Rise on Fire Ministries

The Division between 'Torah Keepers' and the Church, is 'Lord' Baal? God's silence - 10 Qs w/ PD

21 days ago

Well, here we go. Have you ever felt like God was silent in the midst of your storm? Have you ever wondered whether you can fast on the Sabbath? Have you ever wondered about those who have said that? Isn't this name, this title at least, Lord? Does it mean Baal? Does it refer to a false God? Can we call the creator of the universe God? Or by other titles? Can a woman speak according to the Bible? Guys, welcome to the live Q and A. Today, we're going to be looking at some of these and more. There's some more questions, and I want you to listen to the rest of these, because I found there to often be a theme that goes along with what people send in when we have these Q and A's. Some of the next ones are people who don't keep Torah, God's people. Can we fellowship with them? Can we marry them? Can someone be used by the Holy Spirit while, quote, unquote, not keeping Torah? Okay, we're going to discuss what all that means and what the Bible says about these subjects and more. Hey, welcome. You know, on days like these, we go through questions that people like you have sent in. I don't claim to have the answer to every question in the universe, but I am leaning on the Holy Spirit here tonight, and I thank you for joining me. As we wrestle with these questions, we might also not get to every question based on time, but we're going to try our best to get to them all. Bear with me as we go quickly. And I would like to start off with John 1721, because John 1721 tells us about something I think we need to keep in mind for tonight's questions. And this is what Yeshua, what Jesus says as he is preparing for his crucifixion. This is one of his last prayers while being in the flesh on earth. And he says that they may be all one, just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. These words are so sobering, they've been ringing in my heart for the past year. His desire that they may all be one, just as I, and you, Father, are one, so that the world may believe that you've sent me. So, in other words, there's something to do with whether the world will believe us and the testimony that we bear towards our God as to how well we do with one another, how well we love, and how well we do with the unity that is supposed to bind us together. That unity is love. All right, without further ado, let's get into the first question. And by the way, welcome to everyone on the live chat. Please tell me what you think. I'd love to hear your thoughts on these as well. The first question is from Dieter. He's from Cape Town. And before I say it, Dieter, did you know that I was born in Cape Town, South Africa? So, hey, shout out to my hometown. And the question is regarding fellowship. Do you just fellowship with Torah people on Shabbat or any believer? It can be difficult to accommodate believers who do not keep Torah on Shabbat. Any advice? Right. Well, Dieter, thanks for sending it in. Let me first say, of course, I don't know the specifics of, you know, the situations you've encountered, but I'm going to just speak generally here. I think, you know, I understand where you're coming from, and, and it's a fair question. So, first, I think we have to think about what does it mean when we use the term keep Torah? These people who keep Torah and these people who don't keep Torah. Right. We've made these categories. Many of you who are listening have used them. You maybe identified yourself. You've said, oh, I keep Torah. Or maybe you've asked someone else, do you keep Torah? And you're trying to understand where they stand on specific issues when you say that. And I think we have to really understand what we want, we mean realistically when we say that, because we have, I think, used this statement and stretched it further than reality. In other words, what I mean by that is, when we think about keeping Torah, many people think about the Sabbath, the fourth commandment. They think about the feast days. They think about maybe diet, biblical diets, or wearing Zitzitz, maybe another thing or two. But those are definitely of the main things that come to mind for people. And yet we just mentioned, like four, five things. Is that what keeping Torah means? I know that's what it's become to mean, because it's what the term has morphed into. But I isn't there more to keeping Torah? And I think we have to be really honest about this, because the way that we speak is how people will see and respond. And the words we use, they really matter. So I want to submit, I want to read to you Matthew 23 23, where Yeshua spoke to the Pharisees, and he gives them a warning. We all have to really think about when we're thinking about these terms. And he says this. Where do you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites for you? Tithe, mint and Dill and Cummin have neglected the weightier matters of the law. Justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done without neglecting the others. And then he even goes as far as to say, you blind gods, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel. So he, in the mind of our messiah, there is this thing called the weightier matters of the law. There are things he considers more important and weightier than other things. Now, that doesn't mean that everything is important, but there's weightier matters. And his issue with the Pharisees was that they were tithing. Tithing is a good thing. Being generous to God, to the poor, and everyone else is a good thing. But he says, you've neglected other things. You have depended upon these certain laws that you take pride in, that you keep. And these are. It's like your badge of honor, right? But then you've neglected other things. And then he took issue with that. Now, I want to submit to you that we have to be careful that we ourselves don't fall into the same mindset of being like, well, I'm a Sabbath keeper, or I'm a feast keeper. I'm a Torah keeper. That's my identity, that's who I am. And then in that, we look at others who don't say, keep the Sabbath or the feast day, and we point to them and say, they don't keep Torah. Which in reality, there's a whole lot of people who have some of the things that I just talked about that the Messiah referenced. Justice, mercy and faithfulness. I've met people who have great justice, mercy and faithfulness. They have so much mercy for others. They understand the fact that they have depravity and they need a messiah. They don't depend on themselves. And so because of that, they have mercy on others, and they fight for justice. They are faithful to one another, and they have great love. And then maybe there is a commandment that I have revelation on the data and see. But, wow, they have justice, mercy and faithfulness. And what if you have a guy in the corner who keeps all the biblical feast days all of his life, who keeps the Sabbath, but he doesn't have justice, mercy and faithfulness? I mean, that's what the Pharisees did. They kept the Sabbath, they kept the biblical feast days, but yet they broke the Torah. They weren't the Torah keepers that they thought they were. They thought keeping the Torah is about those things, and that's part of it. But they thought it's about those things while it's more than about those things, right? So I think we have to really consider having that same mercy towards others that God had towards us. In other words, when we think about those who do not know what we know, you were once there, and yet you also have to remember that you weren't the one who saved yourself from lack of knowledge or lack of understanding or lack of love. It was his mercy, the father's mercy, who came and delivered you, who gave you revelation, who opened your eyes. So how can you, having not earned what you received, herald that over others, whilst instead what we should do is common humility and come with the idea that, well, I didn't deserve even what I received towards others? Hey, Dieter, I'm going to get to your question in a moment here, but I'm just laying some foundation here because I think what we define as keeping Torah is so important. So you can keep the Sabbath, but do you lust. You can keep the Sabbath, but do you gossip? You can keep a biblical feast day, but do you covet things that aren't yours? You know, let's really do introspection. That's all I'm asking here. Right? So then, in all of that, you know, what we, you know, I guess I understand, of course, where all this comes from. And so I'm not here pointing a finger, even here tonight, we do the whole, we try and categorize, and that's why denominations are also a thing. We try and categorize people because we want to figure out who do we connect with better. We think, well, this person has the same revelation I have, so I can connect with them. I can be on the same page with them on certain things, and I can speak in a certain way with them over these things. So I understand that completely. But I want to submit to you that the mutual revelation that we should get most excited about the Messiah, it is the one who saved us. We don't want to lose and forget our first love because we've fallen in love with his law more than with the person who is Christ, who was the one who did the act. The sabbath itself didn't save you. The feast day itself didn't save you. These things pointed to the one. They are a shadow that points to the one who is the person of the messiah of Christ, who came to get on a cross and die for us. And that's the one who we ought to be in love with eternally and be most excited about. And that is the one whom I can connect with, with all who believe in him, even if I have disagreements over issues, certain things of what that walk looks like. At the same time, I can still have unity in my faith that I have in the Messiah with these others. Don't get your identity in the wrong thing. Get your identity in being a son of God. That's what I want to say. So now, to answer the question, I think all of it is fair. I'm not really here to. I'm not here to. I'm not here to. All that I'm saying here is not a debate, really. You