Rise on Fire Ministries

Testing Cessationism - Trailer - Coming 8/16/2022 [PODCAST]

Shalom everyone! I've been quiet lately, for good reason. The past few weeks, Father has guided me in putting together what I believe may be one of the most comprehensive evaluations of Cessationism ever done before.

1 year ago

Episode Notes

Shalom everyone! I've been quiet lately, for good reason. The past few weeks, Father has guided me in putting together what I believe may be one of the most comprehensive evaluations of Cessationism ever done before.

Cessationism is the prominent Reformed belief that the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased with the 12 Apostles.

This video will test all prominent Cessationist arguments, look at history and eyewitness accounts, and most importantly - test all these to Scripture. Above you can watch the sneak peek to get you excited, and next week the full episode launches.

I am excited to share this with you, and I believe this will equip you with apologetics and understanding for what the Bible teaches regarding spiritual gifts in modern times.

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Many Christians believe the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit has ceased with the 12 Apostles, but have they? Get a sneak-peak into a new comprehensive study coming soon to Rise on Fire.