Rise on Fire Ministries

TRUMPETS ONLINE CONFERENCE 2024 - Blow the Shofar in Zion!

3 days ago
Speaker A:

Down in Florida, residents continuing to assess the damage after taking a direct hit for Clemens.

Speaker B:

Shalom. And welcome to our online feast of trumpets. Below, the Shofar in Zion conference. We're so excited you can join us as we come together to be edified by the word and as we come to celebrate our king, the Messiah and Redeemer of Israel. As we look at this biblical ancient festival of the feast of trumpets and how it points to Yeshua's return and his coming kingdom.

Speaker C:

Amen. Guys, before we continue further tonight, I would like us all to just take a moment and remember to continue to pray for those affected by the recent hurricane Helene. Many have lost possessions, homes, and some even their lives. It is important for us to be a light in this time, so consider ways that you can potentially help those in need. I would also like to tell you that we're going to spend some time in the Q and a section of today's video with the other speakers to pray for those affected. And all of this happening during the biblical feast day seasons is perhaps a test to see whether we're going to keep the feasts as just another religious ritual or in action. Guys, the feast of trumpets is a beautiful feast, the first of the full feasts. It's followed by the day of atonement, as well as the feast of Sukkot and trumpets is also known as Yom Teruah in the Hebrew. And the larger jewish community also calls it Rosh Hashanah. So if you've ever heard of those before, that's what we're getting on and talk about tonight. And tonight we're going to be sharing from all angles with our various speakers that we've invited to come and join us. And I want to just open up with Leviticus 23 23. In Leviticus 23, God comes and gives us a few basic instructions of what the feast of trumpets is about. And what's interesting is it's really simple. And there's not a lot of context given to Israel. When God gives Israel this feast, he tells Israel, for example, that this is a day where you blow trumpets. This is a day where there is a gathering of Israel. They're coming together. He says it's a high Sabbath, it's a day of rest. And he says that this is a day where offerings are being brought to the Lord. And we're going to get into more of that later. But what is this all about? Of course, when the Messiah came the first time, many of these spring feasts, such as Passover, prepared the way and pointed to his death, burial and resurrection. And in the same way, now the four feasts, they're not completely fulfilled yet. They were awaiting his second coming, which these feasts are pointing to and teaching us about. And so when Thessalonians 416, we read, for example, for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise. First, hallelujah, and then Zechariah. Eight three also tells us, this is what the Lord says. I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the faithful city, and the mountain of the Lord almighty will be called the holy mountain.

Speaker B:

What is the importance of a shofar, of a trumpet? The shofar in scripture is what we would see as a call to action, to announce back, to announce the coming of a king. It is a rise up. Awake. Stand up. Something is about to happen. Something is about to occur. Be ready. Have your loins girded, have your staff in hand, have your sword raised. And as we look towards the coming and the return of our king, of our messiah, Yeshua, we must likewise sound the shofar awake. Arise. Don't be asleep like we read in the parable of the ten virgins, but awake and arise and be prepared for his coming. We see in the larger jewish community, there is a hunger and a cry for the return of Meshiach. Meshiach, come. And yet there is a messiah who has come, and his name is Yeshua. Yet we have. Much of traditional Christianity has taught a Jesus, a Yeshua, that has lost his jewishness. And we need to return back to what scripture itself has to say about who our messiah is, who the redeemer of Israel is. Yeshua. And he is one who walks in his father's ways, who teaches us to obey his commands, and who comes to give us his holy spirit so that we can bring his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And I think a lot of people, depending on which denomination they're a part of, they're thinking the catholic Jesus is coming back, or the Baptist Jesus is coming back, or the charismatic Jesus is coming back. You know, we've kind of made Jesus in our own image instead of looking to him and asking him to change us into his image. And that's what we're asking tonight, is, who is Yeshua to you?

Speaker B:

Amen. And in this season, in this time and age that we're in, there is growing anti semitism even in the body of believers. Without even realizing it, perhaps. And let's just return to what scripture has to say. Scripture says, psalm 122 six, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they be secure who love you. And as Paul says in Romans chapter nine, he says that even he would have himself be accursed if because of that, God would grant salvation to his brothers and sisters, his jewish brothers and sisters. And let that be our heart as well, that we are able to, through our lives, through our words, through our actions, and even through this conference, share the love of Yeshua, the love of our father, as he has given his son, to be our salvation, to be our redeemer, prophesied throughout his word, throughout his toil. All right, so we are joined by five incredible speakers, and each of our speakers will have ten to 15 minutes to share a message on this feast of trumpets. Following that, we will have a time of worship, and then our live Q and a panel where you can ask your questions to our speakers. And then after that, we will have a time of prayer for Israel. So definitely stick around for that. We will be opening up this conference with worship being led by Gabby Grace, an incredible anointed worship artist who creates beautiful and powerful orchestral praise music. You will absolutely love her music. And then we will have our first speaker, David Wilbur, who is an author, Bible teacher, messianic christian apologist and dear friend. Also, we will have Amy K. Gunther, founder of Torah Sisters, a ministry that encourages women around the world who love Yeshua and his word ministry has been such a blessing to me and to so many. We will also be joined by George Witten, founder of Worthy news and worthy ministries, a christian news agency. And he'll be sharing about current updates in the land of Israel. He and his wife, Bat Rivka Whitten, who is a well known and incredible messianic worship artist, tour the world and proclaimed the gospel. And we're so excited to have him here with us. Following him, we will have Tom Campbell, pastor of the vineyard fellowship in Johnson City, and we've been honored to work along him. His love for evangelism and his love for reaching the lost is absolutely incredible.

Speaker C:

Amen, guys. What an exciting lineup we have here tonight. If during the duration of this conference, this turns out to be a blessing to you and your family, and if the Holy Spirit so lays it upon your heart, consider bringing a trumpet's offering. It allows us to continue making nights like tonight possible. It allows us to make it freely available to all without charge, so that all may hear about Yeshua, the gospel, his feast days. But we cannot do this without you. Thank you for your prayers and your support. I would now like to introduce Gabby Grace who's going to be opening up the night for us in her beautiful music. Please join us in this time of worship.

Speaker D:

I hear the sound of heaven on earth I hear the sound of the earth all that has breath only just praise you and I want to be on Mount Zion with you I hear the sound of heaven on I hear the sound of your ready to disappear and I am a pilgrim on a journey to eternity all the rest in the wine I hear the sound of heaven open loud christ will never lasting I can feel it is time to prepare to be without beloved man, you're in the air the battle is here and he's coming for you I hear the sound, you hear the sound we hear the sound of heaven on earth and I hear the sound, you hear the. We hear the sound of heaven on earth behold all things new I hear it is done we will all freely dream from the fountain of light oh, there is no more fear nor death, nor sorrow no quietenhe more faith in the present I hear the sound of heaven on earth armies of angels shining this morning I bright new cities coming down from the ground who is here? The Bible is here and it's coming for this all the rest is I hear the sound of heaven on earth I hear the sound of the archive.

Speaker B:

Wow, that was so incredible. Thank you so much, Gabby, for leading us in that absolutely powerful and anointed song and for that reminder that our bridegroom is soon returning and that we need to prepare and ready ourselves as a bride who is equally yoked. Amen.

Speaker C:

Amen. Wow, Gabby, that was so incredible. We look forward to his return. We look forward to him coming back and changing this earth as it is in heaven. Amen. That's what the feast of trumpets is all about, guys. Stay tuned because Gabby is planning to return in a little bit later to continue leading us in worship. For now we have next David Wilbur, who is going to be talking with us more about what is the feast of trumpets and his practicality and how can we celebrate it. Thank you, David.

Speaker A:

Well, hello everyone. Happy yom Teruah. I'm so glad to be with you all and I am grateful for this opportunity to share from God's word. I want to thank rise on fire ministries for inviting me. It is always a huge honor to be part of these conferences and I'm excited to celebrate with you all tonight. So let's go ahead and jump right in. What is Yom Teruah, or the day of trumpets. And how do we celebrate it? That is what we'll be talking about tonight. I'm going to be giving an introduction to this biblical holiday and what it means for us as followers of Yeshua, Jesus. And so to start, Yomcherua, or the day of trumpets, is a biblical holiday. Traditionally, it is also called Rosh Hashanah, which we'll talk about a little more later. And we find this holiday in Leviticus 23 and numbers 29. It's one of several holidays that God has commanded us to observe. Here is a list of all those holidays you have Passover, unleavened bread, shavuot and so forth. And we are celebrating Yom Teruah. And so these holidays, they commemorate important events. They are all about celebrating the amazing things that God has done for his people. But what's interesting about this particular holiday is that, unlike the others, scripture isn't really clear about why we celebrate this holiday. All we are told in scripture is that on the first day of the 7th month, we are to observe a memorial proclaimed with the blowing of trumpets. Okay, but what exactly is being memorialized? Well, again, scripture doesnt say it tells us why we celebrate the other holidays. For instance, Passover is a celebration of Israels deliverance from Egypt. But theres nothing in scripture about why we celebrate Yom Teruah. So what is this holiday all about? Well, perhaps we can find a hint about the meaning of this holiday by examining the name. Yom means day, and teruah means a loud noise. Hence, teruah is often translated as blow the trumpets or alarm. So this is a day of blowing the trumpets or making a loud noise. When we examine how this word torua is used in scripture, we discover that it is often connected to the idea of prompting a response from those who hear this loud noise. So, for instance, when Israel was in the wilderness and it was time to go, the elders would sound an alarm, a toruah, to signal them to start moving. So here we see this notion of again prompting a response that is the purpose of toruah. And so, yom Teruah, the day of blowing the trumpets, is intended to prompt a response from us. Okay, well, what type of response is God looking for? Well, yom teruah occurs just ten days before another very important holy day on the biblical calendar, Yom Kippur, or the day of atonement. This is the holiest day on the biblical calendar, and this was the one day of the year when the high priest would enter the holy of holies to seek atonement for the sins of Israel. It is a solemn day of fasting and repentance. And so I would submit that Yom Teruah prompts us to get ready for Yom Kippur, that great day, us to do some introspection and to ask for forgiveness, to get ready for the day of atonement. So that seems to be the primary purpose of this holiday. On a practical level, it's meant to prompt us to prepare for Yom Kippur. There is one other connection that is worth exploring, and that is that the word torua is also associated with the day of the Lord. For example, Joel two says, blow a trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm. Torua, on thy holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming. It is near, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness. So here we see that the sounding of the alarm, the teruah, prompts us to prepare for the day of the Lord. Later in this chapter, Joel describes what that looks like. Its a time of humility and repentance, and this again fits the theme of getting ready for Yom Kippur. Interestingly, the New Testament connects this day of the Lord with the second coming of the Messiah. And significantly, this major event is once again associated with the blowing of trumpets. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of Goddesse. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left will be caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. So Yomcharua does not really seem to be focused on commemorating something in the past. Rather, this holiday seems to be focused on a future event, specifically the day of the Lord, the second coming of the Messiah. That is also ultimately the reason we celebrate Yom Teruah. We are looking forward to that great day. We are anticipating the Messiah's return. And as I mentioned, there is certainly a theme of repentance and introspection associated with that day. We want to get our hearts right. We want to prepare, you know, for the coming of the Lord. But also the word Teruah is often associated with joyous singing. For example, consider psalm 47. God has gone up with a shout. Torua, the Lord, with the sound of a trumpet, sing praises to God, sing praises, sing praises to our king, sing praises. So Yom Teruah, in addition to being a time of self reflection and repentance. As we prepare for Yom Kippur, it is also a time of celebration. We know that the Lord Yeshua is returning and that he will usher in his kingdom in fullness and sin and death will be fully abolished. What a wonderful hope that we have to hold onto as believers in Yeshua. And what a wonderful reason to celebrate this amazing holiday. Okay, so we learned some reasons for why we observe Yom Teruah. Now I'd like to talk about how. How do we celebrate yom Teruah today? Well, there are only a few commandments in scripture that are associated with this holiday. There are also many meaningful traditions that have developed over time. But lets start with what the Bible says to do. Leviticus 23 23 25 and the Lord spoke to Moses saying, speak to the people of Israel saying, in the 7th month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the Lord. Okay, so according to this passage, there are three specific things God commands us to do on this day. First, we are to observe a day of solemn rest. Second, we are to blow the trumpets. And third, we are to present a food offering to the Lord. So obviously, that third command to present a food offering does not apply today because God commanded that such offerings only be brought to the temple in Jerusalem, which doesn't exist. However, we can do the other two things that this passage mentions regarding observing a day of rest. That is something that is pretty easy to do, especially if you keep the weekly Sabbath. You're already used to it. And so we observe the day of rest on yom Teruah in basically the same way. We don't do our normal job. We spend time with our families, and we just enjoy God's gift of rest. And as we enjoy physical rest, we remember the ultimate rest that God has given us in his son Yeshua. The second command is to blow the trumpet. And traditionally, this is done with a shofar, which is a ram or a kudu horn. The point is to make a loud noise. Shofars can get quite loud. So if you don't have a shofar, find someone who does and have them blow the trumpet. The holy days are meant to be celebrated with other believers anyway, so get together with some folks and get loud. As we've already discussed, the blowing of the trumpet is meant to be loud. It is a loud noise. It is a call to repentance. It reminds us that Yom Kippur is coming up, and we need to get ready. And for believers in Yeshua, it is a call to rejoice because the messiah is returning to usher in the messianic kingdom. So get together with some folks, blow the shofar, and make some noise. Besides these commandments, there are also many wonderful traditions that have come to be associated with this day. One tradition that I find beautiful is called tashlik. In Hebrew, this means to cast off. And many people perform this ritual on the afternoon of Yom Terua. What they do is they gather near some water, like a river or a pond, and then they toss breadcrumbs or pebbles into the water while someone reads Micah 718. Heres what that passage. Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance, he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love. He will again have compassion on us. He will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast our sins into the depths of the sea. So here we see that tossing breadcrumbs or pebbles into the water symbolizes gods forgiveness. It represents how he has cast our sins into the depths of the sea. It is a reminder to us as believers that we are forgiven when we trust in Yeshua, the messiah. And by the way, I would mention that this is a great time to make New Year's resolutions. Why? Well, as I mentioned at the beginning of this message, Yom Teruah is also traditionally called Rosh Hashanah, which means head of the year. So many people think of Yom Terua as a type of New Year's celebration. Now, technically, Yomcherua is not the beginning of the year. According to the Bible, it is the beginning of the 7th month. But in Judaism, there are actually four different types of new years. It's kind of like how we have January 1, but we also have the beginning of the school year sometime in August. And since about the second or third century, Yom Teruah has become regarded as one of these new years. Now, you're free to disregard that tradition if you like. Personally, I usually just call this holiday Yomcherua. But if you practice tashlik while tossing your breadcrumbs into the water, you might also consider making some New Year's resolutions, if you will, committing to leave behind sinful habits or behaviors, symbolically casting those things away and asking God to change your life. Personally, I think it's a great tradition. Another tradition during Yom Teruah is reading and reflecting upon Genesis 22, which is the story of the binding of Isaac. And this is because the shofar that we blow during Yom Teruah serves as a reminder of the ram that was offered in Isaac's place. And as followers of Yeshua, we, of course, recognize the rich prophetic symbolism in the story. It reminds us of the fact that Yeshua has taken our place, that we are forgiven and freed from the death we deserve because of our sins. Finally, no feast day is complete without having some sort of feast. And on Yom Teruah, that feast traditionally involves apple slices dipped in honey. This symbolizes our hopes for a sweet new year. And as we eat these honey dipped apples, we are reminded that Yeshua will return, that he will bring us into a land flowing with milk and honey, if you will. He will establish his kingdom, and what a sweet time that will be. And that is how we celebrate yom Teruah. Before we conclude, I just want to reiterate the purpose of this day, and that is to make a loud noise to prompt a response. In particular, the blowing of the trumpet prompts us to do some introspection and to ask for forgiveness as we get ready for the day of atonement. So I would really encourage you guys to do some self reflection and ask God if there is anything in your life that you need to repent of. Do what you can to make things right with other people that you may have harmed. Seek forgiveness from those people. Forgive others that may have harmed you. In addition, this is a time of joy. Our messiah is returning. Paul says that at the sound of the trumpet, the dead will be raised, and we will live with the messiah in his kingdom forever. I pray that your celebration is amazing and that God blesses you and draws you closer to him during this season. Bless you all, and happy yom Teruah.

