you are, you know, in your town, be busy, find a place to serve people, find a homeless community, find a fellowship to who's active in evangelism or outreach of some sort, and be the hands and feet of the Messiah.

Speaker G:


Speaker A:

Thank you so much for sharing those testimonies as well, Edith. Those were so powerful and just glory to God, just to hear what he is doing around the world and how he is using you and your ministry, but how he's also calling us to be his hands and feet and to walk in the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, to see these things as Yeshua called his disciples to walk forward in, in faith, in boldness and in love. And like Yeshua, Jesus said to the disciples in acts chapter one, verse eight, he says, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. So that is our call, that is our mission as believers, that we who have accepted Jesus as our savior, to be filled with his Holy Spirit and then to go forward and share the light of his salvation. The redeeming story of the gospel with those who are around us, who are lost in sin, who are struggling in bondage and depression and despair, to like what the Prakash family is doing, to be able to help people physically as well. If there is a need of clothing, of food, to be the hands and feet in any way that the father leads us.

Speaker B:

Amen. Doctor Edith, thank you so much for joining us. Next up, we have Nathan Harmon. He and his family travel around the country, speaking at schools. They have their own ten meetings. They're doing amazing work reaching young people and all alike with the gospel of the kingdom. I love Nathan's focus on bringing the Holy Spirit and the truth of God's word together. Nathan, thank you for joining us.

Speaker H:

Hey, what is up, guys? It is Nathan Harmon with wilderness driven. And thank you so much to PD and Christina for inviting me to be a part of this conversation with all of us here today. And so father, I thank you for the gift of Yeshua. And I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. And I'm just asking in these short moments that I have to share that your spirit would minister to all of us and bring a deeper revelation of you. A life transformational conversation that just pricks our heart to have a deeper hunger for you. And so I thank you so much in YEShua's name. You know, guys, listen, what I love about Shavuot, about Pentecost, what we read about in these scriptures, in acts chapter two, is that it was the moment that you and I from that point forward began to live a life when we are not just doing this alone on the earth, that we have the comforter, that we have the one him, Holy Spirit, that brings true life transformation. In two corinthians, it actually says that we were given the deposit of the spirit. And so a lot of what I talk to you about today will be out of two Corinthians chapter two through chapter six, that I encourage all of you once this conversation and conference is over and after prayer time that maybe you open up the scriptures and just read through second Corinthians chapter two through chapter six. You know, Paul says that without the holy spirit, without the spirit of God, that brings liberty and that brings freedom, that brings life. Transformation where we can be overcomers, where we don't have to wipe knuckle our deficiencies in our failures and our mistakes, but we can truly begin to live a life of overcoming a life that represents and replicates what Jacob did when he wrestled with the angel and over came and was transformed, he literally put on the man. And what Paul says here in Corinthians chapter three is that without the Holy Spirit, you and I are walking basically wounded. He doesn't say that specifically. What he does say though is that we have a veil over our eyes when we open up even the Old Testament or open up the scriptures. That without Christ, without the anointing. And that's what when we see putting on Christ that I am crucified to Christ without putting on the new man, strengthening the inward man, putting on the new man is what it speaks about in Colossians chapter three. Strengthening the inward man is what we see here in two corinthians. And what it's really saying we talk about Christ. It's not just looking at the man of Yeshua, but it's looking and beholding him as the anointed one that released the anointing to have a deposit in our hearts to be literally a temple and a body where the presence of God wants to dwell. Because Christ means anointed. And the root of that word Creole, it means to be smothered, to be smeared. It's why Paul says things that. That we are to die daily, that I am crucified unto Christ. Nevertheless, I live, but I live unto him. It's why it talks about the inward man and constantly living a life where. Where the presence of God is changing you and I. And so when you begin to read through second corinthians, chapter two through six, there's a part in chapter two where he says that you and I are supposed to be the fragrance of Christ. We're literally supposed to be the diffuser to all of us, essential oil people, that when you walk into a room, that you should be the aroma of Christ, that you should be a person that people feel and see and recognize a difference to be drawn to, that our life should be the manifestation of the spirit of God, of love and joy and peace and long suffering and gentleness and goodness and faith and temperance and self control. And so when Paul begins to unpack this in the scriptures, he says that without Christ, there's a veil over our eyes. But in Christ now, because of what happened on this day of Shavuot that we read recorded in acts chapter two, you and I have the ability to open these scriptures and find the fire, the purpose, the life transformation application, where you and I can live in freedom, where the truth intersects the spirit and a bond is welded in a fuse that brings life transformation. And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And Paul goes on, and even in chapter four, saying that now that we have this treasure in earthen vessels in four, seven, what's this treasure in earthen vessels that he's speaking of? So you and I have the spirit of God, or that spirit of God is there's liberty. And it's not liberty to continue to live in our stuff where we don't ever overcome, but it's to live a life of transformation. It's to live a life where you hearing my voice right now, you're called as a follower of Yeshua, empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a bond servant, not to live unto yourself in anymore, but to be a representation, to be a light of the world, to manifest Christ, to be that fragrance in that aroma. This is what our calling is to. It's beginning to realize that we're on the earth is to be image bearers of God. And this discourse in two corinthians is what it's ultimately going to say, is that that Christmas, who knew no sin, became sin, and that he died for all. And because he died for all, we should be willing to lock arms and to be saying like we died ourselves, and that our only purpose on earth any longer is to be the manifestation of Christ on the earth, as in, to be the light, to be a life change, to be a transformational element, when we walk in around with our family, when we walk in around with our friends and our co workers, that we are because of him, inside of us. And so Paul, when he's unpacking this and he's sharing this, it says, that's why. Because we put on this earthen vessels, this excellent apostle, and I love it. I'm just going to read it. He says that we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed, always caring about in this body of the dying of our Lord Jesus Christ. You see, when we go on into this scriptures, this gospel, what Shavuot represents, it's really a place where you and I can live forever changed. It's where you and I can be crucified to Christ. It's where you and I can lose sight of the world. You know, in two corinthians chapter six, it goes on and says, don't be uneasy, equally yoked with the world. What dealings does a vessel of the Lord's have to do with the world? And it's not that we don't have encounters with people. It's not that we don't go out and be the hope and the light and giving us the ministry of reconciliation is what it actually says. I'll read that to you. Actually, it says, therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh, even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the anointed, if anyone has put on the smothering and the smearing of the presence of God, because we look upon he and whom it was pierced, and we believe that he bore our pain and he bore our sins, that we believe that he did the works of redemption where he took the penalty. And so now that we can now live unto him, even though we have not known Christ according to the flesh, we know him no longer. This way, therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creator. Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself through Yeshua and has given us, you, me, the ministry of reconciliation. That is that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not imputing, not putting on their trespasses on them. But he has now given us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we as ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us, we implore you, God has given you and me the ministry of Reconciliation. And you know, as I share with you on here, I, I find myself getting extremely tense and passionate. And sometimes it could come across as me even, like, yelling. And it's never my intent. Whenever I open these scriptures and I begin to have an opportunity to share, it's I want to be calm and I, I want to be cool and I don't want to get too loud where I feel like I'm yelling, because it's none of those. It's the fact that because of Shavuot and Pentecost, you and I have been invited into a place that our ultimate purpose was, and that is to be the temple. Not made with men's hands, not constructed with instruments of iron or tools, but a body where his presence can live. And where his presence is, there should be life transformation. And the way that that life transformation happens is beginning to commune with God. It's beginning to hear what I just read in two corinthians, chapter two through chapter six, and realizing that the invitation for you and I to be ambassadors is what we're called to, to be a part of this ministry of reconciliation, reconciling the world to him, because Christ our king is worthy of the reward that every fallen, broken, hurting person on this planet can walk in the fullness of what God longs for us. And that is a life transformed, a life where we lay down ways to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things will be added. See, without Shavuot, without what we are recognizing and talking about today, these scriptures are sealed. You can check boxes, you can do the thing, but checking boxes and doing the thing is never going to bring the fullness of life transformation. It's beginning to realize that God desires to abide in us and for us to abide in him, that we are a vehicle and a vessel for his presence. That's why we've been given the deposit of the spirit. And so to give you some life application, every morning, every day, every evening, just get alone with him and commune with Christ, commune with the God of all creation. Spend time and asking him to continue to bring life transformation where we're not moved by our emotions where we're not moved by what happens to us. We're not moved by what the world brings us. In this world, we will have tribulation. In this world, we will have trouble. But be of good courage, be of good cheer is what our messiah says, because he has overcame the world and a comforter that he has given us. Shavuot Pentecost is a day for you and I to realize that when these two things combine, spirit and truth, that we live a life transformed. I challenge some of you today, after this is all said and done, to go open up the Bible to second corinthians, chapter two through chapter six. And, man, let that thing minister to you, you. For us to be so stable and unmoved by the things that happen around us, that we can be the aroma of Christ. I've been saying a lot with my kids lately, that when you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice. When we get squeezed, what comes out of us? Is it us? Our flesh, our emotion, our pain, our selfishness? Or is it Christ? Is it a selfless, compassionate response? Knowing that we're the aroma, we're the fragrance? Knowing that we are the light, the hope of glory? Not that me is anything, or that you, on your own, are anything.

