Rise on Fire Ministries

We missed the Second Coming?? Temple sacrifices, Infant baptism, Disunity in marriage – 10 Qs w/ PD

1 month ago

Well, here we go. Welcome to the live stream, the live Q and A. Tonight we're going to be looking at a bunch of questions you guys have sent in, including some really interesting trains of thought, like did the second coming or the millennial reign of Christ already happen? Yes. We're going to talk about praterism. Is the Levitical priesthood abolished? Is there any rule with temple offerings that may still be possible in the what does the Bible say about that? What does the Book of Hebrews mean regarding a change in the law? Is infant baptism biblical? Why or why not dealing with disunity in marriage and people regarding faith disagreements, testing the spirit while also being cognizant of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and then also how to find fellowship and more. Guys, welcome to Rise on Fire. It's so good to have another Q and A with you. If you want to know more about Rise and Fire, you can go to Rise on Fire dot com, get our email newsletter, find our fellowship finder on there. We have a link to our podcast on there. And right now you're on our YouTube channel likely. And if you want to step to date with our live streams, you can text Yeshua to 94000. But tonight, let's get into it. I want to just put a disclaimer out there that I don't know the answer to every question in the world, but I'm gonna be leaning on the Holy Spirit and we're gonna be wrestling with scripture together here tonight to see what we can find. So thank you guys for tuning in, joining me in the live chat. Let me know what you think about these questions as we go along. And then I'm going to just go right into the first one. And the first question is from Jonathan from Ruidbut in South Africa. And he asks regarding infant baptism and he says, why do people still baptize babies even though we do not read anything from scripture on this practice? What is infant baptism actually? And is it demonic? Okay, well, thank you so much, Jonathan, for sending that in. I appreciate you, brother. And so first I'll answer kind of where this comes from. This is a very old debate. Very, very old. We see it starting to show up about 250 A.D. and it comes mainly from a few verses in the Bible. There is no Bible verse that says babies should be baptized, but this is where they'll get it. And I'll just read some for you, so we can kind of start there. And we read in Acts 16:14, one who heard us was a woman named Lydia from the city of Tyatra, a seller of purple goods who was a worshipper of God, the Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what Paul was saying. And after she was baptized, and her household as well, she urged saying, if you have judgment, you'll be faithful. Come to my house and stay. So the big thing here is that she was baptized, okay? And her household as well. And so the Catholics, the Orthodox, and some other denominations, they hold to this idea that because it mentions that the household was baptized, this means that infants, babies were also baptized. So, yes, it mentions a household. But the question we should be asking ourselves is, is there any reason we might believe that infants would not be included in baptism according to the Biblical teaching on what baptism is? Now, just read this from James W. Scott. He's an Orthodox Presbyterian, and he believes in infant baptism. And this is what they say. There is no example of anyone born to Christian parents being baptized in the New Testament at any age. And no precept addresses their specific situation. The time and circumstances that are appropriate for baptizing such children must be inferred from general biblical teaching concerning baptism. Okay? So again, they're admitting it's not in the Bible directly. They are inferring it based off a broader viewpoint. And I want to submit that this viewpoint that they have is that baptism is a mere ritual. It is a thing that we do as an act before others to show that we are dedicating our life to God. And people are witnessing it. You know, they're praising God for it. And baptism has for a long time been that and only that. And I don't actually believe that's what the Bible teaches. Baptism is. Baptism can be a celebration. Don't get me wrong, it is a dedication of our lives. But it's more than that. The Bible talks about a decision that is made to die with Christ, that baptism becomes this instrument that God has given us in order to partake in the crucifixion with Christ. Just like the thief on the cross was next to him, dying with him. And Yeshua Jesus, he leans over and he says, you will today, I tell you, you will be with me in the kingdom that death to oneself. To pick up our cross and follow him and to be crucified is what baptism allows us to do. That's why Paul talks about baptism being an act of repentance. Let me read a few of what is written in Acts chapter 22 regarding baptism. And we see that he says, and now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash Away your sins, calling on his name, right? So we see two things here. Why do you wait? In other words, that infers that there is a decision. This person is waiting. Do not wait. Make the decision today to get baptized, right? And secondly, call on his name as you get baptized. In other words, you have this act of faith towards God, this crying out to God for God to come and do a work in you as you lay your life down to follow Him. So another one, let me read one more. Acts 2, 38, we see. And Peter said to them, repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Okay, now we see this act of repentance that goes hand in hand with baptism. You see, you cannot have baptism without repentance because baptism in its nature is to repent. It is to turn away, pick up your cross and follow God, leaving sin behind. And so the question is, is an infant capable of of the three things that we just highlighted from the Scriptures of what baptism is, we highlighted repentance, we highlighted calling on his name, this act of faith and trust in God to do a work and this decision that is made to be baptized, an infant can do none of that. A baby is a baby. A baby is still learning to use his or her senses, never mind make life long serious decisions like picking up a cross to be crucified with Christ. Right? So that's the thing I guess we need to wrestle with regarding it. You know what's interesting is when we look at the denominations who do infant baptisms, I think that we are seeing a sort of dedication of a child. And this is, let me just see something good here, because there is something good. We see the sincerity in a mom and a dad and a family and in a church community to come and say this child, oh Lord, we come and we dedicate this child to you. We want this child to grow up knowing you. We want you to guard this child, right? Like these are beautiful things. So please don't get me wrong here, that I am not discounting the amazing heart behind those who are bringing a child to the Lord. In fact, we see this idea in the Exodus where God speaks of dedication of the firstborn. He says, consecrate to me all the firstborn, whatever is first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and beast is mine. Right? We also have the story of Samuel where Samuel's mother wasn't able to get pregnant and she said to The Lord, if I can have a baby, I'll dedicate the baby to you. And then in 1 Samuel 2, 1 Samuel 1:27, we see that she says, therefore I have lent him to the Lord, now I am now giving him to God for God to do what he wants to do with Samuel, who becomes the prophet Samuel, of course. And so a child can be dedicated to the Lord. And I think that is a beautiful thing. But here's now, I guess what I would want to get to as the real problem with infant baptism. But besides for a baby not being able to perhaps make large decisions that go along with being baptized or repenting and so forth. But what culture and ideas it creates. When comfort is taken in infant baptism, it often comes along with the idea of securing the salvation of the child. Even when that child one day grows up, we see that families will think things like, oh well, at least the child got baptized. Now he's grown up and he's of age, age, and yet he is living a ratchet life. He's living a life opposite of what he should be as a person who has now died with Christ in baptism. And so suddenly we have this idea that you can live a life without repentance and without true dedication to God, but because you got baptized, your salvation is secure and you have nothing to worry about. And this idea is now a works mindset that the baptism is what saves, first of all, while in reality we are saved