know, I'm just really sharing about what to keep in mind. And so I understand that when we go into different places, you know, Dieter, you asked about, you know, fellowship, and who can we fellowship with? Well, the question is, what does the fellowship look like and what are the people like who are in that fellowship? Because the reality is there are millions of fellowships around the world, each holding to different things that they think are deal breakers. And. And I. And they have different perspectives over many things. And so I found that the father has brought me to a place where I have so much love for all who believe in Yeshua. And often the question to me is more, are they going to tolerate me? Are they going to allow me in their midst because I may have differing beliefs, and I'm going to try and go into their midst and love them. I'm going to try and go into their midst and be a peacemaker. And from that love, I am going to develop a relationship with them that they can tangibly see. When they can tangibly see the love of Christ and me, then all of the rest just comes naturally. Then they see my life, they see I do this weird thing on the 7th day, which is called resting, or they see that I take some time away when a biblical feast comes, just like Paul the apostle took some time away. I just read about that earlier, how he laughed to go to Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost. Right? So when they see me do certain things, they inevitably will be curious and they will ask, and there will be conversations, and there will even be moments where I can just drop a hint of, hey, have you ever tried the Sabbath? It's so beautiful. It's so delivering from the world's burdens, you know, that's what Yeshua gave me, and it's really blessed me. So from that place of relationship, you know, it's so easy to now share instead of a place of hostility. You know, we have often tried to go into the world with hostility on the forefront, and, you know, there is definitely a place for corrections and things like that, of course. But I think that the Messiah came into the world like he said, not to condemn, but to love and to die for the world. And from that place, that was where correction flowed from. He looked upon the crowds of compassion, and then from that compassion, there came the ability for the ears and the eyes to be open to the truth that was within him. All right, so don't want to spend too much time more on this question, but deeper to answer. It really depends on the people, right? Evaluate yourself. Make sure that you are approaching people with that love, and then you're going to have some people who accept you and reject you. They accepted and rejected the Messiah, who was perfect in all that he did, in every approach and everything he did, and yet he was rejected. So that means that they're going to reject you, too. He said, if they rejected me, they will reject you. So the question is, are you bearing the fruits? Do you have his character? And from there, you will find fellowship that is in the same, that's got the same heart as you. You will find people who are of. Are like minded. All right? But, yeah, I think it's important to realize that we will not find a perfect fellowship, but it's helpful to have like minded fellowship. But there will also be times we will be in fellowships in our lives where the father has us there for seasons. And that is also edifying. We don't always. There's no rule here. You know, Yeshua and the apostles, they went to different fellowships, fellowships who agreed. Fellowships didn't agree on the same things to the same degrees, but they were there to be a light. They're there to serve. And, you know, there's been times where the father called me to fellowships where I'm like, there's people. This fellowship as a whole, I have. There's disagreements I might have, but I was still there, and I was still. And God opened doors and there was relationship and there was love, and there was ability to speak in gentleness, bringing the truth forth. So you may never know where the father has you. It doesn't, it's not a formula that I can give you here tonight for that. Let the father guide you in that. But if you have children, I would say consider your children. Consider the fellowship that you put them in. That is an important consideration, and that will definitely change the bearing of many of the things we're discussing here tonight. Because you want them to grow up in a place that loves Yeshua, a place that loves Christ, a place that's passionate about him. And the gospel, you don't want them in a fellowship that keeps a Sabbath but never talks about the gospel, you don't want them in a fellowship. Who talks about the Sabbath but not about Yeshua? I know, like, we think about the Sabbath, we don't think about the feast, and we think about keeping Torah first. Think about Yeshua first. Because if you have a people who really love him and you really proclaim that gospel of his the way it's to be proclaimed, then from there flows all other things, right? You don't want to get into a place that really do not have that love for him because there's a lot of kids who keep the Sabbath these days because that's where they grew up, what they grew up with. But then they walk away from the Messiah because they were introduced to a Sabbath but not to a messiah. They encountered a Sabbath, but they didn't encounter the lord of the Sabbath, right? And this is definitely, thankfully not the norm. But I'm just saying, this happens. So let's just make sure we've got our priorities straight with it all as we consider all things right. So, hey, guys, and by the way, as I speak about fellowship, we have a conference coming up in just under two weeks now. The trumpets online conference is going to be right here on the horizon for our channel as the Lord permits. October 2 at 07:30 p.m. eastern time. And we're going to have a bunch of wonderful speakers, worship. We're going to be teaching about the feast of trumpets. We're going to have updates from the land of Israel. What's happening? There is obviously a lot of stuff happening there right now. We're going to talk about that and we're going to have just passionate teachings about Yeshua and his second coming. So please, if it's free, come and join us. If you want to be reminded, you can text feast to 9400, text feast to 9400, and we'll just send you a text when we go live on the day. Right, guys? So hope that helped you, Dieter. And let's get into the next question. So, next question is, how far are we? Okay, we have to. We have to move. All right, next question is being baptized in the Holy Spirit and keeping Torah. That whole conundrum of how can it be that someone who doesn't keep Torah is baptized in the Holy Spirit? Would the Holy Spirit not tell them to keep the Torah? Okay, so we already established that whole keep Torah term. We got that out of the way. I'm going to go into now just more the question of if the Holy Spirit is really upon people who don't say keep the Sabbath or who don't see the biblical feast as valuable or whatever it is, wouldn't the spirit of God convict these people? I think that's a fair question. Now let's just think about Galatians three, two to begin with here, because Paul talks about this. Let me ask you only this. Did you receive the spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Now this is a really big question, and I want you to think about this question for a sec. How does God give his holy spirit to people? Is it because of how well they keep the Sabbath or a feast day or any other law for that matter? And then I want you to think about Cornelius household, because Cornelius household, when Peter got the dream and appeared to them and proclaimed the gospel to them, and then they had this encounter where they started, they were baptized in the spirit, they spoke in tongues and prophesied. Cornelius household were not avid law keepers. We knew that they had a concept of God, but they were nothing in that moment. The spirit of God didn't come upon them because, oh, you. In that moment, they just surpassed some level of law keeping. No, it was because Peter was there and prayed for them. And by their faith in Yeshua, the messiah who died for them, that's what allowed the spirit of God to come upon them. And that's how we know it is by hearing of faith that the spirit comes upon us. And so, you know, Paul even goes on, does he supplies the spirit to you and works miracles among you, do so by works of the law, by hearing with faith. Just as Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness, Abraham, a man who at that moment had very little knowledge about God, God encountered him, but he believed in God's promises, and that was counted to him as righteousness. And there, and then there was obedience. Of course, obedience goes along with faith, and we're going to talk about that now. You know, people disconnected to, and I understand that when we are truly faithful, we will have obedience in God's call. Right? That's true. But it's not our works of the law. That is what justifies or saves us. Now, people often bring up acts 532 regarding this and they ask, well, PD, you know, what about this? Where it says, and we are witnesses to these things and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him. See, PD, you need to obey the Torah and then you'll get the Holy Spirit. Is that what is being written here in acts. Well, look at context. I know we're all big fans of context, so I'm going to read a bit more earlier. Acts 528. We see now that this is when the apostles were standing before the council and they were questioning. The high priest was questioning them and they said, we strictly charge you not to teach in this name. Yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us. But Peter and the apostles answered, we must obey God rather than Mendez, think about that. We must obey God rather than man. What does he mean by that? Obey God rather than man. In rather proclaiming Yeshua and him crucified, instead of listening to these certain pharisees who are prohibiting them from doing so, who are saying