Rise on Fire Ministries

The Greatest in the Coming Kingdom - Feast of Passover 2024

14 days ago
Speaker A:

At least I know when he's actually coming down. At least we don't believe in all that eclipse mass. You guys, I would like to zoom in to a moment at the Passover table of our messiah. See, when he had his Passover with them, he made a proclamation, and he says that this Passover feast that's been kept for thousands of years by Israel, he says, do this in remembrance of me. And he had the wine stating, this is the blood of the new covenant that is spilt for you. And he had the bread saying that, this is my body that was broken for you. A moment that is very serious, a moment that gives them the opportunity to partake in what he has done for them. And yet something incredible happens. Just moments later, we see that a dispute arose at that very table. Just as they conclude with the bread and the wine, and the disciples find themselves in an argument about who is the greatest. You know what's interesting? At this Passover table, they weren't looking at the lamb. They were looking at one another. And I want to submit that in this season right now, many people who are believers, who are disciples of the Messiah are at risk of also sitting at his Passover table looking at one another instead of looking to the lamb. We've got the greatest ministry. Well, at least we've got the hebrew name of God, right? Well, we've got the Holy Spirit. Oh, we've got a bigger church. At least our church is more sincere. Well, we've got the best doctrine. Well, you guys still believe in the pre tribulation rapture. At least I know when he's actually coming down. At least we don't believe in all that eclipse mess like you guys. We are the greatest. No, you're not. Look, stop it. Look, some. Some of these things are really interesting. Some of them are even worth talking about. But my question to you is, what are your eyes sat on at the Passover table? Is it on who is the greatest? Or is it on the one who is the greatest? You see, the one who is the greatest, he didn't compete with them. He wasn't dragged into their argumentations. He was just silent for a while. And the irony is that they who were arguing about who is the greatest knew nothing about what was about to transpire, that which only he who was the greatest knew. Well, so while they were arguing, they all were missing the greatest prophetic fulfillment that was ever foretold, that was about to happen to the very messiah in the room. You might look at this and say, well, you know, I don't argue that way. I don't tell other people that I'm better than they are. But see, to argue who is the greatest is something that starts in the heart. We think we are superior to our brother or to our sister because of what we know, think we have or control. But the messiah, he took a child, put the child in the midst of them, and he said, truly, truly, unless you turn, unless you repent and become like a child, you will never enter into the kingdom of heaven. And whoever humbles himself like this child is going to be greatest in the kingdom of heaven. So I don't want you tonight to just partake in the passover. And yet in your heart, you're full of pride. The irony is really that the messiah was putting a child in the midst of them because they were all really as children. See, for him to tell us we need to be like a child is actually him telling us, you are a child. We are actually as little children in comparison to whom our father is the one who says, my ways are not your ways, they're above your ways. See, we don't understand all of his ways. He comes and he tells us, I am not of this world. And the reality is we don't even understand much of that world that he is from at all. We appear merely for a hundred years like a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away forever. And while he's been around eternally and will be around eternally, and he comes to die for us. But of course, no, you're superior to your brother. That's the point that you want to make. Those are the thoughts that you want to think. He's saying, I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am the greatest. I am the alpha and the Omega. You are all like children. Become humble and see yourself for who you are. You're a child. You, your are brother, your sister next to you are their children. You guys are all trying to figure it out. You guys are trying your best to worship me. Some of you've got some mistakes. Others of you have got other mistakes. And you're all trying to grow together. And and that doesn't mean that there isn't a place for accountability. That doesn't mean that there isn't a place for brotherly, sisterly love. Correction. That doesn't mean any of that. However, who is the greatest at the Passover table? Luke 22 25 and he said to them, the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and those in authority over them. Are called benefactors, but not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest and the leader as one who serves. For who is the greater one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at table? But I am among you as the one who serves. He is saying, I have not called you to be a ruler. I have called you to be a servant. And in your servanthood you will best imitate me, because he who is the greatest, he is the one who serves. What then does that mean regarding us who are not the greatest? How much more are we to serve one another? And so our king is coming to say, put away all rivalries, stop seeking to become the greatest, seek to become servants. Because in this coming kingdom that is coming and is upon us, whoever desires to be the greatest will in fact be the least. What does that mean? I don't want to be the least in the kingdom of God. And so if me exalting myself over my brother or my sister by my knowledge and what I know and can do and all these things, means that I will be the least in the kingdom of God, why does it help that I build my religious kingdom here on earth, but in my boasting, I will become released before my father in heaven for eternity. And so, yes, it is good to do your best for God. It is good to even be inspired by our fellow brothers and sisters, to be cheered on by one another. But recognize that he has given you your portion and he has given someone else their portion. You have your strengths and they have their strengths. You have your weaknesses and they have their weaknesses. You have your calling and they have their calling. And so, kingdom success isn't by building the biggest thing we can build. He's not calling us to build some capitalist kingdom of God on earth. No, his kingdom is upside down. It doesn't work like the ways of the world. And so he is not pitting his children against one another to see, well, who's going to end up at the top, who's going to build the biggest thing? Yes, let's try our best in worship of him. But see, as long as we're going to be comparing ourselves to see who is the greatest, am I as good as my brother or my sister sitting next to me at the Passover table? As long as we do that, we are going to invite depression into our lives because we feel depressed when we don't measure up to others. We become jealous because of the blessings of others. Or we feel all of the pressures to be someone whom we are not. God has made you who you are, given you your portion, so of that you can be the best you in Christ, as he has called you to be. Pacifur is all about how Christ has paid for us to be accepted before the Father, for us to be clean and whole. Psalm 37 one says, fret not yourself because of evildoers. Be not envious of wrongdoers, for they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Some of us not only compare ourselves to one another to see who's the greatest, but we even compare ourselves to those in the world, as the psalmist describes as the evildoers. And we grow weary because of that. We ask God, why is it going so well with them, yet they're doing all of these evil deeds. And God is saying, this is my body that was broken for you. This is my blood that was spilled for you. See, we have to find contentment in him. We have to look at his sacrifice and his love poured out for us and imitate that sacrifice for us to be a living sacrifice and for us to pour out our love for others, recognizing that he has justified us by faith. And so he is going to deal with the world. He is going to deal with all of mankind. But at the Passover table, I want to just come to him and be like father when you come to the day where you need to deal with me. Oh Lord, let my heart be pure, o Lord, let my life not be full of lavender, but let it be unleavened, full of sincerity and full of truth. And so, in this moment now, I would like for us all to get our glasses of wine and the bread. And if you would desire, and if the spirit is convicting you, I invite you to partake with me in this.

