Rise on Fire Ministries

╫ Trusting God Financially - The Miracles of God's Provision [PODCAST]

Did you know the covenant God made with us through Jesus was not just about providing salvation but includes promises of financial provision?

3 years ago

Did you know the covenant God made with us through Jesus was not just about providing salvation but includes promises of financial provision? I'm not talking about the "prosperity gospel" I am talking about what it means to have a Father-Son relationship with a Father who cares more than your employer, government, or the world.

And the Bible is full of hope for those worried about the future, if only we knew where to look. God feeds sparrows, clothed lilies, and even provided coin from the fish's mouth. In this teaching we will unpack deep revelation upon revelation about God's promises of provision for us, and I share some personal testimony miracles. You don't want to miss this one!