by our true faith. And whenever someone walks away from the faith that their family may have had, that must be concerning because faith is what we are saved by. And so in churches where the culture of being of faith, because my mom and dad is of faith and their mom and dad is a faith. And my tradition is what informs my faith. Like I grew up Dutch Reformed and my parents were. And their parents were right, and so forth, and so forth. And so the whole church structure becomes a very generational thing whereby which you are a Catholic or you are whatever, and that's why you are secure in God. No, we are secure in God because of our faith, and we are not secure in God if we have no faith. And so baptism can easily become a tradition that we attach wrong connotations to. So infant baptism only typically works in a religious system where individual repentance is not required and not something that keeps being an important aspect of one's faith. Now, of course, I'm drawing some very general statements here. I believe that there are people who, who may fall out of these parameters that I'm setting Forth. Right. There are people who believe in infant baptism who are really on fire and who really believe that you must continue a very on fire life with the Lord. And anyone who lacks that needs to be concerned because it is an all or nothing thing. And so I do see that. But I just am warning regarding what we often see in denominations where infant baptism is typical. And so is it, as Jonathan asked, is infant baptism demonic? No, it's not demonic because I believe the intention is usually pure to dedicate a child to the Lord. But I do believe that there are real concerns with it and that a person truly needs to undertake baptism as a choice in faith, in repentance. And I have seen baptism most powerfully work out in people's lives when it's seen as more than a symbol, but as a true work of God where the person is coming to God with their burdens, their sins, and they are saying, God, I am tired of this God, I want to bury this in the water and I want to be coming out of this as a resurrected person. There is power when a person goes into the water with that faith. And so I do recommend if a person got baptized as an infant, to consider baptism as an adult when they are able to enter it knowing what they are actually doing in faith. All right, so those are my two cents. And again, this is not a salvation issue. We are saved by our faith. So please remember that. All right, guys, next question is going to be regarding temple offerings. And this question is been a long time coming. I think many people have this one Williams is asking this from Orlando. And Williams asks, I know that Christ did not abolish the laws. He said he didn't. But I'd like some insight on the temple sacrifices specifically. If the temple was still standing, would the expectations be to continue with those sacrifices until his coming? That's one thing I haven't been able to reconcile considering Christ being the ultimate sacrifice. Very, very, very good. Well phrased. Thank you, Williams. I really appreciate the question. And so let's just lay some groundwork before we get to the question. And I'll also start off by saying that the temple sacrificial system is in my opinion, the most complex part of the Bible. I really am always careful. I'm always a little nervous talking about it because people are so quick to get their pitchforks and divide people, even disfellowship over some of these issues really quickly when they shouldn't. There are things to divide over, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I think because people so easily misunderstand one another. They start dividing over disagreements that they don't actually fully grasp themselves. So this time we're going to have here is going to be about really laying, giving you some context, background and education about what the Levitical system purposes truly were, because I think that's very misunderstood. And then we will see where that leads us. Okay, so first off, Williams, you mentioned that the biggest hurdle that you have that you can't reconcile regarding sacrifices, Levitical sacrifices, are the fact that it's the fact that Christ is the ultimate sacrifice. Okay, now let's begin there, because this is a very common phrase, that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. And so of course, he is the most precious lamb of God who has died for our sins. But I want to submit to you that he wasn't the ultimate sacrifice, but rather the only true sacrifice for our sins. And the reason I say that is because of what we read in the book of Hebrews chapter 10. I believe that the biblical understanding for us is laid out here where what the purpose of the Levitical sacrifices truly were is explained to us. And we see in Hebrews 10:1. For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near. Now, this word perfect is going to be our key for understanding the book of Hebrews, believe it or not. You'll see why soon. Remember how he uses the word perfect, that it is these, that these sacrifices of the Levitical system that these priests are making every year, they cannot make us perfect. Otherwise, it says, would they not have ceased to be offered since the worshippers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have any consciousness of sins. But in these sacrifices, there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and ghosts to take away sins. Whoa. Okay. So he says one of the purposes of these sacrifices is to remind us of our sins every year. Now, if they could take away our s, why are they reminding us of our sin? And why do we keep needing to do these things if they could take away our sin? But then he concludes, and he says, it is actually impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away our sin. This is foundational because there are so many Christians who do not grasp this. Somehow we have come to think that in the time of the Torah and prophets, right in the time of Moses and the First Temple and Second Temple periods, when the temple were standing Right. We have come to think that, okay, back then people were coming and they were doing these blood sacrifices, and these sacrifices was the thing that cleansed the people and took away their sins. And they had to keep doing it to, you know, to make sure that their sins are always covered, you know, that the latest sins are always covered. But no, here we read in the book of Hebrews, guys, that's not what that's about. That rather it's impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to deal with any of our sins at any point. It could have never happened because if it could have, it would have been a done deal and there would be no reason for God to send the Lamb of God for Yeshua to come. See, Christ has always been the only way for our sins to be dealt with, the only way for us to be made perfect, as the author of Hebrews used that word. See, to be made perfect means we are cleansed so that when God sees us, we are seen as water, snow, perfect, so that we can have salvation, come into his presence, be in the Garden of Eden, if you will, yet again. And so, you know, this misunderstanding causes people to immediately feel strange when we talk about the Temple and even the possibility of a third Temple or a fourth Temple or whatever being set up again. Because immediately they say things like, well, you know, that's a really crazy idea because Jesus is our ultimate sacrifice. Yes, that is true, but Jesus is not the ultimate sacrifice. He is the only sacrifice. Because the Levitical system has never been able to deal for sin. And that's not its purpose. That's not what it's about at all. That's never what God intended the Levitical system offerings to accomplish. If you've never heard this, it may sound strange, it may sound like a shock. So what is the purpose of the Levitical priesthood and system and offerings? We had just read one of those purposes already in Hebrews 10. 