Speaker C:

David, thank you so much, brother. That was so informative for anyone who's new or who's been doing this for a while, you know, I think what really stood out to me personally was this combination of this feast being one that cause us to do introspection, to repent, to evaluate ourselves, and at the same time, to be full of joy. It's this interesting contrast, because we're joyful that he has died for us, Yeshua, and he's coming back for us. He's not left us in the dust, and he's taken our sins away. But at the same time, we're going to ensure that we ready ourselves for that appearance to our bridegroom. So thank you for that, David.

Speaker B:

Yes, exactly. And David, I really loved how you brought up the traditional element of the tashlich ceremony. That's something I grew up doing being raised in a messianic synagogue. But it's that element, as we know, Yeshua, Jesus, our messiah, where he took our punishment that we rightfully deserved on his shoulders. He died the death that we deserved because of our sins. But we now need to put our trust in him as our savior, as our messiah, and as we come to him, when there's something that he's brought to our mind, that we need to repent of, to cast it off like is talked about in this ceremony. So this is a wonderful time that you can have with your family, with your fellowship, to just take a moment like David shared, of introspection, of repentance, and thanking the Lord for the grace and the mercy and the forgiveness that we have through Yeshua, through Jesus.

Speaker C:

Amen. And just a little note for anyone who may be brand new at all of this, if you've never heard of this before and you're like, wow, is this like Judaism that we're doing here? No. Look, there's nothing wrong with traditions, as long as traditions do not contradict the word of God. And so there's a lot of traditions that have developed over the ages that are teaching us more about God, reminding us more about God. And those things are optional, of course. No one has to do them, but we're showing them because they can be really edifying and helpful. But at the same time, I also want to just remind you that our messiah was jewish. Our God came to Israel, and through Israel, he came to deliver what we call the Old Testament, or the Torah and the prophets. And he came to bring forth that messiah that we know as Jesus. And so just because he appeared to a people who is Israel doesn't mean that following God's commandments is a jewish thing. It's a God thing. It is to be following his feast, because he said, these are my feasts. And he gave it to all who put their faith in him, all who are the seed of Abraham, whether native born, jewish person, or a person who is a gentile, grafted into Israel through faith in Jesus. Amen.

Speaker B:

It's about doing Bible things in Bible ways, as a friend of ours loves to say, Nathan Harmon, doing bible things in Bible ways, walking as our messiah walked, and then let's do it. These feast days are all about Jesus. They are all about Yeshua.

Speaker C:

Before we move on. We'd like to let you guys know that we've partnered with our speakers and artists here tonight in order to bring you guys a free giveaway of some of their books, their music and their magazines. If you guys want to stand a chance to win something, there's three simple steps. Number one, like this video. Number two, take the link of this video and share it on social media to your friends. And number three, comment in the live chat. And then at the end, at the live Q and a section, we're going to be announcing our winners at random.

Speaker B:

All right, our next speaker is Amy Guenther, founder of Taurasisters, who will be coming on to share a message. Welcome, Amy.

Speaker E:

Hello. Happy yom Teruah, everyone. I was thinking about, what should I talk about? How can I encourage the body of Messiah in only ten short minutes along the theme of yom Teruah? And I love PD's theme of blow the shall far in Zion and use it as a time to pray that the harvest, all of Abraham's seed would come to faith in Yeshua. So, as I thought about this, here's where I landed. I'm going to tell you a story, and it's a story about me, and it's a story that I'm not proud of. So this is like one of those what not to do stories. But in the end, I'm going to use it to encourage you. Yeah, willing. So a few years ago, I hosted a Yamcharua party here at my house. This is my house. And I had a whole bunch of my cool hebrew friends over. And you know what we do the commands. Leviticus 23, numbers 29, I think, say to blow a shofar. Or you could also interpret that as make a shout. Yam true. A day of shouting. And so, as the sun began to set and I knew this was coming, of course my friends are all like, time to go into Amy's backyard and make some noise. And so they all start heading to the backyard, you know, because they're all over the house and everywhere, but they all start to gather in the backyard. You never saw so many shofars. They all start blowing their shofars, making noise. The kids are shouting and screaming. And my heart sank as this all started, because. And here's the part I'm not proud of. I was afraid of what my neighbors would think. I was afraid they would think I was weird, and I was afraid that they would make fun of me. And I'm not proud of that. In fact, I'm rather ashamed of that. And that feeling, that sinking feeling of like, oh, no. Even though I knew that that's what's gonna happen. Of course it's Yamchiru. That's what we're supposed to do. My heart was not in the right place for a few minutes, and I had to repent of that right quick. And the party, of course, was wonderful, like that time. It's a thing of worship to obey that command, to do that weird Bible thing in a Bible way. But I was worried that they would. That my neighbors would think it was weird. In Bible land, it's not weird. It's just what we're supposed to do. But in America land, that's weird. You know, I could light fireworks on the 4 July or the weekend before or after 4 July, and that's totally fine, but go out on Yamchiru with 40 shofars, and that's weird. And I cared, and I'm ashamed that I cared, because here's the thing, and here's how I want to encourage you, body of Messiah, is that when we care what the world thinks of us, and when I care what the world thinks of me, it's going to hold me back. And that was just a small thing. But here's what's happening. We all feel like Yeshua is coming soon, and that's. A lot of us think he's going to come on one of these yom teruahs. I pray it's still this one, maybe. But as his approach gets near and the world gets darker and darker, and people become more and more searching for hope, because they're hurting. And a lot of you out there are hurting right now, too. But at least we have hope. Hope with a capital H. Hope's name is Yeshua. We know that there's something yet to come, and that's what the fall fees represent, is the end of the gospel story, the good that is yet to come. Eternity with Yeshua. But imagine being a secular person in the world, someone who doesn't know Yeshua at all, someone who has no hope. And as they start hurting more and more, in all kinds of ways, they're going to start looking for hope, and they're going to look to ask questions of people they know who are like Bible people. You know, like, I want my neighbors, and my neighbors do know that I'm like a bible lady. They might call me a Bible lady or a Christian. I want them to know that I want them, and they already know that because I help them with things and I take them bread from the food bank to the apartments next door, I help, you know, with my neighbors chores or trash cans and things when I can, and I should do more of it. See, I already want a reputation with my literal neighbors of being a loving representative of Yeshua to them, so that then when I do something weird like blow shofars, they don't think that's weird because they already know I'm a Bible person and they don't care if I'm weird anyway. I do not care anymore if my neighbors think I'm weird because they also know that I love them. And so as the world gets darker and if my neighbors and I pray that they will start to seek Yeshua hope, I want them to know that I'm a Bible person. And so my challenge to all of us is, do your neighbors know that you are a Bible person? Did you go out tonight and blow a shofar or shout or make a joyful noise? And if not, when this program is over, I encourage you to do that. Go where people can hear you and do that part of the command. If you live, if you don't have a backyard, go to your balcony or your porch. If you live in a high rise apartment building, go to open the window and shout it out the window. Or better yet, go to the hallway and blow your shofar or shout down the hallway, something like, come yeshua, come bo yeshua, or happy yom Teruah or something. And then what you actually want is for someone to notice so that they ask you, what are you doing? Oh, let me tell you. Let me tell you about Yeshua. He's coming again soon, and he came first as a lamb who died for you because he loves you. But he's coming again as king and as a lion, and he's going to judge the earth. And I would like to show you his solution to that problem that you might face one day. And you open the scriptures with them. And all of us are capable of this. All of us are capable of showing someone through the scriptures how to have that hope and then how to live a life within his guidelines that brings blessing upon them. And then they can be transformed. And the very fact that you have already been transformed by the gospel, by that good news, makes you qualified to share that good news with other people. Not to mention you have the spirit of the living God within you. Why are we afraid of people ever? So, as I was looking for scriptures to share with you on this topic of Yeshua coming back and being bold and things like that, a lot of scriptures came up, but this one in particular, I'm going to read mark eight, verse 38, and this account is also in Luke, chapter nine. For whoever is ashamed of me, in my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation of him, will the son of man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his father with the holy angels? Ouch. That was me. See, if Yeshua had come back on that yam Teruah, he would have found me in a state of being embarrassed of him when I was embarrassed of what my neighbors would think of me doing a Bible command. The whole Bible is about Yeshua. I was embarrassed of him for a few moments there, and that's what this says. Whoever is ashamed of me, of him, will the son of man also be ashamed when he comes? So a lot of us around this time, and it's right to talk about having our oil in our lamps. We want to have our lamps full. We want to be watching for the bridegroom returns. But we rightfully want to know Torah like the oil is knowing Torah, and then very importantly, doing Torah. But it's also not being ashamed of the gospel of Messiah. And it's taking every opportunity that he gives us to proclaim good news to the poor and to those who are looking for hope and to love people and to never, ever withhold hope from the world. To never ever put my fear of man and him, my neighbors or my friends or my family or anyone out there in Internet land thinking that I'm weird, to never let that stop me from speaking boldly with. With the truth that he has shown me. What a privilege that we know the truth. And then why are we holding it close to us and not out there blowing the shofar and shouting it for everyone to hear. So we all have people around us who need the good news. And I encourage us to use this yam Teruah yet still tonight, or if you're celebrating tomorrow or whenever, to proclaim that in bible ways and to proclaim it loudly and to never, ever be ashamed of the hope that is within us. So I appreciate you letting me share. Oh, and Christina also told me to share you the magazine. So at store dot taurusisters.com I have a lot of. So first of all, today is a feast day. So if you go there, just get the free stuff. I have a lot of free stuff that might give you stuff to look at, especially things for the fall fees. Now all the magazines are free PDF's. You can download those and look especially for the fall feast. Issues, they'll have lots more ideas for Yum Truett and the future feast. And then after the feast is over, if you want, consider subscribing to get the magazine in print. So, ladies, I have it for you and all you guys watching. Get it for your wives, your moms, your sisters, and you'll love the fall feast ideas in here. So happy yom Teruah, everyone. Maybe you go forth in boldness and love and the spirit of the living God within us. Bye.