Yeshua has not been crucified, you should not proclaim the gospel. He's saying, no. Peter is saying, we're going to rather do what God tells us to do, not what you guys tell us to do. Then he says in verse 30, the God of our fathers raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. For God exalted him at his right hand as leader and savior to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witness to these things. And so is the holy spirit whom God has given to those who obey him. And when they were hurt, they were enraged. So what is the obedience that they are talking about here? They are talking about the obedience of believing in the Messiah, putting faith in him and following after him. That is the call to obedience. That they weren't talking specifically about a specific law in this chapter. They were not talking about the Sabbath. They were not talking about the feast days. Because the people in this council who were accusing these men were people who kept the festivals, who kept the Sabbath. And yet they are the ones who do not obey because they killed the messiah by hanging him on a tree and did not put faith in him. That is the obedience. The obedience to put faith in him is what Peter is speaking about in this chapter. And so that from that natural obedience of placing faith in him, from there, there is a natural output of, of learning the law of God and him writing the law on our hearts by his holy Spirit and changing us through that. Now that's a question, part of what the question, initial question was, it was, if the Holy Spirit is truly in people, then would he not tell them, hey, keep this law, keep that law. Now I want to, there's a few things here that we can talk about, but one of the reasons is it's easy to miss the Holy Spirit's voice speaking in us when the voice of man rings louder to our minds. Okay, so. And what I mean by that is this is if you were taught from your young age about what it looks like to follow God and, and what you, and what you should do and what you shouldn't do. In other words, you were, for example, taught. As many are told in Christianity, the fourth commandment is no longer applicable to Christians. It's abolished. Forget about it. Jesus or Sabbath every day. Right? That's been taught by tradition for too many. So now, in their minds, that's what's echoing. And now, even when the Holy Spirit comes and writes the law in the heart and convicts, there is a conflict between the mind and the spirit. There is a battle between the mind and the spirit. That's why romans twelve two says you need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The renewing of the mind is the mind to learn the ways of God. The spirit in you is always ahead of the mind. The spirit is running in front. The mind is always the one keeping you back. The mind is the one who needs to learn. Even if the Holy Spirit is like, come on, you know what you need to do. The mind's like, no, but my pastor told me this. You know, if, if the pastor told you something, that's, that's conflicting with it. In fact, when you think about the church of Galatia and the book of Galatians, Paul comes to them and says, oh, Galatia, what is this other Gospel? That is that you're foolish. This other gospel has now come into your midst. In other words, they were inclining their minds to another truth. That is not true. And they were forsaking the truth of the gospel. So we need a renewing of the mind. So that's one of the reasons why people may have the spirit in them but may not see everything, because they may have inherited a tradition that, that has nullified the word of God. Another reason is the gifts of God are irrevocable. We read in the book of Romans, God speaks to Paul, and he talks about how the gifts of God are irrevocable. And that word for irrevocable is the word amatameletos. My greek pronunciation, forgive me for it, but it means without repentance, not to be repented of. In other words, God gives us our callings. He gives us our gifts despite our weaknesses, despite our lack of perfect obedience. You know, think even about Judas, who was the great betrayer. Yet he was cold, yet he was gifted in some areas. He was walking with Yeshua throughout his ministry. It was only at the way end that he betrayed him. There were certain giftings in the life of Judas. God uses us despite our imperfections. You know, you can even think. In the Old Testament, and in the book of one kings, 1318, there's this one story of an old Testament prophet who had a prophecy. And he. Well, let me say it like this. He had. He, the word of the Lord came to him and said, don't go this and that way. And then he had someone else come to him and say, well, you need to come to me, to my house this and that way. And then that prophet says, no, the Lord has instructed me that I shouldn't go this and that way. And then the man who invited him said, no, but I'm a prophet too. Come. It's okay. So the man who went with him, and then when he was there with him, the man who said, well, I'm a prophet too, and you can come with me. You know, he said, the word says that he lied about it. But then right thereafter, the word of the Lord came to him and he actually spoke. And he said, because you have disobeyed the word of the Lord and you have now come to this place, you will go and a lion will eat you. So we see that in one moment, a man is led by his flesh and lies, and another moment, that same man is. The spirit of the Lord speaks through him. We see the example of how the spirit of the Lord speaks through a donkey. In the scriptures, we see how Caiaphas, the high priest, the one who was. Who had Yeshua, the messiah, on trial, it says in John eleven, let me pull that one up. Oh, and by the way, if you want to know about, read more about that story I just quickly referenced in the book of one kings. That's one kings, 1318, about the prophet who was eaten by the lions. But I want to read John 1148. And we see, he says this, if we go on like this, everyone will believe him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation. But one of them, who was the high priest that year, said to them, you know nothing at all, nor do you understand that it is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish. And the word says that he did not say this on his own accord. But being a high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, he prophesied. In other words, God spoke through him in this moment. And he was the one who is the one who says to Jesus, lighter, you are speaking blasphemy in Matthew 26 65. He is the one lighter who is telling everyone else, what do you guys think? Shouldn't we kill him? And yet the Lord spoke through him in that moment. See, God, in a moment, can speak through people whom we could not expect it from, even enemies of Yeshua, but yet he does that. And so that's why we also see in Matthew 721, many of you know this, but he talks about on that day, many will say, lord, that we not prophesy, cause our demons and do many mighty works in your name. And he will declare to them, depart from me, you worker of lawlessness. Now, that word worker of lawlessness, it's a laborer of lawlessness, someone who is. Who is really, who is labor and toiling in lawlessness. That is what they are known for before the Lord, but yet they prophesied in his name, just like Caiaphas prophesied, being an enemy of the cross, at least in that day. So I just want to point this out. You know, sometimes people think God can't speak through people who, we want to say who God can speak through and who God couldn't speak through. Be careful. God can speak through whomever he wishes. And it's not up to us, but we have to take it with a pinch of salt. Right? We have to really test. We have to be considerate of people's fruits when they speak. Of course, we have to look at whether they're leading you to God or to an idol. We have to look at if they make prophecy, whether those prophecies come to pass. These are all tests laid out in the word for us. But that doesn't mean that God can't speak through people unexpectedly, as he has throughout the scriptures. Okay. And then the last reason before I finish this question is, acts, is that God may work on us as individuals in different areas than other people. And so you may look in your own life and see, hey, I keep this. I keep that law. And then you look at someone else, and they're not, well, be careful, because they may be keeping things that you're not keeping. They may have revelations that you don't have, and God may have just worked in you in this a certain area and worked in them in another area for the sake of our callings and giftings, where we are at in our lives. And because God isn't putting the entire law of Moses on our plates in one moment, on one day, he says in acts 1528, I remind you of the Jerusalem council. And this is where we read about how the apostles said it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay no greater burden than these requirements. And then he talked about, abstain from what is sacrificed to Israel's blood, what is strangled from sexual immorality. Keep yourself from these and do fair, and you'll be doing well. Right. And so, of course, after that, it was also said that they should be gathering within the synagogue every Sabbath where the law of Moses is read, because that's where they're going to learn the rest. But the point is that even here, the Holy Spirit deemed it good, that we are not expected to be perfectly obedient from day one when we come to faith in Yeshua, and that there is a process of sanctification, of learning, of looking more like him. There are many things I still need to learn about being more like my messiah. There are many things you need to learn, and so that recognition is important so we can have humility and mercy towards others, so that we don't hold others to a standard that we wouldn't want. We would. We would be careful of God holding that to us. You know, when we judge others, God is going to judge us in that same way. So let's be careful of how we judge, because I still have things I need to sort out. I don't know about you, but, man. Yeah. Doesn't