1. He said, in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. Okay, so when I come and I bring an animal that back then, you know, you had a relationship with your animals, you raised them, they're dear to you. You're bringing this animal and you recognize this animal is going to die because of what I have done, because of my lying, my stealing, my thinking, the way I think, my adulteries. And there's a real reminder of how serious my sin is, that something has to die because of my actions. Okay, that's the first purpose. The second purpose is given us in Hebrews chapter 8, verse 4. And we read for if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all. Since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law, they serve a copy of the and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God saying, see that you make everything according to the pattern that is shown on the mountain. Right? So here's our next purpose of the Levitical system that it is a copy, a shadow, a picture of the heavenly thing, of the real thing, of what God actually plans to do to deal with our sins. What is that, Yeshua? It is Jesus becoming our high priest, not continually offering anything, but once and for all, him being the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. But the earthly Levitical system was a picture of that once and for all sacrifice of the Lamb of God. So it teaches us more about what he would come and do. Right. When we were thinking about back then, when they were making these offerings. And then the third purpose of these offerings was that it was to offer gifts to God. I mean, this sounds really simple, but you know, if you've ever wondered, how can I give God a presentation? How can I give God something? Of course God wants our life, he wants our attention, he wants our worship, he wants things from us, and we are a living sacrifice. Amen. Right? There is a spiritual sense to all of these things. But God also would delight in me bringing him literally something that is of value to me and giving it as a sacrifice to him. Something that costs me something. That's what a sacrifice means, right? It costs me something. And that's what it simply was. People brought gifts of many types to God by visiting the temple. Even Paul, Paul the Apostle, the guy who we all know, he. After Jesus resurrected from the dead, after the veil and the temple was torn, after all these things were accomplished, Paul still in the book of Acts, comes and brings an offering to the temple, to the Lord. Let's read about that. People are always like shocked when they hear that this happened. But it's right here we see. Then Paul took the men and the next day he purified himself along with them and went into the temple giving notice when the day of purification will be fulfilled and the offering presented for each one of them, he's bringing an offering to the Lord as in worship and in thanks to the Lord. In worship and in thanks for what? For the fact that Yeshua has come, for the fact that he has atonement in Christ. And there's many other things to just praise God for. Right? And, and that's what Paul did. And the reason he did it was to prove to everyone that he is keeping the law of Moses, that he still believed that it is important, and that it is still an important part of a believer's life. And so remember, Paul said, imitate me as I imitate Christ. Paul keeps the law, and he's coming to prove it now. He says, I mean, this is where this all comes from. Remember there was a dispute. Does Paul teach against the law of Moses or does he not? And then they settle this once and for all. And they say to Paul, take these men, purify yourself along with them. Pay their expenses so they may shave their heads. Thus, all know that there is nothing what they've been told about you, but that you also live in observance of the law. And so what does the law teach? Well, one thing is the Nazirite vow teaches that when you do this vow, at the end of, you know, you grow your hair, you don't shave it. And then at the end of the vow, you cut off your hair and you make an offering to God at the temple. And that's what they did in order to prove that they still keep the law of God. Okay, so why is Paul doing all of this? I mean, you know, we saw earlier with the question of, you know, should we be doing offerings? You know, I mean, Paul did it before that temple was destroyed, but yet after Christ was resurrected. So Paul was doing an offering. But we have to recognize that there are different types of offerings. When you read through the book of Leviticus, you'll see this all over the place. God gives very meticulous instructions for all of these different types of offerings. People, for some reason, think they're just like an offering for sin. But there's many more. We have burnt offerings, we have grain offerings, we have peace offerings, we have guilt offerings, and we have sin offerings, we have drink offerings, we have other. And there's other offerings of unleavened bread and other things that are also done. But my point is there are many types. And so Paul coming to the temple is doing it according to the law. And numbers 6, 13 tells us how Paul would have done it. It he would be bringing an offering that is a burnt offering. He'll be bringing a peace offering. He'll bring an offering of unleavened bread and a few other things and also a sin offering. Now, I want to submit that I don't believe that Paul in that case would be bringing a sin offering. He would have been bringing a burnt, perhaps A peace offering. Right, But a sin offering Paul would not be bringing. And the reason for that is what we're going to get into next. And it is regarding what the Book of Hebrews outlines as this change in the law. Now Greg wrote in to the ministry and he is from Wichita and he asked this question which leads perfectly into this. And he said, Yeshua said whoever keeps the least of the commandments of the Torah will be called. Great. Okay, he's talking about Matthew 5, 19. But Hebrews says there is a change in law because of the Melchizedek priesthood trumping the Levitical one. Basically, how do we reconcile this? Ah, great question. So the Book of Hebrews is all about highlighting the inferiority of the Levitical priesthood compared to the Melchizedek priesthood, which is the priesthood of our Messiah Yeshua. He is a priest of Melchizedek. Right. And the reason that this is important for the writer of Hebrews to do is because you've got all these people who've been so familiar with the Levitical sacrifices and offerings and you don't want anyone to think that those offerings of those sin offerings, or any type of offerings for that matter, are what deals with their sin or is what perfects them before God so that they can have salvation, come into God's face to face presence and so forth. And so this is now what the writer of Hebrews writes about in Hebrews chapter seven. I'm going to. There's a lot to go through. I'm not going to read through all the chapters, but go read Hebrews chapter 7 through 10. I'm going to take some key verses for us to highlight for us what's going, going on. We see in verse 11 the following. Now if perfection. Okay, here's that word again. This is the context and we have to really, really see this word. Now if perfection had been attainable through the Levitical priesthood, for under it the people received the law, what further need would there have been for another priest to rise after the order of Melchizedek rather than the one named after the order of Aaron? Okay, he's basically saying, hey, if you could have been made perfect by Aaron and the Levitical priesthood and the sacrifices, then what further need would there be for Jesus for Yeshua to come? And then he says in the next verse, for when there is a change in priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well. Okay, now this really confuses people. And this is what was the question, right? Greg asked this whole thing of what is this change in the law. Because in Matthew 5:17, Jesus comes and he says, do not think I've not come to. Do not think I've come to abolish the law. I've come to fulfill it. And anyone who teaches that the least of the commandments have. Teaches against the least of the commandments will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. Right, so now we're seeing a change in the law being referenced here. What is this about? Is this some contradiction? No, if we read a bit further in verse 18, we read about it some more as well. He says, for on the one hand, a former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness. What? What is he talking about? Well, next verse. For the law made nothing perfect. Again, that word. But on the other hand, a better hope is introduced through which we draw near to God. What is the better hope, Yeshua? So see, we need to understand that as we've discussed, the offerings of God, the Levitical priests at the sacrifices, they were to remind people of sin. They were to serve as a shadow. And they also pointed then people, to the reality that was coming, which is Christ the offering, once and for all, for our sins. And now we have to then ask, what is it? What law is it that is set aside? What is this former commandment? Well, you will find that out if you just keep reading. In Hebrews, chapter 10, we see the answer to that question as he expounds on different things, like the covenants, the Old Covenant and the New covenant, and so forth. And then he comes and he tells us, for this