Speaker C:

Wow, Amy, I really love that story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I think it's such a powerful testimony to us all. You know, you going and talking about the blowing of the trumpet, right? That's on the day, that's this part of this commandment, and then also connecting it with our daily walk. I think that is so profound and awesome how our lives are to be as a trumpet. You are to be a walking alarm clock. Like you walking around. People should be, like, wanting to turn you off because you are reminding them of what is coming. They need to wake up because the messiah is coming. But then, at the same time, let us make sure that we bear good fruit. Let us make sure that we are a good witness. Like Amy said, that she's already helping her neighbors in many ways in her neighborhood to try and be the best representative of Yeshua she can be. And so let us all, in the big and the small ways, however, be someone who's known as bearing good fruit, so that when we, when we look a little weird, as we should be, you know, and if you're new here, you. Maybe this whole conference is one whole weird, big thing to you, or maybe it's because we're talking about the Messiah who said, I'm not of this world. I'm of a different world. And we need to be changing into his image as we've been talking about.

Speaker B:

Amen. And, you know, Amy, I love what you mentioned about, you know, how you felt ashamed. But in that moment, we're not to be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. We are to actually rather be excited to proclaim his love and his goodness to all we meet so that we are known by the love we have for others. And like you said, to fill the atmosphere with sounds of praise, the sound of the shofar, the sound of shouting, the sound of worship. If you don't have a shofar, there are lots of YouTube videos that you can literally click play on, and you'll hear the sound of the shofar in your home. But shout to the Lord. Praise his name say hallelujah. Like Amy mentioned, just have this be a time where you fill the atmosphere. There's power in spoken word. I just want to encourage you in this time and in this season, as we're celebrating this feast day. Make it a fun time with your family. Make it a fun time with your children. There are wonderful art and craft options and ideas online. You can make your own chauffeur out of, like a party horn. You can get at the dollar general or the dollar tree. You can even make one out of a thick piece of paper that you roll up and you kind of make it into a horn. And that's great and fun for the kids. Some food options that were mentioned earlier that are traditional in this season are apples, our honey, as we remember the sweetness of the promised land, but the sweetness of the gospel and what yeshua has come to give us. We also know in scripture that it says that his words are as sweet as honey. And we also know that as traditional in the season, there's a lot of beautiful braided breads, challahs. We know, Yeshua, Jesus is the bread of life. So that's a beautiful element that you can also add to your feast day table. And if we also think about the parable of the ten versions who were readying themselves, who were looking towards the bridegroom, with some being more prepared than others, there is this element of oil. So that can also be an element that we add to our feast tables, perhaps fried foods. Be creative. This is a time to just have fun and to celebrate. All right, cool. So our next speaker that we're honored to have is George Witten, founder of word news agency and Worthy Ministries. And he will be sharing about current events in the land of Israel and how it relates to this feast day and to the gospel of Yeshua. Thank you so much, George. Welcome.

Speaker F:

Shalom, Havarim. Shalom, Mishpakah. Friends and family. It is the feast day, as Yom Truah is the feast of trumpets. We are now entering a very unique time. My name is George Witten. I am the founder and director of Worthy News. I've been doing worthy news since 1999. I send out a daily devotion that goes out to 35,000 people. We are now full fledged news agency. We now have journalists in Jerusalem, Rome, Budapest, throughout the United States. And so we go ahead and freely syndicate our news. It doesn't cost anything. It's free. So we are watching the times that we are in. We are watching and we are looking all the events that are taking place around the world. We are living in this season of signs. Everything is kind of jumping out at us. There is events taking place. We have just left the month of Elul. The month of Elul, that is the 30 days that precede the month of. Of truah. And Elul is this month that we intentionally reflect our times of the lord each day that the shofar is blasted one time to remind us that Tishri is coming. Tishri is the 7th month on the hebrew calendar. Elul is the 12th or the final month on this civil calendar. It is the 6th month on the biblical calendar. And so think about it is like the last month preparing for a wedding. If you've ever been married, there's 30 days that gear up to that wedding. They gear up to that feast. That's what Elul is about. It's about preparation, and it's about the bride preparing itself. Elul is the four letters Alif Lamed, vav lamed. Those are the four letters that make the month of Elul. It is an acronym. The acronym represents the word eni. Vedodi. Vedodi lee. This phrase is found in the song of Solomon and Song of Solomon. Six, three. I am my beloved, and my beloved is mine. This is known as the month that anyone can approach the king, because the king is in the field. For eleven months out of the year, the king has been in his palace. If you needed to see the king, you had to get an appointment to see the king. But on this month, month, the king is out in the field because he's looking, he's seeing how the harvest is going. He's talking to the people, seeing how the people are doing. And this is where we find this understanding, where it talks about in Isaiah. Seek the lord while he may be found. Call upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to the lord, and he will have mercy upon him and toward God. For hedgesthem will abundantly pardon. Now, Yom Chua, there's, there's events taking place that are announcing something. It's kind of a unique time right now, because we have a lot of signs in the heavens that tell us something unique is happening. We just finished having a harvest super moon, and that happened on September 17. Now, listen. A harvest super moon happened the same day that Israel did its massive attack on Ezba, where pagers blew up all over Lebanon. The following day, walkie talkies were blowing up. This is all that's taking place on that time. And then we're coming up to Yom Trua. October 2. Well, October 2, there is an eclipse that will be seen over South America, over Antarctica, over southern Asia. And then when is this happening? What happens on Yom Tua? And the same time that this is happening, we have a comet. We have a comet that is circling that has been started to be seen in the beginning of September, it's going to continue on. And the closest that it will be to the earth will be on October 12 of this year. October 12. What's October 12? It's Yom Kippur. So we have a lot of signs in the heavens that tell us something unique is happening. And so this. This feast of Yom Chua, this feast that is known as the feast that no one knew is the day or the hour. And the reason why is the jewish people have been keeping a lunar calendar since its founding. Even today, the calendar is based on a prophetic calendar. A 360 day calendar is little different than the lunar calendar of years past because it was a 354 day calendar. And the lunar calendar is very unique because the lunar calendar either had a 29 day month or 30 day month. And because Yom Chua, the feast of trumpets, is the only feast that falls on the first day of the month. You didn't know if the new moon was going to be sited on the 29th or the 29th day or the 30th. You didn't know when that new moon was going to be sighted. That's why it's known as the feast that no one knows the day or the hour. That's why even today, it celebrated for two days. And so now we're at this season that the best way to understand the season is to actually understand how God has been, has been working through everything that God has been continuing to. We're at what we call the transition period. The Bible speaks of the birthing, the birthing of a kingdom. And, you know, it says, look, don't, don't be concerned. The times and the seasons, look, there's. There's going to be sudden destruction, as though labor pangs upon a pregnant woman. So, you know, when you understand the birthing process of the kingdom, a lot of things are going to make a whole lot more sense. Sense. No woman I ever met said, I just love giving birth. I mean, I wish the birthing bangs would just last for days. Now, we tend to have a lot of women say, I'll have an epidural or I'll have a c section. Well, there's no epidurals or c sections, where the kingdom is coming. God gives us these natural insights, gives spiritual revelation. And one thing that prophecy teachers aren't speaking about, and one thing I've been really teaching on for the last year or so, is the birthing of the kingdom involves something. There's got to be a water breaking moment, a moment in time when that water just breaks. When that water breaks, it didn't mean the contraction stopped. It meant that we're transitioning that something, that really intense birth banks was connected to something, and water is connected to the spirit of God. Water is connected to a season. And so we're at this season where we're birthing something. Well, God is getting ready to birth a kingdom, but he's placed you now in this season for what? Well, I believe it's for the harvest of the world. What most people don't realize is that the population of the world was essentially flatden for almost 2000 years. And only in the last, really last hundred years, the population has exploded. And this chart ends in the year 2000, and it stops at 6.2 billion people. We now at 8 billion people. We're alive for the harvest. The reason why God is going to pour out his spirit and the reason why God is going to do something supernatural is because God is ushering move to bring in this huge harvest that he's prepared us for. We are preparing to marry the king of kings. We're preparing to meet the king of kings. And God allowed a war to take place. A war to take place on Simchat Torah. Simchat Torah. The Simchat Torah war happens on the feast of the harvest. It happens on the 8th day of Sukara. The number eight is connected to new beginnings, connected to new life. Not only does the it happen on the 8th day of Sukkot, but it happens on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur war. The Yom Kippur means 50 years Jubilee, that God is doing something new in our season, in our day. And so now we're at a season where we're seeing events. And if we can understand how God is using archaeological archaeology to tell us what he's doing. Doing. We're coming to a season now where Israel is now digging out the pool of Siloam. Well, the pool of Siloam was beginning to be dug out in beginning of 2023. It is now being dug out to the pool. Siloam is to the left. To the right is the pilgrimage road. The pilgrimage road is about a half mile road that connected the pool of Siloam to the temple mount. It's not a little pool. It's an acre in a quarter in size. It's not this little thing, it's giant. And you have to understand that every jewish person, before they made their pilgrimage march up to the temple. They first had to get bathed. They had to go into the pool of slum that was filled with fresh springing water, fresh living water. The springs of Gishon flooded this pool. And so everyone was perfectly clean. They walked up to the temple. I believe there is something very prophetic here. I believe this is where everything began. This age began. When Peter preaches the word 3000 jewish people come to faith. Where do they get baptized? I believe that this is the only place you could have a mass baptismal. So you had 3000 people have a baptism right here. I believe this is also something prophetic in significance for the future. It says when the fullness of the gentiles comes in then all of Israel shall be saved. I believe we're digging out now the baptismal site for the nation of Israel. And not only that, this pool is connected to the 8th day of Sukkot. This day is when the high priest would take his pitcher, take it into the pool, he would dip it in and they would march up and they would begin this season. So this pool is connected to something else. It's connected to the feast of the water drawing. The feast of the water drawing. This 8th day of Sukar is when Yeshua, the anniversary of the Yom Kippur. All these anniversaries, the eight day Simkat Torah, all these things happened the same day, 2000 years ago when Yeshua said, if anyone thirsts, then come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the scripture said, out his heart will flow rivers of living water. I believe now we're at this season. We're at the season that God is doing something new. God is doing something so incredible. You know, it says in a box, behold and wonder marvelously. For I will work a work in your day which you would not believe, not even if it is declared to you that God is going ahead and he is doing something supernatural in our day. That he is getting ready to do something. He is getting ready to arise and shine. Yes, your light has come. For the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Yes, deep darkness does cover the earth and yes, it covers the people. But the Lord will rise over you and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light and kings through the brightness of your rising. And yes, the word violence. There is the word Hamas. Hamas shall no longer be heard in your land. Devastation and destruction within your boards. But you shall call your walls Yeshua, and shall call your gates. Hallelujah. Listen, we're entering in now a season of transition. The trumpet blast is about to sound. It's Yom Trua. It's announcing. The king is almost here. We are entering the final segment. We're coming to the final chapter. This whole 6000 year history, we're entering into the final stage. And God just wants you to be ready. So get ready. These are the days of Teshuva, the days of repentance. Get your heart ready. The king is in the field. He's saying, hey, come to me. We're the season of harvest. Then God wants to use you to go ahead and help usher in his bride. So thank you so much. Be blessed. My name is George Witten, founder of Worthing Ministries.

