Rise on Fire Ministries

╫ The Fires of Hatred: How Jesus Responds [PODCAST]

The recent killing of George Floyd by a police officer sparked protests and even violent riots across the United States.

3 years ago

The recent killing of George Floyd by a police officer sparked protests and even violent riots across the United States. The god of this world (Satan) takes joy in segregation, discrimination, violence, and all expressions of hatred. While the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob takes joy in our unity, patience, and love for all people and righteousness.

Unbeknown to many, Jesus faced many of the same problems rooted in hate that we face today. There were many "flames on the rise" in the first century and Jesus chose to strategically respond to them in order to teach us how to respond to similar sins in our times. In this teaching, we will discuss the historical and cultural context of one of Jesus' most famous encounters to better understand what God expects of us these pressing times. How you act today matters in light of eternity and you may not even know it - you are being tested as His Bride, but how will you respond?