Speaker B:

I need forgiveness. I need deliverance. Bind up my wounds. Heal my hurts. Break up the fallogram. Pitch up my tent upon the promise world. Tabernacle me inside your heart holy cords. Feed me with milk and honey. Anoint me with your oil. Take me to that place of promise. Take me to the place of promise. This is a journey.

Speaker A:

Yeshua has come to proclaim. This is my body that was broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me. Yeshua, I thank you for your body that was broken for me and everyone watching that your body received the punishment that I deserve, that you, out of your own accord, your own desire, your own will, lay down your life for me. And you endured every temptation and trial for me. And you did it so that I can come to the father. Lord, thank you that this bread, as it represents your body and as I partake in it, it represents how I partake in the sacrifice we might eat of bread. Yeshua also declared, this is my blood that was poured out for the new covenant. And as we drink of it and as we eat of the bread, we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. And so, Yeshua, I thank you that you spilled your blood for all of us. I thank you that you were pierced, Father. You were pierced in your side, and as blood came pouring out of your side. For the remission of our sins. For I don't know what it was like. I cannot even imagine. But for I know that it was a terrible moment. And, father, I thank you that you knew what was coming your way and you went anyway, and you did not. When things got hard, turn away from the mission at hand. Father, I thank you. And help us to, when things get hard, not turn away from the mission at hand that you have died for us to enter. Help us to be the representatives in our. In our families, in our schools, in our workplaces, in our ministries. Help us to, when we walk our life out, to walk it out worthily. Before you. In light of your sacrifice, we thank you for your blood that was spilled for us. We may now partake in the blood. Father, I pray for everyone, Lord, who is watching right now, that you would bless and keep them with your presence. That as they partake in you, Father, that they would experience you in this Passover. That, Lord, as they even go to celebrate the feast, to cleanse their houses of leaven, repent of their sins, examine themselves, Lord, that they would find you. That they would find themselves being changed more into your nature. That they would find, Lord, restoration in their marriages, restoration in their friendships, as you have called us. Not to think of ourselves as more highly than we ought to think. Help us, Lord, to be humble minded and to serve one another as you served us. Even dying for us. Help us to lay our lives down for one another. We pray all this in the name of Yeshua, the Messiah. Amen.

Speaker B:

I need forgiveness. I need deliverance. Bind up my wounds. Heal my hurts. Break up the fallow ground pitch up my tent upon the promise world taper knuckle me inside your holy corpse.

At the Passover table, the disciples did the unthinkable: Right after Yeshua shares with them about His Body & Blood, a dispute arose among them about "Who is the greatest?" In the midst of one of the most important moments with their Messiah, it seems that they missed who truly is the greatest: A silent lamb about to be slaughtered for the world.

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