Speaker C:

George, thank you so much. That was so interesting. I love all of these prophetic parallels that you were drawing out, especially with the pool of Siloam there at the end. And I think this all reminds me, and I think should remind all of us of now is the time to work together. Now is the time for us to pray for one another, to encourage one another in each of our ministries, to prepare the body, to prepare the people, to be a witness to Jew, Gentile alike, and for us to be supportive of God's kingdom. This world is so, so busy. This world is so all consuming. It feels at times. But what is supposed to consume us is the kingdom of God. And what he, as you said, george, what he is birthing the holy spirit. He wants to pour out upon us. He wants to use us powerfully. But it means that we need to set aside some things for our king. We need to not come to him empty handed, but with an offering. And that offering must be valuable. It must be something that cost us something. He gave us his life. And for us, he calls us to give him our lives to die. Now, I want to ask you this, trumpets, what would you like to give up? What is there on your heart that you can sacrifice, that you can give as an offering to the Lord? It think on that as we go through this night and think on how God can use you in this coming time and in this season.

Speaker B:

Amen. And you know, just. I love George. What you had to share about how this feast is known as the feast where you do not know the day or the hour. And that, of course, reminds us of what Yeshua said in Matthew chapter 24, verse 36, where he said that no one will know the day or hour in which he will return, which is almost like a hearkening back. It's a little key pointing back to this feast day, which is known by that marker, that no one will know the day or the hour of his return. So as we even celebrate this feast day, as we come together again, the unity that is so important, because if we are going to have our king come back one of these years at a time we do not yet know, but he will be returning. How will he find us? Will he find us arguing over the small minutiae of things that, sure, we can have conversation, but he's looking for a bride who's equally oaked. He said in his final prayer. Yeshua said he prayed, let them followers, his followers in the future, and at that time, let them be one, as you and I are one. Let that be our heart's cry and our hearts desire, in this season, especially, that we desire unity and love to look like our messiah now more than ever, because each day brings us one day closer to his return.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And, you know, one thing just is also just coming to mind, you know, when the world is at peace, and in a way, like, that's what we've been experiencing, right? We've been experiencing peace in this world like never before. And yet, you know, when trial is on the horizon, when trial finally arrives, and the Bible says that one day it will, I pray that the body of Christ will put aside the petty differences that we have with one another, that we have used to build up walls of division so that we can work together. Perhaps that will be something that causes us to look to one another yet again. That is my prayer.

Speaker B:

Amen. And, you know, George, also, like you shared, arise and shine. Let your light shine. That is our call. Yeshua called us to be a city on a hill, to be the light to the world. And I love it. In the Hebrew, kumi ori kiva orech UK. And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Let our witness, like Amy shared also that we are known by our love. We are known by our boldness. We are known to be people who do Bible things in Bible ways, that we do not hide our light under a bushel, but that we let it shine brightly. And also, I love so much how you shared the prophetic implications of what we're seeing in the land of Israel, in archaeology, in current events, and how it points to this time and season that we are living in, because we know throughout scripture. Everything in the prophetic timeline is always directly connected to the land of Israel and the people of Israel. So thank you again, George, so much for your message. We really appreciate that. Next up we will have Gabby who will be sharing a short testimony and leading us again in worship. Then we will have a few more more speakers, a time of live q and a with our panel of speakers where you can ask your questions. And then finally, a time to pray for Israel.

Speaker C:

And guys, don't forget we have a giveaway of books, music and magazines tonight. Stick to the end and make sure that you like this video. Share this video and comment in order to have an entry to win something. And so next up we have Gabby Grace. Gabby thank you. You.

Speaker G:

Hi everyone. First of all, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to both PD and Christina for having me as part of their conference. It is truly such a blessing for me, especially that when I first came into Torah quite a few years ago now, PD's teachings were among the first that yah led me to as he was showing me all of the wonderful things in his word. So truly it is an honor for me to be here today. So, just a bit about myself my name is Gabby Grace and I'm a singer songwriter originally from Montreal, Canada, but now living in the US, and I released my first ep, heaven on earth in 2021. I just thought I would share quickly about my music fate, testimony and basically how ya led me to create these songs and how ultimately is the one behind all of the songs on my ephemeral. So if we rewind all of the way back to my childhood, I always wanted to become a singer. As far back as I can remember, that was my dream. However, I was not raised a Christian, so my dream also came with a lot of pride about me wanting to become famous and really getting all the glory for myself. But when I became a Christian later in my life and gave my life as an adult to Christ, my goal for making music changed completely and it was about bringing glory to him and bringing people to him through music and no longer about myself. However, for many years I really did not know how to go about creating music because my goal was to make music that would draw both Christians and non Christians alike. So it was really not my intention to be a worship singer per se, but I also did not want to create worldly music. So I had this dilemma for many years as to how I would go about making music that would reach everyone. And when I completed my studies in 2016, still having no clear direction, I just decided to take that year off and really seek God's will for my life. So I started the year with fasting and prayer, as well as a commitment to read the whole Bible in a year. And truly my intention was for God to lead me and give me clear guidance as to what to do with music. But instead, two very different things happened. On the one hand, he showed me who my future husband would be, and on the other hand, as I was reading the scriptures from, you know, from beginning to end, he was starting to show me all of the wonderful things in his word about historia's commandments, the biblical feast and all of that. And so for the next few years, it was just revelation after revelation. And it was a very special time in my walk with him. But in 2019, something special started to happen as ya literally started to give me these songs. I was just going about my business, you know, as I was just singing to my house, whether I was cooking, cleaning, or whatever I was doing, I just started receiving these songs, the lyrics, the melodies I could hear, just majestic and grandiose arrangements. I could hear cinematic music and huge armies of people stomping on the ground. Harmonies, choirs, the harp, the shofar, and just so many different things. And I was thinking to myself, I have no idea what this music is, but it's nothing that I could have ever come up with myself. And I don't even know what that is like at the time. I had no idea it would turn out to be epic music at all. I really did not know. When you hear the songs on my ap, heaven on earth, the themes, the main theme behind all of the songs are about basically the fact that as his army, you know, of believers, we are in a spiritual battle and we are called to be part of bringing his kingdom to earth. And this makes so much sense with the biblical feasts, and especially as we are now celebrating the feast of trumpets, you know, it's not a once and done deal. Our walk with him is a fight until the very end. And so I really hope that as you hear these songs, that it just reunites this spiritual warrior within you and that you are fully emboldened to walk in the fullness of who it is you are in him. And so I really hope this song, your call, which I'm about to sing, will bless you.

Speaker D:

I've been asleep for so long that I slept all along with eyes to see and ears to hear the bell is lifted now awaken from samba seeing life through the eyes of the world there is no more time to waste time is running out? I hear your call I hear your call? Though there's your power I hear your call I hear call I hear your call the mist of I hear your time to shine it's time to fight our best towards a narrow path but it comes with the price of your life coming to the refinery spire so you might be found pure and ripe we must end on the fire we choose and hold our lamb high? I hear I hear your call? I hear your call I hear your call I hear your call it's so high I hear your fire don't let me be ashamed? When comes that day? Teach me oh, everything I ought to say? Prepare me to be dressed in gold in white to be worthy to be called your bride. Don't let us be found wanting on that day. May our lives truly put you on this day. The king is coming and his body is here. She's always taking ready for the I will sad I will show I will sad I will say? I will shout out for you I will shout out I will shout out I will shout out for you I will shout out I was not outside I was not outside I was out outside? I was not outside I was not outside? Sadeena. I hear, I hear I hear your call I hear your call I hear, I hear, I heard, I hear your fall I hear your crown I hear your call? I hear your call I hear your fall I hear your people.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much, Gabby grace, for that absolutely beautiful and anointed song.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Wow. And that's an original song as well. And she produced. She sang Gabby. Wow, wow, wow. Praise the lord for that.

Speaker B:

Next up, we will have Tom Campbell, pastor of the vineyard fellowship in Johnson city, Tennessee, who will lead us in a message. Welcome, tom.

Speaker H:

Good evening, everyone. My name is Tom Campbell, here from the vineyard at Johnson city, Tennessee. And it's an honor and a privilege for me to be here tonight with you to sit in for just a little while and discuss this feast that we call the feast of Trumpet, among other believers and other leaders and other teachers and even brother PD as he's hosting this, and just to speak on this day that we call the day of trumpets. But what stuck out to me was contained in revelation, chapter ten, verse seven, where John writing says, when the 7th trumpet shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be completed as was declared by the prophets. And so tonight, I want to take a journey, just for a few minutes and tried to unpack and answer the question, what is the mystery that is completed? Let's look at the scriptures. In revelation ten, verse seven, it says this. But in the days of the voice of the 7th angel, when he is about to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God shall also be completed according to the gospel that he declared to his servants the prophets. So as we begin this search about this mystery, he says, john does in the, in the book of revelation that the mystery of God would be completed. And so I just want to go through and do a little Bible study with you and just look at the word mystery and see, does the Bible interpret the Bible? Does the Bible have its own commentary on what this mystery could be or is? Now, I know there's very familiar scriptures that we have, and there's many places that we can go, but let's just look at first Corinthians, chapter 15, verses 51, which reads, behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all fall asleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet shall sound, the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. So the apostle Paul alludes to again this idea that there's a mystery and it's around or contained in the 7th trumpet. Even when he was writing to the corinthian church and he was trying to get them to understand the day of the Lord and what it looks like and what it will be like, he tells them, first of all, it's a mystery, but also that at the 7th angel or the 7th trumpet begins to sound, there's something that happens. The dead in Christ rise, and there's this moving into something else. So I want to go to the book of Ephesians just for a little while. And, you know, it's interesting right off the bat. The apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter one, verse nine, makes a statement about having made known to us the mystery of his will. And if you know, you that read your Bible and understand the first couple of chapters in ephesians, he's really just like showing us the wonder of us as believers, being brought in, receiving the grace of God, being forgiven of our sin and our iniquity. He goes on to say in verse ten that the divine plan for the fulfilling of the tongues he might bring together in Christ both things in heaven and earth. Yes, in him, in whom we also have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to his own purpose, who is working all things according to the counsel of his own will, that we might be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ in whom after you trusted the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom after you were believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance. So he starts out the gospel in this book called the Ephesians, or to the Ephesians, and he says there that there was a mystery that was contained in this thing, how God had made known the mystery and he really unfolds it. And this is where we're going to just take a minute. He really unfolds it in chapter number three. But before we read that, I want to give you an opportunity to think for yourselves and say, what is the mystery? What is the mystery that's completed according to revelation ten seven? What is this mystery that the prophets knew about and they prophesied about but that was hidden from the majority of people or believers even in chapter number three we see this for this cause, I, Paul, am the prisoner of Jesus Christ. Yeshua the messiah for you Gentiles, if indeed you have heard of the ministry of the grace of God that was given to me for you how he made known to me by revelation the mystery even as I wrote briefly before, so that when you read this epistle, you will be able to comprehend my understanding in the mystery of Christ, which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit that the Gentiles might be joint heirs and of the same bodies and partakers of his promise in Christ through the gospel of which I became a servant according to the gift of the grace of God, which was given to me through the inner working of his power to me, who am less than the least of all the saints. Was this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and that I might enlighten all as to what is the fellowship of the mystery that has been hidden from the ages in God, who created all things by Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus Christ, so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places, according to his eternal purpose, which he worked out in Christ Jesus our Lord. So the answer to this question is, you are the mystery. It's you the Bible has declared from the book of Genesis all the way to the revelation. We see it in the Passover how that there was one law for the native born and the stranger, the sojourner we read in the other epistles how there's one faith. There's one lord. There's one baptism. There's one God and father of all and in all and through all that, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are now fellow citizens with the saints. We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Jesus Christ. Yeshua himself being the chief corner stone. So, brothers and sisters, you are the mystery. I want to read you another verse that helps bring this home. In the book of Colossians, we read in chapter one, verses 24, it says, now I am rejoicing in my sufferings for you. And I am filling up in my flesh that which is behind of the tribulation of Christ for the sake of his body, which is the church of which I became a servant according to the administration of God that was given to me in order to complete the word of God. Even the mystery that has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to his saints, to whom God did will to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope, hope of glory, whom we preach, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom so that we may present every man perfect, complete, mature in Christ. So again, brothers and sisters, could that be what is spoken of in Luke 21 when Yeshua makes the statement that Jerusalem would be overrun or trodden down? Bye the Gentiles, those out of covenant, those of other nations, until the time of the Gentiles comes to a fulfillment. So I want to read a few more verses and then we'll close this out. We know that in first Thessalonians chapter number four, Paul begins to kind of say the same thing he did in first corinthians 15 when he makes the statement. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain, or who remain alive unto the coming of the Lord shall in no wise precede those that have fallen asleep or those that have died, because the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ shall be raised first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the cloud to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. So again, Paul alludes to in Corinthians and in Thessalonians that when this trumpet, this 7th trumpet sounds, the dead in Christ are raised. There is this lifting up or this going up, and there is a we're moving into another place, another thing, something else is going to transpire, and it's dealing with the saints. And so for the last two minutes or so that we have left, I want to go back to the book of revelation. We left off in chapter ten, verse seven, where the seven trumpet is said. When it does sound, this is what's going to happen. The mystery of God would be completed as declared by the prophets in chapter eleven, verse number 15. It says, then the 7th angel, angel sounded his trumpet, and there was great voices in heaven saying, the kingdom of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his messiah, and he shall reign into the ages of eternity. And the 24 elders who sit before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God and said, we give you thanks, o Lord God Almighty, who is and was and is to come. For you have taken to yourself this great power and have reigned. For the nations were angry, and your wrath has come, and the time for the dead to be judged and to give reward to your servants, the prophets, and to the saints and to all those who fear your name, both small and great, and to destroy those that destroy the earth. And so in the midst of this 7th trumpet, we see that now is declared, now has come your kingdom. So it's interesting, brothers and sisters, when we see that during this time of the 7th trumpet, which is very crucial, because in Greek, when Paul said at the last trump, the, the word at does not mean as soon as it blasts or at the beginning of it, it means during. So you, you could actually say, during the last trumpet, the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are alive and remain, or remain alive shall be called up to meet the Lord in the air, and there shall we ever be with him, comfort one another with these words. So I hope that's been a blessing to you. I hope that's raised some questions and, or answered some questions. I hope you'll be a bereaved and jump into the word and just devour the word and be very strong in the word and listen. You have a good, good, a good day. I hope you have a wonderful feast as you walk through this rehearsal that we do year after year, as we walk through this feast of trumpets. God bless and have a good night.