mean that we don't proclaim what he's given us, but it just means that we are humble as we do and as we go. Right? All right, next question. I'm gonna go quicker. We're getting the big questions out of the way here first, and then we're gonna get it to the quicker ones. Next question is about marrying someone who's. Who do we marry and what do we look for when we marry? And this is from Amberlynn in Alberta. Amberlynn, thank you so much for sending this. And this is such a good question. I've been recently told that I should reconsider the importance for me in finding a partner who believes in the biblical dietary laws. I don't see it as being unequally yoked if I was to marry someone who was fine eating pork, but it could most definitely cause dissension due to the disagreement and also cause difficulty in raising children. And for this reason, it's important to me to be in agreement on the basic clean and unclean foods, as well as Sabbath and the day as the day of rest. I would appreciate your thoughts on how big of a deal you would view a disagreement on this when finding a partner and what has been your personal reasonings in this regard. Okay, great question. So it's a big one. You know, I think there's a lot to think about you. Amberlynn, you referenced being unequally yoked. That is from two corinthians 614. Paul writes to Corinth, do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. What partnership does righteousness have with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? So he specifically references believers and unbelievers, light and darkness, the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. There's a big rift here when he speaks about being unequally yoked, specifically there. So obviously, I'll just out to get out of the way. Of course, as a believer, please. You know, for most people, they really shouldn't even consider marrying an unbeliever. I would never advise that that would be set you up for a very difficult marriage. Many people find themselves in that situation, and that's one thing that we have to work through. But don't try and get yourself in that situation if you can help it. That's the first thing. But it's not just about marrying unbelievers. It's about what is the, if the person is a believer, what is their spiritual maturity? And do we have unity in theology, and what is the degree of unity in theology that we have? And this is important because, you know, I think that spiritual maturity is the most important thing. It's because you're going to inevitably find things that you are in disunity with, with your spouse. Theologically, as your relationship deepens, you will find certain things. Eventually you'll have a disagreement. Your wife or your husband will think this about what the scriptures mean about this or that topic, and you will think that, right, that can happen. And as we consider whether we're going to marry someone, whether they're a spouse for us, perhaps a suitable spouse, we are going to consider their theology. Absolutely. That is important. But even in considering their theology, you can talk things through as much as you want entering marriage and then still find disagreements. And then what's important is how spiritually mature are they in order to work through those disagreements. And I bring this up first because there's a whole lot of people who are looking for a spouse who, quote unquote, you know, as we've discussed, keeps Torah, and so they keep a Sabbath. Okay, the guy keeps the Sabbath. Great, right? But he's a porn addict, okay? Or, you know, he. He keeps the feast days every year, every time he takes work off, every time for it. He never misses it. But he is abusive, manipulative, he's toxic to be around, right? Like, there are really important things to look out for that I feel like we're not talking about enough. And we're like, as long as he keeps the Torah, okay, no, as long as he is like Yeshua. Because Yeshua said through Paul, husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church. Look, for a guy who loves like Christ loves, and then, whatever. Look, let's just make a. Let's just make a. An example, right? Let's just think about this like. So let's just say that your husband doesn't keep the Sabbath, okay? Now, that can be difficult to work through. Let's just say he doesn't. He eats unclean. That can be difficult. And there are definitely things, as you've rightfully pointed out. I mean, many questions. Well, what do you do when you have kids? You know, all that, and that's. That. Those are considerations. But now let's just think about what if that guy we're talking about now here is very mature and he thinks, look, the sabbath, it's. It's. It's whatever, you know, every day. But my wife is super passionate about it, and I know that if I do not let her keep the Sabbath, her conscience is seared, and she's going to think that she's sinning just based off that. As a loving husband, I'm going to lay down what I want. Because since to me, it doesn't make any difference, I mean, whether I keep the Sabbath on the Sabbath day as well as every day, as I might think, you know, theologically, because my wife actually considers it a sin to not take a rest on that day. I'm gonna give her. I'm gonna honor that. I'm gonna give her that ability, and I'm gonna honor that in our household. And if she, let's just say, doesn't believe in eating unclean, well, I'm not gonna look, to me, it's whatever, you know, like, let's just say I'm. I'm a guy, whatever. Eat pork, don't eat pork, I don't care. But if my wife thought that it's a sin, it's like, wow, that's gonna really sear her conscience. That's gonna make her. That's gonna impact her relationship with God. That's a big deal. Hey, man, like, it's all right. I don't need to eat pork in my house. It's not a big deal. See, now I humble myself for the sake of something that really is not biblically an issue for me. And we work through that. But see, because I have that humility and because I have the maturity to see that I need, I can love my wife in this way and that my way isn't always supposed to just be the highway in terms of, like, you can still be. You can still believe what you believe and still allow Paul another example. This is biblical because Paul instructed this. In fact, you know, he talked about how when, regarding food sacrifice to Arlos, if there is meat, and you don't know if that meat's been sacrificed to an idol for the sake of the conscience of others who may think that you are eating meat sacrificed to an idol. Rather, Paul says, I will never eat meat again, because in that culture, it was very difficult to tell. So. And it was a very culture full of idols, right? And so he says, for the sake of my brothers, I will never eat meat again. He says, I will give. I will not eat meat because I don't want to run the risk of someone thinking, whoa, he's actually worshipping another God because that meat he's eating was sacrificed to another God, even if Paul didn't know it, you know? So I'm just sharing that, you know, there is compassion that we should have and there's humility we should have in this. And I think that's the thread here tonight. I feel like that's what the holy spirit wants to highlight here tonight through all these questions. So let me just make sure I answer this question properly. So the other thing is, and this is something my wife added, and this is precious, too, is. I think my wife said that, look, pd, I don't. If I marry someone like she married me, she said, I want to also be able to learn from my husband. I want a husband who is spiritually mature to a degree where we can, you know, we can run this race together. And you don't want a husband who is kind of like, you have to kind of drag him along. Okay, come on, husband. Come on. Let's spiritually, you know, like, come on. Like. And you feel like you're the one who's teaching him everything now, that sometimes that dynamic just happens in marriage. And there is freedom. There is working through that as well. But if you're looking for a spouse and you have a clean slate in that way, hey, try and find a husband who can water you with the word and who wants to water you with the word. That is very important. And now the other, the last thing I will address here is just the points of contention. Amberlynn, there's definitely things to consider with people who you marry in terms of what they'll do. Because, man, if your spouse doesn't honor the Sabbath, if they put their foot down and they're not going to honor the Sabbath, if they say, well, the kids, they can eat whatever they want, what you think about what they can or cannot eat, that doesn't matter. They should be able to eat, you know, pork and whatever they want. You know, if, if, Amberlynn, if you have a certain conviction about it and you marry someone who has a very different conviction and who doesn't want to budge, that's going to be very difficult. Right. It's just going to be so hard to work through. It doesn't matter. Mean you can't. And it doesn't mean that. It doesn't mean you can't. It doesn't mean that if you're in a marriage like that, as I speak, because I know many people are, that it's not God's will for you to be in that marriage. God can place us and will place us in marriages that we will have disagreements in, and that will be difficult at times. That kind of comes with the deal of that kind of covenant. So don't, if you're in a marriage where there's that kind of disagreement, don't think that's a signal that, oh, I shouldn't have married this person. No, watch out. Watch out for the enemy there. But if you're single and you're looking at it, I will say that personally, I know when I was looking for a wife, I knew what my calling was. God revealed it to me. I knew that ministry was something that I was going to enter in a very, very serious way. And God also told me that my spouse is going to be laboring with me very closely in that ministry, which, and I'm saying that because even more close than is typical. And so I knew what I needed to have in my wife. I even told my mom this before I even met Christina. I told my mom, my wife is going to need