Rise on Fire Ministries

Why did Abraham plant this strange tree? - The Prophetic Nature of the Tamarisk Tree

9 months ago

So in Genesis chapter 21, there is a random sounding verse. It is Genesis 21 33. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba. And there he called on the name of the Lord, the everlasting God. So what's the deal with this tamarisk tree that Abraham planted? What is a tamarisk tree? I didn't even know what it looked like. So I looked it up online. And I kind of just delved into what this tree even is. What is it about? Why is it special? Why did Abraham plant a tamarisk? Not an olive tree? I mean, we know that has great spiritual significance. Maybe a palm tree. We see those in the tabernacle. Granted, that hadn't happened yet, but still. Like, why the tamarisk? So, a couple interesting things about a tamarisk tree. So a tamarisk tree is a tree very common in the Middle east. And there's a wide variety of tamarisk trees. The most popular being the tamarix aphelia variety type. In Hebrew, this tree is called eitz eshel, which. Eitz is tree. In Hebrew, Eshel is the tamarisk. And this tree, interestingly enough, is an evergreen. It is a tree that does not have leaves that would wither, but that remain green throughout the seasons. This tree can grow up to 50ft tall. It has flowers that will bloom. That are beautiful pinks or whites. And they are a very large, like shade tree. A tree planted to give shade, to give protection from the elements, from the wind, from the sun. And there's something really interesting about the tamarisk tree as well. That as I was like reading up on this tree. Did you know the tamarisk tree drops salt to the earth? Who ever heard of a tree's dropping salt to the earth? But that is what the tamarisk tree does. And let me just read it right here. The tamarisk tree is known as the salt cedar. And it creates even saltier soils by bringing up alkaline water from the earth, which is deposited then on the leaf surface. The leaves are even often coated with salt crystals. The salt then returns to the upper soils when the leaf falls. When the leaf drops. The tamarisk tree is very hardy and thrives in difficult environment. Which is why it does so well in the Middle east. Where there's lots of deserts and dry, rocky ground. The tamarisk tree also takes its moisture from the air. And it is even scientifically said that the shade of the tamarisk is 15% more cooling than other trees. Because of the way it absorbs moisture from the air. And then releases that coolness and shade to those who might sit underneath its branches. Interestingly enough, as well, the tamarisk tree has a host of medicinal and healthy benefits. The tamarisk tree. The entire plant of the tamarisk tree has been used as an anti diabetic, antibacterial, anti inflammatory, wound healing, antifungal, anticholinesterase. A word I cannot pronounce, and other biological effects. This entire plant, which includes the bark, the leaves, the fruits and the root extracts, have been used to treat hypertension, stomach, stomach discomfort, hair loss, cough, asthma, abscesses, wounds, rheumatism, jaundice, fever. The whole nine yards. Additionally, the bark of the plant has been used to cure skin diseases. And the gall on the flowers is used for its astringent effect. This is incredible. So this tree gives shade. It has a tremendous amount of healing properties that are great for us as humans. It drops salt to the earth. It's massive. Tons of branches to house all the birds of the land. And it's an evergreen tree. It's interesting. There is some purpose to why Abraham planted a tamarisk and said this. And there he called on the name of the Lord, the everlasting God. As a sign of this covenant that Abraham was making with God. He plants this tamarisk tree. Just to share my thoughts. A couple things that I thought were interesting is that the tamarisk tree is an evergreen tree. The evergreen tree can and has been used throughout centuries to symbolize the everlasting nature of God and who he is, his character. We're not talking about anything. Apart from the fact that God created this tree. And all of creation gives him glory. All of creation points to him. And you can say different elements of the character of our God. And in this way, the everlasting nature of an evergreen tree can point to the everlasting nature of our God. Something else I thought was interesting, like I read, was that the tamarisk tree thrives in difficult, rocky, hard environments. If we as believers, we are described as trees in scripture. We are also called to end the good times and the bad times. Like job, you know, when everything is taken away. To, like Yeshua said, pick up your cross and follow me. That we can thrive in the difficult moments, in the difficult places. And that is our call as believers to. To take a note from the tamarisk tree. And to grow well in hard, difficult places. Because again, we're not doing the growing. It's the father. Like this tamarisk tree that grows and gains the hydration from the water in the air. We also need to have, you can say, be infilled and take the hydration with our trees from the waters of the Holy Spirit that we're taking in to feed our trees, to be well hydrated, to be filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Because when we do so, as is described for the tamarisk tree, when it takes in the water from the air and it sucks in the water from the earth, that it then creates salt on the leaves, which it then