Rise on Fire Ministries

Born from Above: Shavuot & The Lord's Prayer - Shavuot 2024

19 days ago

It's the feast of Shavuot. But many people don't understand how incredibly important and magnificent this feast is. In the biblical story, it started with a man called Abraham. Abraham met with God, and God gave him a promise, a promised offspring of people that he will bring to a promised land that he had not known. And as the story and journey of Israel continues, Israel find themselves set free from slavery in Egypt, taken to a mountain, Mount Sinai. And the law of God, his holy commandments of what is right and wrong, is given to them, but their hearts aren't able to keep it. And so God continues the journey and brings them into Jerusalem. And ultimately, when the messiah comes, with his death, burial and resurrection, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon his people and all of the multitudes who would put faith in Christ and become the offspring of Abraham. And so we see that the culmination of Shavuot is God's plan for preparing his people for the second coming of the Messiah, which is what we are waiting for next. But I want to remind you about what that Messiah said. He told his disciples, pray in this way, as I am ascending and leaving, you pray that the father's will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is such a massive statement. What does it mean to see God's kingdom come on earth? Isn't Christianity about going to heaven and escaping the earth? And why did Yeshua say, we will see the things that he has seen and greater things than these? Because he's going to the father. And what does all of this tell us about why he left us 2000 years ago and is yet to return? The idea of on earth as it is in heaven is a strange one to our ears because it doesn't really seem like there's much of heaven happening on earth from the beginning. God's plan to bless Abraham's offspring with the promise it is to live in a land with peace, with prosperity and the presence of God. And those three things are really what all of us in our hearts desire. But even after Israel inherited that land that was promised to them, the world, this earth, battled against it and could not accept Israel's inheritance. In 423 BC, Nebuchadnezzar exiled Israel. In 348 BC, the Persians occupied Israel. In 140 BC, the Greeks occupied. In 69 AD, the Romans occupied. And yet, even today, as we are speaking in 2024, Israel is surrounded by her enemies. Is this the promise that God had for Israel? So in the same way we can look at our own lives and even ask the same question, is this it? I mean, yes, I found Jesus, but many troubles have also found me. You may say my enemies surround me. I'm not sure where my next meal will come from. I just lost my job. My marriage is suffering. My child is wandering, someone is sick. Maybe you feel under occupation or exiled from your inheritance and God's promises. The theme this shavuot is on earth as it is in heaven. This was the prayer of Christ, Matthew six nine. Pray then like this. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The first thing that we can see about Yeshua's prayer is that as he is telling us to pray for his will to be done on earth as in heaven, perhaps that indicates that things on earth aren't always as they are in heaven. Christ warned us that despite his coming, there is still going to be suffering upon the earth that we as believers will encounter. John 1633. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace in the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart. I have overcome the world. This statement of Christ is actually very radical. I mean, he is telling his disciples who they have known nothing but this earth and this world that they have been born into. And he tells them all of the death, all of the sickness, all of the trials, all of the things that you guys have seen and experienced and are intimate with, I have overcome these things. And it's kind of like, Yeshua, what do you mean, Jesus? We still have sickness, we still have death, we still have all of the issues. What do you mean you've overcome these things? Yeshua goes on with other statements, like saying, don't worry about tomorrow, like, the world worries about tomorrow, for God will provide for you. Or don't mourn for the dead like the nations mourn for we have a hope and a resurrection. He's telling them that as his followers, their actions will need to change, as the way that they perceive and look upon their own lives in this world itself. And so we have to contrast and understand this real difference between heaven and earth. And what does it really mean for Christ to say that he is bringing the will of the Father down from heaven to earth? In John three six, he says, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born again. When Nicodemus is hearing this from Jesus, he is torn in his heart as to what this may mean. Should I enter again into my mother's womb to be born again. But yet, Yeshua was speaking of something so majestic and deep that those who are born of this world will die with this world without hope. Think about it. Is there any person, any animal, any plant born in this world that will not die in this world? But yet Christ is saying that there is something called being born again. Being born from heaven from a place that is not of this world. To be born from the Holy Spirit. And then you will live forever. Through the sacrifice of Yeshua himself, the veil is torn and we can be cleansed and born again of the spirit. That means that our residency upon this earth is temporary. So don't grow too close to the world around you that's passing away. Don't grow too attached, even to your sickness, your financial uncertainties, your sufferings. These are all things of the flesh and of the temporary world. Things that are passing away with this world. And because you are now born of the spirit, if you place your faith in Christ, you are no longer held down by the worries of this world that are passing away. Romans eight nine. Paul writes, you, however, are not in the flesh, but in the spirit. If in fact the spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to to him. But if Christ is in you as though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness. If the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you. And this is why Shavuot is the ultimate destination of the promise given to Abraham which was about bringing God's people to a place and preparing them spiritually to where they can be born again from heaven by receiving his holy spirit. But here we are, about 2000 years after Christ has ascended and the world remains fallen. And he could have judged the world at any point. But yet his mercy still endures. Yeshua isn't just interested in judging the world. But as he has said, he has come to save it. That is why his prayer in the Lord's prayer is your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as in heaven. It wasn't ever about some exit plan of get us out of here, but rather for God's people to bring the kingdom of God upon the earth through the spirit of God that's been given to God's people through Shavuot and the plan of the Messiah so that this world can become saved as they are transformed and convicted by the power of the Holy spirit. But what is your heart, this