Rise on Fire Ministries

Sickness/Pain caused by Buried Emotions: A Key to Deliverance from Trauma & Hidden Burdens

12 days ago

There's a stereotype that we really need to crush today, and that is that many people who find themselves to be believers place this responsibility upon them that they are not allowed to feel fear, not allowed to feel worry. It is their responsibility to never feel these things. And as long as they do not feel these things, these things do not exist. They tell themselves whether they know it or. Or not. And what ends up happening is. Well, the reality of our emotions and feelings is that when they come upon us, they are here and they need to be dealt with. But when they are here and need to be dealt with and we find that we are not allowed to even feel them, what we do is we ignore them. We take a passive approach, pretend like they are not there and hope that that means that they won't be there and aren't there, that they disappear just because we pretend like they're not in the room. But the reality is that feelings are something that is something that approaches our bodies, comes upon our shoulders and lays there unless we do something about them. And so many people who are believers walk around with tons of burdens every day from all over, even from 10 years plus past, and they don't even know it. The day comes where they are faced with it because their body gives in, because their emotional system crashes, because they. They freak out in their relationships and they hurt people around them or they find themselves facing the trial that tips everything. And the crash and the fall is so great. But it started 10 years ago for many of you. And today I want to ask, can we do some introspection? Can we look as to whether we obey the Messiah when he came and told us, bring your burdens unto me. See, that's a commandment. When he said it, come, I give you rest, but you need to bring your burdens to me. That is an instruction. That is something we need to do. It's not something that's going to happen automatically. And the reality is that because we have not been actively doing that well, the burdens have taken us captive, just as Satan wanted from the beginning. See, that's exactly what Satan desires. Because when he has his way with us, it's to create a depression, to create an anxiety, create fear inside of us to the point where it rules us. And if he can do it in a way that we don't even realize that it's happening, then even better for him. But today we are breaking this open. See, brothers and sisters, it has become even so twisted that we consider it a godly thing to not feel the things we've talked about. But here's the thing. The miscommunication is common with us thinking that what we feel is what we are and what we do. But there is a big difference between our actions and what we feel. And how we respond to our feelings is going to determine what our actions will be. See, people think that if they ignore their feelings that they are coming in disagreement with those feelings. And that's not even the case. You may feel that you shouldn't feel something, but the fact that you ignore it by nature means that you permit it to stay because you have not given it to the one to whom has said, bring your burdens to me. If by definition, you don't give your burdens to Yeshua, where are those burdens? They are either there or here. You have either given them away or they are still with you, whether you know it or not. See, I want to read to you some of what Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4. 7, where he talks about the pressures that he himself felt. And Paul, being what we consider a good Christian of the best, perhaps even himself, admits that he has faced many difficulties. And he says, but we have this treasure. Okay, hold up, hold up. He's calling what we're about to talk about a treasure. And he says he has it in George of Clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed, perplexed but not driven to despair. Persecuted but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed. Always carrying the body in the body, the death of Jesus. So the life of Jesus might also be manifested in our bodies. Hold up. So he's saying that all of what I just said is a treasure from God, that there is this. This move of the Lord through us, upon us, with the situations that we face, that purifies, that empowers and changes us more into our Father's image. And he says that this is actually allowing us to participate in the death of Jesus. Because Jesus said, if you want to follow me, pick up your cross and follow me. That implies a death. That's where crucifixion leads. Because the death of the old man leads to the resurrection of the new man. And so in the body, we carry the death of Jesus in this life. Right now, as we are upon the earth in this moment, there is the death of Jesus that you carry inside of you. So that he says, the life of Jesus may be manifested in our bodies. You don't get to become changed into the manifestation of Christ without also experiencing some of the same afflictions that he found afflicted upon his body. For we who love are always being given over to death for Jesus sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you. Paul is saying this because what he means is that because God is working this in us. In other words, he's resurrecting us. He's changing us. That is going to bring life into those around us because we are changed into the image of Yeshua, and Yeshua brings life. He is the light of the world. Gonna read a few more verses. Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written. I believe, and so I spoke. We also believe, and we also speak knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence, for it is all for sake. So the grace extends to more and more people. It may increase thanksgiving to the glory of God. That's what is what I just said. More and more people are going to see the glory of God because of the work of God has been done in you. So he says, because of all of this, we do not lose heart when we experience trials and tribulations and difficulties and when we feel negative emotions and things. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is renewed day by day. 4. He says, this light, momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. As we look not on the things that are seen, but the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, they're temporary. But the things that are unseen, they are eternal brothers and sisters. Paul boasts in how Christ carries him. And he shows us that a good Christian isn't someone who never suffers or who's someone who pretends like the suffering doesn't affect them. Paul says, I have been greatly afflicted. He says, I've been struck down even, but not destroyed. Persecuted but not forsaken, afflicted in every way. He says, see, as long as we're going to pretend that we don't suffer, that we don't have, that we don't have feelings and things that we struggle with. It's part of the deal. Messiah promised it. And when we pretend like they're not there, well, all we're doing is we're giving the enemy a back door into our house. So what do we do? Psalm 55:22. Cast your burden to the Lord and he will sustain you, he will never permit the righteous to be moved. So to be very practical with you here today, go and get into a quiet place and write down everything. All of the feelings, all of the bad feelings, all of the things people have done against you, all of the things people have spoken, all of the. The betrayals, all of the hatred you may have experienced abuse, you may have experienced traumas of your past, Anything and everything that comes to mind, write it down. And write down honestly how that makes you feel. Like, be real with the Lord. And then you draw the Lord in with. Through prayer. And you say, God, as you stare at this page of things from your life, you go one by one through them. And you, you let the Lord reveal his truth about each of those situations because of your knowledge of his Word. You let the word of God speak to each situation because, well, yeah, okay, my mom said this about me or to me, or my dad said that to me. He rejected me or my friend betrayed me. Okay, but what did the Messiah do when he was on the cross? See, it's interesting because the way that he confronted all of the hurt and all of the betrayal and all of the trial and all of the weight of the world of the sins that were placed upon his shoulders, it is so profound. You have to get this. He's on the cross, bleeding out, about to breathe his last, and he says, father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. And there's two things in there you need to see. Number one, father, forgive them. The Messiah, in order to protect his own heart from offense. Not offense allowing to come in, because we should be unoffendable, because he was never offended. And so in the same way, we do not be offended by doing what he did, by saying, father, forgive them in the moment of being afflicted, we forgive. In the moment of experiencing trial, we ensure that we address the trial head on. We speak to the feelings head on, and we cast it upon the shoulders of the Lord. Father, Father, forgive them. See, he's crying out for the Lord to forgive him, to have mercy upon them. The greatest cry of forgiveness that you can extend towards anyone is bringing them to the feet of the Lord. And by bringing them to the Lord and by bringing the feelings and the experiences that you are having that are negative to the Lord in that way, so the Lord can come now and heal. You know, it sounds like, father, forgive them. And they don't know what they do. Forgive them. It sounds like it's all about them, but it's also about what's happening in the heart of the Messiah. He's showing us how. When we forgive quickly, when we forgive as many times as we need, 70 times 7. As he told Peter then, in that and through that, we, we guard our heart from bitterness because the enemy comes in. When we let that linger, when we let the situation of what they've done, done against us linger, when we don't address it by letting it linger, we give it permission to stay. And soon we've got 10 years of it camping on our backs and we've got back pain, we've got shoulder aches. We struggle to get up in the morning. And we ask why? And I'm serious. Some of our physical afflictions are because we have not done what the Messiah did on the cross. See, Yeshua could have gone and said, oh, poor me, poor me. The whole world have put me on the cross. The whole world's sins are on my shoulders. My Father has put me in this position. Poor me, poor me. I am a victim of the world, of society. Everything that, that I'm suffering right now is because of the world. And he could have, if there was anyone who could have said that he wasn't that, that, that I'm innocent, it was him. He is the one who could say, I don't deserve this. None of us can even say that we' in all things, in all matters. Yet he was. And if anyone had the permission to say I'm a victim, it was the Messiah. It was Jesus. He was the greatest, quote, unquote victim from the perspective of the world and them all. But yet he did not take on that identity of being a victim. Rather, what he did is he raised up as a victor and he said, father, forgive them. They don't know what they do. In other words, Satan, you will not have your way. In my heart, forgiveness will rule in my heart. Number two, they don't know what they do is the second part of the statement, which is acknowledging the truth of the situation, that the person who has hurt me do not know what they are doing. They don't know what they are doing because if they did, they would never do it. See, people don't know what they're doing because they don't know who they are. If you knew who you are fully, if you had the full revelation of your identity as a son of God, as a prince, as a princess, of the king in part of his kingdom, if you had the full revelation of that, you would not act the way you do. And they don't act the way they, they wouldn't act the way that they do, but they act the way they do because, Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing. They don't see it. They are blind. And so, brothers and sisters, I want to then ask you that as you've written those things down and as you have brought in the Father, the truth of his word to speak to those