drops to the ground. What did Yeshua say? We are to be. We are to be like salt on the earth. And that's a really interesting concept. We know salt itself is a sign of a covenant, as we see throughout scripture. It is used as a sign of friendship, of covenant, of relationship. We see this covenant sign and also it's a preservation. Salt preserves. But there's something else that salt does that I didn't mention that this tamarisk tree, when it drops salt, it's quite interesting. Salt on earth is usually a bad thing, right? Like you drop salt on your orchards and on your. You're not going to grow anything like. But what's interesting is the tamarisk tree, when it drops the salt around the tree, it makes it so that weeds and invasive plants can't creep in and steal that tree's water. So it keeps out all of the invasive weeds that would steal the trees water. What does it look like for us when we are again being filled and watered daily? You know, again, a plant will die unless it's being watered as it needs to be watered. When we're being watered and filled with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit enables us to be salt to the earth and as we are salt to the earth. As we're being watered by the Holy Spirit, when we are being active in our calling, when we're being active in being the salt we are called to be, we make an environment inhospitable to the the lies and temptations of the enemy. When we are really chasing after the Father with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, when we are actively being in his will, being in his presence, and again, being a part of that covenant that he has made with us as God made with Abraham. What kind of environment are you creating in your home? What kind of environment are you creating in your life, in your heart? What kind of things are you allowing to creep in? What kind of weeds are you allowing to creep in, into your life, into your heart, into your thoughts that steal your time, your energy, your focus. From what God would have you do. What God has called you. And your identity. Whatever in my life needs to go, I need to say I'm ready to cut it off. We need to thrive in a harsh environment. Because it is in a harsh environment. We, living in this world, are living in a harsh, you could say a very difficult climate. There's a lot of mess. There's a lot of sin. There's a lot of temptations. There's a lot of distractions. We live in a very difficult place. But that's why we are told to be in the world. But not of the world, as it says in scripture. And yet, because we are in this place. That's why we have to be being filled daily, constantly with the Holy Spirit. Letting him guide our actions, guide our thoughts, empower us, enable us, teach us, heal us. All these things we need to be. Because then, in that way, we can then from that place. Be the salt of the earth. As Yeshua would call us to be. It is from that place. Another thing I found super interesting about the tamarisk tree. There's like so many cool facts about this tree. But it produces a white, honey like substance on its branches that is called manna. Apparently it tastes kind of like a honey. And it's. But it's edible, like by humans. You can eat it. And this is in the. The physical tree creates this element. So, looking again at the tamarisk tree. If we are comparing ourselves to this tamarisk tree that do our lives give nourishment? Do we. Does our life proclaim the bread of life? And that is Yeshua himself. So, kind of. In conclusion then, as you read this verse about Abraham planting a tamarisk tree. And calling upon the name of the Lord as the everlasting eternal God. As a sign of this covenant that God has made with Abraham. And remember who are called the sons of Abraham. Those who are of faith. As you are following the God of Israel. As you have been grafted into the olive tree. Have you grafted into this covenant that Abraham, that God made with Abraham. And through his descendants, you are also to become as trees. And like this tamarisk tree, which is a picture in this way of the eternal, everlasting nature of God himself. And this covenant. Will you be a tree that gives shade and rest to those who would come to you? Will it experience the presence of God? When people come into your presence, when they are around you, do they experience chaos and division and gossip and infighting and pointing of fingers and are they experiencing the fruits of the spirit? Is your tree bearing fruit? Is your tree bearing healthy leaves? Are those leaves dropping salt to the earth? Are you being filled with the waters of the Holy Spirit so that you can then drop the salt to the earth, so that the enemy has no place in your life, in your home, in your heart, in your thoughts? Remember, this is not something we can do on our own. We again, we rely on the Holy Spirit. We rely on the Father. So rely on him, trust in him, and rejoice in the fact that even in this verse we are given a picture, a beautiful picture of a tree that we are also called to become, that gives healing to the nations because it draws its strength from the waters of the Holy Spirit. I hope this blessed you. Shalom.

In Genesis 21, Abraham plants a strange tree. But what if this Tamarisk tree carries the prophetic nature of the tree that God's people are to become? Join Christina in this short video as she reveals what makes this tree so special and how it prophetically points to our Kingdom calling!

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