Fear is a silent enemy that hides under our feelings, waiting for opportunity to strike. Fear is so ingrained in our behavior that we now consider it normal. But Jesus said He has not given us a spirit of fear, and commands us to not worry about tomorrow.
How can we not worry, if we still have a worrisome trial? Jesus uncoupled fear from his trials, and refused to allow fear to influence His decisions. In this video, PD and Christina discusses how to walk free from the spirit of fear.
Whether you’re facing overwhelming thoughts or small worries, this message will guide you toward freedom and a renewed mind. It is time to take your first step toward deliverance!
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We are all reacting to something, and we should. When something is incorrect, out of order, or even evil, we must do what is proper to correct it. But humanity has a tendency to over-correct and over-react, especially when we are fueled by hurt, offense, or when we lean on ourselves for understanding on what is "right." We see the consequences of this in all denominations. But the solution is clear, if we are willing to take a more honest look at our Messiah.
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The world has gone out of its way to discredit the 'God of the Old Testament' as 'angry' and somehow different from Jesus. Causing some of His 10 Commandments to be lowered to mere suggestion.
Join PD in this Live line by line study of the 10 Commandments (Exodus 19-20).
Torah Portion: Yitro
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As Moses stands before Israel, they all look to him to solve their problems. This expectation to place all weight upon a leader is what Jethro calls "not good", beckoning back to the Garden of Eden. Today, we are still making the same mistake, weighing down certain members of the Body of Christ with enormous responsibility without realizing it. But it robs us, because it is also our blessing to give and serve, and God wants to use us in ministry like never before - to lift the burdens.
In this teaching, PD discusses the Biblical idea of ministry, and how exercising it brings freedom to ourselves and others.
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Live Q&A - We will be discussing the belief that the Second Coming & Millennium has already occurred, infant baptism, potential future Temple Offerings and the 'change in the law', navigating marriages with different beliefs, testing the spirits, and more!
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Every election in American politics seems to be either the End of the World, or the Beginning of a New World - depending on who you voted for, or whether you voted at all. The President is either the new Savior or next Anti-Christ. But in a country as politically charged as America, where spirituality and politics have intersected like never before, what is our Biblical role as believers?
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Have you ever looked at the life of Jesus, and wondered - how can I be more like Him? His patience, mercy, love, and power shined a bright light, while it can seem like we've hit a wall in our spiritual growth.
But there is a simple, Biblical way to ensure we become more like Him, and that's what we need to speak about today.
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The Exodus story is still alive today - there is a spiritual Egypt and sons of Pharaoh. God is crying out: "Let My people go!" Many of us are still enslaved, but freedom can be a difficult choice. Israel wanted freedom, but also feared change, consequences, and unfulfillment. But today God is calling us to recognize our uncircumcision, repent, and walk humbly out of our Egypt, never looking back.
Join PD in this week's Torah Portion, "And I Appeared" (Vaera)
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As believers in Yeshua, we long for our Messiah’s return. But in the midst of our desire for this, some of us have run after everything and anything thrown our way proclaiming to be a sign of His coming. So much so that entire ministries have been built solely upon searching for “the next new thing.”
How can we as the Body of Christ find clarity amidst the chaos? Looking for the signs of the times is a good thing, but have we made it an addiction? Have we allowed our interest in “signs” to overtake our hunger for Christ Himself and what He told us to do, to be ready for His return?
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Why We Shouldn't Use ‘Let No One Judge You’ on Feasts and Sabbaths
Colossians 2:16 is often quoted in defense of ignoring the Biblical feast days and sabbaths - assuming that Paul says it doesn't matter whether a Christian obeys God in these commandments. In this video, David Wilber and PD Vander Westhuizen breaks down the Biblical and ancient context of this letter. The truth will set you free!
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