Rise on Fire Ministries

Breaking off the Spirit of Fear - Deliverance and Practical Advice | PD & Christina

15 days ago
Speaker A:

But like, when you know it's eating away at you, it's consuming you, your every thought, just your emotions, your body is all twisted and warped.

Speaker B:

See, he says it is possible for you to share in suffering and yet still not be ruled by the spirit of fear. We've all experienced worry and fear, but you can also live in worry and live in fear where it started dominating your every moment of life. Your thoughts are preoccupied with worry and fear. Your dreams are preoccupied with worry and fear. Everywhere you go, you think about your worries and your fear. This life is difficult. It's going to throw things away that we're gonna have to face. And if you have God, you're facing it with him, and he carries you on eagle's wings. But that doesn't mean that you may not feel feelings of worry, feelings of fear. But the question is, how are you going to deal with all of that.

Speaker A:

Biblically, like you mentioned, you know, God carries us. God is there. We know he is as believers, you know, glory to the Father for that, his faithfulness. But it can easily be in a moment when something is weighing heavily on your mind or your heart. Small thing, a big thing, whatever that might look like. It's like, I know God is there for me, but this thing in my life is still here too. And how do I deal with this weight that's crushing me or that, that. That fear that's overwhelming my every thought, making me even very reactive in what I do, you know, poor choices that I make because of a reaction to that fear, to that worry. And even that affects the way I think, the way I speak and the way I live.

Speaker B:

What is worry? It's. It's something that's. We have a risk that we identify in our life, right? Something that, oh, is this gonna go wrong? Right? This is. Then suddenly fear comes in there. What if this or that or that or that happens? All of these different fears are created, and usually, by the way, none of the things we fear happen. But the fear in of itself actually causes what we fear to come closer to us than it would otherwise because we are reacting to it. And then we start making bad decisions because we're deciding from fear. But the problem is, is we can't. We struggle to. To distinguish how big of an issue is this? Is this 100, is this a zero? And we make the zeros 100. And then it be. It builds and it builds and it builds. And we've got 10 little things, and these little things are all on our shoulder. And now it's one Big thing. The Bible talks about worry. And it says in Philippians 4, 6, do not be anxious about anything. But in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Okay, so never mind. Big, small, do not be anxious about anything. And then he says, but let your requests be made known to God. So when we don't make our requests known to God, what do we do Instead, we make our requests known to ourselves. And we tell ourselves, okay, I need to deal with this. I need to deal with that. I need to fix this. I need to fix that. It's all on my shoulders. Whether it's a big thing or it's a small thing, it builds and it builds and it builds. Sometimes we think, okay, when it's a big issue, we'll go to God for that. But when it's a small issue, like, what am I going to eat for dinner? That's what I'm going to deal with. But the Bible says, don't be anxious about anything. And it says, if you make your request known to God, then the peace of God will come, which surpasses your understanding. You're saying, pd, this doesn't make sense. Yeah, it says it doesn't makes sense. It says it surpasses your understanding because a miracle takes place when we pray where by God's peace comes. And he, it says, guards your heart against what? Against what is our. What does our heart need to be guarded against? Fear. And then suddenly we have faith instead of fear. So when I'm faced with whatever it is I have now prayed, God is guarding my heart. He's working in me. And I didn't carry the burden because Yeshua said, bring your burdens to me.

Speaker A:

You know, it reminds me of the story in scripture where we know the story. Yeshua calmed the storm. The disciples were worried. But something that's important in that story is that before he got up and calmed the storm, Yeshua was in the boat sleeping. And it was the disciples who were worried. Like, don't you care that we're perishing? So in the midst of that storm, Yeshua himself, If they had only saw that he had peace, they could have dwelled in that peace, knowing that they would be safe even if there was a storm, you know, tearing at the boat around them. He had them. He was going to protect them. But even he, in that moment, did a miracle to show them something that he can also calm that storm. But will we look to Yeshua in the storm, that even if that storm is still there, that like Yeshua, later on we have him walking on the waters? Can we trust him? I mean, also another example is we know in Scripture there's a story of Elijah and he goes to a widow who, you know, there's a famine in the land, and he asks for some food. So she has basically no food left at all, except for a little piece of bread. So she gives him the bread and as a blessing back to her, because of her faith in giving the Prophet the last piece of food, he tells her that your jug of oil and your jar of flour will not run dry. It will sustain you. So now in this moment, there's a famine. God could have poured out the, the, you know, overflowing from heaven, bread and grapes and wine and all the delicacies. He could have, you know, made her into this rich person. Right? He could have done these things if he wanted to. But in that moment it was, I'm not maybe giving you everything you wish for, but I am sustaining your need. And sometimes I think in the moment of like overwhelming worry and fear, it's that in the midst of a storm, he is there. And if we focus on him, we have no reason to fear. Even if the storm is still there in the midst of a famine, even if the famine is not lifted, in the midst of hardship, he sustains and he'll provide for our needs. When we look to him, he delivers. He brings life. We know the story of Lazarus in that moment. He didn't come to heal Lazarus's sickness, but he used Lazarus, his death, for a greater miracle in bringing Lazarus back to life. And there's so many instances where God allows moments in our life for a greater miracle to bring him glory, but also to show his power and his love for us. But we need to look to him and to trust in him and to call on his name.