Speaker E:


Speaker H:

It's the Christ in you. It's the resurrection power of the spirit of God transforming in you and through you. Be blessed. And I hope the rest of this conversation today speaks life to your soul.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Nathan, thank you so much for sharing that and just for reminding us how shavuot is, that invitation for us to become temples of the Holy Spirit. And like you said, where our father's presence dwells, there should be transformation. But that transformation happens by communing with God, by that relationship with our father, and then from that relationship, pouring out his holy spirit that's poured into us, overflowing to others, so that they also can experience his presence, his love, his peace, his joy. But that starts from a place of relationship. So, guys, I just encourage you to do what Nathan encouraged at the end of his message. To take that time in prayer, to really foster that personal, intimate relationship with God in your quiet time. Because it's from there that everything else flows.

Speaker B:

Amen. Guys, it's so important for us to remember that our relationship with God is about more than knowing about him. It's about more than our knowledge of the Bible. As important as all of that is, it is also about you and him. Because on that great day when we all each stand before him, it's going to be you and him. And so now, by the Holy Spirit, you have the access and the ability to be alone with God. And so, you know, Nathan, and we were inviting you to challenge yourself to get alone with God more this year so that you can grow in. What does he want you to do today? And how does his spirit want to lead you today? But that is first and foremost going to come through our speaking with him.

Speaker A:

And, Nathan, I love how you said that our lives are to be like the diffuser of the Holy Spirit spirit. So that wherever we go, people can just smell the presence of God. They can take in all of who he is by simply us being there, because we are representing, as image bearers, our king. All right, next up, my husband PD will be sharing a message on Shavuot. Then after his message, we'll be having a time of worship again with Shamar, and then a time of live international prayer with our panel of speakers. So make sure to stick around.

Speaker B:

It's the feast of Shavuot. But many people don't understand how incredibly important and magnificent this feast is. In the biblical story, it started with a man called Abraham. Abraham met with God and God gave him a promise, a promised offspring of people that he will bring to a promise, a land that he had not known. And as the story and journey of Israel continues, Israel find themselves set free from slavery in Egypt, taken to a mountain, Mount Sinai. And the law of God, his holy commandments of what is right and wrong, is given to them, but their hearts aren't able to keep it. And so God continues to journey and brings them into Jerusalem. And ultimately, when the messiah comes with his death barrel and resurrection, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon his people and all of the multitudes who would put faith in Christ and become the offspring of Abraham. And so we see that the culmination of Shavuot is God's plan for preparing his people for the second coming, coming of the Messiah, which is what we are waiting for next. But I want to remind you about what that Messiah said. He told his disciples, pray in this way, as I am ascending and leaving, you pray that the father's will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is such a massive statement. What does it mean to see God's kingdom come on earth? Isn't Christianity about going to heaven and escaping the earth? And why did Yeshua say, we will see the things that he has seen and greater things than these? Because he's going to the father? And what does all of this tell us about why he left us 2000 years ago and is yet to return. The idea of on earth as it is in heaven is a strange one to our ears because it doesn't really seem like there's much of heaven happening on earth from the beginning. God's plan to bless Abraham's offspring with the promise it is to live in a land with peace, with prosperity and the presence of God. And those three things are really what all of us in our hearts desire. But even after Israel inherited that land that was promised to them, the world, this earth, battled against it and could not accept Israel's inheritance. In 423 BC, Nebuchadnezzar exiled Israel. In 348 BC, the Persians occupied Israel. In 140 BC, the Greeks occupied. In 69 AD, the Romans occupied. And yet, even today, as we are speaking in 2024, Israel is surrounded by her enemies. Is this the promise that God had for Israel? So in the same way, we can look at our own lives and even ask the same question, is this it? I mean, yes, I found Jesus, but many troubles have also found me. You may say my enemies surround me. I'm not sure where my next meal will come from. I just lost my job. My marriage is suffering, my child is wandering, someone is sick. Maybe you feel under occupation or exiled from your inheritance and gods promises the theme. This shavuot is on earth as it is in heaven. This was the prayer of Christ, Matthew six nine. Pray then like this, our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The first thing that we can see about Yeshua's prayer is that as he is telling us to pray for his will to be done on earth as in heaven, perhaps that indicates that things on earth aren't always as they are in heaven. Christ warned us that despite his coming, there is still going to be suffering upon the earth that we as believers will encounter. John 1633. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace in the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world. This statement of Christ is actually very radical. I mean, he is telling his disciples who they have known nothing but this earth and this world that they have been born into. And he tells them all of the death, all of the sickness, all of the trials, all of the things that you guys have seen and experienced and are intimate with, I have overcome these things. And it's kind of like Yeshua. What do you mean, Jesus? We still have sickness, we still have death, we still have all of the issues. What do you mean you've overcome these things? Yeshua goes on with other statements like saying, don't worry about tomorrow, like the world worries about tomorrow, for God will provide for you. Or don't mourn for the dead like the nations mourn for we have a hope and a resurrection. He's telling them that as his followers, their actions will need to change as the way that they perceive and look upon their own lives in this world itself. And so we have to contrast and understand this real difference between heaven and earth. And what does it really mean for Christ to say that he is bringing the will of the Father down from heaven to earth? In John three six, he says, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born again. When Nicodemus is hearing this from Jesus, he is torn in his heart as to what this may mean. Should I enter again into my mother's womb. Womb to be born again. But yet, Yeshua was speaking of something so majestic and deep that those who are born of this world will die with this world without hope. Think about it. Is there any person, any animal, any plant born in this world that will not die in this world? But yet Christ is saying that there is something called being born again. Being born from heaven from a place that is not of this world, to be born from the Holy Spirit. And then you will live forever. Through the sacrifice of Yeshua himself, the veil is torn and we can be cleansed and born again of the spirit. That means that our residency upon this earth is temporary. So don't grow too close to the world around you that's passing away. Don't grow too attached, even to your sickness, your financial uncertainties, your sufferings. These are all things of the flesh and of the temporary world, things that are passing away with this world. And because you are now born of the spirit, if you place your faith in Christ, you are no longer held down by the worries of this world that are passing away. Romans eight nine. Paul writes, you, however, are not in the flesh, but in the spirit. If in fact the spirit of God dwells in you, anyone who does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness. If the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you. And this is why Shavuot is the ultimate destination of the promise given to Abraham. Which was about bringing God's people to a place and preparing them spiritually. To where they can be born again from heaven by receiving his holy spirit. But here we are. About 2000 years after Christ has ascended and the world remains fallen. And he could have judged the world at any point. But yet his mercy still endures. Yeshua isn't just interested in judging the world. But as he has said, he has come to save it. That is why his prayer in the Lord's prayer is your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as in heaven. It wasn't ever about some exit plan of get us out of here. But rather for God's people to bring the kingdom of God upon the earth through the spirit of God. That's been given to God's people through Shavuot and the plan of the Messiah. So that this world can become saved as they are transformed and convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit. But what is your heart, this shavuot? Some of us are growing impatient. And I could understand why we desire his return to happen soon. Come, Yeshua. Come. Amen. But Christ, despite not knowing the day and the hour, even himself, vowed to his disciples to not drink of the wine until the kingdom of God is united with us all. Some of us, on the other hand, have become so hurt by this world that we don't really mind seeing it burn. But Christ, despite the hurt of the world that was placed upon him. He gave his life for a world that seemed and still seems hopeless. May we all have the patience of Christ. May we all have the sacrificial heart of Christ. See, there is nothing more that I desire than to be with him face to face. You know, regarding his coming. My own soul is crying out, come, Yeshua. But at the same time, my heart is saying, not yet. Come, Yeshua. For I would like to be with you above all things. But not yet. Because I recognize all of the work that is still to be done by the Holy Spirit upon the earth through the people of God. And that's why Shavuot is so important for you to recognize the role you have right now. Instead of just hoping for his return. Ensure that you are busy with preparing the way for his return. We are here on earth. And his kingdom is here. But not yet. So we have to be satisfied in his kingdom that is with us. That is the Holy Spirit. Where Yeshua said, the kingdom is not here or there, but within you and our patience in our own suffering, even in the midst of this fallen world, when things go wrong with us and in our lives, as Christ suffered, we can suffer and take part in his suffering, having a growing of intimacy with him, even in that. Romans 817. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. And so, yes, the sufferings of this world is difficult. And the trials for many of us are unimaginably difficult. But yet, at the same time, let us recognize of the kingdom that is coming, that is on our doorstep, where there will be none of the suffering anymore. And there will also be no more opportunity for anyone to come to faith and repent. For the books will be sealed, and everyone will have had to have made their choice. And as Yeshua now gives us the rest of the Lord's prayer, I want to submit to you that he is telling us exactly how we can start partaking in our kingdom inheritance even whilst on this earth. He says, give us our daily bread, referring to the presence of God. For without his presence, will our souls not die of hunger. He then says, forgive us of our debts. That is to have the peace of God. For without forgiveness, how will we ever find rest? He then says, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. That is, to enter the prosperity, the blessing of God. For the man who is led away into temptations loses every blessing, whether career, family, finances, or even his reputation. But the man who is saved from his temptations is filled with blessings. And so this is your inheritance. This is your promised land. Not a land like what the world is fighting over, whether land or sea. But his peace, his prosperity and his presence, it is not of this world. The world didn't give it to you. And so therefore, neither can they take it away from you. And that which they cannot take away is the very thing that is actually for them as well. You become a temple of God's peace, prosperity and presence. That is why Yeshua prayed, let the kingdom of heaven and the will of the kingdom come down to earth. Luke ten, nine. Heal the sick in it and say to them, the kingdom of God has come near you. You that means to spiritually inherit the New Jerusalem begins today. And that is why Yeshua went around healing the sick. And as he did so, he was bringing a piece of the kingdom of heaven. That is the healing that will come to our bodies as we are redeemed down to us now. And that is why he even told us to heal the sick in this world as we are empowered by the spirit and to proclaim to them that the kingdom of God has come near you. Let us conclude now with the destination that the Father has prepared for us. The new Jerusalem. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and first earth had passed away and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. And death shall be no more. Neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. My prayer for you this, Shavuot, is that you are reminded of the new Jerusalem that is to come, your purpose on earth right now and why you are still here. To accomplish the will of the Lord upon the earth and the honor that that is, no matter what trial you are facing, no matter what you are going through, through the midst of trial, God is refining, God is empowering, and God is using you for all for the glory of his kingdom. But you have to step forward and continue therein, trusting on his holy spirit to bring about the promises of God in your life. It is your inheritance to have grab ahold of it and remember of that which is eternal. Father, I pray, Lord, for everyone who is listening and you would bless and keep them. Lord, we pray for everyone who is facing trial, sickness, anguish of heart, anyone, Lord, who is struggling with sin right now, Holy Spirit, I pray that you would come upon every family member listening to this, every trial that they are facing, Father, every sin and every entanglement. And right now, Lord, we surrender all things to you. And holy spirit, I thank you for empowering your people to walk in your power, to walk in your purpose for them and to bring your kingdom down to earth. Father, I thank you, Lord, I thank you, Lord, that you have not come yet so that we can accomplish your will and bring a great harvest to you for the day that you come. And, o Lord, how do I look forward to that great and glorious day? Father, I pray that you would help us use the time well, fruitfully, so that we may bring in a great harvest. We thank you. Yeshua, for the feast of Shavuot, we thank you for the Torah, your law that was given to us. We thank you for your holy spirit that was poured out on us. Yeshua, we thank you for making it all possible by dying for us. We praise you, we glorify you in the name of Jesus.

Speaker A:

Thank you, PD for that message. Next up, we will have Shamar leading us in worship and then finally to close out our conference, a time of prayer for Israel and for the nations with our panel of speakers. If this Shavuot conference has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending in a shavuot offering so that we can bless our speakers who have labored amongst us today.

Speaker C:

This next song is called send me see the field watch for harvest see the world people dying a field of grace what for harvest it's a world people crying. You will know how you will know to the world to let them know you might as well me us the great harvest give us heart of the father to re. You wanna stand me you wanna stand me sa. Oh God divide lord we are we have decide one thing we need is your bible says me you wanna save me you wanna save me you wanna save me you might have sa you walk through with streams of light I'm thirsty. You're welcome I the fountain giving us hope for joy I'm on me lord, you are me my desire one for you oh, I got one for you. The river raging on every side I need you river in which to hide in ocean bashing on every shore I'm ready you oh my God I look for you oh my God love for you before you let you know I got to you oh my God one for you oh.

Speaker B:

Shalom, everyone, and welcome. Thank you so much for sticking with us through tonight. Wow. How amazing has it been, shamar? You guys have been so awesome all through the conference with your music. Thank you so much for sharing it with us, guys. The comments have been so good and they've been saying awesome music. Yay, shamar. So, yeah, thank you guys and welcome.

Speaker G:

Thank you.

Speaker C:


Speaker G:

It's our pleasure.

Speaker B:

Amen. Chris, also, thank you so much for joining me, brother. I also really loved your message.

Speaker D:

Thank you. I was here in the waiting room kind of jamming out with Shamara's music. I had never heard of them before, and so it's a super honor to not only get to hear their worship music, but then to also get to be on with them tonight. So thank you for having me and it's great to be here with you guys. You're truly anointed.