shavuot? Some of us are growing impatient. And I could understand why we desire his return to happen soon. Come, Yeshua. Come. Amen. But Christ, despite not knowing the day and the hour, even himself, vowed to his disciples to not drink of the wine until the kingdom of God is united with us all. Some of us, on the other hand, have become so hurt by this world that we don't really mind seeing it burn. But Christ, despite the hurt of the world that was placed upon him, he gave his life for a world that seemed, and still seems, hopeless. May we all have the patience of Christ. May we all have the sacrificial heart of Christ. See, there is nothing more that I desire than to be with him face to face. You know, regarding his coming. My own soul is crying out, come, Yeshua. But at the same time, my heart is saying, not yet. Come, Yeshua. For I would like to be with you above all things. But not yet. Because I recognize all of the work that is still to be done by the Holy Spirit upon the earth through the people of God. And that's why Shavuot is so important for you to recognize the role you have right now. Instead of just hoping for his return. Ensure that you are busy with preparing the way for his return. We are here on earth. And his kingdom is here, but not yet. So we have to be satisfied in his kingdom that is with us. That is the Holy Spirit. Where Yeshua said, the kingdom is not here or there, but within you. And our patience in our own suffering. Even in the midst of this fallen world, when things go wrong with us and in our lives as Christ suffered, we can suffer and take part in his suffering. Having a growing of intimacy with him, even in that. And if children, then heirs. Heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. And so, yes, the sufferings of this world is difficult. And the trials for many of us are unimaginably difficult. But yet, at the same time, let us recognize of the kingdom that is coming. That is on our doorstep, where there will be none of the suffering anymore. And there will also be no more opportunity for anyone to come to faith and repent. For the books will be sealed, and everyone will have had to have made their choice. And as Yeshua now gives us the rest of the Lord's prayer. I want to submit to you that he is telling us exactly how we can start partaking in our kingdom inheritance even whilst on this earth. He says, give us our daily bread, referring to the presence of God. For without his presence, will our souls not die of hunger. He then says, forgive us of our debts. That is to have the peace of God. For without forgiveness, how will we ever find rest? He then says, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. That is, to enter the prosperity, the blessing of God. For the man who is led away into temptations loses every blessing, whether career, family, finances or even his reputation. But the man who is safe from his temptations is filled with blessings. And so this is your inheritance. This is your promised land. Not a land like what the world is fighting over, whether land or sea. But his peace, his prosperity and his presence, it is not of this world. The world didn't give it to you. And so therefore, neither can they take it away from you. And that which they cannot take away is the very thing that is actually for them as well. You become a temple of God's peace, prosperity and presence. That is why Yeshua prayed, let the kingdom of heaven and the will of the kingdom come down to earth. Luke ten, nine, heal the sick in it and say to them, the kingdom of God has come near you. That means to spiritually inherit the new Jerusalem begins today. And that is why Yeshua went around healing the sick. And as he did so, he was bringing a piece of the kingdom of heaven. That is the healing that will come to our bodies as we are redeemed down to us now. And that is why he even told us to heal the sick in this world as we are empowered by the spirit and to proclaim to them that the kingdom of God has come near you. Let us conclude now with the destination that the Father has prepared for us. The new Jerusalem. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. And death shall be no more. Neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore. For the former things have passed away. My prayer for you. This shavuot is that you are reminded of the new Jerusalem that is to come, your purpose on earth right now and why you are still here, to accomplish the will of the Lord upon the earth and the honor that that is, no matter what trial you're facing, no matter what you're going through, through the midst of trial, God is refining, God is empowering, and God is using you for all for the glory of his kingdom. But you have to step forward and continue therein, trusting on his holy spirit to bring about the promises of God in your life. It is your inheritance to have. Grab ahold of it and remember of that which is eternal. Father, I pray, Lord, for everyone who is listening and you would bless and keep them. Lord, we pray for everyone who is facing trial, sickness, anguish of heart, anyone, Lord, who is struggling with sin right now, Holy Spirit, I pray that you would come upon every family member listening to this, every trial that they are facing, Father, every sin and every entanglement. And right now, Lord, we surrender all things to you. And holy spirit, I thank you for empowering your people to walk in your power, to walk in your purpose for them and to bring your kingdom down to earth. Father, I thank you, Lord. I thank you, Lord, that you have not come yet so that we can accomplish your will and bring a great harvest to you for the day that you come. And, o Lord, how do I look forward to that great and glorious day? Father, I pray that you would help us use the time well, fruitfully, so that we may bring in a great harvest. We thank you, Yeshua, for the feast of Shavuot. We thank you for the Torah, your law that was given to us. We thank you for your holy spirit that was poured out on us. Yeshua, we thank you for making it all possible by dying for us. We praise you. We glorify you in the name of Jesus, Yeshua the messiah. Amen. Thank you for joining me here. This shavuot. Check out our Shavuot online conference linked up here if you haven't seen that yet. If the father lays it upon your heart to bring a shavuot offering to our ministry, the shavuot, you can find out more about how to do [email protected]. we love you guys. Shalom.

In the 1st century, the Promised Land didn't seem all it was promised to be. Israel is oppressed under Roman occupation and suffers much bondage. But on Shavuot (Pentecost), Yeshua does the unexpected: Instead of delivering His people to heaven, or setting up His reign on Earth, He brings His Kingdom into the midst of them by giving them the Holy Spirit. Yet today, many believers limit their salvation to an "escape-plan to heaven" from this world, instead of seeing salvation as about more than themselves: The salvation of the world (John 12:47)

And understandably, when our trials increase in this world, our eagerness for that escape grows all the more. But perhaps it is for a time like this, that through the Holy Spirit, our eagerness for bringing His Kingdom down should increase all the more, so that multitudes may be saved.

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