is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord, I will put my law on their hearts and write them on their minds. He's talking about the Holy Spirit. He's saying, just like as Ezekiel prophesied, that the Holy Spirit's going to be poured out, the Holy Spirit's gonna write the law on our hearts, he's gonna change our natures, and we are going to become law keepers, Torah keepers, obedient to God, just as Jesus was. We're gonna be like Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, not our own strength, not by just reading stone tablets. Because we on ourself, on our own strength, cannot do it, but we, empowered by the Holy Spirit, can. And then it says, he adds, I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more. And where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin. Guys, we have just reached an amazing revelation. Because Christ has come, we can now see that the. The sin offerings and all these things were always pointing to Him. And now that he has come and he has forgiven us, as it is said, where there is a forgiveness of these, there is no longer an offering for sin. And so there's no need for us to go and do a sin offering. Let's just say there's a temple standing, right? There's no need to do a sin offering if my sins, if I've been perfected, and if my sins have been done away with, if I have been made white as snow. But remember that throughout the book of Hebrews we are talking about being perfected. The salvation is what we are dealing with here now. And that is what is this offering for sin, which is one of the types of offerings that is connected to the Levitical system. This is the one that has now, this is where the change in the law has now come, where the Melchizedek priest, Yeshua Jesus steps in as our sin offering, and the Levitical priest no longer makes a sin offering because there's no need. And so before Christ has come, we see that the Levitical priesthood serves the role to remind the world of the sin problem through sin offerings. But after Christ comes, now we see the Levitical priesthood celebrates and memorializes the solution to the sin problem. Basically, everything before pointed to Christ's coming. And now after he has come, everything points and celebrates to what he has done, memorializing it as a. As worship to God and thanks to God. Okay, so where does this all leave us? You know, considering all these things that are written, if there was to be a. A temple again one day. Right. Which biblical prophecy states there will be, by the way, it will be during turbulent times according to prophecy, and it will also likely be set up by a leadership that may not be messianic. Right. And so it's really hard to give this answer as to how we should respond to something that is not here. Right. How should believers respond if we do not even know what policies would surround that Levitical system? And I believe that this is a case where the Father will, by His Holy Spirit, give us the revelation on how to properly respond when it arrives. And so I can't really tell you what we should think or do before it's even here, because we don't even know what we're dealing with. That's really what I'm saying. But what I can tell you is what the Bible speaks of regarding a temple that surely will come and that we surely will participate in. Yes, and Zechariah 14, we read about that, and it Says the on that day, his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that the one half of the mount shall move northward, the other will move southward. Okay, who is it talking about? Who is this person that is going to be standing on the Mount of Olives? Who is the one whose feet we are reading about? It's Yeshua, right? This is the Second Coming. He's coming at the place of his return, and he is splitting this mountain. And it says in verse nine, I'm just gonna go on. It says a few things about what's gonna happen, but I want to get to the crutch of it here, since our time is short. It says, the Lord will be king over all the earth. And on that day, the Lord will be one and his name one. Okay, this has not happened yet. He has not returned splitting the Mount of Olives. He has not come to be king over all the earth in the way that's described here. Whereby. Which the. I mean, it says that it will be inhabited and there will never be a decree of destruction. Jerusalem will dwell in security. We all know if you've watched the news, Jerusalem is not dwelling in security. This is not taking place yet. Okay, so this is where I want to get at. Now that we've placed ourselves on the timeline, we read what also will be established. And every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holy to the Lord of hosts, so that all who sacrifice that. Let's read that again. So that all who sacrifice may come and take of them and boil the meat of the sacrifice in them. And there shall no longer be a traitor in the house of the Lord of hosts in that day. So they're gonna. There's gonna be a temple again whereby which the Lord is the Lord and king over all the earth, Jerusalem. It will be a millennial reign of Christ again. It will be not again. It will be the millennial reign of Christ. And we will. Of course, with that goes to resurrection and everything else. But we see that there is a institution of a sort of offering system again. And you can read more about this in Ezekiel, chapter 40 to 47, where Ezekiel goes in detail on about this new temple that is coming. Okay, so how is that all gonna look? We'll see. We don't really have to worry about that. We don't have to fight over it. We don't have to dispute. We don't have to break fellowship with one another over this, if you have disagreements or whatever, because Yeshua is going to be on the throne and he's going to set it all straight and we're just going to, we're just going to hear how beautiful, how amazing, I can't wait, right? But we get a little bit of a glimpse of some of the things that he's going to do. And this is what's written. And so remember that as we've established, this does nothing to the perfect sacrifice of Yeshua. He is holy and perfect. And none of what we are talking about now is in contradiction to that. It is not trying to contend with his sacrifice. We are not talking about sin offerings because remember what we've read about this change in the law regarding sin offerings. The Melchizedek priest now stands in as our sin offering. And we have read about other types of offerings. And I will theorize that those are the other types of offerings that we are reading about in the book of Zechariah that will be instituted, that we can come to Yeshua and to God and we can bring him a gift, we can give him a present, right? To make it simple for you to understand. And I'm just full of joy, like I want to give the Father something. And as for in this time, we can still give the Father things. We can give him our life, our worship, to worship him in spirit and truth. We can give him by blessing others, we can bless him by loving others. We can love him. Right? There's many ways we can give to the Lord in this time, but there's also going to come a new way that we can give to him an old way that is re established, that is okay, so that's that part. We will see how it all plays out. But this is what I see, the context of the scriptures. If you have disagreement, that's all right. You know, we're wrestling all of this together. Let me know in the comments what you think. But I think that it, I hope that what I have shared here, Greg, who asked as well as Williams, I hope that this gives you some things to think about and to chew on regarding the Leviticus and the temple system. Okay, so let's move on now to the next one. The next question is from Paul and Deborah and it is regarding how can we find fellowship. And I think there's many people who wonder the same thing. Paul and Deborah is from Freedom, Wyoming. Oh, we've been in Wyoming, me and Christina before. A few years ago we visited a beautiful fellowship over there in Outside? Was it in Casper or outside Casper, Wyoming? I know Wyoming is a very windy place. Okay, anyway, let's get into it. The question is how? How do you find like minded people in the middle of the mountains? What do you do if you can't find any close enough? Well, I just actually, like I mentioned, there is a fellowship somewhere there where we visited and go on our fellowship finder. You can go to regathered.org or just go to risenfar.com find our fellowship finder. And you can go and look at all of the different fellowships. We have hundreds of people registered who submit that they believe the same things we do. And you can see if you can connect with someone there and if there's no one in your immediate area, you can register yourself and maybe one day someone