Speaker B:

Amen. I saw them in Texas live, actually, I think more than once now. I think at least twice. Wow. They're live. They're also so good. And a really tight band, as they would say. So I would just like to also say, Nathan, he wanted to join us, but he had bad signals, so unfortunately, he couldn't be in this section. But, you know, we are excited to be praying for everyone who's been sending in messages. We also want to say thank you to Craig Keener, who was giving that message to us earlier tonight as well, and also for Edith, who. Doctor, Edith is in India right now, and she's in a time zone at making it quite difficult to join us here live. But we also want to just say a big thank you to her for being a part of this conference. I wanted to. Just before we get to the prayers, as we're. And by the way, guys, if you're listening to this live right now, please go to the live chat. Please type in any of your prayer requests that you may have for your family, for you, for friends, and whether it's. I've seen a few come in prayers for salvation, for family members. If there's someone who needs healing in their lives, physically or anything else, please go to the live chat. Write it right now. And we're going to soon be going through them. As we queue them up. I would like to also share just something in my heart that I was praying as we were concluding this here tonight. And I wanted to share this with everyone listening as well. There's so much information that's been presented here, I think, and so much good stuff. It's going to help us all to be more like Yeshua. But I want to ask of you this. Don't walk away from this conference with, oh, I got some more knowledge. I got something else that I could. That I could talk about now. Yes, but walk away from this conference saying, well, there's something that I can do now. There's something that God has given me, and that holy spirit that he gave me is actually to work and work through me, to do things through me, to produce good fruit in me for his kingdom and produce spiritual gifts in me for his kingdom, to build his kingdom. So it's not just about building the mind up here with more things to know. It's about a transformation. And that's what I really pray that this is what you're going to, because it's going to be dependent upon you. You're going to have to be like, father, I see all of this, but you have to press in and say, father, I want you to use me. O lord. Lord, here I am. Send me. Lord, here I am. Lord, I am weak. I love what Chris mentioned in his message, talking about the righteousness of Christ. Lord, it's not if it's up to me and what I can do, it's game over. Lord, I need you to empower me, Yeshua. I need to grab ahold of you and depend upon you. So please think about it that way. I also want to share. You know, I think some people have wondered, you know, why are we having this on this date? You know, I know there's so many calendars, and we love everyone with all of their calendars, but we're sharing tonight, prior to most people Shavuot offering celebrations, because we are wanting to equip you for when you get to yours. We want to get you to a place of your heart being readied so that when you get to the day that you. You arrive there with some practical advice on what to do and how you can be prepared. So that's. That's why. And I really encourage, just while we're on this debate, I really encourage everyone to. To have a heart that is so full of grace and mercy to our fellow brothers and sisters who may be on different dates and different calendars here at rise on fire.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

I know. Same with Chris. You know, we are so gracious and open, and we want this message to go to the ends of the earth, and it begins with the humility of the messiah. By the way, guys, I'm just opening up here. Do you guys have anything to share that you wanted to add or. Or any thoughts? I'm gonna head into the live chat here in a sec, and I'm gonna look at some of the prayer requests that we have. Chris, before we do that, I wanted to ask you something. You mentioned the Pentecost in the park thing that you guys were doing. Can you share a little bit with everyone what that is and how that can be replicated? Is there any tips that you could give people who may want to do something to shove work for the poor and how they can go about that?

Speaker D:

Yeah, I mean, we're definitely not the experts on this. I don't know that there. I mean, there's obviously manuals out there on how to do this, but that wasn't really why or how we came to the conclusion, you know, with. With 17 years of being in the messianic Hebrew roots movement or whatever. You know, I've hosted conferences on, on the feast days, and what I found was that it was great for the moment, but the lasting impact on the kingdom seemed to kind of wane pretty quickly. And so when we had the massive transformation of the Holy Spirit in our church about a year and a half ago, we just said, okay, what does the Lord want us to do? And Pentecost has always been, you know, we joke about christians having Christmas and Easter. Pentecost is what I would consider to be our Super bowl in the sense of, like, it is the greatest day with the most anticipation that my family and our church looks forward to. Well, if we have so much joy and anticipation of what the Lord has done and what the Lord is doing, how do we go out into our community and share that joy, or at least be available to see that joy? And so we found a pretty inexpensive park in the center of the city that also happens to be fairly close to the warming shelter and some of the other places where the majority of the homeless in our city hang out. And we rented it from the city. Obviously, in this world, we had to get the noise permits and all the other things that come with doing live worship. And Shamar knows all about doing live events, and you got to do that stuff, too. And then what we did is we just decided, like, you know, Book of Acts says one of the crucial things is that you're to break bread with people. And so we just decided we were going to buy as many hot dogs as we could possibly buy, and we were going to put them in individual bags. And then it was the testimony of other people in the community that really built upon that. They were like, hey, if you're going to do that and you're going to feed them well, what if you just brought clothing? What if you brought hygiene items? What if you, what if you brought candy? Because a lot of times, you know, they like candy and water. And so really, there was just a lot of people who rallied with really good ideas. And every year, we've kind of built on that. But we go in and we set up kind of like a store, even though it's all free, where we have tubs of, like, toothpaste and toothbrushes, tubs of feminine hygiene products, tubs of baby wipes, tubs of all these things, so that it's not just like we created a bag or like a gift bag for them. It's like you can come and get what you want and what you need, and you can get as many of those as you think you need. And the same goes with food. Like, go eat as many hot dogs as you want. Go grab as many bottled waters. And then we've collected. At every feast day, we've collected clothing and shoes and items, and then we keep that. And then we have all these hangers and, like, portable things that we set up to hang clothes in. And so we create just, like, a mini pop up store that's just free for people. It's like, you need a shirt. Okay, let's go get you a shirt. Like, and at the same point in time, our worship leaders, Ian and Alyssa Hellerman, they combine people from different churches in worship. And so we have kind of an ongoing two hour time of worship. And then we brought a horse trough, and we put it down at the front of the stage, and the fire department comes and fills it up with water. And some people in the church will sign up to be baptized. Baptized ahead of time. But. But last year, especially, what we found is even in the midst of rain, the Lord brought rain in Oklahoma during Pentecost. Shocker. And, like, we had people coming from the splash pad who, like, they weren't homeless. They didn't even know what we were doing, but they heard we were doing baptisms, and we had people coming and wanting to be baptized and children wanting to be baptized. And so part of it is just to be present in the community, to do the things that the Bible says, and then just let the Lord do whatever. So there's not a strict, like, after three songs, we're going to come up and read this scripture. After this scripture, we're going to do two other songs. It's not that. It's more about being present and expectant of whatever the Lord wants to do. And so anybody can do it in any community, because there's not, like, this strict, hey, here's a blueprint on what to do. It's like, just go be someplace expecting and praying and fasting that the Lord's going to do what he already said he was going to do, what he's already done, and let him take it from there. And you just be willing to do whatever he tells you to do.

Speaker B:

That's good, you know? And it's part of the celebration of the feast, because it's. We're instructed to leave the edges of our fields. In other words, we give what the Lord has blessed us with, a portion of that for those who have less. And the other aspect of what you're telling me that's so cool is in the midst of serving people, which is the duty of all who are followers of Christ. We get to be in unity in doing that, even with people who we otherwise may have some theological nitpickings with. And, you know, here's where I'm going with that is I think that so often when we are a knowledge, if I may just call it what it is sometimes when we have made what we have, a knowledge base religion, and it's all about my knowledge versus your knowledge, now we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. I'm not bashing knowledge here, but when it becomes something that becomes void of action and the serving becomes. We've just seen this happen, right, in past times when serving people, which was something that Yeshua just continuously brought us back to, is serve the poor, serve the needy, serve those who are left or downcast. That's where he went all the time. And it's in the midst of those moments that we look to our left and to our right and we find unity in Christ, because Christ is the one who brought us there to serve. And suddenly now we can actually have productive conversations when it comes to theology and what our faith should look like. Because I've seen the love you have. You've seen the love I have. We see our unity in Christ. And now we are bound together by Christmas in the feast of Shavuot, the Holy Spirit, what he's given us. And now suddenly the spirit and the truth that God gave us on Shavuot, first Mount Sinai, then Mount Zion, truth and spirit poured out suddenly. Now conversations about that can be edifying and productive for all parties involved because we see the fruit in one another. I mean, Chris, have you seen. And Shamara, you guys, please also jump in. Have any of you seen that happen? Examples of how that just opens doors of sharing the deeper things of faith and with people?