Speaker B:

That's good. And you know, that, that brings up a good question for I think a lot of people struggle with as well. Look, I. Let's just say I have, you know, this worry X and yet to, to not be anxious, right? Like we just read, do not be anxious. That doesn't take away the worry, like, and that it doesn't take away this situation.

Speaker A:

The moment is still there. For example, in my example, I still have to make dinner and it's getting.

Speaker B:

Late and it's still need to solve the problem. But, but see, we connect the worry with the problem. We say, because the problem is still there. The worry must still be there, Right? But that's not what the Bible teaches. The problem can still be there, but that doesn't have to be connected to worry. To connect it to worry is something that we ultimately will have to decide as to whether we deal with it on our own or give it to God. So the point is, is do you trust God? Right? Because when Yeshua was sleeping on the boat, while the boat was being tossed to and fro with waves, there was a real risk. The disciples were fishermen, they were on boats often they knew how the boats work and they realized that there's danger. They were probably qualified to say, there's danger here, right? And yet even there in their profession, Yeshua tells him, what are you worried about? So he cannot, he says there is an. He recognizes there's a storm because he calms it, but he doesn't connect the worry with the storm. Because why? Because he trusts God in the midst of the storm, right? So if you don't trust God in the midst of the storm and you don't trust his will that it's going to be good no matter what. Like Lazarus, right? It didn't seem like God's will was good in the beginning because they come to Yeshua, Jesus, Jesus. You're too late. You're too late. If only you had come earlier, he would have been saved. But he's basically coming and he's like, I have a better plan, right? And. And he speaks and he prays to God. God raises him so that they all may see.

Speaker A:

It's when we focus more on the storm than on the one who creates, you can say storms and who creates clear skies, who created this universe, who created everything, who created, you know, who gives us breath, who gives us life, who gives us the things around us, who gives us the food that I can make dinner out of? Who gives us the car to get home? Who gives us the house that we might live in, the family members that we might, might have. He is the one who gives. And you know, also the Lord does take away. He gives and he takes away, blessed with the name of the Lord, as Job writes. But remember that we are not focusing on all these different issues again, focusing on the storm, focusing on Lazarus's death. But you know what, Father, how is in this moment, how can I look to you for wisdom? How can I look to you for peace? Because if we're going to just react to the storm, you will make a poor decision out of that reaction, whether it be like for Example, if I'm overwhelmed by fear and I can't make a long drive because I'm so gripped by fear, there's wisdom in all things, you know, be wise about stuff. But if I'm so gripped by fear that I can't do certain things that God might have me do, I'm letting that storm control me instead of allowing God to use me as he. There's no safer place and to be in God's will, right?

Speaker B:

Absolutely. And so Yeshua also said famously, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day has its own trouble. Matthew 6:34. He's saying, don't worry about tomorrow. Do not. That's something people tend to do. They are always thinking about the next day. We need to plan. Yeah, he does allow us to plan. He tells us to plan, but do not be anxious about it. Look to today, face today and let God deal with everything, whether today or tomorrow.

Speaker A:

And also, can I just add in really quick, you know the concept, you know we talked about the overwhelming worry, overwhelming fear. We're not talking about like, okay, a moment of like, oh, I'm a little worried about something, or oh, I have a little bit of fear about something. But like when you know it's eating away at you, it's consuming you, your every thought, just your emotions, your body is all twisted and warped into this.

Speaker B:

You're, you're like running on adrenaline.