Speaker B:

Thank you, Tom, so much for sharing that message and that important reminder that there is one Lord, one people, one bride. He is not coming back for many brides. He is coming back for one bride. And that again, harkens back to what I even mentioned earlier, that prayer that Yeshua gave, praying to the father, that his people, that we who call ourselves believers, would be one as he and the father are one. That there would be unity, that there would be love, that there would be fruits of the spirit. Because like you mentioned, Tom, the harvest is ripe and he is looking for laborers who will go into the field as he is in the field. And the beauty of the mystery of the gospels, that we get to take part in this, that there is no longer dividing walls of hostility men have created to create divisions, to create boxes that we can put people into. Who you're allowed to eat with, who you're not allowed to eat with, who you're allowed to sit with, who you're not allowed to sit with. But that we can be Jew and Gentile, one in Messiah, that we can come together in unity because we follow one God, one lord. Alright, next up, Petey will be sharing a short message on the prophetic restoration of the biblical feasts and how God is calling us to make our lives a trumpet for his glory and for his purposes. Then, after pedia speaks, we will have a time of live Q and a with our panel of speakers. So make sure you're getting your questions ready.

Speaker C:

Shalom, everyone. Thank you for joining us for this feast of trumpets. I look forward to spending some time with the rest of the speakers soon as we're going to go into the q and a section. But first, I would like to just share a little bit of my heart this year on the feast of trumpets. First, I think let's begin with just reading a few verses out of Leviticus regarding the giving of this commandment. Leviticus 23 23 says, and the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, speak to the people of Israel, saying, in the 7th month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with a blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the Lord. In its essence, the feast of trumpets is a very simple commandment. Actually, it's a little too simple in that in the levitical instruction. Israel for thousands of years now have been trying to figure out what the true significance of this feast is, because as we just read, it comprises of the blowing of trumpets, the gathering of, of God's people, a holy convocation, that work will cease, it being a high sabbath, that there's a food offering, and that it all happens at an unexpected time, with the moon sighting on the first of the month. What is the significance of the feast of trumpets. You know, the beauty of the feasts are that their full significance cannot possibly be understood without a key, and that key is the messiah. See, indeed, the more we explore these feasts, the more they pull us into the arms of our messiah. Think about Passover, for example. In the first century, as Israel was celebrating Passover as they had been for thousands of years, they were removing the leaven from their homes. They understood the blood of the lamb and the atonement that that represents. And yet, in that same moment, as Passover is celebrated, we see that a messiah shows up, removes the leaven from Israel, removing her sin from her. That he is known as this lamb of God who was slain for the sins of Israel and the whole world. And anyone who was truly, therefore watching during Passover in the first century, they, too, would be pulled into the arms of the messiah, recognizing that this is the Passover lamb. But see, it can become so easy for our israeli jewish brothers and sisters, as well as evil, for us to start celebrating feasts as a tradition, as something we do every year, because everyone else does it, and it's the norm to do. It's the right thing to do. It's what we should be doing. Jesus came the first time, and many missed him. They did not recognize the Passover lamb and are still waiting for a messiah. But he will come again. And this time, when he comes again, no one will miss him. In fact, it's all in the name. The feast of trumpets. It's a loud feast, a feast that when it occurs, when that trumpet blows, everyone knows in the depths of their soul what is about to happen. Matthew 24 speaks of this second coming, and verse 29, immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the son of man. And then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds and from one end of heaven to the other. We see that all of these celebrations that occurs on the feast of trumpets, the fact that it occurs on an unexpected time, so it will be with the second coming, the fact that he will be gathering his people, so it will be at the second coming. As he gathers his elect, that work will finally, completely cease. As the lord of the Sabbath descends from on high. Bring rest to all, and that a food offering will be taken up, that he will be evaluating our fruits to see if we are worthy to be called his elect. But I want you to realize something we just read in Matthew 24, it's written that all of the inhabitants of the earth will mourn everyone, whether they like him or not, whether they believe them or not, whether they are in his enemy or his friend. All people at his appearance will mourn, because all will know and all will mourn at his glory. But only the elect, his people, will be gathered, those who believe and are of faith. So mourning in of itself will not save you. Tomorrow. Repent and have faith today. Make yourself ready now, because no one is promised, never mind tomorrow, but the next minute, you may not make it to the end of this broadcast. We are all only a breath away from death, and we have to, in this time especially be reminded of the reality that your next breath could be you standing at the judgment seat before the Messiah, who will be staring you in the eye, and there will be no one and nothing else but you and him, your life and his life, his sacrifice for you and your fruits for him. This is a coming reality for each and every one of us. So don't get lost in your busy life as it is, which this earth makes it so easy for us to forget of what is most important, the kingdom that is not here, but up there, coming down to earth. Don't let your storms and the trials and the temptations and the difficulties that you have in your life, especially in the times we're living in right now, take priority over God's plan for you. Prioritize his plans, and he will take care of your storms. But now, in connection with the theme of the conference that is Israel and the jewish people, I would like to speak a few words. It's been about 3470 years since God instructed Israel about trumpets, a feast faithfully kept for all those years, despite the fact that they did not have a complete understanding of what it points to. I mean, think about it. That revelation of Matthew 24 of the second coming being with the blow of a trumpet. They do not see that yet. But yet, even when they do not recognize the messiah in this moment nor the writings about him, they have still been keeping the feast of the second coming, the feast of trumpets that anticipates that messiahs return. While, ironically, today, the feast of trumpets is, for the most part unknown by most of Christianity, while they recognize, on the other hand, the messiah whose return it all announces isnt there something wrong with this picture? One doesnt recognize the shadow of the messiah and the other doesn't recognize the person. And isn't it true that as long as the sun shines, you cannot remove the shadow from the person? Yet this is unfortunately what many have done today. The jewish person knows that there is significance in the feast and is seeking its significance actively. On the other hand, the Christian holds the key to its significance, but insists that the feasts are too jewish for them and not important enough to keep. But they all announce the return of the Messiah. They are not fully fulfilled yet. The feast of trumpets is still coming. For some reason have considered our God's feast as too jewish because the jewish peoples have been the ones to preserve them. But the Bible calls them biblical, specifically, God's feasts for us all, whether the nativeborn or the grafted into Israel. The reality is, if we are to provoke Israel to jealousy, as we are called to do, this current ignorance must cease, not only for their sake, but for ours as well. Romans 1113. Paul writes, now I'm speaking to you Gentiles. And as much then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous and thus save some of them. Paul tells us something is just. I've missed this for so long. He says, look, I'm the one who's been sent to the Gentiles. We want to talk about, about callings. I was sent to that group of people. That's my calling. But yet, he says, at the same time, I magnify my ministry towards the jewish people. Paul shows us that this is not about our calling. You can say, I feel like I'm called to Africa. I feel like I'm called to this group or that group. And praise God. He has called us to different ministries and gifts. But Paul, being called to the Gentiles, says that doesn't mean that I shouldn't magnify my ministry to the jewish people. For it is written, as the messiah told us, to the jew first. So if we want to follow Paul's example, as he told us to imitate him as he imitates Christ, then let us imitate him as he kept the feast of unleavened bread. And acts 26, or in one corinthians five eight, or Pentecost and acts 2016. These things have faded within Christianity. But yet today, as I speak, you are watching this. You're watching, you're sitting and you're listening. As we all speak about this feast of trumpets that has gone quiet in much of Christianity for a long time. And for some reason, the Lord right now, the Holy Spirit right now, has brought a restoration. And you are part of that restoration. And we have to ask why. See, it's now easy for us all to start recognizing how God's restoration of the feast days to non jewish people is a sign of the end days that we're living in. See you watching. This is a sign of the times, of the coming redemption. You participating is a part of God's plan. And you celebrating trumpets is preparing the way for the coming of our messiah. This is the trumpet of your life, showing up, participating, celebrating. But this is also why our fruit must be so, so good. For our fruit is our witness. Those who blow a trumpet, and many will, while not bearing good fruit, they take God's name in vain and do not belong to Yeshua. And that may sound harsh, but the reality is, just because you keep a feast doesn't mean you know who Yeshua is and that he knows you. I want to remind you, in John 15 five, he says, I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, bear good fruit. He is thrown away like a branch and withers. And the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. Yeshua is calling the twelve sons of Jacob, the native born of Israel, whether they know it or not. And he is calling the entire seed of Abraham, all who believe in Yeshua, the messiah, into his arms. So we may all dwell in the father's house forever. And now I would like to just end this off with something. The father spoke to me. I saw a tree, and this was a strange tree. And that this tree was half. It had branches on one side, and on the other side of the tree, there was no branches. And on the side where there was no branches, there was a whole forest of other trees. And on the side of the tree, where there were branches, there was no other trees. I saw this for real in nature. And the father told me, this is how it is with the church right now. See, we have become really good at stretching our branches out to this one side the world. For a long time, the word of God has gone out to the nations and the Gentiles, as was prophesied it would happen. But a time is coming when the fullness of the Gentiles will have coming, as Paul said, will happen. And we will be left with this whole other side, with a forest that is to be reached. And that forest is Israel. But to reach them, the tree needs to have a change. The tree cannot continue to just have branches on one side. The tree needs to grow new branches reaching towards this unreached forest. But that change will be so, so good for the tree, because it is for that tree to change into what is truly normal. A tree that has branches on all sides, that is a healthy, that is a normal tree. See, God's tree is not complete until the natural branches, more specifically, speaking of the jewish people, are grafted back in. History isn't complete until the natural branches, the jewish people are grafted back in. Prophecy isn't complete until the natural branches are grafted back in. And you might not ask how this will happen supernaturally with the Holy Spirit. Just as God used the tree to reach out to Israel through Moses in the exodus, by coming and appearing to him in a burning bush, signifying to Moses the tree of fire that he is to become, that the spirit will move through and work mighty miracles through and signs through that cause Israel to leave pharaoh and Egypt behind. God used that fire and lighted it on the heads of those in acts chapter two, as the tongues of fire was a testimony to all there who got baptized. And now that same power throughout history is coming into our midst today to demonstrate to the jew first. And he will demonstrate. But the question is, will you be a part of that demonstration and that move of the spirit? Will you allow God's holy spirit to touch and change people through your vessel? See, brothers, sisters, this here, this all here is why spirit and truth worship is an essential and not a negotiable in the kingdom of God. That is why God is now in this day, calling you to return to his truth, which include what we are here gathered today to celebrate his beautiful feasts, and to return to God's spirit, which includes our leaves becoming healing for the nations, allowing the Holy Spirit to move and change others through us, stepping out on our part in faith like never before. As the disciples of the Messiah did, so we may see the world change in the ways that they did. Father, I pray, Lord, for all who are gathered here tonight, that you would bless and keep them of your spirit. They would be filled, they would be changed, that they would become a tree that bears good fruit and burns powerfully. For you, Father, I also pray, Lord, that you would continue to teach us and reveal to us your truth. I thank you, Lord, for restoring it to us. And, Lord, we pray for our brother Judah, that you would bless and keep Judah and you would open her eyes and ears in the name of Yeshua, I pray. Amen. Thank you so much for joining us, guys. I want to remind you that this conference has been made possible only by your support. We truly cannot do this without your prayers and your sowing into this ministry so that we can be a blessing to all who are watching watching, as well as all who are participating in making this possible. If this conference is a blessing to you and the fodder lays it on your heart, consider making a trumpets offering. You can do that by going to riseonfire.com partner.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much, PD, for that message. Next up, as we close out this conference, thank you for sticking around with us. We hope this conference has been a blessing to you. We will have our live q and a panel with our speakers, so make sure you're getting your questions ready. And then we will close off the evening with a time of prayer for Israel. Next up, Gabby Grace will lead us in a time of worship.