reaches out to you. Another thing that I would recommend is to of course try and visit fellowships, if there's any fellowships around. You know, sometimes I think we, of course, Paul and Deborah, I can't speak to you guys right now, but just speaking in general to people and everyone listening, sometimes I think we are very particular. And what I would say is make sure that the church fellowship believes in the true gospel of being saved by faith, by Yeshua, that they love him, that they love one another, and that they are earnestly desiring to walk more like he does. What that all plays out as well. People will have different opinions. Right. We will, we will wrestle, we will have iron sharpening iron. And you know, I have no problem walking into fellowship where we agree with the fundamentals, even if we have disagreements on some other things that, even if it's things I'm passionate about, if they're not fundamentals, I'm not gonna, you know, disfellowship and have disunity because of that. So just putting it out there for anyone who's listening, you know, visit fellowships don't be. You know, it's ideal to be around people who believe as closely to the way you believe. Sure. But sometimes God wants to use you in a place where you're around people who don't believe all the same things you do so that you can be a light to them. So you can be a. A light is like on a stand instead of under a basket. Right. And so be open to God, even placing you for seasons in unexpected fellowships. Right. That's what I'll also say. And then if you can't find anything, have a Bible study with your family, with friends, invite people over and you know, who knows, maybe God grows it into something Larger that can one day become a fellowship, because that's how many fellowships begin, is with a simple home Bible study. And in the least, you will have a Bible study and edification and fellowship, because fellowship is incredibly important. Guys, let's not go without the fellowship. Let's not forsake fellowship. It's very important. And if you really are in a place in the world where this is basically impossible, you're like, pd, I am in a persecuted country, or I'm just so remote, or I'm just like, there's no one else. Okay, I would recommend that you in your family fellowship, supplement that with an online fellowship you can regularly view, or online teachings you can regularly view, but even try and connect with people through online, and connect somehow with the larger body of Christ, however possible. And however, if you're in a persecuted country is safe for you, of course, as well. Everyone has their unique challenges, but here's some. This is just some general advice I can give you. Okay, Paul and Deborah, I wish that I could bring a fellowship ride into your neighborhood, but of course, that's very hard. But, you know, I hope that this helps at least a little bit. At the end of this broadcast, I would really love for us to just pray for everyone who sits and who's saying, lord, I need fellowship, and I didn't have fellowship. Let's pray for those at the end of this broadcast. Okay, we need to move along. I am going too slow. I have quite a bit to go through still. So next question is, are we living after the millennial reign? And this question is from Anonymous, and I will read it. Why do some in the messianic community say that Yeshua has already returned and that we are currently living after his millennial reign? Is there really scriptural evidence for that? Okay, yes. Not, yes, that there's scripture evidence. Just, yes, let's. Let's get into it. So this idea that, that Yeshua has already returned, the second coming has already happened, and that the millennial reign has already happened, basically everything is behind us is called preterism, specifically full preterism. Preterism is from the Latin word praetor. It just means past. It means to look back. And it's the belief that everything in Revelation that was prophesied has already happened. Okay, so the way that they. I mean, you can think, like, how can you say Jesus already come? How can you say the millennial reign has already happened? How can you say that the resurrection of the dead has already happened and even that the new heavens and earth has arrived because that's also in Revelation and that the judgment has already happened. Yes, Preterists believe that we live in the new heavens and new earth already. Right now, guys, if this is the new heavens and the new earth, then I don't know what to say. But there's not much hope in our future, is there? And this is the problem that comes. It robs us of hope. I think preterism is speaking of full. Preterism is a doctrine that can rob people of hope. And the only way that this theology can be rationalized is by spiritualizing everything. In other words, this second coming is spiritualized, that Jesus has spiritually had his second coming already. He's not literally coming again. He's just coming spiritually or, you know, the resurrection of the dead, that was just a spiritual resurrection of the dead. No one is literally going to get resurrected. No one is literally getting a glorified body or the millennial reign that's spiritual or, you know, and so on and so forth. For example, I'll read this for preterists. The Jewish people are the true enemies of Christ. Their overthrow by the Roman army sent by Christ to do his bidding, is the triumph of Christ over the Antichrist. In fact, Christ has come spiritually in the judgment by the Roman army, fulfilling his promise to come quickly. Okay, so they believe that when the Romans overthrew Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and you know, the temple was destroyed, all of that happened. They believe that that was the second coming of Christ because they believe that the Jewish people are the Antichrist. I'm sorry, but that is just ridiculous. The Jewish people, they are not the Antichrist. That is quite a disgusting theology, to put it mildly. The Antichrist is someone who is Antichrist. Jewish people. You cannot proclaim an entire people group to be Antichrist. But that is one of the core ideas of some traditional preterists. And that's how they get around the idea and explain how Christ has already come. So there are some anti Semitic undertones as well that goes along with it. By the way, this belief comes from a guy who was a Jesuit, Louis de Algassar, in about the 1500s, 1554, he was a Spanish Jesuit Catholic. Okay, so that's where this comes from. And I will just regarding what the Scriptures say respond to it. Paul actually spoke about the idea that some have come to say that the resurrection has already happened, which is what preterism teaches. And he says in 2 Timothy 2:16 the following avoid irreverent Babel, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenathus and Philetus who have swerved from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already happened. They are upsetting the faith of some. This is what I meant earlier when I say that preterism, this idea that the resurrection has already happened, the millennium has already happened, the second coming has already happened. It upsets people's faith because it robs them of hope, because it means that there is nothing to look forward to, that this is as good as it gets, guys, and that Jesus died for us to have this. This world. Look around you. This world is what Jesus died for us to have. No, no, no, no. He is still coming. He is still in our future. And there is a resurrection that he brings with him for us all into glorified bodies. There is a millennial reign that he is going to set up on the earth where he is going to be king and ruler and judge and all will see and bow the knee to Him. It will not be this idea that he has already come symbolically, spiritually. Okay, let's look as to how we can know that the resurrection of the dead is a literal event and not just a symbolic event. Okay, look, there is a resurrection that happens to us in our spirit when we get baptized, right? Like as we die with Christ, we come out of the water, we are resurrected with Christ. We are spiritually receiving a type of resurrection, a renewal in our spirit. God works in us and he changes us, right? He writes his law on our heart, all these things. Okay, you can say that is a type of spiritual resurrection, right? We can say that. But when we're talking about the resurrection of the dead in the Bible, we are talking about something that is literally going to happen. Now, the reason we know this is because of what is written in 1 Corinthians 15:12, as well as 1 Thessalonians 4. But we will first go to Corinthians 15 and we read the following. Now, if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead? Now you may say, well, pd, we're not