Speaker D:

Yeah, I mean, you know, my personal testimony is that, you know, the Holy Spirit says. It says that the Holy Spirit will lead us into the understanding and the wisdom and the knowledge of the scripture. And so if we truly trust the Holy Spirit, rather than our own intellectual or how many books we can read, and again, I'm not knocking any of that. All of that is important. But if we trust the Holy Spirit, if we just do with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ, as Paul tells us in Romans, if we do what Christ did, then the Holy Spirit should lead and guide all parties in that manner. And it may not be as quick as he led me or he led you or Shemar or anybody else, but we also forget that throughout the scripture, the role of Dan as a tribe of Israel was not the same as the role of Levi, and the role of Judah was not the same as Benjamin in. And so sometimes we get this concept of the feast or the festivals or the Sabbath or the Torah or any of that, that everybody has to have the same role or everybody has to do it the same way, and we forget that Israel as a nation, at Sinai, was a very diverse group of people. And the only consistent that was there was the Lord. And the Lord was the one who was leading Moses. So even Moses had to go back to the Lord and ask for clarification. Well, now we have the helper. And when we look at the gospel of Luke and we look at all the feasts that are outlined in there, they all have a theme. It's about repentance. And then we look at Matthew talking about the banquets and the feasts that are there, we see the contrast of the world. And so, very much the first century, I think, is here in the 21st century, especially in America, where we see there is a religious spirit that is, well, if I do this right and I do this on Pentecost, and we wave two loaves the proper way, and we're say, the proper liturgical blessings and that were found to be in favor of God. And what we see in Luke and Matthew especially, is that what Jesus did and what he was trying to teach his apprentices was. What you see is not what I'm asking you to do. I'm asking you to go dine with the people nobody would eat with. I'm asking you to befriend the people that nobody would even talk to. I'm asking you countless times in the scripture, you know, sermon on the mount, he leaves the mountain as the greater Moses and immediately goes and casts out and heals. And so he's like, I'm asking you to lay hands. I'm asking you to pray. And if we get involved in that type of stuff, which is exactly what Jesus was teaching his apprentices to do, it's a lot harder for us to have those same moments that we see in the gospel, where it's like John's like, well, am I your favorite discipline? Am I. Am I your favorite apprentice? Come on, you know Peter's not the favorite. Well, we have the same thing going today. How do you combat that? You just get busy doing what the Lord told you to do, and then you'll find that, oh, my goodness, we can actually agree on nine out of ten things because it's not about me. It's about somebody else. And that's one thing I encourage. Everybody who's watching, is that there's a time and a place for midrash and debate. The scripture has midrash. The book of Hebrews utilizes Midrash a lot. But, like, when you don't necessarily know everything, which none of us do, if you fill the gaps by just going and doing what Christ told you to do, and just what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do, which is take care of other people and love on them, all the rest will sort itself out, and you'll find you have less time to be really worried about the differences that you have. And you might actually find that the differences become the strengths of your own weakness. And that takes some humility. I spent probably 17 years of my walk without that. I'm still trying to figure out exactly.

Speaker C:

What that looks like.

Speaker D:

But I will tell you that the fruit of that has been revolutionary for a city that has had 40 years of messianic hebrew roots teaching. We don't experience the same thing in our community, but we've also tried to just adjust to what we believe are the precepts and the parables of what Christ is asking us to do, that's good.

Speaker B:

And I think in the midst of the serving, a fellowship as a whole just becomes so much healthier. The relationships between people and as brothers and sisters, we just get transformed by walking out these acts that Christ is prepared, prepared for us. So, yeah, amen. Thanks for sharing that, Chris. Anything from the shamar guys? Anyone? Anything? Any thoughts that you have to share on any of this?

Speaker G:

I think ultimately we're told that people will know us by our love. And if we say, you know, God bless you, be warm, be filled, but we don't put our action behind it, those are just. Just going to be empty words, and it's going to be fuel for people to reject God instead of accept him. So we bear his name, and we need to represent his name the right way. And that's one of the reasons why Moses was told he can't enter in, because he miss represented the way Yahweh told him to do something. Yahweh said, speak to a rock, and he hid it. That's not how Yahweh wanted to be shown to the people. And so we need to be extremely careful that we are not just being words, empty words. And I think that this is a point where God has shown us to where worship is super important, because like you said, pd, you need to have an application of what you know. And when you worship, that is how you apply what you've learned. And you can be filled with a lot of good stuff that you know, you know about God. But when you worship, this is your chance to really know God personally. This is where you connect emotionally to the Lord. And God does not want us to be led by our emotions, but he doesn't want us to suppress them either. He wants us to use them as a gift. And I think a lot of people feel that they're not allowed to get emotionally attached to God, but he is emotionally attached to us. He's longing for us. And so it's for our song I longed for you comes from. It's from the depths of your heart. He says, love me with your whole heart, your mind, your soul, your strength, and worship me in spirit and in truth. So he wants us to have that emotional bond with him. And at least for us in worship, this is where we apply what we've learned in study and from people like you guys who teach. And it's. It makes what we learn from you guys, from the word of God itself, makes our worship that much deeper. And hitch your. But you have to have both. It's not enough to have one or the other, you know, because you get much strength. So, you know, if you come to spend alone time with the Lord and you don't know what to say, at least for me, that's where I just sing the song and it kind of gets. Gets that going for me. And I think the body is.

Speaker B:

Speak a little louder for us what you're saying. So good.

Speaker G:

The body is starving and we need to be bed. We also need to water what has been sown. And when we worship, we open up our heart to let that water in. And I think that's awesome that when you guys go out to the park, you have that element of her ship because I think people are really hungry for it. And it captures the of the world around you and it kind of draws them in. And then you have your actions, you feed them physically, and then you feed them in the spirit. It's all part of it. And the last thing that came to my mind was my mom would always say, if you're feeling depressed, go do something for someone else. A lot of the times, people in the body feel like they don't really have a gift or they don't have anything to bring. And a lot of the times it's because they're alone and you need to connect with someone. And when you're around someone, you find what your gifts are because your gifts were not given for you. Your gifts were given to help someone else. So if you are not around other people, you're not going to know what your gifting is because you're not supposed to be using it for yourself. If you get around other people, you realize what the lack is and you go, oh, I know how to do that. Oh, I can do that. You know, and you might look around and be like, oh, man, I could never do that, and I can't do that. It's okay to admire other people and their giftings, but you do have a gift. And if you don't know what it is, get around other people who have a needle. Don't let thinking that you don't have a gift stop you from step out and find that within yourself.

Speaker B:

Amen. That's so good. You know, I think a lot of people feel held back by their own personal weaknesses, and yet it is exactly that which makes us strong in crime, because it is his holy spirit who wants to work through us. It is not you, by depending on your own flesh, that you're going to accomplish these great miraculous things for God. It's by you laying down what you think you can do and putting faith in what you know he can do. And then through that, through faith, he does come. But that means we have to step out in boldness. And boldness is one of the things that the Holy Spirit gives us. So if there's anyone who's like me, who's like God, I have a lot of weaknesses. I have a lot of things that I feel would actually hinder me from doing work in your kingdom or, you know, if you feel that way. You know, for the longest time, I felt way too shy to. I felt useless. I felt I was so shy and so scared of people that I could never accomplish anything for God. But yet it is by saying, well, you know what? Yeah, me and myself, I probably won't be able to do much. But I know that his spirit is so powerful and he has purposed for his spirit to live in me. It's part of my, it's supposed to be like part of our DNA as believers, right? And so, so if you feel that way, trust in him, put faith in him, and he will come through for you and use you modeling any last things to add on this. Before we move on.