Speaker D:

You call my name. You have called me by name. You lay down and marvelous, you have called my name now I know what to do. You've shown me the mountain of a sun too so I will rise above the star I will fight in the spirit world to do your love, to do your y'all did you do I did y'all to do ya, to do ya now because my name oh yes, my soul my name I hear heaven rejoice I see heaven oh I heard join me I can see how y'all here I am to do your well oh yeah so tell the man I am ready, set the better I am glad I am glad at the end I wanna lift you up bring my pride down to not there's the or to be one flesh and blood on triumph I see the remnant come I hear them trumpeting I see the remnant.

Speaker H:


Speaker D:

I see the light of the enemy stand up I see the rain that come I hear them talk better I see the rain that come ready for them nothing's gone up in the town nothing's gone up in the town nothing's gonna bring us down nothing's gonna bring us down.

Speaker C:

Because we are ready.

Speaker D:

For the king we're ready for the king oh, we're ready for the game oh, we are ready for the game we're ready for the game.

Speaker C:

And we.

Speaker D:

Say down nothing's gonna be the day nothing we are ready for the kingdom we are ready for the king are you ready for the king? Oh, are you ready for the king? Are you ready for the king? For the kingdom?

Speaker C:

Shalom. Shalom, guys. Wow. Gabby Grace, thank you so much for joining us for this feast. You've been singing so incredibly and guiding us through worship. The comments have just been so amazing. I've just been loving reading them. Guys, thank you so much. By the way, everyone on the live chat for joining us. We're really excited to be joining you guys for some Q and a time, getting into some questions and answers. So please head to the live chat right now and type away anything that that's come to mind while we've been, while you've been watching the teachers and so on. Before we go to those, as you guys write your questions, I want to just do that giveaway. We've been talking to you guys about that throughout the conference today and we're excited to have picked a couple of people from the live chat and who've been commenting and sharing and liking the video. Thank you guys so much. So I'm gonna get right into it. If your name is called, please go to riseonfire.com and write a message to us so we can make sure that we get these out to you. Alright, so first off, we have David Wilbur's book, how Jesus fulfilled the law. And the winner for that one was Rebecca Luis. So, Rebecca, riseonfar.com hit contact. Send us a message. Another one. Next up, we have reigniting spirit and truth. That's my book. And the winners of that one is Mister Yahusha's trumpet, Julie Ann Warr, old Yeller, Tim Rawlings. And yes, that's that. So if your name was called there, go to rise and far.com. write us in so we can get that to you. Then Gabby's grace's cd, heaven on earth. We have three winners over there, Donna style, Lane, Dana, and aficomen reunited. So that's you. Go to rise of fraud.com. write us in. Tell us how we can get it to you. Next, Amy Gunter's the 2024 fall feast issue of Taurus Citrus magazine. And that goes out to Lisa O'Brien. And then we have Amy Gunther's book, the 30 day Sabbath challenge that goes to Diane Harrington. And then we have Bod Rivka Witton latest worship album that goes out to Lisetta 316. Okay, guys, if your name was called, go to Rison four.com. otherwise I can't get it to you. So please write us in so we can get that to you. Okay, so what is this going to be? We're going to be taking some time, taking your questions. You guys have been sending them in. I'm queuing some of them up right now. And we're also going to be taking some time to pray for Israel, for the nation, for the jewish people, for all the things going on there right now, as well as a lot of the disasters that we've been seeing recently with the hurricane Helene and so on as well. So, yes, that's that. I'm going to start off by pulling up the first one. And hey, guys, by the way, thank you all, for all of you for just joining us and your teaching. David, George, Amy, Tom, thank you guys so much. We really enjoyed all of your, everything you've been bringing us. So the first one is from Edward Michael Basso and he's saying, and by the way, these questions, I'm reading them and whoever wants to go for it, go for it, and then we'll take it from there. Edward asks, why take so long for Jesus return? And that's a good question. Why has it been 2000 plus years since he ascended? You know, even in the, in the scriptures, you know, it's written that some will say, oh, look how long it's been. You know, he's not going to come back anymore. So anyway, does anyone want to go ahead and answer that one? Yeah, go for it.

Speaker I:

Are you.

Speaker C:

Oh, George, hold up. Can you speak up again? I think you're muted. Just see if you can unmute yourself. I'm not still, I'm still not getting you right now. If you can't, try refreshing your browser and then we'll see if we can get you back for now. I'll go ahead and just start answering that one for now as George tries to refresh and come back. And I'd love to hear what he has to add, but what else? I just, in short here, quick, why it takes so long for Jesus return? When Yeshua ascended, what he did is he, oh, you're back. Okay, I'm not gonna answer it. Go for it. I heard you. So are you back? No, I can hear you now. Okay. Okay. I'll go ahead and answer the question as we figure that out. So when Yeshua ascended, he told his disciples, and George, by the way, we.

Speaker F:

Can hear, actually don't have any sound in my end, if you can hear that, somehow I've lost sound.

Speaker C:

Okay. Not sure why that is, but we can hear you. All right. So when Yeshua ascended, he told his disciples, go into the world, proclaim the gospel, make disciples. So what he did was he gave us this commission to continue the work that he started to establish here. And that's what this, that is what is so exciting about being his follower is that we are entrusted with this great commission to make disciples. He didn't just, you know, he could have been, he could have come, he could have set up his kingdom in the first century, but he decided to partner with us. He wants to work, put his holy spirit inside of us, change us, so that we can become his emissaries, his servants, and laboring together. So, yeah, those are some of my thoughts. I don't know if anyone has anything to add to that.

Speaker J:

I can add to that a little bit.

Speaker C:

Yeah, David, go ahead.

Speaker J:

Can you all hear me? Yeah. So, as you mentioned earlier, PD, this question was actually asked in scripture itself. In two Peter. Peter mentions scoffers that are asking, you know, where is the promise of his coming? And chapter three, you know, ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation. And so obviously, the person who asked the question does not fit that description of a scoffer. You know, it's a jitter question. But in this context, Peter is dealing with scoffers who are, while they're mocking the idea that the Messiah would return. And so Peter is countering this, and he addresses their objection in this way. And starting in chapter three, verse eight, he says, do not overlook the this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. Okay, so here what is Peter doing? He is reassuring his readers that the Lord will return to fulfill his promise. Promise. And even though it seems to be taking longer than expected, Peter is reassuring them that it will happen, he will return. That does raise the question, though, of why it is taking so long. Because as Peter says himself in his first letter, the day of the Lord is at hand, or the end of all things is at hand. He says that in chapter four of his first epistle. And so how do we make sense of this delay? Well, he brings up two key points here. First, he states that God perceives time differently than we do. He says, with the Lord, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. And here he's actually alluding to psalm 90, verse four. Psalm 90, verse four says, for a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday, when it is past or as a watch in the night. And so in, in the psalm, he is highlighting God's timeless existence in contrast to the brief life of humans. Right? And so he, he is comparing a thousand years to two different things here. He says, it's. It's like yesterday that has passed, and it's like a watch in the night. And a watch in the night is basically just a division of the twelve hour period of the night, approximately 4 hours long. And so a thousand years to God is like a single day, or like 4 hours is what the psalmist says. And Peter is reiterating this concept. And so from that perspective, from God's perception of time, that doesn't seem very long, right? And again, the point of this analogy is that God's time is different from ours. And what appears to be a lengthy period of time from our perspective, it's a fleeting moment from God's perspective. So even though it seems to be taking long for God to fulfill his promise, that doesn't mean that he won't fulfill it. What seems long to us is not long to him. And so Peter is saying, don't be discouraged. We can count on him to fulfill his promise, even though from our perspective, it doesn't seem like it's happening when we want it. And so he also gives a second reason, and that is that God is being patient toward us so that we would repent and avoid destruction. He says that God does not want anyone to perish. He wishes that everyone would turn and repent. And, you know, this is kind of reminiscent of Ezekiel's plea, right? When Ezekiel says to Israel that he has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, and he would rather that the wicked turn and live. And so Peter is saying the same thing here. He's saying that the reason that God is that his return is delayed is that he is giving up his people time to repent. He's giving us time to come to our senses to repent, and so that we won't perish. And so those are the reasons that Peter gives for why it seems to be taking longer than, than we would like. Number one, God's perception of time is different from ours. And what seems long to us is not actually that long to God. And number two, God is giving us time to repent so that we could. So that we won't perish.

Speaker C:

Amen. Thank you for that, David. You know, and even in a zoomed out, simple way, how we can also think about it is God is, you know, I think we try and understand God's perspective from our own perspective. But he, he's so big, and he works over generations with his people, and he's been rolling out his plan of salvation over generations and so many lifetimes, you know, human lifetimes and. Yeah, so thank you. You did a good job explaining that. Anyone wanted to add anything to that?

Speaker F:

I missed that first part. Hopefully I'm one. Can you guys hear me? Give me a thumbs up. Oh, awesome. Awesome. So my perspective is that we just have a lot of work to do. You know, the one, Claire, one thing that we don't have, you know, we don't have any control over wars and rumors of wars and, and, you know, famine. So the one thing we do have control of is this gospel must be preached through the ends of the age, and then the end shall come. And if you just go to joshuaproject.com, you'll find out there's a huge number of tribes and nations that still need the gospel. So, you know, in this, you know, he's redeeming people from nation, tribe and tongue. So I just think there's a whole lot of work to do right now. I know a lot of people are rushing try to live eternity, but I think God, you know, just wants us to be focused on the job at hand. It's an amazing thing if we stay focused on the things we can control. While it's very cool to kind of look at things and speculate about events that are taking place and how they may fit into prophecy, the one thing our job doesn't really change, our job is to share the good news of his love. And we have to realize that the wheat and the tares grown together. So we should see a rise of evil. And it's pretty undeniable now. And the thing is that along with that is the weak. So there's a rise of evil. If we're focused on the evil, we'll never really focus on the. We have, we actually have more people that can come to faith now than any other time in history. And so, you know, I really do often say, I think the apostles would love to trade places with us. I know that seems strange, but, you know, to trade places with us. We have the ability now, for example, on the Internet to reach millions of people where the apostles, they're basically going door to door and so, amen.

Speaker C:

That's a good point. Yeah. The Internet is, it's just changed the world so much and the proliferation of the gospel and evil. So everything's getting worse, like you said, and it's getting better people, more people are coming, and many people are falling away. So. Yeah. Wow. Any last thoughts on that question before we move on? Okay. This question is from walking in truth. Pastor Tom Campbell. I'm gonna throw this your way because it's actually for. It's directed to your side of the pond, well side of the country. How is Pastor Campbell's fellowship after the recent hurricane damage? How can we help? Tom, I know that. I know you've. You're. You're definitely closer to than I am. You know, how are things in your area? And, you know, from what you've seen on the ground, is there anything you can share with us?

Speaker I:

Oh, yeah, actually, I could take up probably the rest of the time we have to share, but particularly containing our fellowship. We had. We had three families in our fellowship, two, four families. I'm sorry that they lost everything like, they were living. They had an rv and they were at a campsite, a campground. The river got so high that it just swept one away, flooded the other. One of our congregants there that lives in North Carolina or in Virginia, it flooded his house. There was people trapped in their houses where they lived back in the woods, and they had, you know, two and a half, three foot diameter trees that fell over a 10th of a mile. So that's just inside the congregation and then outside, I have, you know, preacher brethren that I actually worked on their house, built a roof on their house, that that house is not even standing any longer. It's gone. So it's. It's actually down around the, what they call the Nola Chucky river. It's. It's. It's crazy to. For me to go down there and see the devastation firsthand. The bridges that I've crossed are not there no longer, most of them. But on the other side, there is a huge thrust of people from everywhere coming this way. Just, I mean, it's amazing to see the amount of food, water, medical supplies, big equipment, trained men that are coming from, and women, you know, from every corner of the United States, and they're showing up. I mean, literally, to kind of shorten this out, there is probably at least months, if not years, of damage that has been caused by this, by the flood and by the downfall of trees through the mountain areas. And I'm just. I was in North Carolina today. I was down in Jonesboro yesterday and the day before. So there's a lot to do. Some people ask me, should. Should they come? I would say wait, because right now there's such a surge of people here, it's getting crowded, but in a month, when people get tired and the, you know, it gets down to where, you know, the mass removal of things have taken place, but the rebuilding process starts, that'll be just as much needed in that time.