saying there's no resurrection. We're just saying that it's a spiritual resurrection. No, but the resurrection of the dead that Paul is speaking about now is literal. So if you do not believe in a literal resurrection of the dead, you do not believe in the resurrection of the dead that Paul is speaking of. Because Paul says if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. See, he immediately connects the resurrection of Christ, which was literal. It really happened physically. He came up and he was life was breathed into his body and his heart started pumping. And he came up and appear to many in a glorified body, resurrected from the dead. And then we see now further, it's written, if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. In other words, if Christ has not been raised, then you will have not been raised and everything is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God because we testified about God, that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise. If it's true that the dead are not raised, basically, if the dead is not raised, Christ was not raised and everything, nothing matters. If the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you're still in your sins. Okay, then those. Let's go to verse 20 here. But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who fall asleep. So he's making an example of Christ, saying he is the first fruits of us, of the rest of the believers, that as he was raised, he is an example of how we will be raised. For as by man came, death, by a man has come, also the resurrection of the dead. In other words, we see that just as to how Adam sinned and death came in and Adam died, and we physically die, literally die. Today, as we look around us and go to graveyards, we see people are dying. He's saying in the same way, now Christ has come and he has brought life and the resurrection of the dead, where people will, just as they were literally dying, will now literally be resurrected from the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive, but each in his order. First Christ, then at his coming, those who belong to Christ. Okay, so this connection between the resurrection of Christ and our resurrection is indisputable, clear as day. Paul goes to great lengths to establish it and to say, just as Christ was raised, we will be raised. Okay, next, we see that in 1 Thessalonians 4, 13, the following. You know, this is where Paul basically says, I want to give you guys hope. Do not be grieved, do not worry. Like those who have no hope and who are going to die in their sins, those of you who have Christ, we believe he died. Even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. Look at that. Even so, even as Jesus died, even so he will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. Just as Jesus has died and resurrected. We will, even if we die, will be resurrected. And then it says, I'm going to go to verse 16. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven. Okay, this is literal speech, the Lord himself. Not a spiritualized version of Him. Not a symbolic thing. No. The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, the voice of an archangel, the sound of a trumpet, and the dead in Christ will rise. Not spiritually. He's speaking literally. Then those who are alive or alive will be caught up together in the clouds, meet with them, and will always be with him. Encourage one another then with these words. Okay, how are we going to encourage one another with these words of everything that we have just read, Whether this is the second coming, whether it's the resurrection of the dead. How will we comfort one another if none of that is literal, but all of it is spiritual, spiritualized? Okay, now, like, yes, you know you're gonna die, but yeah, you're gonna die. And that's that. Like, there's nothing, no hope if there is not a true literal resurrection. Okay, so I'm not gonna go too much further on this, but I do feel that it is important to establish this once and for all because I want none of you to fall into this hopeless theology because it is a dangerous one. It can rob us. I'll end it with this verse. Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we will await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. The power of God is so powerful that he will literally transform our body to be like his glorified body. He compares our bodies to how his is that we will have a glorified body one day just as His. He received a glorified body. Okay, so eschatology leaves a lot of room for us to just, you know, chat about and have, you know, disagreements. It's okay. Like eschatology, the study of the end times, you know, guys, like, that's. That stuff is all. Like, there's a lot of theories out there. There's a lot. I get that. And we just, we just share and we just love one another in that sharing. But when it comes to full on preterism, which is also different from partial preterism, full preterism, as we have been addressing here, can lead to dangerous ideas because it does away with the resurrection, it does away with the second coming, it does Away with the millennium as it stands in our future. And those things are all very important for believers to contain hope in them because that's what we look forward to. So if you want to learn more about the things we've been discussing, if some of this sounds like whoa out there, where does this come from? I did a in depth look at the millennial reign of Christ. That is what is in our future. And I did that in a different video called the Millennial Reign of Christ in depth look and live Q and A's. So please just search that on our Rise on Fire Channel. The millennial reign of Christ in depth look and live Q&As. Okay, we are now coming to the end of the broadcast. I'm going to do. I'm going to do one more, perhaps two more. Let's see how we go. And the next question. Guys, I want to do so much more, but time is going so quickly tonight. Thank you so much for joining me in the live chat, guys. Let me know what you guys think. I see Tim saying, blessed hope. Amen. Amen. I'm looking forward to his return, says Patrick. And then Denise said there are some tough questions and you answered them beautifully with such simple clarity. Well, glory to the Holy Spirit. I'm glad that was clear for you. Christopher says every day I just lost it. Every day we do sacrifices. We sacrifice ourselves from this world. We sacrifice all our desires. Amen. That's so true, Christopher. Okay, I am going to move on now. Let's go to the next question, navigating division and beliefs from Rachel in Texas. Thank you so much, Rachel, for sending this in. As Christians who believe in Yeshua and receive him for salvation, believe and apply Torah. You know, there's so many labels, but why do mainstream Christians attack those who believe the Torah is still relevant, including the Sabbath and the feast days? Okay, so good question. You know, there is a lot of unfortunate divisions in the body of Christ. I consider everyone that was just mentioned in the question as brothers and sisters. If we believe in Yeshua, we are brothers and sisters. There's going to be, and there has been throughout the ages, for thousands of years, disagreements on many things, including commandments and so on. And man, there's even been people who have stoned and killed and burned at the stake, others who don't believe things the way they do. And I believe that God is going to be the judge of salvation. And when it comes to salvation, we should be careful, right? But there are some fundamentals that we should agree on. And Yeshua is. And how we are saved is a fundamental being saved by faith in Him. But nonetheless, the question was, is why do mainstream Christians attack those who believe things like the Sabbath or the feast days are still relevant now? You know, I have seen that. I have also seen Torah keepers attack those who do not believe that the Torah is still relevant. I've seen a lot of that too. You know, I've seen it on, on both sides. And I think that it happens mostly because both groups makes assumptions about each other that aren't fully discerning, gracious, merciful. And there's a lot of just assumptions. So, for example, a lot of people look at people who are trying to keep the Sabbath and they'll say, oh, they're just trying to keep the law of Moses for salvation. They are doing away with the sacrifice of Christ and they are now without any grace and they are destined for hell. And you know, they are heretics because of that. They are not brothers and sisters because of that. Right. Just a massive assumption because I don't understand that. We don't like. I don't believe. I believe the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments, which is the