Speaker D:

I just want to point out one thing that she said towards the end about, like, your gifts were supposed to be edifying for other people, and that is that's the entirety of the gifts. When you read Paul, talk about the gifts, whether it's in Corinthians or Ephesians or anything, the gifts are given for the building up in the edification of the body. And in a very literal sense, that's the church and that's the community and everything else. But, like, you know, if you're given a gift of exhortation and joy, and you meet somebody at the grocery store who's down traditionally trodden and doesn't have joy, doesn't have that fruit of the Holy Spirit, something as simple as that could change the entire trajectory. And so I know, PD, you have on the rise on fire website. I know you have a fellowship finder. And so, you know, I used to think that being in a local community was really not a necessity. And I know, I've heard that said a lot, because there's a lot of great things that the Internet does. But I do want to encourage people. If you don't have any place that's in your community that you can go, then take advantage of resources like what PD and rise on fire offer, and try to be regularly involved in that while you're searching for a local community, but also be searching for that community, and you can go to rise on Fire's website, and you can click on that, you can find other like minded people. I remember in 2007, like, it seemed like there was no fellowships and there was barely anybody out there. And then now, like, you go and you look at the map, and you can see there's hundreds of thousands of people on the Internet professing to have similar types of ways. They walk out their faith. And so you might be the person that. That local community needs that gift that you were given for the building up and edification of them, and so, you know, and vice versa. So I really want to just encourage people off of what Shemar said, like, find people and get in community, because we were never intended to walk the Torah out as an independent nation of oneself. It was to be a corporate group of the body of Christ.

Speaker B:

Amen. That's good, brother. Thank you for sharing. Amen to all that, guys. If you want to know where they find that fellowship finder, you could just go to map Dot, riseonfar Dot. And we have a lot of fellowships all over the country, people who put their names on there. So please go check that out. Fellowship is so important, guys. And so this is great. Like, we love this. We're doing this for all of you listening, because this is one way that we can come together, especially if you don't have anything local. But please don't let's see this as a replacement. Don't see this as. Because it's. There's nothing like being with someone else. And that's how God intended it to be for us to be in a community of people who know us, who love us, who's there for us, and who we can love God together with. Right? So thanks for that. That's important, Chris. All right. I think we're going to move into the prayers. I am going to start by. I'll start by praying. And then Chris and everyone at Shamar, you guys are welcome to jump in with your whatever the father is laying on your heart. I'm going to start by praying for some of the people in the live chat first because I'd like to make sure we don't. We get that we get to all of those and. Yeah, so. Okay. Father, I thank you so much, Lord, for your goodness, your mercy, your grace. Lord, I thank you for giving us your holy spirit. Father, I thank you for Shavuot. I thank you, Lord, that you. You bled for us to have your holy spirit. You died and you rose from the dead and you said, it's good that I go so you can have the holy spirit. Yeshua, I thank you that you take great joy in your children receiving the gift that you have prepared for us and that that you want to give this gift of the spirit to us. And so right now, for everyone who is listening, every individual who has a desire in their heart, who has a. Who is crying out, Lord, fill me with your spirit right now. Father, I speak to every household at the son of my voice, every child. Father, I thank you for your holy spirit coming in and pouring out upon them in great power, in great love with the manifestation of your fruits and your gifts. Father, I pray, lord, that they would be speaking in tongues and prophetic words that spring forth from them as we see all throughout the book of acts. Father, I thank you, Lord, that you. You come and bring all things together again for your glory, your holy spirit with your truth, that you come to bring it together for a nation, a people to rise, who when others see them, they know that these are the people of God. Those who hold to the testimony of Christ and who keep his commandments. Father, I pray right now that you would help us with humility in walking as you walked. Help us with humility in the power that you entrust to us. The fact that we can become a mouthpiece help us to approach that with humility. Help us to approach for those who are listening, who are called to leaderships. Father. Lord, I pray for them. Lord, I pray that you would put fear of God in their hearts. Lord, I pray that you would raise up a generation of young people so unfolding for you, Lord, that they would not stop at anything but to see the loss come to salvation all around them and that nothing of this world could put out that fire that you place in them. And father, I thank you for every, every household that you have already brought in, who's listening to this, who you've brought into the faith. I pray that you would encourage them just to, as Chris shared, regarding becoming to serve father, I pray that you would give them ideas, that you would open doors for them, that you would give them boldness, Lord, to go into their community and their towns, to the grocery stores or the highways and byways of their towns and cities, that they would go and become that vessel. Lord, I thank you that it is not about us doing as much as about what you do through us, that we just show up, that we just step forward. And, Lord, help us to just step forward. Help us to just be there so that you may come and do the rest. And I pray, Lord, even right now, for everyone listening, that I thank you, Lord, that you are so trustworthy in this, that you. That you desire to show everyone listening right now how powerfully you can use them. And, Lord, I thank you that when they step out, that you come and with your anointing upon them, that you would show up so powerfully that they would have such a first encounter that would leave them changed. Never mind what the person on the other end, but that they, the one who's ministering, let them be the one so changed forever that they could never stop at sharing the goodness of the Lord. Father, I pray right now for Nathan, who's on in the live chat, who's saying, please pray for my family's health and garden or upcoming decision before house. So, lord, I pray for Nathan. I pray that you would come to him and his family and give them wisdom and guidance, lord, and I thank you for healing and freedom over their. Over that family in the name Yeshua. Right now, for any pain, any sickness, any ailment, anything to go in the name of Yeshua. Amen. I'm also praying for Ali, who's saying, thank you for hosting this conference. It's been a blessing. In acts, the believers ask for boldness. That's a prayer for us as well. Prayers for divine appointments. Amen. Father, I thank you for that boldness that we've been praying for thank you, Lord, for those divine appointments that when we go out, Lord, you set those appointments for us Edward says, I am very worried about my salvation and so I just want everyone listening right now to pray with me for Edward and Edward, before I pray for you I want to just tell you this that when we come to Christ this is the beauty as he says as far as the east is from the west as far as you can think that is how far the sin and the uncleanness and all the things that we may have done is that God, when he comes to us and he sees us by what Christ did for us he sees us clean he sees us purified and he see and he saves us he is more than able he says that if we come to him and confess our sins he will forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness that is a promise from our father so I want to remind you that Edward that let this question be settled in your heart tonight and anyone like Edward who's listening who has this question of am I saved? Let us settle it this night and I want you to pray with me Edward, pray with me and anyone else pray with me, say Lord Yeshua I come to you with all of my sin all of my things that I have done and right now, Lord I thank you that you died for me Jesus, I thank you that you died for me I thank you that your sacrifice makes me clean and right now I put my trust in you I put my trust in you that you are able to save me and set me free come Lord, with your holy spirit and make your home in me fill me up right now with your holy spirit Father, I thank you right now, Lord that you would come and make your home in them, Lord and I thank you Lord for giving them that assurance of your peace that surpasses understanding that they are saved by faith by the blood of the lamb by what Christ has done in the name of Yeshua Amen Edward, if you're listening, please write in to us God riseonfar.com and we'd love to just connect with you. If there's anyone else like that, please write to us riseonfar.com I want to pray for Phil God bless. Phil is asking for a soulmate in the name of Jesus and that's a good thing. It's not good for man to be alone. So if the father's placed a soulmate on your heart then I want to pray for that for you, Phil, and anyone else in that position. Father, I thank you, Lord, for the exact person that you have for these individuals who are single. Lord, I pray that that appointment would be made at the divine time, that you and that, Lord, you would work and prepare the wife for that in their hearts. Lord, I thank you, Lord, for godly raising up godly couples and godly marriages who would not consider divorce an option, and who will work at any issue the devil tries to throw their way, and by the blood of the lamb, that they will overcome any trial. Father, I pray for every marriage right now that's struggling. I pray right now for every marriage that feels like it's on the rocks. People are saying it's on the rocks. I think it's over. I don't think it's going to work anymore. Maybe you're even signing papers already. And, Father, I pray right now, Lord, you would divinely intervene with your holy spirit. Lord, I thank you that there is no issue that is too big for you. I think that there is nothing that you. No man's heart that you cannot change. Pride. I pray for humility in couples listening. I pray for a heart of restoration in everyone listening. And I pray, Lord, that you, by your divine ways, come with your restoration. And then. Yes, sure. I mean. All right. Okay. Just a few more here, and then we're going to move on. Amanda Horner. Pray for the youth in these times. Amen. We've prayed for the you, Father, I thank you for them. You protect them from the temptations of the devil. In the name of Yeshua Fawn, please pray for my son Matthew, to repent of his gender confusion and be born again and husband to come to salvation. So, Father, Lord, we just pray right now for any sons or daughters or anyone, Lord, who is struggling, lord, with their identity. Father, I pray. I pray that you would come and bring them clarity of mind of who they are because of who you are, Yeshua, that they wouldn't find you and therefore find who they are. Lord, I pray, Lord, for. And there's just a few more. I see families, as I conclude with my part here, a few families asking for salvation for the family members. So, Father, I pray right now for. For anyone listening who has family members right now who aren't saved. You would come, Lord, and give them dreams, give them visions, give them. Meet them, lord, in unexpected ways. Lord. Lord, I thank you, Father, that there is no heart too far or too hard for your holy spirit. Lord, I thank you. Lord, we praise you that this shavuot. Father, you would move upon the hearts of family members who do not, who haven't given their hearts to you yet. Name? Yeshua. Amen. All right, I'd like to open up for the rest of you guys, if you could. If you would like to pray, please, if there's anything, go ahead.