Speaker A:

Adrenaline, Right, right. Fight or flight, it's. You're being controlled by this worry and fear. Now I would say, okay, if there's something that's controlling you that isn't the Holy Spirit, that, you know, you can rebuke that thing as well. Be gone. Yeshua's name. But sometimes we don't always recognize in that moment that it's something beyond our own emotion of I'm worried and stressed about whatever might be on my plate. But recognize that if something is consuming you, take a step back. If something is eating you up, take a step back. Because that's not what our Father gives. There is also wisdom when we listen to the Father's voice, like, okay, hey, there's another month for that. Okay, it's time to go. I'll come back. No worries. Yeah, it was a 40 minute drive, but God is the One who protects me and he's given me the wisdom to drive safely and to drive the speed limit and alertness of mind. And he's the one who is my provider and protector. So I go home with joy and with peace. I Go have a dinner, make a dinner. You know, I could have had that focus where recognizing if I'm so overwhelmed. This is not of the Father, because Yeshua is the prince of peace. He comes to give peace, to talk, to.

Speaker B:

Read that verse reference, because a lot of people know it, but I think do not know the context of it that well. It says in 2 Timothy 1, verse 7, For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, love and self control. Okay? That's what God has given us, power, love, self control.

Speaker A:

And some translations say a sound mind.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God. So he says, look, you have not been given a spirit of fear, but you will share in suffering. See, he says it is possible for you to share in suffering with Christ and with the body of Christ, because we are going to suffer in this life and yet still not be ruled by the spirit of fear, because you can suffer without fear. And then he goes on and now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, which is why I suffer as I do. But I'm not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed. And I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day that has been entrusted to me. And he's saying that I suffer as I do. I'm an apostle, I'm a teacher, I'm doing all these things. But because I know of what the Gospel says, that Yeshua has died for me so I can have eternal life. What in this world can threaten that? And why do I then have to really worry? See, the apostle Paul had this mindset that I will no longer fear anything but God. I will not even fear death. Because see, our worries about the things of the world, what you will eat, you know, what you will drink. But at the end of the day, do we have our perception right? Because the kingdom perception is I'm saved, I am. This is but a moment, this life that I'm passing through into a better moment to be face to face with the Lord.

Speaker A:

It's like having an eternal mindset. Basically, it's like larger, you're taking a step back. Because yes, your life in this moment might be chaotic, hectic, stressful, someone is sick, someone's in the hospital, someone is on death's bed, someone again has a disability or it's exam season, real Issues deadlines and papers and whatever else might be going on. Your car is totaled and you have bills stacking up. You know, you're struggling to put food on the table. Like legitimate worries that are.

Speaker B:

But you're safe.

Speaker A:

But there is that element, like you said, there is an eternal mindset that even in the midst. I just am reminded of the story of Corrie 10 boom. The Corrie 10 boom. Absolutely incredible woman of God, who, with her sister Betsy, were sent to the concentration camps during World War II because they saved and hid Jews in their home. As she says, there is no pit that is deep that God's love is not deeper still. And in her moment of living through this time, the concentration camp years, God didn't take away that concentration camp. In a moment like, there it goes, all of a sudden there's gardens and you're in a beautiful place. You're safe. She had to walk that place because even in that moment, she was bringing peace and life and encouragement to those who also were in that same place. Because she was also in that same place. There is a strength that when we rely on the Lord in our trials, in the struggles of life, that when we walk through that valley of the shadow of death, we don't have to fear evil because he is with us. But now we have, through walking it and through relying on him, the wisdom and the peace that God has given us to now give and encourage others who are in that place and those who don't even know him, to draw them out of a place of, you can say, a dark, deep pit that there is, that there is help, and his name is Yeshua. His name is Jesus. And to focus on that, because even in the darkest pit, as Corey and her sister Betsy were in, there was light. Even though there was death, even even though there was pain and torture, there was still life and hope because it was that eternal mindset. Even if the storm is not gotten rid of, even if that storm is still there, if you're concerned about a loved one who doesn't know him or who isn't walking in the right way, you know, like, what if they don't get salvation? What if they don't ever meet him? I might have salvation. Okay, that's fine. But, like, what about that loved one that I'm worried about? We're not the one who saves. We're not the one who can, you know, click of a switch, you know, they're. They're. It is the Father we are called to. We have a role. It's true. Just like, if I, you know, I need to make the dinner, there's a role that I have. Even though God is the one who provides, we are called to pray, to be on our hands and knees, to pray for the loved ones, to pray for the thing that might be on our plate, the worries, the issues. But knowing that we're allowing God to be in control instead of being controlled by fear.