Sabbath. I believe it's just as important as the others. And I don't rely on it to save me, just like I don't rely on, you know, do not murder to save me, even though do not murder is what I do not do. But none of the law, no singular law is what literally saves me. It is my law. Keeping is a fruit of my salvation in Yeshua, right? And Yeshua Jesus saves me. Jesus is the only sin. Offering the worthy Lamb of God my ability to keep the law could never, could never save me. So I will not trust in myself, but fully on Him. And he changes me, gives me the Spirit, rises the law, my heart, and I start obeying him. I started walking more like him because I want to be like him. I want to be like Jesus. And by the way, Jesus kept the Sabbath too. He said the Sabbath was made for man. It was made for me and you. The Sabbath, specifically, as it's written as, just as Yeshua, as Jesus was quoting it, he was referencing the biblical Sabbath on the seventh day. And he said, it's made for us. We were not made for it. Okay? So that's one assumption that people make. And so they start going down that trail and they just, they just get angry and they fight and they divide because they really don't understand. Another assumption is made on the other side is some people who keep the Torah as they would say, they think things like, well, Christians, they don't keep the Sabbath because they're lawless people who just don't. They just want to sin, they just want to be unholy, they just want to be unclean. You know, we have kind of this weird thinking that starts happening and then we also throw them as non brothers and sisters, as heretics, as like unbelievers, unclean, basically. Because God forbid you walk into a Christian church. Like, man, I love that. Can I, I'm really. Hey, Christina, can we like go to church this weekend? I would love to go to church this weekend. But for some, that's even been a controversy. Now, even if the people at that church disagrees with me on some things, man, I want to go, I want to learn, I want to love, I want to serve, I want to have iron, sharpened iron. That's what I want to do. No matter. Anyway, so what is the solution? We need open lines of communication on both sides here. We need to stop condemning, we need to show mercy. We need to ask, well, have we not all been ignorant of many things? And are we not still ignorant of some things that we may not know about? Have we not all been even destitute of Yeshua? And do we not all need him equally as much because we all have dirt that we do not see and that he is saving us from? Okay, so open lines of communication so that we can speak to people who disagree with us, so we can better understand them, they can better understand us. And then you'll find, hey, yeah, okay, we have disagreements, fair. But at least I understand that you're not trying to keep the law to be. To rely on that to save you. Or at least I understand that you don't see the Sabbath right now, not because you want to just be a lawless person, but because you have genuine reasons in scriptures and concerns as to why you think that. And there are people who genuinely have been taught things about it that they genuinely believe. And even if you may think it's not right, that's fine. But they genuinely believe it. And they aren't just trying to rebel. Now, some people are trying to rebel, some people are rebellious. I'm not talking about true rebellion here. But most genuine Christians are genuine. They're trying their best with what they know. And relationship is what is going to strengthen us all as we can be one, as Yeshua is one with his Father, because that was his prayer right before he left for us all. Okay, Edward says, I want Jesus to come. Amen. Edward Me too. Sandra says, shalom, brother. I enjoy your ministries. Thank you, Sandra, so much for joining us tonight. I'm grateful that it is a blessing to you all. Glory to the Father. Okay, next, and we'll probably start wrapping up with this question here. It's on the same track of division and it's regarding marriage and relationships with people. My husband is starting to see the feasts Sabbath. He's fine acknowledging it, but not fully participating. Sunday worship isn't going anywhere. What suggestions do you have for those in this situation? I definitely will submit to my husband and not drive a wedge and pray. Okay, good question. And there are many. I mean, we pick these questions because I know other people are going to have the same question. And this is no exception. So many people struggle in their marriages with theology, right? Like I believe this, my wife believes that. And sometimes it can be, you know, disagreements that really affect your day to day life. And that's difficult. So first of all, for the lady who asked the question, I want to say to you, since you mentioned that Sunday worship isn't going anywhere and that I am assuming that you mean that you guys are going to church on Sunday. And I will say that is awesome. Cherish Sunday worship. And you're like, pd, why do you say that? I say it because many husbands do not even go to church with their wives at all. And they do not invest in their family spiritually at all. They do not, you know, speak with their wives about God at all. Even if they are believers, so to speak. They do not speak about God. You know, your husband is investing in his relationship with God by desiring to go to Sunday worship. And he is investing in your relationship with God in the best way that he knows how. And I want to say well done to that guy. He is really trying his best with being a husband that is spiritually active. Okay. This is at least from what I'm gathering from the question. And so what do we now do with, you know, disagreements? First of all, let's remember that Christ unites our relationship. That he is, he is what brings us together. He is the love that binds us together. He is the salvation that binds us together. And so we will invest in our relationship with Christ first and foremostly and in our shared fellowship in Him. That is what really strengthens our marriage. Okay? That's your only hope. Truly, marriage is hard. And you must have Christ be the one that binds you together. Not a certain law, but Christ the person, Yeshua, who is a living person, who we have relationship with our Savior he binds us together. Okay? And yes, he has given us instructions, but we invest in our relationship with him above all that makes our marriages prosper and that allows us to learn more about Christ together. Okay? Next I'll say continue encouraging your husband to rest on the Sabbath. The fourth commandment is a beautiful one, one that is being restored, one that is still new to many people and one that has, you know, been forgotten long in many denominations. And that's why it's a difficult hurdle for some people. But continue doing it as an example to your husband, to your family. Do not force, do not, you know, you know, don't overdo it. And what I mean by that is don't make everything about it. Don't make it a matter of, of constant infighting and dispute. Focus on Yeshua first and sure about Yeshua's commandments. But don't, you know, some people, they come to the revelation of certain commandments and that's like all they start talking about and they just like, because they're passionate about it, I get it. But you know, someone else is not seeing it yet. And so you can overdo it. You can like just speak about it so much and make it such a big deal that it actually hurts their ability to see it because they start digging in their heels and now it becomes an issue, right? Instead of with grace and mercy and patience. Just as God had mercy and patience on you before you got it, you know, you're gonna have that mercy on someone else. And then also remember that God understands that if you're in a relationship or you know, a marriage where someone else is, you know, your husband say, who is the, the head of the household and he is not on board with some things. Let's just say God sees and he knows that it's hard to do certain things alone and he has mercy where it can become difficult for you. Remember that. And remember that God sees it. And pray for your husband. With your husband, lift them up and let God do the heart changing work because that's what he does best. What we do is we guard ourselves and let God do what he does. And you know, maybe you guys do something like, hey, I'm going to go with you to church and you come with me to the next, you know, Sukkot feast or whatever. Come to me. There's a Passover thing happening. Come with me to it, right? Together, you know, invest in your, your faith together, you know, support one another even when there are some differences sometimes as long as these are, I mean, the