Speaker D:

Lord, we just come before you this evening. We lift up the nation of Israel, Lord, in the midst of the turmoil and the battles and the hostages that have been taken and all the innocent lives that are being lost and the atrocities that have happened and are still happening, Lord, your word says that you stand in defense of your people, Lord, and so we just pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Lord. We pray for the return of the hostages. We pray for the protection of all the innocent people, Lord. Lord, we also pray that through the midst of this, this trial, in the midst of the atrocities that have happened, that they would also experience. Mashiach. Yeshua Hamashiach. Lord, that they would also have the signs and the wonders and the miracles that we read about in your gospel, Lord, that they would see and come to know their jewish messiah. Lord, we lift up the nation of America as well to you. In all the turmoil of the political systems and the propaganda and all the other things that are happening, the adversary's plan is to try to drive a wedge between us and other brothers and sisters. And, Lord, it says, where sin increases, your grace increases all the more. And so, Lord, we just, we ask for all of the people in leadership, all the people who, who lay their heads in the country, that they would have the radical outpouring of the Holy spirit, the ones who said there can't be a God, the ones who have been hurt, the ones who have been bound up in enslavement, whether it's gender identity or it's greed or it's any of the other sins, Lord, that the human flesh, the Etzerah, we wrestle with, Lord, we ask that you would bind those up, Lord, that you would cast them out, that there would be deliverance. We have faith like the centurion, Lord, that if you just say it, it will be done. And so we ask for, for you to outpour your holy spirit, Lord, that there would be mass repentance, that there would be mass understanding that a nation and individuals that have turned their hearts from you cannot thrive and cannot live abundantly, lord, for, for those who, who have ailments, their. Their arms and their feet and their chest and cancer, lord, lord, lord, you are the great physician. You've done healings, miracles, signs and wonders. More than we can even fathom, lord. And we ask, lord, that in their place, in their home, in their bedroom, in their workplace, if they're in their car, Lord, wherever it is. That you would reach down by the power of your might, in the grace of your spirit, lord. And you would put bones back in place. That you would make cancer disappear. That you would restore immune systems, Lord. That you would take the body that you have blessed to be created, Lord. And you would remove anything that is not of you in there, Lord. For kidneys that aren't functioning properly, lord. For brain tumors. Even when the doctors might have said that there's nothing else. Lord, you are the God of the impossible. And you have done it for those, lord, who are spiritually dead and emotionally dead, lord. On the verge of locking their hearts away to bitterness and anger and wrath. Lord, come, heal them. Break those chains. Break those cooperations. Set them free. Lord, by your power and your might and your grace, that they would come to know the saving power of Yeshua and the power of your holy spirit, lord. That they would testify to all those around them that it doesn't make sense in the physical and it could only have been you. That they would sing your praises to a thousand generations. That the testimonies would drown out the evil testimonies of this world. That they would walk in boldness and they would roar like a lion. That my healing and my salvation came from. Yeshua, we ask this in your name, in your power and in your majesty.

Speaker B:

Shamar, would you pray for us, please?

Speaker C:

Father, we humbly come before you right now and lay petitions before you. But first of all, I want to give you thanks. And I want to give you praise for what you have already done. Father, I've heard that there are people who are going through their identity crisis, their sexual orientation. And I want to thank you, father, for ones that you have already set free. Corrupt marriages that are now dissolved because the holy spirit has come into their life, giving them free freedom and broke the chains of that bondage off their lives. Father, we will not compromise your word. Your word is truth. The truth overrides the facts. We thank you, father, that your truth, your word is exalted above your very. That just blows me away. Father, I'm so amazed by what you've already done, what you've already said. Your word cleanses us. And it does great things in our hearts when we apply your word, your truth to our lives, and we accept it. One of the hardest things, father, I know to do is to just die to ourselves. And when we are willing to die to ourselves, and I say, father, I just make myself available to you. And then we can say, father, send me. Whether I'm at the store or at a park, wherever we are, wherever we go at work, people, whomever we come in contact with, we know that we have an appointment because we've already said, father, I'm available to me. That just breaks it down and makes it so simple. So I'm asking, Father, this is my plea, my prayer for every single person that's listening. Yes, we need boldness. We need boldness to say, I die to myself and I come alive to Messiah Yeshua, and I make myself available for his kingdom. It is not our kingdom. It is your kingdom, Father. Yes, we long for the king to come back and to rule and reign, but we have a job to do until then. And our job is to be ambassadors, the kingdom of priests representing you to the nations and the nations to you. That's what we're doing tonight, Father. We're bringing the nations, the people to you tonight that need the boldness to say, I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do, and then just go. And we don't even have to stir the pot. We just. Father, I experienced time and time again where you brought people, just people, up to me, and they just open up their heart. They just spew out all of the stuff that's going on in their life, and it's like, wow, this was easy. This was so easy. I didn't have to. It's like, fight to try to get into the conversation, father, there are times where you need us to just kind of be bold, say, you know what? Have a word of knowledge. Give us words of knowledge, father, for people. Because people need to know that there are people who care. There are people who are dying and crying, and they're crying for help, and they're saying, I need answers, father, we have the answer. It's you. It's you. The message of your spirit on Yeshua. And we just want to boldly go.

Speaker B:

Where you call us to go.

Speaker C:

Make us those living examples like what drew was saying, not just in word, but also getting to the heart of the matter of the people. That's where we need your knowledge, your understanding, and your wisdom. So you said to ask for wisdom and that you would be very, very willing and gracious to give us everything that we need, because we're representing you in this world, and we need to have our ammunition. We need to have our armor on. We need to have our weapons of our warfare to tear down, destroy and demolish the strongholds the enemy has put in the lives of people to know how to do that. So we thank you for the power of your holy spirit in our lives. I also want to lift up some very special friends that we have.

Speaker E:


Speaker C:

Got a sister and niece in the hospital right now. I don't see them on the prayer list right now, Father, on this thread. But we know who they are. We want to lift them up to you right now, father, we ask that you would go right now with your holy healing angels, your ruach Hakodesh touch. And we speak healing. In the name of yeshua or this child. We curse cancer in the name of yeshua. We curse paralyzation in the name of Yeshua. We speak life. We speak liberty. We speak that this healing come forth now in the name of Yeshua. We believe it by faith. And I know that there are so many other people who are suffering, suffering in their bodies right now. And I agree with every single person on this this life call. We just agree. You said if two or more of you agree on anything, it will be done. So we agree that these people that are suffering in their bodies would be healed now in Yeshua's name. And it's not just a healing for all of their infirmities. But, Father, show them. There are so many people who are suffering from the spiritual roots that have been sown in their lives. Unforgiveness, bitterness. Resentment. Hatred. Lashon hara. Gossip. Slander. And when we do those things, Father, we know that we reap those things in our bodies. So we pray, Father, the conviction of sin and repentance that all will come to the saving, the deliverance power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Now, we can then receive the physical healing that comes with repentance. In Yeshua's name, heal your people, Father. Send your word and heal us. The shem Yeshua. In the name of Yeshua, our Messiah.

