Rise on Fire Ministries

╫ The Fire of the Holy Spirit - Shavuot 2020 [PODCAST]

Many modern believers have found themselves in a religion that has drifted from the exciting normality of the first-century church.

3 years ago

Many modern believers have found themselves in a religion that has drifted from the exciting normality of the first-century church. The Holy Spirit's role was recognized as absolutely necessary in the life of every believer for them to make a valuable contribution to the Body of Christ through their own spiritual gifts. Holy Spirit didn't get a "sideline role" as we often see today but was valued to be just as important as Jesus' dwelling with men in the flesh was. This is what it is supposed to look like and why Jesus said it is "good" for Him to go and Holy Spirit to take His place in terms of the earthy presence.

John the Baptist prophesied that there will come one after him who will baptize in the Holy Spirit and Fire. What is this Holy Spirit and Fire baptism, and how does it impact our lives? You may be surprised to learn how this has a lot to do with what the Bible teaches regarding sacrifices within Jesus' priesthood, and spiritual gifts.

And once we understand the importance of spiritual gifts and sacrifice, this revelation drives us deeper in communion with Him so we may make His Holy Spirit an even more integral part of our lives than what modern-day believers may consider "normal". May the 'new normal' be that Holy Spirit gets on the forefront of our lives to empower us to be effective and powerful warriors for God's Kingdom.