to be on a certain measure of spiritual maturity to be able to walk side by side with me in ministry. And that's what the father gave me. And I pray. Thank you, lord. Thank you, father. You know, amen. That is, he's so good for giving me my beautiful wife, but at the same time, also recognize not everyone is called to the same thing, and we're not. We're going to have different situations. We're going to find ourselves in different dynamics. And I'll even add, you know, even me and Christina, you know, we. We are so closely matched theologically, and I think where we're at with the Lord, maturity, all that, and yet there are still things we have to talk about and work through. There are still disagreements we're going to have theologically, it's always going to be there to a degree. So just remember that. I want to put that out there so people know, hey, man, that's normal. That's part of it. And if you're like Yeshua, if you're trying to be like you should, none of us are, but we're trying, you know, you're going to work through those things. So. Okay. Amberlynn, I hope that answers your question. And I have only. How long have I been taking here? Okay, we are. We need to move. We're going to get through all of these. We only have a few more to go. We're question number four out of ten. Okay, next question is God. Silence in the storm. And I just want to say thank you so much for sending this in. I'm going to keep the name anonymous from Texas. This is such a question that so many people have. I think, in this moment, even right now, this world is in such a difficult spot. Many are struggling me. And if you're struggling right now, let me just say, there are so many people just like you all around the world who love the Messiah. We're in a place of God. Are you there? Are you hearing me? I'm struggling. Lord, why do you seem silent? Let's look at the question. How do we deal with God's silence during the storm? It's been storming for over three years, and there have been many pleas and prayers along with repentance and fasting, but he still remains quiet. I'm close to drowning, but still no answer comes. It feels like rejection. Yet I know he would never leave me. How do you continue to hang on when hope is nowhere to be found? Okay, thank you so much for sending this in. Now, first, just to answer that lost part, how do you continue to hang on when hope is nowhere to be found? Personally, I look at two things. First, I look at my own past. I look at what the Lord has done, how he has shown up in my life, what he has given me in past and in my present. Looking around me, in my life, there are many things that I can be grateful for, and I can thank the Lord for. The Bible says that every good gift is from above, from the father of light. Every good gift. Do you have a child that you're grateful for? Do you have a place to rest your head that you're grateful for tonight? Do you have anything that's from the father? And then after recognizing who he is in what he has given me in past and in present, I'll look at also biblically, because biblically, there is a biblical timeline of history that shows me all of his faithfulness to all of his people for thousands and thousands and thousands of years, how he made a promise to Abraham that took thousands, and he took thousands of years and yet fulfilled it fully. I will bring you forth, to you an offspring, as many as the stars in the heaven. I am one of those offspring. Hallelujah. I am sitting here through the Messiah. I have become one of those stars in the sky. Well, you know, more part of that Abraham seed, if you will. And Noah was given shelter from the world flood. Moses and the Israelites. The sea was split for them, and they will, they were carried on eagles wings through that exodus. Even though it was full of trials and difficulties, God was with them through it all. And, you know, in the question it was written, you know, it seems like no answer comes from God. It seems like he's silent. And, of course, I don't know the specifics of your situation, but witness God in all of the things that he should be acknowledged in your life. Acknowledge his presence in your life. Because when we say, no answer comes, it may be that we are just not looking in the right place for that answer. And I know sometimes we are looking for an answer on a certain question, and God is God, and we are not. His ways are above ours, and he will answer us in his timing and in his way, but he speaks to us nonetheless through so many things in our lives. I want to read to you mark 435, because I think that the story will resonate on that day. When evening had come, he said to them, okay, this is now Yeshua speaking. He's telling them, let us go to the other side. And then they gyara on a boat, and there were other boats with him. And then a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so the boat was already filling up. Okay, this is serious. This is. Let's not take this like this is really serious. The boat's filling up. And the disciples, who are fishermen by trade, they have spent some time on a boat before. They kind of know what it's like when a boat's about to sink. Okay? This is like the one thing they know in life. This boat is filling. We're gonna die. And it says that Yeshua was on the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said, teacher, do you not care that we're dying like this is happening? Sorry, there's some humor in here. And he awoke and he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, peace, be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. And he said to them, why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith? And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, who then is this? That even the wind and the sea obey him? Okay, so the wind and the sea is obeying him. And he is the one who has your situation in the palm of his hand. He has got his eye on it right now as I speak. Just like this. He knows of everything that you know. He knows of the things that's coming. He knows of the past. He knows of what it's doing to you, how you're feeling. He knows it all. And where there are tears, he has shed them with you. He has mourned with you. When Lazarus was in the tomb. Remember this? Let's think about this for a sec. Lazarus in the tomb. He died. And the people are mourning. And Yeshua, knowing what is about to happen. He knows that Lazarus is about to be raised from the dead. He's going to do it. But he also knows that there was a purpose for allowing him to get to the stage of death. And he knew how much it hurt the people. But he knew that there was something greater at stake. There was something he was doing inside of the hearts of his people. And then he said, lazarus, come out. And Lazarus came out of the tomb. And the people saw what he had done. Raising the dead to life. Do you want him to raise the dead to life in your life? Do you want him to bring life to the things that you thought is dead? The situations, the relationships that you think is dead? If you want him to breathe life into it, you need to allow him to let things run the course according to his purposes. Because sometimes he allows things to get to a certain point for his greater purpose. So that 2000 years later, we, as here denied, can speak of that glory and speak of his majesty and his will. In that situation of Lazarus that turned out for the glory of God. And everyone smiled and was satisfied in it. There are many situations now that, yes, we may mourn today, but we will smile and we will be satisfied in it. And even, let me say, even when they were mourning for Lazarus, Yeshua mourned with them, knowing that he was going to be raised. He mourned with them. And so he mourns with us, even knowing of the good that he's going to do tomorrow, even knowing about the Lazarus that he's raising in our life tomorrow, he still mourns with you. So remember that. Please trust in him, and he will deliver you. He will sustain you. Okay. One Peter 412 says, beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. What an honor it is to share in the sufferings of Christ in this world. We can come out at the end of it and say, I have at least some idea of what it was like for my messiah to suffer in the ways he did. Because he gave me a small, miniature taste of what that's like. And that changes me more into the image of Christ, because Christ, in his nature, suffered. And so for us to be changed to his nature, we also must suffer many things in this world. But he is with us through it all, and it will all be worth it as we are changed into his image. Another question from Texas regarding the sifting. A follow up question. Is sifting the same as having your faith tested? Or is it more intense? Can you discuss how Peter, or maybe the other apostles were sifted? We feel like we're being called to a higher purpose. Could that be a reason for sifting? What is the biblical basis for sifting? Yes. Many of us may find ourselves in that situation of feeling like, is God, as we're kind of speaking, is he refining us? What is the biblical precedence for that? I'll remind you of this word, sifting, where it comes from. Simon. Simon. Behold, Satan is demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned against, strengthen your brothers. And Peter said, I'm ready. I'm ready to go to both prison and to death for you, Lord. Was Peter ready for prison and death? No. Because the moment that Yeshua was captured, he ran away and he denied him three times. And that's what Yeshua prophesied would happen. I tell you, the Rishma won't cry this day until you deny me three times that you know me. And so in the same way we need to be sifted, we need to, God needs to refine us, because we may say, oh, God, I will go to prison and to death for you. I feel ready. Well, God has to refine us because, see, Peter, eventually in his life did go to prison and did face death and did die for the messiah. He was killed for his faith in the Messiah. At the cross, when Yeshua was being crucified, he was not ready for it, but at the end of his life he was, because the sifting was complete, he was refined, and therefore he could