Rise on Fire Ministries

Shocking spiritual gift abuse in the church: “You're not leaving until you speak in tongues!"

5 months ago

Guys, it’s time to talk about Spiritual Gift Abuses.

Recently I had the honor of interviewing Eric Aspeitia from God’s Learning Channel about this important topic and hear his own story.

Years ago, at a conference, Eric was placed in a room and told he could not leave until he spoke in tongues, to ensure he is saved. This abuse of spiritual gifts left him confused about his faith and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. His testimony is shared by many who have had similar experiences, and it's time to talk about it.

Clear abuses in the church have caused many to become wary of Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit - and this is understandable. But what does the Bible teach regarding these things? God desires to heal us from these traumas from our past, but what does this look like?