Speaker G:

Father, I pray that you would impart divine order into the houses. That you would put on the hearts of the husbands to feed their wives the word of God. That you would put in the hearts of the mothers to feed the word of God to their children. That the husbands would rise up in the homes and they would feed the sheep and they would feed the lambs. And that your people people would be so full of your word that they could go out and then take care of the widow and the orphan, the other sheep and the lambs who we are supposed to be that covering over, because they don't have a covering. But you are their covering. And if we are to be like you to them, we need to be full of the word of God so that we can plant the seed of the word of God into their lives. So, Father, if there is any disorder in our household, put it in order so that we may then be free to go out and plant in the field and reap the harvest for you. And that everything that stands in the way, the pride would be broken down. And that the spirit of the fear of the Lord would go into every home and you would bombard them. But it would be so convicting through your love. Because your kindness draws to repentance. But it says no man can repent unless the spirit draws him. So I ask that your holy spirit, your real Hakodesh, would go out and you would draw people to repentance. I echo that. Because that is. That is the key into anybody having a truly changed life. Because without you, without the spirit, we can do nothing. Our right righteousness is his. Filthy rats. So, yahweh, we need you. We want you. We accept you. And we renounce everything that stands in the way of you. And I know, father, that you are trying to speak to your body right now to loose the affections on the things of this world. Do not store your treasures in this world where. Where moth and rust can destroy both, but store your treasures in heaven and in the eternal things. And these people who are lost are the treasures. They are the jewels in your crown. That we would go and bring an inheritance for you. That when we get to the other side, that we would have something to bring to you. And if anything else, our heart would be solely devoted to you. And there would be nothing that is more important in this world, on this side of heaven than you. And we have to exercise our will against the temptations. Yes, we rebuke the demons. We rebuke every evil spirit that functions against these homes. And we command the enemy to go. We submit their foreign to Yahweh and we resist the devil. That is our part. We must resist the devil. There is a choice. Choose to stay who you will serve. Because if you choose Yeshua and he sets you free, you are free indeed. There is no going back. There is no putting your hand to the plow and looking back, you walk free. In the name of Yeshua and father, I pray that you will put in the hearts of every mom and dad to be the same in their home as they are at church. Because I have heard so many stories where people walk away from you because their mom and dad were hypocrites at.

Speaker F:


Speaker G:

That rage and frustration would be put to the side, that people would get balanced, that they would not be afraid to discipline, because a man who does not discipline his child does not love him. But father, that you would draw the line for people, that confusion would be broken, especially in this modern day and age where we think discipline is mean, that there would be no abuse and there would be no fear of abuse, because we're confident in the discipline that the Lord has given us in our lives, and that we would love our children in order to correct them so they go the right way. That I believe there's a falling away of the kids because they're confused and there's not stability in the home. There's wishy washy changing rules. Father, would you plant our feet on solid ground and make our footsteps? Sure. So that we can walk and show ourselves, children, the way to life through wisdom and understanding that we would not be afraid to discipline our children, but that we would not be afraid to love them radically. We would guard them with our lives, but we would show them how to worship, show them to worship, that we would include the worship into our home. Worship is not our background soundtrack throughout our days. But father, you would bring people into a concentrated time of worship in their everyday life, because it is not an event once in a while. It is the way we live. It is our lifestyle. It ought to be the lifestyle of every believer. And I know everyone is in their own own stage. So, father, draw the hearts of the people to not be afraid to emotionally connect to you, or to even emotionally connect to other people, because the way we treat other people is a reflection of our relationship with you. So please, father, put us in divine order, and that the famine of the word of God and the famine of our intimate time of worship with you would be ended. And you would bring the rain so that we can not only be fed, but we can be planted again and then broken and then fed to the nations. And the process happens all over again. That people would not be afraid of being broken, but they would embrace this fire and give it to you as their sacrifice of praise and worship. Either way, if it is an attack of the enemy, worship drives the enemy out. And if it is, the hardship in your life is actually allowed by God to refine you. Worship is the goal. That's what he, he wants to hear from you anyway. So worship is a beautiful key to drive out the enemy and embrace the Holy Spirit, embracing the fire of God and driving out the enemy. So, Father, would you. I just pray that it would all be genuine, that people wouldn't be putting on show or a facade. Everybody would be real and organic and changed from the inside out. That the witchcraft that goes out through media would be broken.

Speaker F:


Speaker G:

I know there's like hypnotizing things on our screens. And, Father, I pray that you would go in with your hammer of truth and you would crush everybody of the enemy. You would smash it to the ground, that every stronghold would be broken and that everybody would be able to, from this day forward, be able to experience you in a new level that they never got to experience before. And it would be fresh air and water to their soul. That we would be able to apply what we have learned, learned in our life, in our day to day living. In the name of Yeshua, let the little children come unto me. That the suppression of the children would be stopped, that we would draw them in. We would pull them in so that they can experience your spirit, too. That there wouldn't be a heavy hand of oppression and control, but love that shows them direction. Bring in children.

Speaker B:

Amen. Thank you so much for those beautiful prayers. I would also like to lift up Tabitha Allen, Mark and Mackenzie Allen's baby in the hospital right now. Father, I pray for your hand of protection and healing. I thank you for all that you've done thus far. And I thank you, Lord, for bringing a complete restoration. I thank you, Lord, for the calling that is on this child's life. And I thank you, Lord, for bringing it to its full purpose and fruition, Lord, as a glorious witness for you in the name of Yeshua. Amen. Right. Guys, I just want to thank you so much for joining me here. Actually, before I go, I just want to also say I saw this. This one commenter that I wanted to also just make sure I pray for. L ministry said it's my son's healing. A foot back and right arm. Thank you. So, Father, we just pray right now for anyone who's listening, who has any kind of pain or issues or sickness, and especially also for the son. Father, we just speak freedom right now. Now over the foot, the back, the arm. Lord, I thank you, Lord, for any pain in the body right now. We command that in the name of Yeshua to leave. And I thank you for your healing, your freedom. I thank you, Lord, for your compassion, that you looked upon the crowds with compassion. And even now, in this moment, you look upon the crowds with compassion. And, Father, I thank you for your love and compassion in the name Yeshua. Amen. Guys, thank you so much for joining me. Chris, Shamar, thank you guys for being here with me in the prayer time. I really appreciate you being with me. I also wanted to just say another thank you to all of the other speakers who were part of this conference. And a big thank you to everyone of you who's joined us. And most of all, glory to God for making all of this possible. I also want to say that as we close this out, that if this conference has been a blessing to you and you would like to be a blessing to our speakers who have labored amongst us to make this possible, you can decide in your heart if the Lord wills for you to do to bring a Shavuot offering. You can go to riseonfar.com and we'll make sure it gets to the speakers. All right. Thank you guys so much. We love you. And if you want to stay tuned for future conferences, text Yeshua to 9400 and we'll see you there. Many blessings to you and shalom.

Episode Notes

Rise on Fire presents the Feast of Shavuot ONLINE Conference! Join PD and 5 incredible speakers as they explore Shavuot (Pentecost), and our calling to take part in the Holy Spirit's work to usher in God's Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. Join us on June 9th to learn ways to celebrate Shavuot with your family, hear testimonies of miracles and lives being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit around the world, learn to walk in the Holy Spirit and praise & worship as we exalt the name of Yeshua! Then, stay until the end to join our panel of speakers for a time of international prayer.

🔥 SHAVUOT OFFERINGS: https://www.riseonfire.com/partner/

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