Sabbath and The feast, they are biblical. Right? So we, we can go and support one another in these things even when we're still learning and we're not fully on board or fully sure yet. Okay. So last thing I'll say is find a like minded community, people who believe the same things you do for regular or at least semi regular gatherings, so that you can also just have fellowship where you are with like minded people who you can just pen some ideas off of. It's really important that we are grounded somewhere where we can have accountability, where we can speak with others, not go on our own, but, you know, have support from others so they can sow into our lives as well. Okay. And then I will conclude with this. And this is regarding what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:14, where he wrote regarding the it's not exactly the same situation, but he wrote regarding unbelieving spouses. And he said that if you have an unbelieving husband, that he is made holy because of his wife. And the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. So God has a grace on us when we are trying to be obedient, whether your husband is believing or not, when we are seeking God, that grace comes on our whole family. And he also says, how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? So for any wives out there who has an unbelieving husband, keep continuing in the faith, pray, lift them up. And how do you know whether your witness, your fruit, your grace, the way you carry yourself will not be the thing that is the witness to your husband that will save his soul because he also puts his faith in Yeshua. Okay. All right, guys, I hope this has been a blessing to you and I'll end it with this. David Said from Plainfield, why has God sent you to America? I've heard you mention several times that God told you to come to America. The question is, do you know why he has sent you here? Thanks in advance. Well, David, thank you for the question. That's a good, interesting question. You know, I was thinking about this a bit. Yes, God sent me to America and it's just how my life turned out. I born and raised South Africa. I always said I would never go to America, I would never move to America. You know, because outside of, you know, America, people, they have a perception of what Americans are like sometimes because of Hollywood and all of this. Forgive me, I'm just having some fun on here right now. But, you know, so ultimately though, sometimes we don't know where God will take us. And yes, There was a time where God made a way. I met my wife, my beautiful wife, Christina, and you know, I married her, she's an American. And we had to decide, are we going to go and minister, establish ministry in South Africa, which we could well do, or in America? And we prayed, we fasted, and God told us to do America for this time at least. And you know, I believe me and my wife's call and ministry is established here for good reason. To come and proclaim the restoration of his spirit and truth. To come and proclaim and restore that which has been forgotten and lost. In America and Europe and all over the world, people are always talking about worshipping in spirit and truth, but there are few who fully grasp what that means. There are many who try and talk about holiness and keeping of the commandments, but they reject the Spirit and have preached a cessation of the Holy Spirit's beautiful gifts. And then there are others who are passionate about his gift, but yet then they. They have forsaken his holiness, his law and his commandments. Right? And that's what spirit and truth is. And it has to both be in our lives. That is what made Yeshua who he was. He wasn't just a rabbi who taught the Torah and who had holiness. He was the rabbi who taught Torah, kept commandments, was holy, and walked in the Holy Spirit, causing out devils, healing the sick, and so forth and so forth. And that was spirit and truth worship. And so if we want to walk like Yeshua, we have to have all of that in our lives. We should also cast out devils. We should also have lives that heal the sick. We should believe in the spiritual gifts that have left for us, whichever gift God has for you. And we should also pursue the commandments to walk as Yeshua walked in, how he obeyed his Father in that as well. And so this is not new. This is the ancient path. But you always hear people saying the ancient path here, the ancient path there. The ancient path is walking like Yeshua, and that is it. If you have a part of him that that's not, that is forgotten, that has ceased, that is being abolished in your theology. It's false theology. He is all. All of him is here. All of him is alive, and all of him is for us so that we can be as he is. And so that's what God has wanted from the beginning, to make us in his image from the garden, from Genesis, and we are restoring that on this earth today. And so that's what our ministry is established upon. And that's what we will push forward to until my dying breath and we will see it come. We are seeing it come. And I'm excited for the next generation because that is what I see come forward. A generation sick of dead religion, a generation sick of this, but not that. The picking and choosing the spirit of all truth and truth without spirit. The we are seeing a new generation arise who says, I want all of Yeshua without compromise, without the traditions of men that have robbed me of it. I want all of him that is, I am that generation. And there is a generation coming after me who is saying that same thing. And we will see the second coming. We will see him come on the cloud, right with that revelation established in his people upon the earth that this is the restoration that is preparing the way for the second coming. And so I am glad that you are with me. I am not, I'm not the only one who's speaking about it. Of course I'm not special. But this is the ministry God has given me and my wife. And so I'll conclude with this. When I arrived in the United States, I met with a man one day and I'll never forget it. He said, PD in past times, America has sent missionaries all across the world, including to Africa. But today God is sending missionaries from Africa all across the world, including to America. Because America today is now the country who needs the missionaries. Lukewarmness has set in and people have fallen in love with many things of this world in this country. And let's re establish our focus on God and leave all idol worship behind us. So Father, I pray for this country, I pray for this world. I pray for your people at the sound of my voice, their families that have perhaps disunities, where there's infighting, where there is fellowships broken, flawed. I pray for restoration. Pray that your spirit would come and bind us together. Give us your heart of mercy and love for you and neighbor. Father, I ask, O Lord, that you would give us your view on your second coming, on the establishment of your kingdom that is coming. And I pray Lord that you would come and refine our our study of you and our understanding of you like never before this year that we can grow and teach our children so they can teach their children in the name of Yeshua. Father, I pray Lord that you would bless all listening with your freedom. Lord, we speak to any demon, any disease at the sound of my voice. We speak to any issue that people are facing right now in all worries. We lift all that up to you and Father, we thank you Lord, we come against every work of the devil. I thank you that we have nothing to fear and we cast him out. We resist him and Father, I thank you Lord. We command any disease at the sound of my voice to leave right now. And Father, I thank you for healing to spring forth from this broadcast. Right now our people would stand up healed. That they would stand up refined. That they would stand up renewed in spirit. That they would stand up with eyes to see your word like never before. Father, I thank you for the grace you've given us to know what we know. Help us to be a light to others. In the name of Yeshua, I pray. Amen. Thank you so much for joining me guys. May the Father bless and keep you. Shine his face upon you. Lift up his countenance upon you. Thank you for joining me here tonight. And if you want to join me again, text Yeshua to 94000 subscribe to the channel like this video Share it and I can't wait to see you all in the next one. Many blessings to you and Shalom Sa.

Live Q&A - We will be discussing the belief that the Second Coming & Millennium has already occurred, infant baptism, potential future Temple Offerings and the 'change in the law', navigating marriages with different beliefs, testing the spirits, and more!

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