Speaker B:

Absolutely. And so what I would also remind people of is Joshua and Caleb. Because in the wilderness with Israel, when the 12 spies were sent out, it was Joshua and Caleb who came back and said, there's goodness here. There's a future. There is a promised land that is ahead of us. And metaphorically speaking, that is like saying there is a salvation in front of us that is the promised land to be with Yeshua. And yet most of the people went and said, no, right? There's giants in the land. There's issues, there's things to be worried and fearful of. And ultimately it caused Caleb and Joshua to tear their clothes. And we read in Numbers 14, verse 7 that. And they said to the congregation, the land which we pass through to spite out is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us. A land that flows with milk and honey. Do not rebel against the Lord. Do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them. Then all the congregation said to stone them with stones. But the glory of the Lord appeared at the tent of meeting to all the people of Israel. And the Lord said to Moses, how long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe me in spite of all the signs that I have done among them? So let's ask the question, what signs have God done among us? How has he blessed us? How has he opened doors for us? How has he provided for us? Right? In incredible ways we can all say that. But then why do we still fear when we see a giant that's right before us in between us and the land? Think about what happened to Israel, because obviously this ends really badly for them. We see that this fear of this bad report of giants is what tainted their worship to God. Okay, this is a huge deal. This impacts our relationship with God deeply. When we fear the things of this world, when we fear Satan, demons, when we fear situations, whatever it is, our worship becomes tainted. And the very thing that Israel feared in some ways came upon them. They feared these Giants, God says, you can go, don't worry. But because fear grips them so much, eventually God removes his hand of protection and then the very people they feared when they went into battle with them, came and overthrew them. See, it is better to be in the house of the Lord, under his protection, trusting in him and not in ourselves. See, we see now how fear for Israel was even more dangerous than what they were fearing. Think about that. The fear itself was more dangerous than the giants because God had power over the giants. God has said, I give them over to you. But because the fear gripped them and they started worshiping the fear more than God, suddenly those things actually, those giants actually start playing a role in their life, we easily start worshiping what we fear. If something is what you think about 24 7, if it's what rules your decision making, if it's what's controlling you, is that not what you're worshiping? And so do not fear without ceasing, Pray without ceasing. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5, 16, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God.

Speaker A:

Amen. And you know, it's kind of like getting to the practical side of things. If you're having a moment where you're just so overwhelmed by whatever's going on, whether it be a small thing, like the things I was experiencing, they were small, but it was overwhelming in the moment, or if it's a much larger thing that's just again overwhelming you in that moment, how do you break out of that? It's kind of like you're in a tornado, a whirlwind. Everything is just swirling around you. It's hard to think clearly what are some lifelines that you would encourage people to do to help break the chaos that the enemy is really trying to give so that we can get our minds and our hearts back to what matters.

Speaker B:

So firstly, what I'll say is have grace on yourself. That is, when you are busy doing things and you have responsibilities, have grace on yourself. Like we are going to make mistakes, we're going to forget things, right? Like we're people. And even if we make a mistake that leads to sin, forgive yourself and repent. Give it to God. And the Bible says God is quick to forgive you, truly repent, turn from it, but he forgives you. And then in our day to day, with our worries and with everything we face, make sure that you involve God in those situations, whether it's a big thing or a small Thing. Give God every moment, give God every worry, every fear, every thought and take it captive. So you can have power, love and self control over fear.

Speaker A:

Right. And I would also. Those are all really good. I would also add, just if you are out and about and you have your phone with you, you know, most of us do nowadays, take a moment to just step back and listen to some worship music, put on that song, read something from scripture because it gets your mind off that moment of, ah, this thing over here. But like, okay, let me just read the word of God. Let me just listen to his promises. And really we know that worship is warfare because this is space spiritual warfare. Anything that would try to steal his peace, his joy that he gives us as a gift to us, you know, that's, that's the enemy. Even to just cause chaos in our minds, we can't think clearly. Right. We need alertness of mind in Yeshua. But sometimes we just need, oftentimes we just need to like step back, put on that worship song. Put on. There's one I love. It's Psalm 91 by Sons of Korah. Absolutely. Favorite. One of my favorite worship songs because it just brings back to the Father's heart that he is for us, but we need to trust in him, we need to look to him. And also, I would say, like you mentioned, gratitude. I think it's easy sometimes when things are so busy, crazy, stressful, responsibilities piling up, worries, fears that we can forget the good as well, like, well, the obvious. I have the breath of life, I'm alive right now. But maybe there's so many horrible things going on that that seems minute. So make a note whether on your phone, an actual journal, things that you're grateful for. I remember I used to do this and I had like a whole list going down and I actually need to find that list again. But from years back where I wrote down every single thing that I could think of each week, each month of something God had done in my life that I know I couldn't have done on my own. So what I needed to be reminded, stressful, worrying, fearful moment. Like God has done this, God has done that. God came through here, God did a miracle there. And it's just like that reminder that sometimes we need because again, it's just shifting our focus away from the storm.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

But onto the one who creates all things.

