Rise on Fire Ministries

The Torah Movement is still eating unclean. Consider this.

1 month ago

I wonder, when people click on this, whether they're going to be more curious or offended. Curious. Offended. Which are you? So, look, I'm about to share some things. Not everything that I'm going to share is applicable to everyone, but this is certainly something that this movement has become known by. One of the primary issues in the Torah keeping movement is surrounding the very verse they feel most passionate about. It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth. This defiles a person. Now, what do we say to this? Many of you are ready. You've got all of your verses, your apologetics, in order, right? Well, this wasn't talking about what many people think. In fact, Matthew 15 two. Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands while they eat. He answered them. And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? We are good at defending the notion that, well, we can't just eat whatever we want. The messiah was talking about eating with unwashed hands. He was talking about the traditions of man, the traditions of those certain pharisees he was facing. And we're really quick to adopt a defensive theology, hyper focused on explaining on what these particular verses does not mean in order to combat a certain doctrine. But in the midst of it, we miss what it is actually saying. Yes, the messiah has an actual primary teaching in here that is not what we think it is. So we end up really good at defining what food is for a person, or so we think. But Yeshua's primary teaching was, well, what comes out of the mouth? This defiles the person. Is it a coincidence that the. Arguably, the primary sin in this movement is what comes out of the mouth? For out of the mouth comes evil thoughts. Murders, adultery, sexual immoralities, thefts, false witnesses, and slander. These are what defiles a person, Yeshua says. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone. And yet, gossip, slander, murders of the heart, divisions, hatreds, evil thoughts. These things are often at the roots of the hebrew roots, and yet these are the very things that the messiah is most concerned about in this chapter. So, God forbid we think we're eating clean while we partake in a world of unrighteousness, set on fire by hell itself, set on fire by our wicked tongues that are running over with our wicked hearts, the very fruits of the flesh that we have partaken. And see, we say we eat clean, but yet what we have, Satan, is of the same tree of the garden that caused Adam and Eve to fall. But yet he's now calling you back and he's saying, eat of the fruits of the spirit. Love, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. Partake in that food and you will be made clean. Because that food, that's not something that you get by your own works, your own abilities, your trying, you're striving. It's not just by changing your physical diet, it is by surrendering. It is by saying, God, I cannot walk like you, Yeshua, I need your spirit to have fruits of the spirit. It's kind of in the name, fruits of the spirit. See, many of us, we have tried to do fruits of the spirit without the spirit, and then we end up with fruits of the flesh. And we are like the Pharisees. They were really good at intellectual apologetics. And that is good. I mean, everyone needs to know why they believe what they believe, but they used the word as merely a tool for their own argumentation to win their arguments. But they didn't allow the word of God to convict and change them, only to correct and change others. And that is why when the Pharisees heard all of this from the messiah, the disciples came to the messiah and said, did you hear that the Pharisees were offended at what you were saying to them? And so my question to you is the same. Are you offended at what I'm saying to you today? Because the messiah, he's done with us being offended, and he is looking for trees bearing good fruit, not just pointing fingers at what others do or don't believe, but first and foremostly, cleaning house. Because what does it help that we're so good at correcting the church, yet our temples have been defiled? And so, yes, let me conclude with absolutely, the messiah did not come to abolish the definition of clean and unclean food. If you want to know more about that sort of things, check out my video regarding unclean food that I'm linking up here and in the video description for you. But above all, I want to tell you that Yeshua's actual warning is more relevant than ever for us. He's looking at what's coming out of your mouth. So don't just read your Bible defensively. Read it humbly, eager for correction, hungry for change.

When we get hyper-focused on teaching others what the scriptures are not saying, it can be easy to miss what it is actually saying.

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