stand before Yeshua in person, as we will all do one day face to face and receive a crown glory, because you have allowed him to mold you into his image. James one, two, says, my brethren, count it all joy when you fall into temptation, just knowing that the trying of your faith works patience, the patience. Have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, wanting nothing. Philippians 411 Paul says, I'm not going to speak of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation to be in content. Paul says, I've been brought low. I know how to abound, and I have learned in every circumstance the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things though through him, through Yeshua, who strengthens me. And he says, and in James one five, I'll leave in this question with this. If any of you lack wisdom, ask God that gives to all liberally, and it will be given to him. But ask with faith. Ask with faith. So whatever situation you are facing, dear brother, dear sister, ask with faith the wisdom from above on, Lord, how do I deal with this? I myself cannot make these decisions. I cannot get out of this. Lord, your spirit must change me to be able to go through this. Your spirit must empower me. Your spirit must give me wisdom. You must be the one who guides me. That's the only thing that's going to get us through our situations. I hope that helps you guys. I hope that fills your heart with hope. The time is short. Let us put our hope in Yeshua. Let us allow him to do his good work in us, and we will rejoice. We will rejoice. So let us rejoice even today in what he is doing in us. Okay, next question regarding fasting on the Sabbath. And this question is from Aylesbury in the UK. Thank you so much for sending this in, Matthew. And the question is regarding, is it appropriate to fast on the Sabbath. Okay, so very simple. To answer this one, I'll refer you to Moses, who spent 40 days on the mountain. That means that depending on how you count, he fasted for five to six sabbaths. And then you can also think about the Messiah. Yeshua, when Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, he fasted also five to six sabbaths that he fasted consecutively. Now, you know, when you look at their examples, it's obviously not a sin to fast on the Sabbath. The Book of Jubilees is often source quoted for where this comes from, this idea, you're not allowed to fast on the Sabbath. That is not biblical. The Book of Jubilees. This is at least one reason why the Book of Jubilees is not in the biblical canon, why it's not considered in sparse scripture. It's a cool historical book, and it gives us insight of many things in the first century of how people believed. But it's not in sparse scripture. The Book of Jubilee says, if you fast on the Sabbath, you should be killed. The death penalty should be given to you. Of course we're not going to think that, because our messiah would then have sinned and he would not be able to die for our sins then as the lamb, the perfect lamb, who is spotless. So, yes, you can fast on the Sabbath. I mean, I wouldn't just do it for the sake of it, but if the father convicts me to fast on the Sabbath, I'll do it. Yeah, absolutely. There's nothing wrong with that. It's in fact, following the example of the messiah to fasten at times on the Sabbath as the Lord convicts us to fast. Fasting is a personal thing between you and God, and that's something that I'll leave with you and the father. But no, it's not. It's not the son. But I mean, it's fun to also have a feast on the Sabbath. It's also fun to rejoice in our rest and to eat with other believers. There's also glory in that. So there's glory in fasting on the Sabbath. There's glory in feasting on the Sabbath. I will not prohibit any such thing. Either way, the name of God is the next question. Question number six. Anonymous from Charlestown. I am keeping this name. Anonymous, why do you refer to Yahweh as lord when we all know that that's not his name, but a title used by others, even for the titles of their gods. Jeremiah 23 27 says, the fathers will make them forget his name. For Baal, that is lord. Also in Exodus three. At the burning bush, Moses asked for his name so the Israelites would know that the true, one, true Allah has sent him. I'm just curious as to why you me PD refers to him that way. I'm not trying to be rude. Please understand that. I just believe his name is so very important. I understand others pronounce it differently, and I can accept that. Much love to you, brother. And Shalom. Well, I just want to say thank you so much. You were. You were not rude. I appreciate you for sending this in. This is a question I'm sure it's on other people's minds, too. And I appreciate the honor that I can have to try my best to answer it here tonight. So let me just first say, like, I love the name of our God. You know, I love his name. As we. We know, you know, we try and pronounce it in many ways, as you've mentioned. Right. And, you know, maybe Yahweh, as some say. You know, others say Jehovah. It's a Hebrew. We have the Hebrew written form and it's. It's difficult to know the exact pronunciation in English. You know, I personally believe it's Yahweh. But, you know, either way, I'm not gonna. Definitely not gonna divide over such a thing. But I love his name. And, you know, I've used his name often on the channel. And, you know, I think the scriptures support the love for his name. And the. And to also know his name, we see in psalm 80 318 that they may know that you alone whose name is the Lord, or the most high over all the earth. Now, you know, when we go into the strongs here, the Hebrew. It's whose name is Yahweh, right? Or as the king James would say here, jehovah. Okay, it is. And so, yes, I understand that this is what we see in many of our english translations, that it's been changed to lord. Now, I'm not going to go into the history of why that happened today here, but I'm just going to rather answer the question that was asked. Right. That is regarding, you know, is it okay to call him Lord? And does that mean that were calling on another God at times? Because the pagans also called some of their gods by lord, such as the question referenced. Baal was called Lord as well in those days. I also think that we should first also recognize that many have forgotten his name today. Some christians do not know the name of God. They don't recognize that there is a name revealed in the scriptures. Yod. Hey, vav. Hey. As it is in the Hebrew. And I think that's beautiful and something that they should see. And I think God is doing that. Right. But at the same time, I have some problems with what we know is the sacred name movement in certain beliefs. When they say it is wrong to say Jesus, it is wrong to say Lord. It is wrong to say God. Because I look at the life of my messiah and I imitate him and I want us to look at his life regarding this subject right now. And we look at what he does. And so I am going to pull up a bunch of scriptures here just to look at his practices. So one of the first things that we see him do is he says, describing himself, he calls himself Lord. He says, the son of man is lord, the Sabbath. Okay? He is a lord of this 7th day. He is then also called Lord. We see in acts 236, for example, let all of the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified. Right? So as Peter is proclaiming this to Israel, he's saying God has made Yeshua, Lord and Christ. These are titles. He's literally saying, God gave him these titles. God gave Yeshua a title. Lord. God gave Yeshua a title. Christ. And this word for lord here, just to show this is the word. Oh, it's not showing over there, but I can see it over my screen. It's the word Kyrios in the Greek. Okay, so which is the title? That is what is written here. So we see that Yeshua calls himself lord. The apostles call him lord. And then when we look at the life of Yeshua and how he speaks to the father, we all know, pray as he teaches us how to pray. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. And then he continues later on in the prayer, referencing the father over and over and over again. In fact, when you look at the way he speaks to his father in his own prayers, as it's recorded, he speaks about him as the father. He doesn't say yahweh. He says, father. I'm not saying that it's wrong. I'm just saying this is what Yeshua did. Let's look at another example. Mark 1436. And he said to them, abba, father, all things. Sorry, not to them. And he said, abba, father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will. Even in his last moments before he's about to die, guys, like this is his cry to his father. From the depths of his heart, and he says, father Abba, father. Why does he do this? Why does he call on the creator of the universe as his father? And why does he tell us to call him father? Well, he says in the Lord's prayer to call him father for one, because it denotes his rule that the God of the universe, the God of Abram, Isaac, and Jacob, Yahweh, his role is father to us. And this is whom the Messiah is revealing as a role of our heavenly father, God the father, because this was a. I think this is something that we have to grasp in our relationship with him, because that is what he wants to be to us. He wants to be a father to us, and he wants us to see him that way. A father who loves us and provides for us. Also, using titles as we see all through the scriptures, as is used by the apostles and Messiah, it denotes respect as well. You know, in America, this is not as much of a thing. Maybe it was, but maybe it is to a degree. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but where I come from, when we grew up in my native tongue, which is Afrikaans, when we were kids, you know, and we were taught to address older people, like, you know, adults, we were told to never address them by name. That's actually seen as very rude in my culture. So what we did is we called them Tani in my language or in English, auntie, you know, or sir or, you know, by some title, because it shows to that person respect, that we honor and respect people who are adults when we are children. This is something that was taken very seriously to me. I was taught that very seriously in my culture. And so I want to just share that with you, because in the same way, you know, culturally, there are some distinctions here where, in the culture that Christ was in, there was a big deal with respect and honor and honoring the father. Honoring the messiah and titles is one way by which this is done. So just because there's a title used doesn't mean someone is trying to rob the name or that we're forgetting the name. It just means that I am. I personally am convicted. And I'm not saying this is a law. I'm not saying this is a law, but I'm going to say personally, I am convicted. To be slow to speak his name philippantly or casually. I will much rather use a title at times because I want to honor and respect the almighty, who I am but a speck of dust, and he is the almighty. That doesn't mean I don't proclaim his name. That doesn't mean I don't use his name, but I have honor, such honor that I do love also using titles as my messiah used titles as a used father, like we just said, oftentimes, even in psalm 22. Remember how Christ quotes this psalm when he's on the cross dying, and he says to them, well, he says to everyone and to the father, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from me, from the words of my groaning? And that word is the word eldest, right? And that just means almighty God. And you know, this word, my God, my God. This word God, it can refer to. I mean, this can refer to a false God or the almighty one. True God. It's a title. It's a descriptor, right? L. It just means, it's like a general term. And so just like the father or is the father in heaven, but I have a father on earth and you may have a father. That's a general descriptor as well. General term that doesn't necessarily speak to one person. So I don't want to spend too much longer on this, but the, the verse that was pulled up was, was referenced in. The question initially was Jeremiah 23 26. I just want to address that before we end off. And it was this, how long shall there be lies in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies and who prophesy the deceit of their own heart, who think to make my people forget the name by their dreams that they call, that they tell one another, even as their fathers forget. Even as their fathers forget my name for Baal. Right. So when they're talking, when Jeremiah is speaking here about how the people have forgotten the name of God for Baal, he's speaking specifically about following another God, how they have went after other gods idols. Baal is another God. They have gone after other gods, and they have forgotten the God of Abram, Isaac and Jacob. That is really the issue that Jeremiah has with them, because with that, they forget, you know, to call on the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The primary issue I'm just showing here is not that they forgot how to pronounce his name, is that they forgot him as a person completely, that they forgot the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and they went after some other God, some idol. That was the main issue that Jeremiah is highlighting here. And I know that because in Jeremiah 20 313, just a little earlier, when we get the context, this is what he sees in the prophets of Samaria, I saw and unsave everything they prophesied by Baal and led my people of Israel astray. So this is who Jeremiah is speaking about, that there's these prophets, false prophets, prophesying by a false God, and they are leading Israel after that false God. So when we are thinking about the word, the title lord, this can refer to our one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It can also be a word that is used by pagans. Yes, pagans have used the word lord because it's a title lord and simply means. It's adon in the Hebrew. It simply means to be sovereign, to be lord, master. You know, even Sarah, remember, called Abraham lord. She wasn't calling Abraham the name of a false idol. She was calling him by a title. It's a title of respect and honor that she was giving her husband over there. So the notion that because the pagans use a certain title means we can't use it, that's. That's false. I'm really sorry that some teachers have, have insinuated this, because that's not true at all. It's what the pagans do that we should be concerned about when what they do contradicts scripture. See, there's pagans who do a bunch of stuff that we also do, and there's nothing wrong with it. Pagans, they have children. We also have children. Pagans, they. To brush their teeth. We also brush our teeth. It's really not paganism to brush your teeth. It's okay. Do it. Do it. It's probably a good thing to do it. There's many things that are general things in life that we will do, that the pagans do. The issue comes with practices of pagans that are contrary to the word of God. Okay, I hope this makes sense. This is really basic right now, but I'm just trying to make a very basic point here, because when you look at how God speaks of what the pagans do, he says, you shall not worship the lord, your God. I, or, you know, more specifically, since we're on this topic, that word for lord is yod hey vav hey. Right? So we're going to give that there tonight. You shall not worship yod hey vav hey. Your God. In that way, for every abominable thing that the Lord hates, they have done for their gods. For they even burned their sons and their daughters in the far to their gods. See, this is the things that we shouldn't do. The things that are contrary to scripture, that the pagans do. Everything that I command you to do, you do that. You're going to be careful to do that. That's what we should be concerned about when we're talking about pagan practices, that we don't do the things that they do that are contrary to what God has told us to do. That's the key here. So I am going to do. Let's do. I'm short on time here, so I'm going to see if I can do one, maybe two more. Just seeing the most important ones here. Okay, last one, maybe second, maybe one or two. So this one I'll quickly do. It's a quick one. A question regarding visions and interpreting tongues. And this is a question from Jessica from McKinney, Texas. Thanks, Jessica, for sending it. Is it common to get visions with no audible message but visuals only when you are on the beginning stages of discerning God's voice? Sometimes I get words and the visions. Other times it's just a vision, and other times it's just words and no vision. Twice I have had visions when hearing somebody speak tongues. One with words, one with no words. Is this common? Okay, so let me just say, you can have this happen to you in many ways, and it is not dependent upon whether you are in the beginning stages of hearing God's voice. How God speaks to you is not a determination of how mature you are spiritually. He speaks to you the way he wants to speak to you, regardless of your spiritual maturity. He chooses to do how he wants. So, yes, God can give you a vision that is visual alone. He can give you a vision that is visual and audible as well, like there's an audible voice with it. He can also just speak to you without a vision. All of these ways are legitimate and can be found in the scriptures or as ways that the Lord has spoken to people. And then you also mentioned, Jessica, about how you've had visions when hearing somebody speak in tongues. Well, that's amazing. I have also experienced that, and that is one manifestation of the interpretation of tongues. The interpretation of tongues can happen in a few ways, but one way certainly is when someone speaks in a tongue, someone else gets a vision and an order, maybe just a vision or maybe a word from the Lord in a different way, as well as to what that interpretation is for that tongue. So absolutely all legitimate. Go for it. Go check out my hearing God's voice series, where I speak more about all of the do's and do nots in three parts. We have three episodes over there. And because there's definitely dangerous things to watch out for, don't be irresponsible of course, as I would tell anyone. But at the same time, yes, God does speak to us. He desires to speak to us as it's been prophesied in the book of acts. I will pour up my spirit. They will prophesy, they will see dreams. They will have visions. All of that is for us today. Okay, last question that I'm going to do here. Can a woman speak? And this is a question from Tahila in Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland. Wow. Thank you so much for sending this in all the way from Ireland. As a widowed of nine years, but a believer of 55 years. Wow. Praise God. There seems to be creeping into some groups the notion that women cannot even discuss the word of Yahweh with other women without their husband's permission. Wow. We are a group of widowed, married, single, and those of unsaved husbands who meet online to pray for our group. Apparently, some of the married men are none too pleased about this. Where exactly does that leave me? I've been walking this path longer than most of them, that most of them have been alive, and yet my voice is silenced. And I am made to feel like without their permission, I have no voice, no knowledge that I'm allowed to share. Does the spirit really speak to me for the fun of it? Well, first, I am deeply sorry about this, that you have been made to feel this way. You know, if we are talking about this situation where, you know, from what has been shared, there's a group of women, many backgrounds, some of them even have unsaved husbands. And now there's husbands of these women who are coming and saying, you guys can't speak. As you said, your voice is silenced. That you. You have no voice. You're not allowed to share the knowledge that you've. Okay, so, you know, wow, I have. I am surprised. You know, I understand the debate between, you know, can women speak? That's been going on for a long time. But typically, no matter what side of the aisle you're on regarding that debate, whether you are complementarian or egalitarian, just about everyone believes that a woman can speak to other women about God. That is, if we cannot even allow that something is deeply and deeply, deeply wrong. And in some ways, I am deeply distraught about this situation. I'll perhaps will have to pull up ephesians five. And I'm going to make a point here that many people may not expect, because some of you are like, oh, no, BD, we know what that's about. But, you know, I want to make a point about it because I think that yeah, let me just read it. Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body and is himself its savior. Now, as the church submits to Christ, also, wives are submitting everything to their husbands. I think this is where perhaps some of all of this has come from. Now, we have read three verses regarding wives submitting to husbands. There is beauty in that. Absolutely. And then the next seven verses, let's read those, because these are the ones that we neglect to read. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word. Now, listen, if we want to honor our wives with the washing of water with the word, and our wives are in a group with other women speaking about God, it is our duty to allow them to do that. If there is good teaching there, if there is good fellowship there, if there is edification there. Right. Like that, we cannot be so controlling of our wives that we don't even permit them to be in fellowship with other women regarding Christ. Like, what is going on? If that's happening, let's read on. 527, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that he that she may be holy without blemish. In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Okay, so, husbands, do you allow yourself to fellowship with other believers to be edified and to grow? If so, why don't you allow your wife to fellowship with her friends to grow? Because if you love yourself in that way, to nurture yourself spiritually in that way, should you not love your wife so much more in a similar way, verse 29, no one ever had his own flesh, but nourishes and charges it, just as Christ does the church. Therefore, I'll just end it here. Therefore, man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. All right, so, guys, I think it's so important for us to just plainly answer the question tehila like. Yeah. You should be allowed to share any of these husbands, saying that it is not permitted for you to, I mean, to speak to them. It makes no sense to me. And I'll end it with Luke 1426. And I'll also start ending off the tonight here with. With these verses. If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters. Yes, even his own life. He cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bury his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Now this is a, it's like, wow, what is he saying? He's using a somatic idiom here when he, when he talks about hating your own father, mother, even wife and children. And that semitic idiom is there to help us understand priority, that you must prioritize Christ over everyone else, over your wife, over your children, over husbands, family members, mothers, brothers, sisters. There is no, and the reason that he uses this language, you know, even like you should hate your own father, mother, brother and so on. It's when we want to compare, we want to like put this on some comparison level here. We want to like say, okay, how much should I, where is Christ and where is my family? Well, Christ is so high that there is no comparison. That is what he's trying to say here. That is why there are many people who have even lost family members. They have been excommunicated. There are many of our brothers and sisters and persecuted countries like China and India who have, because of their falling of Christ, lost their family. Their family has disowned them, cut them off completely. And they had to face this because they had to choose Christ instead of an idol. And so in the same way, brothers and sisters, we have to realize that we pursue Christ above all. If you're a woman and your husband says to you, you cannot pursue Christ, you cannot allow your husband to stop you from coming to Christ, you cannot, you should pursue Christ. Try, as Paul writes, and be in that relationship. Try and remain and cherish that marriage, cherish the covenant. That doesn't mean you just leave your husband because of it, right? And then Paul talks about if the husband's husband, who's unbelieving, leaves you, who's believing, then you can go in peace. Let it be. Let them, let them go in peace. But of course, we're not going to try, we're not going to pursue that divorce, however, like pursue that divorce and that we're not going to seek out a divorce simply because there's disagreements. We're going to try and work things out. We're going to try and push through things regardless. We're going to try and stay together as much as possible. But nonetheless, when the decision comes, Christ or a husband or Christ and a wife, and it's one or the other. Christ, Christ, Christ. Every time, Yeshua, every time I pick him, every time, it's just what should happen? Because one day I'm going to die and I'm going to stand before him and I don't want to stand before him saying, hey, I love my husband, I love my wife more than you right now, what I just said, now, this is not advice specifically to Tehila regarding that situation. I'm just. This is a little bit of a tangent, but I'm just speaking regarding where our priorities should lie at the end of everything, it is with him that means we love our wives, we love our husbands in context of him, because if we love him truly, we're going to love our wives like we just read Paul just wrote to us in ephesians five, if you truly love Christ, you're going to love your wife just as Christ loved the church. That means you're going to have a radical love for her. And if you love Christ as a woman, you are going to submit to your husband, right? That is part of that side and you're going to respect him, you're going to honor your husband. But when it comes to a fork in the road, then it's. Then it's something else, right? So I hope that this makes sense to you all. Certainly a sad situation from Tehila in Ireland. And as we end this all fear night, I'm just going to pray for that and we're going to pray for all of the issues that's been brought before us here tonight. But I want to also just say thank you so much for every one of you who's joined me here tonight and who's been with us. I'm just going to scroll through the chat here. Yes, Tara just said prayers for the women who sent this in and for the wives in her group. And Natalie and David also said, praying for these precious women. May the father minister to their husbands. Amen to that. And Laura Lee says, what a lovely name, the name of Yeshua. The name of Jesus. What a beautiful name. The name of Yeshua. Amen. I'm just scrolling through a few more here. Laura Lee said, peace be still. He is the storm calmer. To that other question we heard earlier, I mean, and then Tara referenced our feast of trumpets. Yes, guys, remember our feast of trumpets. Feast that we are planning in just under two weeks. Come and join us. It's going to be a wonderful time, but I would like to end the night off here with a time of just prayer. Father, I just pray right now for every question, every situation. Lord, we lift them up to you, Lord, we pray. Father, you would convict hearts that you would change hearts of family members of friends and people around us. Lord, I pray that you would use our lives as an example to soften their hearts. Help us, Lord, to be meek. Help us also to be bold. Help us to stand on truth, but be led by your spirit as we do so, Lord, with the sensitivity that your holy spirit has to reach hearts. Father, I pray that, Lord, in the midst of our storms, Lord, that you would give us the faith to persevere, that you would give us the strength, that you would help us to keep our eyes on you. The storm calmer. The one who, with a wave of a hand or with a word spoken, the storm calms. Father, I thank you, Lord, that even when it feels like we're perishing, you're with us and you're on the boat. Help us to sleep on the boat with that calmness, having such calmness and trust in the father, we can even sleep in the midst of this storm, because we know that you take care of all things. Father, I thank you. I glorify you for that. We can even sit here tonight in a. In a way that we are not. We are not interrupted, we are not persecuted. We can sit here and talk about you. What a beautiful gift this is. We can call on your name, that we can know you. What a gift. A gift that may not last forever, but what a gift for now. Thank you, Lord, that we, without that persecution. We pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are persecuted. We pray for the jewish people and who have not seen, who have not discovered their messiah. Father, we pray for those still in darkness in this world who are pursuing themselves and who have made themselves to be their own idol in God. Father, I pray, Lord, for unity in the west. I pray, Lord, you would bring people together, that you would allow them to see one another as human beings, as ultimately created in the image of God. Father, I pray that you would transform us from the inside out and change our hearts and pour out your spirit upon all flesh. I pray all of this in the name of Yeshua the Messiah. Amen. All right, guys, thank you so much for joining me. May the father bless and keep you, shine his face upon you, give you his shalom and his peace. I want to say a special thank you to all of our partners who make these broadcasts possible. And if you would like to become a partner, you can also find out [email protected]. we love you guys. Shalom.

Are people who 'don't keep Torah' God's people? Can we fellowship with them? Can we marry them? Can someone be used by the Holy Spirit while 'not keeping Torah'?

Join PD in this Q&A as he discusses questions sent in by viewers.

Also addressed: God's silence in the storm, words from God & visions, interpreting tongues, finding a mentor, is "Lord" the name of Baal, can women teach others - and more!

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