Rise on Fire Ministries

#124 – ╫ Find Spirit & Truth Fellowships Near You! - Fellowship Finder Map [PODCAST]

[PODCAST] Add yourself to the map today: https://map.riseonfire.com/

6 years ago

[PODCAST] Add yourself to the map today: https://map.riseonfire.com/ When we come to the knowledge of the truth, the world just looks darker than ever before. With this, finding like-minded fellowship becomes harder than ever before. We designed an online fellowship finder community that will help you find like-minded believers near you for both fellowship and even baptism! Rise on Fire is a ministry assigned to ignite a fire of Spirit & Truth around the world. God is calling us back to the walk of Yeshua with no more excuses. We are free from the traditions of men, led by the Truth and empowered by the Spirit.