Speaker B:

Yeah. In conclusion, you know, with, I think all of the things we mentioned, these tips, if you will, is we are talking about things that many of us already know in our hearts. Right. Yes, I need to have faith in God. Yes, I need to trust God. Like, these are almost cliches at this point. But what we are talking about is expressing these things outwardly through worship, through prayer, through meditation of the Word, and however else the Father leads. You see, it's one thing to internalize and to know something in your heart, but in the moment where you're facing these struggles, it's important to express it outwardly somehow because that reinforces it in the spiritual realm and it guards your heart against these things that are coming your way.

Speaker A:

It's the element of we know in the beginning God spoke and there was light. There is power in spoken word and there's power in worship. There's power not just like you mentioned, the internalized. We know these things. Yes, I know. I need to trust in God. Yes, I know. I need to have faith. Yes, I know. He's for me. Yes, I know. I know, I know. But this thing is still so big, sometimes you need to speak to the storm even as Yeshua hit, because we know it's not our words, but it's vocalizing faith. It's that action as well that we are taking part and saying, God, I trust you. I do actually have faith. Shema.

Speaker B:

Faith is action, right? That's David and Goliath. He's facing his giant. So he has so much faith and trust that it manifests in this little boy as an action, stepping forward, facing the giant, but knowing that God gives him complete victory. It's nothing to do with himself.

Speaker A:

Right? God is the one who takes care of the giant. But David had a role to do.

Speaker B:

It, but he had to step forward. And so we have to step forward.

Speaker A:

And also I would just add really quick before we close, that having someone or having a few someones that you know, can encourage in the Lord in that moment that can give you the word of hope, promise. Life, I think, is absolutely important as well, because it's not. I mean, scripture says it's not good for us to be alone. We're not meant to be. Be isolated. It's okay to be an introvert, but I'm talking about isolation. We are. It's good to have fellowship.

Speaker B:

Amen. Thank you for joining us in this video. I believe that our Father is all powerful to deliver us from all of our trials, our burdens, and even our fears. And even this day today, I believe that he can deliver you. And so I would like to take a moment to pray for you. And I want you to step in faith towards this freedom with me. Father, I thank you for all who are listening and who have devoted their hearts and souls to you. And, Father, where we have been faced with all of the trials and very heavy burdens, at times of life, Father, fear has tried to come in and the enemy has tried to put us in bondage. But, Father, this day, Lord, we submit ourselves to you. We repent where we have not trusted you. And we thank you, Lord, that you have every situation in your hands as we devote it to you. And so right now, I speak in the name of Yeshua, the Messiah, to every trial, to every burden, to every fear and all of the stress and the worry that comes along with it. And we command all burdens to lift off of the people of God everything that the enemy has tried to lay on the shoulders of men. Father, I thank you, Father, for delivering us even from the lies that we have come to believe. And I thank you, Lord, for every spirit of fear at the sound of my voice, to disperse, to go in the name of Yeshua and to no longer have any power or say over your people. Father, I thank you for your goodness, your deliverance and your salvation that we have in Yeshua. We glorify you. Amen. Thank you so much for joining me and Christina. May the Father bless you, keep you, shall dis face upon you, lift up his countenance upon you and enter, Enter this season of freedom sat.

Fear is a silent enemy that hides under our feelings, waiting for opportunity to strike. Fear is so ingrained in our behavior that we now consider it normal. But Jesus said He has not given us a spirit of fear, and commands us to not worry about tomorrow.

How can we not worry, if we still have a worrisome trial? Jesus uncoupled fear from his trials, and refused to allow fear to influence His decisions. In this video, PD and Christina discusses how to walk free from the spirit of fear.

Whether you’re facing overwhelming thoughts or small worries, this message will guide you toward freedom and a renewed mind. It is time to take your first step toward deliverance!

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