situations, whether it's my mom said this or my dad wasn't there for me or whatever it is. Yes, okay, maybe your dad wasn't there for you, but you have a father who is in heaven who loves you, who cares for you. And your dad, he didn't know who he was when he wasn't there for you. If he understood his responsibility to love his family, to love his wife as Christ loved his church, and if he knew who the value that your. If your dad knew the value that he had in the eyes of the cross, then of course he would not act the way he did. But because he didn't understand, he did act the way he did. See, all of us are lost. All of us are deceivers. All of us are abusers. Without the mercy of Christ, that changes us into redeemed, sanctified people who no longer act in the order way all of us go the same way without the mercy of God, that changes us. And so that's why from the cross's perspective, when Yeshua, when Jesus was hanging on the cross and he was from the perspective of the Messiah, he could see and he could understand. And so now you being raised again with him, should have the same perspective. Because if you have been truly resurrected, if you've truly died and been resurrected as he has called you to, then you should also speak to those who have hurt you from the perspective of Christ who has died and who has now resurrected. And so as you go through each of these things that you have written down and you speak the truth of God's perspective over it, what happens is in your body, in your mind, there is renewal of the mind that takes place. And suddenly now, because these things were addressed, Satan's life lies are crushed. Because your mind now cannot believe the lie anymore. Because through the Spirit, you have taught the truth. See, here's the reality, brothers and sisters. You may know all of the truth about all of the situations and the things that's ever happened to you in your spirit, because the Holy Spirit reveals the truth about all these things. But that doesn't mean that your mind has come to know those things. The truth of the situation that's why the Bible talks about the renewal of the mind. The spirit in you knows, but the mind is slow to catch up. It's always last to get the memo of what the truth is about a situation. That's why you can know. Well, my dad didn't mean that. But you still have trauma. Well, my, my mom didn't mean that, my brother or my sister, my friend didn't mean that. But you still have the trauma because the mind, the trauma seeded in the body, in the mind. And so now without the truth coming at that trauma of exposing the darkness with the light, you're in bondage to it. And sometimes there's a process that is not only a one time thing. Oftentimes we have to come back and let the truth of God over these situations and over these people who have hurt us, speak loudly, echo and continuously speak on a daily basis until our mind gets the memo, until we, our mind is renewed and fully grasps the truth from God's perspective over the person and situation. And then you will be free indeed. And then you will find that your fleshly symptoms, the difficulties that you face, the sicknesses and so on start to dissipate as your mind is renewed as well. Many people do not understand that it is okay to feel emotions. The Bible even says be angry, but do not sin. God permits us to feel anger, but how we act towards those feelings, whether we allow the truth to speak towards those feelings is what matters. And so when you feel fear, okay, I'm feeling fear right now. Why am I feeling fearful? Where does this come from? And what does the Bible say about it? And what is God's perspective about the situation? God's perspective of I should not worry about this, I shouldn't worry about tomorrow. For he calms the storm, for he is with me. He carries me on eagle wings. He never leaves me. Okay, I can have peace. But if I feel fear and I say I'm a Christian, I'm not allowed to feel fear. Get away. Fear. And you just kind of push it down. Well, you've just ignored it. And the feeling may eventually pass as the day passes, but you never addressed it. And the fear has now lost itself inside of you. And so now today is the day for you to make a decision about what you're going to do about all those people and situations of your past. Sit down. Make it a priority. Each day I want to challenge you. Make it a priority. This doesn't have to take long. Make time, make it part of your time, spending it with the Lord. And let the Lord speak to each and every one of those things, giving it to the one who has done all of the work and who has died and who has taken all of the trauma, the sin and all the stuff on his shoulders. But as long as you carry it and refuse to give it to him, you will carry it. Father, I pray right now, Lord, for everyone listening. And you would bless them, open their eyes and ears and let them experience your freedom. Father, I pray that you would come bring to mind all of the things of the past that they've buried that they may not even realize they have buried. Father, I thank you, Yeshua, that you have come and said, bring your burdens to me. I thank you, Yeshua, that that is part of the cross, part of your death for us, that you have died for us, to cleanse us of our sins and to take our burdens. Father, I pray, Lord, that you would come and lift every burden from every shoulder. Who's listening to this? Thank you for your glory, Majesty and kingship. Thank you for raising up all who are listening as sons and daughters of you, so they can walk forward in the knowledge of who they are. Victors, not victims. Pray all of this in name, Yeshua. Amen. Thank you for joining me, guys. If this has been a blessing to you, consider becoming a partner of this ministry. We really need your support to continue making these videos. We love you. Shalom.

Some of us are held captive to trauma and negative emotions that we do not even know are there. All of us will face trauma and internal emotional struggles, that if left unaddressed, can have mild to severe impacts on our physical health. In this video, we will look at the Biblical method for dealing with hidden burdens and trauma.

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