Speaker C:

Well, that's a good point. Thank you for sharing that, Tom. I think a lot of people are very. It's on the news. It's everywhere right now. So everyone wants to flock there, which is a great thing to help. But in a month and in two months, you know, there's definitely going to be. People are definitely going to. It's not going to be as big of a deal anymore. So this is.

Speaker I:

A lot of places are saying. Some places are saying three months before they ever get power again. Wow, that'll put them in the winter.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And, you know, what is all this? I mean, this is very real for all of us. You know, we've. We've just been bombarded with the reality of this. And Tom, you guys especially, I mean, Tom, is there anything that you can share with everyone, just regarding spiritually, what does this do to your heart? What does it mean for us?

Speaker I:

I would say, you know, there was a story that I heard. I heard several.

Speaker C:

Excuse me, Tom, can you speak up a little bit or get a little closer than Mike? Thank you.

Speaker I:

Yes. There was several stories that, you know, have come to mind, but one was, there was a lady that climbed to the top of a mountain just to get cell service, and she watched houses and children and parents float down the river. And then, you know, there's just, you know, you. This particular friend of mine, he's a pastor that has poured into me since I've started. And again, you know, it was his house, his daughter's house, his son's house, and two more, his daughter's house that I worked on not even exist any longer. His son's house is gone. His house flooded. The other two houses are gone. And to watch him, Bowie said, and say, lord, I thank you that we're alive. And people would come to him and ask him, you know, we're ready to build. And he'd say, we're okay. I'd rather you go help somebody else. And so some, spiritually, they see, like, there's a real reality of don't lay your heart on the treasures of this world, because they truly can rust or water will take them away or they'll burn. But at the same time, you know, again, I'm only going off my own experience. You know, I watched a preacher that poured into me. And then me and my family were pouring into him, and he said, I never thought when your children were little, you know, that they'd be back in my house pouring into me. And so spiritually, there's some good, and then on the other side, spiritually, there's some people that are at their wits end that are just really turning in circles. You ask, what can I do? And they don't know. They don't have an answer because their whole livelihood is gone. Like every. They. I mean, not only is it their house is gone, but their. Their work is gone. There. When I crossed over the river, there was no power, there was no water. There was no cell phone. There was no Internet. There was nothing you could. And they would took me an hour and a half to get across the one bridge that was still in operation. So it's. It's a real. It's a real difference atmosphere right now.

Speaker C:

And, yeah, that is, you know, if you think about it, Tom, that's exactly what really is going to happen to all of us eventually. Because, you know, we like to build our. Our life up in this world, you know, and I understand, like, we need to live, but, you know, our treasure is often built in our heart around these things. And the reality is we're all going to pass. We're all going to be stripped of everything, everything we've ever owned. And all that's going to be left, really, is our fruits for the Lord. And so, you know, I think, wow, this is such a tragedy. And we're going to take some time, the latter end of this, to pray for those people. But I think it's a time for all of us to do introspection regarding, you know, our life. If that was happening to me, where would I be? What would I do? And will we be, will we keep our eyes on the father in the moment in a situation like that? You know.

Speaker I:

You know, it was interesting, you know, PD, that the tour portion was what it was, because that day, that night, you know, there was a tree that morning that actually fell and hit the corner of my house and then landed on my truck. And I went outside. Well, I heard it. My wife said, a tree hit. I said, no, it's just thunder. And then my son comes in and says, dad, there's a tree on your truck. And it didn't, like, crush my truck. It's still drivable. But it was my truck. But I was so disgruntled. I was. So it's a couple days before my birthday, and I found my heart not in a good frame. And I found myself, like, a little. A little discouraged. And then I crossed the river, and I got a brand new perspective on what really meant. You know, I've got a truck that I draw that. It's got a few dents in it, maybe a busted windshield, and they don't have a house, and they don't have a food, and they don't, you know, it's just a different life. And it was a good wake up call for me to say, you know, again, going back to the Torah portion, some were disgruntled, some were just having trouble, some were wrestling, and, you know, and they're getting ready to go into this promised land, but they're struggling. So it was a good personal check for me.

Speaker C:

That's good. Thank you, Tom. Anyone else who wants to add any last thoughts on that before I go to the next one? Right. So I would like to just. There's. There's a bunch of people in the. In the live chat who's discussing the oil and of the virgins, and I just want to throw it out. There's anyone who wants to share what's on their heart regarding, you know, what is that oil? You know, we know that that oil is a picture of the bridegroom that's coming. So it's very relevant to today and what we're celebrating here. But what is that oil? That the virgins were needed to ensure that they're ready. Anyone who wants to go for that.

Speaker I:

Yeah, I would. You know, my understanding of that, that truly would be a representation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We can like it to a lot of things, but if you look at it in Matthew 25, where it says they begin to trim their lamps, it actually means to put their life in order. And so when these particular virgins begin to put their life in order, it doesn't say they didn't have any oil. Actually, the greek word is they were extinguished. Their lamp had burned out or went out. And, you know, this idea of go get oil while there's time, you know, they were given this opportunity, but, you know, again, it goes back to this, I guess, illustration that, again, God brought home to my own heart while I was preparing for that particular message. I'm driving down the road, and my gas light comes on, and ding, you got 50 miles left. I'm like, I need to get some fuel. I keep on driving, and ding, 25 miles left. I think, man, I need to pull over, but I don't like to cross the road. I want to get the gas station on the right side of the road. So I'm driving and then ding, 10 miles left and I think to myself, I need to get gas. As I'm thinking about this message particularly, and I'm driving and then all of a sudden I hear, Dean, 0 mile till empty. And then this whole thought seized my heart. I heard the warnings, I heard it multiple times, but I did not give heed to what I heard. And I think that's really the thrust of what the Lord Jesus Yeshua is actually teaching in there. And of course, to me again, the oil would represent the Holy Spirit in our lives. And because, you know, Paul said, be ye filled, that means not a one time thing. That's a continual infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker C:

That's good. Thank you, Tom, for sharing that. Any last thoughts on that one? All right, Amy, I have a question for you. Someone asked, I love what Amy shared about being bold about our faith, but with love. Any suggestions for kids and teens to take part in this? I feel like too often the kids and teens get overlooked while we adults go and do faith things. And then we end up with young adults who have never been shown ways to walk out their faith. Just head knowledge. How can I celebrate the feast of trumpets? Okay, that's next one. Yeah. So basically, any suggestions for kids and teens to take part in it? Anything you can share on that, Amy?

Speaker E:

That's a good question from a good parent. Good question. I don't have anything profound to say. I think we just have our kids and teens do the things that we do with us. We do things as family units. You know, I came out of a Sunday church where a lot of things, a lot of age groups are separated. The teens go to youth group and the children go to children's church or Sunday school, and the adults go here and everybody's always separated. And the youth group is going to do their good deed function service project and the adults are going to go do a different service project. But really the body of Messiah is made up of families and so just do things as a family. You know, I run a food bank and my kids run the food bank with me. They're just always with me doing that. And then in our congregation we do things for other families, as families. So I don't have anything profound to say other than to just bring them with you from as small as. And they might not be very helpful when they're small, but you can still bring them with you as long as they're not destructive. But let them just participate as much as they are able and teach them the why you're doing it. Love God, love others, and that this is how we do Torah. Is that helpful?

Speaker C:

Yeah. Amen. I would, I'm going to even put a challenge out there for all the parents is take when you go out and shopping or doing something with your kids again. Next. Go and go with them and tell someone about Jesus, about Yeshua. Just go and let your kids see you share the gospel with someone. You know, I think that makes it so real for them that you're. Because they see, they know you and they see you putting yourself out there for your king. And I think that there's a powerful, there's something powerful that happens to the heart and mind of a child when they see that level of honor and dedication their parent. And it makes just the interaction so real of how that person, you know, sees it. And so. Yeah, and it also teaches them to do the same thing when they grow up and not see it as weird as we do as adults. You know, we feel so weird about doing something like that. But if you grow up with it, it becomes more normal. So that's another thing I'll put out there for anyone who wants to blow a trumpet, this piece of trumpet. Next question. Thank you, Emmy, for sharing. That was really good. Next question. George, how can we pray for the messianic Yeshua believing community and Israel? Is there anything you can. I don't know.

Speaker F:

Well, you know, I always tell people you never find an atheist in a foxhole. And I think that what we're going to see now is an explosion of the gospel inside of Israel. So I think that we need to pray that the body Messiah becomes extremely bold. You know, the Chinese have a word for every crisis is an opportunity. And I don't think that this war is near done. I think that we probably have another. If I was going to have a guess of when Israel would deal with Iran, I would think that they would have a first strike probably Saturday night. I don't think they would go. Of course, I'm probably wrong, so it doesn't matter. But I think that, you know, with Rosh Hashanah tonight and tomorrow night, then you have Shabbat on Friday night. The earliest you would have probably Saturday night, maybe Sunday morning. So, you know, the United States is probably going to try all that it can to try to dissuade Israel from doing so. But Israel now, I just saw a recent poll, they basically now are behind just dealing with the iranian situation. Haven't be done with the situation in Lebanon, I think, is a little more complex than the situation in Iran only because of the fact that, you know, you basically had terrorists that were gophers. And if we saw the situation inside of. Inside of Gaza, when they went into Gaza, they thought there was 150 miles of tunnel and, and then they come out and they basically 450 miles of tunnels. So, you know, it was much bigger than they realized. And so they were probably doing the same thing. On the Lebanon side of things. I do think that the Lebanon side of things, it was probably harder to dig the tunnels because I would think it was in the middle of mountain and rock, whereas in Gaza it's basically underneath of beach. So maybe it's a little different in that respect. So maybe there's not so many tunnels to deal with, with. But at the same time, Israel can't just allow, you know, a situation where terrorists can come in and threaten basically the 60,000 of his residents that evacuated. So I do anticipate, while the war is happening, kind of like what happened in 67, you know, in 67, you know, when the war breaks out. Basically that same weekend, I talked to people that were part of the Jews revolution. They said the weekend that Israel, Jerusalem, they saw prophecy being fulfilled and they saw there was a transition that happened spiritually. I think we're seeing the same transition. I basically gave a message called the Simkat Torah War. Is this a water breaking moment? And that's really the message I've been preaching basically for the last year. At the same time, my wife just pushed, you know, put up a song called rise up at the time of the war, and all of a sudden it's got 1.6 million views. There is this. There is a. I call it a monumental shift. I don't know if we're going to see, you know, I think we're living now in the greatest opportunity. I'm not a doom and gloomer. It's not the end of the world. It's that we're at a season now where if you really understand that our job hasn't changed, that we're going to seize this and we're going to say, lord, would you brought just a fresh anointing, a fresh boldness like we've never had. I think that's what we need to pray for, the believers inside of Israel, that they have a fresh boldness and, you know, it's the spirit that impacts and touches and transforms lives. You know, we're just vested, so, you know, maybe we just continue to pray. Now, I will say that, I think that inside of Israel, the finances are strange right now in the sense that what is strange.

Speaker C:

Sorry, I missed it.

Speaker F:

The finances. I think that within Israel, I think there's a great number of ministries that are probably doing pretty well financially. But at the same time, you know, there are some major ministries on this side of the pond. You know, when I say this side, in the United States, there were advocate, you know, really strong supporters of Israel that just been rocked with all kinds of scandals that have really changed the dynamic of the support inside of Israel. What I mean by that is, and I don't want to get into churches, but literally two of the biggest supporters of Israel just had massive scandals that were very big in the evangelism of Israel. And for the, so I think that we do need to, you know, think about how we can go ahead and invest, you know, into those ministries are actually advocating salvation because there really is a massive difference between those that are really sharing the gospel and those that are just there. And I don't, I don't want to disparage anybody, so I'll leave it at that.

Speaker C:

Thank you. Thanks for sharing that. That's really helpful. I think someone in the comments mentioned how tribulation changes people. And just like what we're seeing in the US, Israel is facing their own trials, of course, as we've heard already. And that also causes people to look deeper into who are they and who is God and what does God want from them. So let's continue to pray for that so that they're finding Messiah.

Speaker F:

Well, I also think that, you know, there's so many miracles that are happening on like a daily basis. I mean, yesterday we had nearly 200 missiles come to Israel and the damage was almost nothing. And there was missiles hitting in the middle of, near neighborhoods that all of a sudden, you know, Israel's, you know, there's some areas that you couldn't, you know, put a flea between two houses. It is so densely populated, and to have missiles actually land and actually not hit anything, to me, that's just the miracles that are happening on a daily basis. And I think that you're seeing now transference of people saying, hey, you know what? There really is a God. And now can we seize this opportunity as believers?

Speaker C:

Amen. Amen. Thank you, George. Appreciate that. David, question for you. My husband is a believer, but he doesn't see why I or other christians would want to celebrate, quote unquote, jewish holidays. Anything you want to say to someone like, who's facing that?

Speaker J:

Um, yeah, I, I mean, my. My advice would just be to be respectful and. And to invite them to be part of what you're doing. Make it personal, because the last thing that you want to do is put somebody on the defensive, especially when it is, you know, such an intimate relationship as a. As a spouse. You know, you don't want to have them feel like they are on the defensive, so you don't want to approach it as this is something that you should be doing. My advice would be to make it. Make it personal for you and be like, this is what I feel like I need to do. Like, in my. In my relationship with God, to feel closer to God. This is something that I feel convicted to do, and I would love for you to be part of it. I would invite you to. To be part of what I'm doing because I think that you can benefit from it. And so I would say, and I think this is, you know, probably good advice generally. You know, when you. When you make it more of an invitation rather than a, you know, for lack of a better term, like an accusatory thing or a judgmental thing, like, this is something that you. You have to do or that you need to do. You know, there's a context for that. You know, when you're. When you're teaching or doing apologetics, you can make those types of arguments, but in the context of just relationships with people, I think a better approach is what I said. Just. Just make it more of an invitation. And, you know, they may. They may decline that invitation. They may say no. You know, I I think that. I think, you know, I don't want to be part of that, but they may. They may come around, too. You know, just. Just leave that door open and just keep doing. Keep doing what you believe you should be doing and leave that door open for them to join and be part of what you're doing. And, you know, they'll come around, especially if they see, I think, how big of a blessing it is when you go out of your way to make really nice Shabbat dinner, for example. And when you treat that as a special occasion, you know, I think people seeing that and experiencing it for themselves. I mean, what does the scripture say? Come and taste that the Lord is good, right? They experience it, they get a taste of it, and they want to be part of it. And eventually, the Lord may work on their heart as well to bring a them to where you are. So I hope that's helpful.

Speaker C:

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. Anyone who wants to add to that, any advice for.

Speaker F:

Yeah, I you know, when I go to a lot of churches, you know, obviously my wife and I basically, you know, are speaking at churches three or four times a week. The one thing I like to do is try to make it a relationship. So when I go ahead and start speaking, I basically make it all relational. So. So as soon as we came to the Lord, we got married. That's just what happened. And I try to explain to people, Shabbat isn't something legal. It's more like a date night. If you can just look at, you know, if you have a great relationship, it doesn't mean that the other six days you aren't married. That 7th day, that Shabbat, just call it your date night. Make sure there's a date night. And then you start looking at the feast and start looking at them as anniversaries. You know, if I missed an anniversary, might my wife, you know, might be a little upset, you know, so just look at the feast as anniversaries. You know, each one, there's three pilgrimage feasts. Each of the pilgrimage feasts really connected to each of the, you know, the godhead, you know, the Passover lamb. You know, that's pretty easy to figure out who that is. Shavuot. That's pretty easy to figure out who it is. And Tabernacles is really our celebration. I want to get married to, you know, the. All of these things are all relational. So don't get legalistic. Just make it. Don't. Don't you want to have a better relationship with God? Don't you want to have a better marriage with God? Well, he's trying to reveal something. And so I think if you take it from that perspective, you'll go ahead and avoid, you know, he's being a Judaizer and really focus on, no, I'm just want you to have a great relationship. Like, I'm trying to have a great relationship. And from that perspective, you know, that's really the way to go ahead and do it.

Speaker C:

Amen. Yeah. Cameron just commented, let us remember, we're not justified by the law. Amen to that, guys. And, you know, if you're watching this and you're like, what are we all on about? Please do know that we believe we're saved by faith in Yeshua. And we just love him and we just want to walk like him. We want to. We know he love. He loved his father's feast. He kept. We see his disciples at the same. So we are not doing these things because we're trying to get into heaven. Or saved or anything. They don't. We're saved by faith, and we do them because we are saved, and we love him. Right? So.

Speaker F:


Speaker C:

Amen. Okay, guys, one other thing, too. Yeah, go ahead, Tom.

Speaker I:

Petey. Oh, I just want to say, you know, one thing that I just got asked this question about a week ago, and if you just look at the scripture in Leviticus 23, it says, these are the Lord's feasts. They're not jewish feasts. These are the feasts. They're Yahweh's feast. And if in the beginning stages of walking this out, it's easy to view that as a different culture, different nation's way of worshiping God. But when you look at the scripture, it says, these are my feasts, and you shall proclaim them in their set times. And so sometimes I try to start there, as you know, this isn't a jewish feast. I'm not trying to be a judaizer. I'm not trying to be something. I'm not. This is actually the living God preaching the gospel. You know, the more I walk through it, the more the gospel of Jesus Christ. I see, you know, whether it's Passover, whether it's Pentecost, whether it's, you know, what we're getting ready to walk through with the feast of tabernacles and trumpets and day of atonement. So just, I guess a quick reminder is these are the Lord's feasts. These are his way of getting his appointed times to his people, that they might understand the rhythms and the clock that we're actually on as his time clock. And it's something that he's doing, not necessarily what a nation's doing.

Speaker C:

Amen. Thank you. That's good, Tom. All right, I'm going to move into the prayer section. I would love for us to take some time to pray for some of the things that came up tonight, and especially Israel, as well as those who've been struck by the hurricane, who have suffered any loss or hurt. So, the rest of you speakers, please feel free to join in. I will start off with prayer. If there's something on your heart that you want to pray for, please also let the holy pray that through you. I would love to let you pray with me. I'll start. Father, I thank you so much, lord. Lord, for all the amazing things, Father, that you've done in this time. Giving us your son, giving us a hope of redemption and salvation. Yeshua, thank you. That you do not leave us in the dust, but you're coming back for us. And Yeshua, I thank you for opening up our eyes and our ears to the life that you're calling us to in this moment. That we would be bold for you, that we. We would step out. That we would not be ashamed. Father, I pray that you would help us to be a light to people in the midst of their distresses. Whether it's in Israel, whether it's in America or any other country represented here tonight by all the viewers. Help us, Lord, to stretch out our hand and be a light, not just in speech, not just in religiosity, but in actions. That people would see our fruits, that the feast that they would see the feast in our life, not just in a day we keep, but as we have it evident in our life, that they would come to ask us, what is this hope that's within you? Father, I pray for all of those in distress financially or with loss of possessions. Father, I pray for Israel's eyes and ears to be opened, that they would see their messiah. And when they see all of these, these gentiles coming to their. What they think of their. As their traditions, their feast days, what they've been keeping. And they wonder why, what's going on? Let them see it is because you have redeemed us and you have called us and you've saved us. So that they may see that we are. We're brothers and sisters. We're joined. We have one Father in heaven. And Lord, I pray that they would. That they're eyes will be opened through that too.

Speaker F:


Speaker I:


Speaker C:

Pray that man.

Speaker I:

We ask for your favor. Father, you know where we're walking at in this time and season. So, Lord, I just, even tonight I just ask for a strengthening to the body of messiah, to the body of Christ, to the church, Father, I pray a strengthening to the people of Israel, those, those in the land and also the Israel of God that Paul spoke of. Lord, those that have the faith of what we call the scriptures. Lord, and so, Lord, I just ask even now as we walk through a difficult season, whether it's with war in Israel or whether it's the hurricane and it's aftermath and even, Lord, even the two storms that are coming and they're projected to even go through the same path, Lord, I just pray that father, you'd wake up the people, Lord, that they would be no more loss of life. Lord, I ask for mercy on the United States. I ask for mercy on the land of Israel. Lord, I ask for your favor, Lord, to rest on your people. And even as brother George prayed that there would be such a boldness to be bold for the gospel's sake. Lord, I. And to share what we understand, what we believe, what we have received to be the truth. And, Lord, not to be afraid to proclaim what we. Where our hope is, where our trust is. And, Father, not to be afraid of getting down and getting dirty with those around us, that we might live the gospel as well as speak it. So, Father, you know, the time that we're in, you know, the need is to be strengthened by the power of your holy spirit and to be directed and have discernment. And, Father, even the deception that is coming, Lord, Lord, we need help. And so, Lord, we just ask for help on the body, even right now. And, Lord, your blessings upon the church at large. Father.

Speaker F:

Yes, Abba. Father, we just ask you, Lord, that your ruah, your spirit, would just be poured out fresh and new. Father, as this catastrophe is happening just across the United States and the southeast, I ask you, Lord, that you would just raise up not only volunteers, but just raise up the finances and just an encouragement, Father. And Father, may we just see a revival come out of all this. May we just see lives being radically transformed. We just looked at the situation in Israel, Father, we just give. We just ask, Lord, to give Netanyahu and just all the commanders in the IDF, just wisdom. And, Father, I just ask, Lord, that you would also just watch over and protect all the innocents, Father, all the innocents that are caught on both sides of the world. And, Father, I just ask, Lord, that just. Your spirit would just be poured out all across the Middle east, that we would see Arabs and Jews and everyone come to faith. We know that true peace only comes to the appearance of peace. And so, Father, I just ask, Lord, that you would just rise up and just. That you would just lift up all those that are downtrodden there and that you show them the true hope and the true peace that we have is only through you and through your son. And we just thank you, Abba, for the shloom that passes all understanding in the midst of the craziest times the world has ever experienced. May we just be perfect peace in the eye of the. We thank you, Abba. B'shem. Yashiach.

Speaker I:

Yes, Lord.

Speaker C:

Bless you. Yes, lord.

Speaker I:

Thank you.

Speaker C:

Amen. Amen. All right, guys, thank you so much. I'd like to just take a moment as well, and I just want to pray for everyone in the live chat here tonight. And who's watching us? Us. I just have something on my heart so father, I just pray right now, Lord, for everyone watching who have family members or friends close, that they are concerned with, that they are who are not ready for your return. Yeshua, you have given us this moment of grace and mercy, this time that we can have in order to discover you as our savior. And I pray, Lord, for those who do not know you, that you would visit them. You would visit them through the people who are watching here tonight, that you would put your spirit in them, and they would go far and wide, and that their voice, their hands, their feet would be the witness that you have called them to be. That they would become your hands and feet. And I pray that you would even visit and dream, and in visions, as you said you would do. You said you would do it, o Lord, in acts two, as Peter prophesied, Father, I pray, lord, that there would be a. Just as there's many uncertainties in the world, that your spirit would move in greater and greater ways, and that people would see you in those greater and greater ways, not being able to deny what is right before them. Father, I also pray, Lord, that you would protect your people from the deceptions that are only increasing, even those around the deception surrounding the land of Israel and everything there. I pray, Lord, that you would come with your truth and your wisdom, Lord, that we would be discerners looking for the witnesses, looking for that which is true. And not just going with itching ears, Lord, but going for what is true, Lord, help us to be a people of true. Help us to be a people who do not spread rumors. Help us to be a people, Lord, who only says what you have said and what we know that has been witnessed as being true, Lord, I thank you, father, for helping us, giving us the wisdom in moments of difficulty and difficult conversations with people, that your spirit would give us divine wisdom to speak to them in the name of Yeshua. Amen.

Speaker F:

Amen. Amen.

Speaker C:

All right, guys, thank you so much for joining us here tonight. I can go on for five more hours, but we have to. We have to stop at some point. So I just want to thank you all so much for coming on and teaching and even joining me in this live Q and A, Gabby Grace. Also, thank you for leading us in worship. I really appreciate you and everyone in the live chat who's come to join us and share your thoughts. Thank you so much. We love you guys. We're doing this for you to the glory of the father, and we just appreciate you so much. So I just want to end this off with letting you know that. If you want to stay up to date with what we're doing at Rise and fire, more online conferences just like this, subscribe to the channel and we'd love to see you there. Many, many blessings to you and shalom.

Speaker D:


Rise on Fire presents the FEAST OF TRUMPETS ONLINE CONFERENCE 2024 - Blow the Shofar in Zion! Join PD and 5 incredible speakers as they explore the Biblical Feast of Trumpets, (also called Rosh Hashanah) and look towards King Yeshua's return with the sound of the shofar. It's time to AWAKE!

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